
This report tries to reflect the current management practices presently being used by growers today. Soil conditions and the unique micro climates of Ontario result in many different grower practices in training systems, cultivar selections, planting densities and pest management programs.


The tender fruit industry uses the cost of establishment and cost of production models extensively to determine the profitability of the industry in order to make business decisions and future planting plans. Growers can use the input costs as general guidelines to identify strengths and weaknesses in their own business.

Methods and procedures

The information used in this report was derived from previous economic reports, the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers, surveys with growers, and a collaboration of data from researchers, extension specialists and agribusiness.

Input costs were organized into variable and measurable fixed costs. Variable costs, for example include fertilizers, pesticides, hired labour, tractor and machine costs, and interest on operating capital.

Measurable fixed costs include interest on investment, depreciation and other overhead cost items such as a portion of utilities, equipment storage, insurance, accounting, farm vehicles and general maintenance.


Yield data was given as an attainable average obtained from commercial orchards, using best management practices.

The establishment period of the peach orchard covers a 4 ½ year period: a half of a year for soil preparation, one year for planting and three years to grow the tree to full cropping potential. For High Density Pears, the establishment period was 7 years (Table 1).

The establishment costs will need to be recovered over the productive life of the orchard. An estimate of the annual cost to recover establishment costs is included in the Total Establishment Costs section of fresh market peach. Fresh market peach was amortized over the remaining 15 years of orchard life at a rate of interest of 2.0%. Fresh market pear establishment costs were recovered by year 7, as a result an amortization factor was not included in the mature orchard costs.

In the pre-plant year of establishment, tile drainage and a small amount for laser leveling is included as a land improvement, and also included in the breakeven and profitability worksheet.

Table 1. Establishment Period
CropTrees per AcreEstablishment Period
Peach - Fresh Market2424 ½ years
Nectarines2424 ½ years
Sour Cherries1456 ½ years
Plum - European2016 ½ years
Plum - Japanese2018 ½ years
Apricot2018 ½ years
Pear - Fresh Market11177 years

Hired Labour, which is usually offshore labour, was charged at $14.40 per hour including benefits (Worker's Compensation, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan and an allowance for additional costs of air flight, housing and local transportation).

Hired machine operator labour was charged at $17.70 per hour including benefits.

Machinery costs were calculated based on the purchase price for 2016, useful life, annual use and trade in value. Machinery and equipment costs were based on a commercial farm size of 80 acres. The 'Machine costs' column in each Operation Costs table includes fuel, maintenance and repair.

Cover Crops - Most growers cultivate their orchards and use an annual cover crop instead of using a permanent grass when the trees are mature.

Fuel costs were based on the size of each tractor, truck or self-propelled machine used in the production operation. The following farm-gate fuel prices were used: gasoline 93.0 cents/litre and diesel 81.0 cents/litre. Fuel costs are net of all 2016 Provincial and Federal rebates.

The interest rate applied to the operating capital of 3.7% was based on the prime lending rate plus one percent. Interest on operating capital is compounded annually until the orchard generates revenue to first pay down the accumulated interest and then the outstanding principal. Operating capital includes cost of materials, fuel, repairs, labour and other cash items but does not include farm overhead expenses.

Interest on investment was calculated at 2.0 %, which was the average interest rate paid by chartered banks on Guaranteed Investment Certificates.

Consulting fees were included but rates varied depending upon crop and whether it was full service or partial service. Consulting fees might include soil and /or leaf sampling as well as a full or partial pest monitoring service.

Irrigation costs were included as a variable cost for some of the tender fruit crops. Irrigation included both the variable and fixed costs associated with owning and operating irrigation equipment.

Miscellaneous items items used for some crops included foliar sprays, soil or leaf lab diagnostic costs, mulch, bees for pollination and bird control.

Cold storage and packing equipment for fresh market crops have been included under the fixed costs in the annual estimated costs of production. The fixed costs start in the first year of harvest to reflect the first year that cold storage would be built and used. No costs were allocated to processing crops since they do not require the use of on-farm cold storage.

Other overhead under the fixed costs for processing crops has been reduced to reflect more accurately the building requirements for processing crops compared to fresh market crops.

Prices - The prices listed for fresh market Ontario grown tender fruit were the 2015 - 2016 averages obtained through the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers net of shipper commission, service charges and containers.

The price listed for processing Sour Cherries was the 2015 - 2016 averages obtained through the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers net of license fees. The prices were also an average of the 92 and 97-100 Score. The price used for High Density Pears was the 2016 price for the varieties Cold Snap™ and Bosc Pear.

The contribution margin was obtained by subtracting the total variable costs from the gross income. Contribution Margin is the amount of funds that the crop contributes to cover fixed costs and provide returns for owner management and investment.

Due to rounding, figures may not add to total shown.

Items not included in the 2016 Economic Report

Land costs and carrying charges were not included as part of the establishment or production costs because of the extreme variance in land prices.

Land ownership and rental prices vary considerably from farm to farm depending upon road location, services, soil types, access to water and the potential for urban development or establishing a fruit market. For this reason a space was provided for the user to insert land rental cost in the variable cost section and land ownership in the fixed cost section.

A management allowance was not included as a cost.

Other income stabilization programs were not calculated in the cost of production. It can be included in the individual grower's cost of production if applicable.

Changes from the 2010 Economic Report

High Density Pear plantings have increased as low density plantings continue to decline. New Fire blight tolerant pear cultivars are also being planted in large numbers as the Bartlett cultivar also declines. The trees density per acre for pears has increased from 201 to 1117 trees per acre.

Yields improved for Apricots from 5 to 6 tons per acre as well as nectarines from 7 to 7.5 tons per acre.

Production Insurance was included as a cost for peach, nectarine, pear, sour cherry and plums. It is not included for apricots.

There were very minor changes in a few production practices such as one more mowing, additional time to chop brush and less time for seeding cover crops.


The assumptions reflect the current practices in the industry and do not necessarily represent recommendations from the contributors. Newer plantings of tender fruits may involve higher tree densities, dwarf rootstocks, alternative training systems, new cultivars and other innovative cultural practices.

The authors assume no liability or responsibility as a result of the reader relying or acting upon the information contained herein. Any use or misuse of the information is the sole responsibility of the reader.

Fresh market peach

Pre-plant year

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: machine operator, 4.0 hoursNo value75
Custom PloughingNo value50
Fertilizer: 10-10-10, 50 kgNo value37
Cover Crop SeedNo value28
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value28
FuelNo value69
Consulting FeesNo value41
Tile drainageNo value2412
Land levelingNo value300
Miscellaneous (soil test)No value55
Interest on operating capitalNo value77
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value3171
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value32
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value13
Other overheadNo value493
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value539
Total Measurable CostsNo value3710
Operation costs - Machine labour and Machine costs ($)
Machine labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Sub Soiling (1x)0.71314835
Discing (2x)1.426292278
Cultivating (1x)0.71314835
Fertilizing (1x)0.71314835
Seeding Cover Crop (1x)0.5911828
Total Machine Operator4.0758155211

Planting year

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand 16hrsNo value279
Labour: machine operator, 14.2 hrsNo value252
Trees (242 trees per acre)No value2468
Custom PlantingNo value242
Fertilizer: 15-15-15, 50 kgNo value40
InsecticidesNo value80
FungicidesNo value14
HerbicidesNo value27
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value112
FuelNo value246
Interest on operating capitalNo value358
Consulting FeesNo value40
Miscellaneous (tree paint)No value50
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value4411
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value152
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value53
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value782
Total Measurable CostsNo value5557
Operation costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning7122No valueNo value122
Weed control - hoeing352No valueNo value52
Painting trees6105No valueNo value105
Total Hand Labour16279No valueNo value279
Operation costs - Hand Labour
Machine labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pick up trees0.5910524
Discing (2x)1.426292278
Cultivating (3x)2.1394125106
Fertilizing (1x)0.71314835
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (3x)2.1395037127
Weed spraying (2x)1.426322078
Pesticide spraying (5x)2.0386053150
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.71314835
Orchard maintenance2.0384326106
Total Machine Operator13.4252302212767

Second Year

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 10 hrsNo value175
Labour: machine operator, 13.9 hrsNo value261
Trees (1% replacement)No value62
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 50 kgNo value31
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 40kgNo value22
InsecticidesNo value80
FungicidesNo value14
HerbicidesNo value27
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value116
FuelNo value247
Interest in operating capitalNo value441
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value176
Miscellaneous (leaf analysis)No value50
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value1769
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value158
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value54
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1152
Total Measurable CostsNo value2921
Operation costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning10175No valueNo value175
Total Hand Labour10175No valueNo value175
Operation costs - Machine labour and Machine costs
Machine labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Re-planting trees1.019211252
Discing (1x)0.713151139
Cultivating (3x)1.426271771
Fertilizing (2x)1.426271770
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (4x)2.8536750169
Weed spraying (2x)1.426322078
Pesticide spraying (5x)2.0386053150
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.71314835
Orchard maintenance2.0384326106
Total Machine Operator13.9261315222798

Third Year - 2.64 ton yield (33% yield)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 54 hrsNo value954
Labour: machine operator, 23 hrsNo value436
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 75kgNo value47
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 60kgNo value34
InsecticidesNo value254
FungicidesNo value280
HerbicidesNo value27
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value193
FuelNo value416
Interest on operating capitalNo value639
Production InsuranceNo value123
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value422
Miscellaneous (leaf analysis)No value50
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value4202
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value258
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value88
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1446
Total Measurable CostsNo value5648
Contribution Margin
Contribution MarginCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (2.64 ton x $1008 per ton)No value3567
Total Variable costsNo value4202
Contribution margin (no land costs)No value-635
Operation costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning15262No valueNo value262
Thinning17297No valueNo value297
Harvesting22396No valueNo value396
Total Hand Labour54954No valueNo value954
Operation costs - Machine labour and Machine costs
Machine labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Re-planting trees1.019211252
Discing (1x)0.713151139
Cultivating (3x)2.1394125106
Fertilizing (2x)1.426271770
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.713151240
Mowing (5x)4.27910075254
Weed spraying (2x)1.426322078
Pesticide spraying (9x)4.075120106301
Distribute & collect containers4.0757640192
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.71314835
Orchard maintenance2.0384326106
Total Machine Operator23.24365323621330

Fourth Year - 5.28 ton yield (66% yield)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 108 hrsNo value1909
Labour: machine operator, 27.2 hrsNo value521
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 100 kgNo value62
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 80 kgNo value45
InsecticidesNo value264
FungicidesNo value182
HerbicidesNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value217
FuelNo value506
Interest on operating capitalNo value752
Production insuranceNo value246
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value845
Miscellaneous (leaf analysis)No value40
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value5954
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value287
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value98
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1485
Total Measurable CostsNo value7439
Contribution Margin
Contribution MarginCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (5.28 ton x $1351 per ton)No value7133
Total Variable costsNo value5954
Contribution margin (no land costs)No value1180
Operation costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning30524No valueNo value524
Thinning34593No valueNo value593
Harvesting44792No valueNo value792
Total Hand Labour1081909No valueNo value1909
Operation costs - Machine labour and Machine costs
Machine labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Re-planting trees1.019211252
Discing (1x)0.713151139
Cultivating (3x)2.1394125106
Fertilizing (2x)1.426271770
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (6x)4.27910075254
Weed spraying (3x)2.1394730117
Pesticide spraying (9x)3.66810895271
Distribute & collect containers7.413914175355
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.71314835
Orchard maintenance2.0384326106
Total Machine Operator27.75216254031549
Total establishment costs
Pre-plantNo value3710
PlantingNo value5557
Second YearNo value2921
Third YearNo value4579
Fourth YearNo value5331
TotalNo value22097

Excludes harvest costs and does not include revenues for years 3 and 4.

Does not include land costs

Annual Cost to Recover Establishment Costs (amortized over remaining 15 years of orchard life)No value1234 per year

Annual Estimated Cost of Production - 8 ton yield

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 166 hrsNo value2882
Labour: machine operator, 32.7 hrsNo value605
Ammonium nitrate, 125 kgNo value78
Muriate of potash, 100 kgNo value56
InsecticidesNo value254
FungicidesNo value280
HerbicidesNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value251
FuelNo value592
Interest on operating capitalNo value350
Production insuranceNo value373
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value1280
Miscellaneous (leaf analysis)No value50
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value7416
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value329
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value113
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1542
Total Measurable CostsNo value8959
Contribution Margin
Contribution MarginCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income ($1351 per ton)No value10808
Total Variable costsNo value7416
Contribution margin (no land costs)No value3392
Operation costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning45785No valueNo value785
Thinning50873No valueNo value873
Harvest681224No valueNo value1224
Raking Brush352No valueNo value52
Total Hand Labour1662882No valueNo value2882
Operation costs - Machine labour and Machine costs
Machine labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Brush chopping1.528342587
Discing (1x)0.713151139
Cultivating (3x)2.1394125106
Fertilizing (2x)1.426271770
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (6x)4.27910075254
Weed spraying (3x)2.1394730117
Pesticide spraying (10x)4.075120106301
Distribute & collect containers10.0188191101480
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.71314835
Orchard maintenance2.0384326106
Total Machine Operator32.26057294631797
8.0 ton/acre yield
YearYield %RevenueVariable costsFixed costsTotal costsNet Cash FlowAccum. Profit

Break-even in Year 9 (Does not include land and food safety costs).

Fresh market pear

Pre-plant year

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: machine operator, 4.0 hrsNo value71
Custom PloughingNo value50
Fertilizer: 15-15-15, 50 kgNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value25
FuelNo value56
Interest on operating capitalNo value74
Consulting FeesNo value40
Tile drainageNo value3363
Land levelingNo value300
Miscellaneous (soil test)No value50
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value4096
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value39
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value9
Other overheadNo value470
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value518
Total Measurable costsNo value4614
Operation costs ($)
Operation CostLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Subsoiling (1x)0.71214834
Discing (2x)1.425292276
Cultivating (1x)0.71214835
Fertilizing (1x)0.71214834
Seeding Cover Crop (1x)0.5911828
Total Machine Operator4.0718155207

Planting Year

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 84 hrsNo value1215
Labour: machine operator, 13.6 hrsNo value241
Trees (1117 trees per acre)No value11896
Custom PlantingNo value559
Fertilizer: 15-15-15, 50 kgNo value40
InsecticidesNo value172
FungicidesNo value174
HerbicidesNo value27
Permanent cover cropNo value82
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value108
FuelNo value190
Interest on operating capitalNo value805
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value176
MiscellaneousNo value50
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Trellis material and installationNo value2700
Total Variable costsNo value18474
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value158
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value35
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1133
Total Measurable costsNo value19607
Operation costs - Hand labour
Hand labourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning336No valueNo value36
Weed Control229No valueNo value29
Tree painting27393No valueNo value393
Tree training52757No valueNo value757
Total Hand labour841215No valueNo value1215
Operation costs - Machine Labour and Machine costs
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pick up trees1.01819946
Discing (2x)1.425292276
Cultivating (3x)2.1374125103
Fertilizing (1x)0.71214834
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5910827
Mowing (3x)2.1375037124
Weed spraying (2x)1.425302075
Pesticide spraying (6x)2.4426363169
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator13.6241298220759

Second Year - 1 ton yield (2.5%)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 441 hrsNo value6418
Labour: machine operator, 15.9 hrsNo value281
Trees (2% replacement)No value269
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 30kgNo value19
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 30kgNo value17
InsecticidesNo value172
FungicidesNo value174
HerbicidesNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value123
FuelNo value228
Interest on operating capitalNo value1140
Production insuranceNo value61
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value176
PackingNo value175
MiscellaneousNo value50
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value9371
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value175
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value40
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1155
Total Measurable costsNo value10526
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (1 ton x $1432 per ton)No value1432
Total Variable costsNo value9371
Contribution marginNo value(7839)
Operation costs - Hand labour
Hand labourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning8116No valueNo value116
Tree training4306257No valueNo value6257
Harvest345No valueNo value45
Total Hand labour4416418 -No value6418
Operation costs - Hand labour
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Re-planting trees2.0354225102
Cultivating (2x)1.425271769
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Seeding permanent cover (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (4x)2.8506750166
Weed spraying (2x)1.425282073
Pesticide spraying (6x)1.6425963165
Distribute and collect containers1.018191047
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator15.9281351246879

Third Year - 5.5 ton yield (2%)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand 83 hrsNo value1222
Labour: machine operator, 13.0 hrsNo value326
Trees (1% replacement)No value135
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 40 kgNo value25
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 40 kgNo value22
InsecticidesNo value172
FungicidesNo value174
HerbicidesNo value40
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value147
FuelNo value269
Interest on operating capitalNo value993
Production InsuranceNo value337
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value963
MiscellaneousNo value150
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo value-
Total Variable costsNo value5272
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value210
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value49
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1359
Total Measurable costsNo value6631
Operation costs - Hand labour
Hand labourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning12175No valueNo value175
Tree Training30437No valueNo value437
Thinning10146No valueNo value146
Harvest31465No valueNo value465
Total Hand labour831222No valueNo value1222
Operation costs - Machine Labour and costs
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Re-planting trees1.018211251
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Mowing (4x)2.8506750166
Weed spraying (2x)1.425282073
Pesticide spraying (11x)4.478108116303
Distribute & collect containers3.4606534159
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator18.43264162971039

Fourth Year - 9 ton yield (36%)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 205 hrsNo value2998
Labour: machine operator, 21.3 hrsNo value377
Trees (1% replacement)No value135
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 50 kgNo value31
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 50 kgNo value28
InsecticidesNo value353
FungicidesNo value267
HerbicidesNo value40
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value164
FuelNo value316
Interest on operating capitalNo value1300
Production insuranceNo value551
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value1575
MiscellaneousNo value150
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value8583
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value231
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value54
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1385
Total Measurable costsNo value9969
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (9 ton x $1432 per ton)No value12888
Total Variable costsNo value8583
Contribution marginNo value4305
Operation costs - Hand labour
Hand labourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning16226No valueNo value226
Tree training1221775No valueNo value1775
Thinning16233No valueNo value233
Harvest51765No valueNo value765
Total Hand labour2052998No valueNo value2998
Operation costs - Machine Labour and Machine costs
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Mowing (4x)2.8506750166
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374230109
Pesticide spraying (11x)4.478108116303
Distribute & collect containers5.69910756263
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator21.33774803271184

Fifth Year - 14.25 ton yield (57%)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 475 hrsNo value6946
Labour: machine operator, 27.2 hrsNo value481
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 75 kgNo value47
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 60 kgNo value34
InsecticidesNo value353
FungicidesNo value267
HerbicidesNo value40
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value204
FuelNo value412
Interest on operating capitalNo value1814
Production insuranceNo value873
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value2494
MiscellaneousNo value150
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value14413
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value278
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value65
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1442
Total Measurable costsNo value15855
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (14.25 ton x $942 per ton)No value20406
Total Variable costsNo value14413
Contribution marginNo value5993
Operation costs - Hand labour
Hand labourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning16233No valueNo value233
Tree training3585209No valueNo value5209
Thinning22320 No value320
Harvest781170No valueNo value1170
Raking Brush115  15
Total Hand labour4756946  6946
Operation costs - Machine Labour and Machine costs
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Mowing (5x)3.5628362207
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374230109
Pesticide spraying (11x)4.478108116303
Distribute & collect containers8.815616889413
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator27.24816163931490

Sixth Year - 18.75 ton yield (75%)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 255 hrsNo value3772
Labour: machine operator, 32.7 hrsNo value579
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 85 kgNo value53
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 70 kgNo value39
InsecticidesNo value353
FungicidesNo value267
HerbicidesNo value40
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value246
FuelNo value495
Interest on operating capitalNo value1523
Production insuranceNo value1148
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value3281
MiscellaneousNo value150
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value12243
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value328
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value76
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1504
Total Measurable costsNo value13747
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (18.75 ton x $1432 per ton)No value26850
Total Variable costsNo value12243
Contribution marginNo value14607
Operation costs - Hand labour
Hand labourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning22320No valueNo value320
Tree training53771No valueNo value771
Thinning41597No valueNo value597
Harvest1372055No valueNo value2055
Raking Brush229No valueNo value29
Total Hand labour2553772No valueNo value3772
Operation costs - Machine Labour and Machine costs
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Summer hedging1.018261963
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Mowing/brush chopping (6x)4.27410075249
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374230109
Pesticide spraying (11x)4.478108116303
Distribute & collect containers11.6205222117544
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator32.75797414631783

Seventh Year - 23.125 ton yield (93%)

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 203 hrsNo value3016
Labour: machine operator, 37.4 hrsNo value662
Fertilizer: 27-0-0, 100 kgNo value62
Fertilizer: 0-0-60, 80 kgNo value45
InsecticidesNo value353
FungicidesNo value267
HerbicidesNo value40
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value276
FuelNo value573
Interest on operating capitalNo value1000
Production insuranceNo value1416
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value4047
MiscellaneousNo value150
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value12205
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value361
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value84
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1546
Total Measurable costsNo value13751
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (23.125 ton x $1432 per ton)No value33115
Total Variable costsNo value12205
Contribution marginNo value20910
Operation costs - Hand labour
Hand labourLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning22320No valueNo value320
Thinning41597No valueNo value597
Harvest1372055No valueNo value2055
Raking Brush344No valueNo value44
Total Hand labour2033015No valueNo value3015
Operation costs - Machine Labour and Machine costs
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Summer hedging1.018261963
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Mowing/brush shopping (6x)4.27410075249
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374230109
Pesticide spraying (11x)4.478108116303
Distribute & collect containers13.3253273144671
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator37.46628495122023
Cost per Acre
Pre-plant YearNo value4614
Planting YearNo value19607
Year 2No value10202
Year 3No value4930
Year 4No value7195
Year 5No value11493
Year 6No value7525
Year 7No value6522
TotalNo value72088

Excludes harvest costs and does not include revenues for years 2 to 7.

Establishment costs are recovered by Year 7 (not including land and food safety costs)

Annual Estimated Cost of Production - 25 ton yield

Variable costs
Variable costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 203 hrsNo value3015
Labour: machine operator, 38.6 hrsNo value683
Fertilizer 27-0-0, 115 kgNo value71
Fertilizer 0-0-60, 90 kgNo value50
InsecticidesNo value353
FungicidesNo value267
HerbicidesNo value40
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value282
FuelNo value590
Interest on operating capitalNo value245
Production InsuranceNo value1531
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value4375
MiscellaneousNo value150
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable costsNo value11951
Fixed costs
Fixed costsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value370
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value86
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed costsNo value1556
Total Measurable costsNo value13508
Contribution margin
Contribution margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (25 ton x $1432 per ton)No value35800
Total Variable costsNo value11951
Contribution marginNo value23849
Pear: Operation costs - Mature Orchard
Operation costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Pruning22320No valueNo value320
Thinning41597No valueNo value597
Harvest1372055No valueNo value2055
Raking Brush344No valueNo value44
Total Hand labour2033015No valueNo value3015
Operation costs - Machine Labour and Machine costs
Machine Labour and Machine costsLabour (hours)Labour costsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed costsTotal costs
Summer hedging1.018261963
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Mowing/brush chopping6x)4.27410075249
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374230109
Pesticide spraying (11x)4.478108116303
Distribute & collect bins15.5274296156727
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator38.66838725242080
25.0 ton/acre yield
YearYield %RevenueVariable costsFixed costsTotal costsNet Cash FlowAccum. Profit/Acre

Break-even results occur in Year 7 (not including land and food safety costs).

Other tender fruit - annual cost


Annual Estimated Cost of Production - 7.5 ton yield

Variable Costs
Variable CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 151 hrsNo value2223
Labour: machine operator, 32.6 hrsNo value577
Ammonium nitrate, 125 kgNo value78
Muriate of potash, 100 kgNo value56
InsecticidesNo value254
FungicidesNo value316
HerbicidesNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value251
FuelNo value478
Interest on operating capitalNo value234
Production insuranceNo value478
Consulting FeesNo value40
IrrigationNo value258
PackingNo value1200
Miscellaneous (leaf analysis)No value50
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable CostsNo value6560
Fixed Costs
Fixed CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value329
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value75
Cold storage and packing equipmentNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed CostsNo value1505
Total Measurable CostsNo value8064
Contribution Margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution Margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (7.5 ton x $1788 per ton)No value13410
Total Variable CostsNo value6560
Contribution marginNo value6850
Operation Costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Pruning45655No valueNo value655
Thinning45655No valueNo value655
Harvest58870No valueNo value870
Raking Brush344No valueNo value44
Total Hand Labour1512223No valueNo value2223
Operation Costs - Machine Labour and Machine Costs
Machine Labour and Machine CostsLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Brush chopping1.527342585
Discing (1x)0.712151138
Cultivating (3x)2.1374125104
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (6x)4.27410075249
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374730114
Pesticide spraying (11x)4.478120106303
Distribute & collect containers10.0177191101469
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.71214834
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator32.65777294631769

Sour cherry

Annual Estimated Cost of Production - 6 ton yield

Variable Costs
Variable CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 27 hrsNo value393
Labour: machine operator, 22.3 hrsNo value395
Ammonium nitrate, 125 kgNo value78
Muriate of potash, 100 kgNo value56
InsecticidesNo value176
FungicidesNo value241
HerbicidesNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value205
FuelNo value415
Interest on operating capitalNo value176
Production insuranceNo value210
Consulting FeesNo value20
IrrigationNo value0
Machine harvest (20 cents per lb)No value2400
Miscellaneous (1 bee hive, leaf analysis)No value100
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable CostsNo value4931
Fixed Costs
Fixed CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value269
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value61
Cold storageNo value0
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed CostsNo value1270
Total Measurable CostsNo value6201
Contribution Margin
Contribution MarginCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (6 ton x $4726 per ton)No value4356
Total Variable CostsNo value4931
Contribution margin (no land costs)No value-575
Operation Costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Pruning24349No valueNo value349
Thinning00No valueNo value0
Harvest00No valueNo value0
Raking Brush344No valueNo value44
Total Hand Labour27393No valueNo value393
Operation Costs - Machine Labour and Machine Costs
Machine Labour and Machine CostsLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Brush chopping0.916211551
Discing (1x)0.712151138
Cultivating (3x)2.1374125104
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (4x)2.8506750166
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374730114
Pesticide spraying (7x)2.8507263185
Distribute & collect bins4.071191101363
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator22.33956203781392

Japanese plum

Annual Estimated Cost of Production - 6 ton yield

Variable Costs
Variable CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 193 hrsNo value2853
Labour: machine operator, 28.0 hrsNo value496
Ammonium nitrate, 125 kgNo value78
Muriate of potash, 100 kgNo value56
InsecticidesNo value264
FungicidesNo value150
HerbicidesNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value202
FuelNo value411
Interest on operating capitalNo value242
Production insuranceNo value830
Consulting FeesNo value20
IrrigationNo value176
PackingNo value840
Miscellaneous (1 hive, leaf analysis)No value100
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable CostsNo value6785
Fixed Costs
Fixed CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value265
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value60
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed CostsNo value1425
Total Measurable CostsNo value8210
Contribution Margin
Contribution MarginCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (6 ton x $2270 per ton)No value13620
Total Variable CostsNo value6785
Contribution marginNo value6835
Operation Costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Pruning60873No valueNo value873
Thinning30437No valueNo value437
Harvest1001500No valueNo value1500
Raking Brush344No valueNo value44
Total Hand Labour1932853No valueNo value2853
Operation Costs - Machine Labour and Machine Costs
Machine Labour and Machine CostsLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Brush chopping1.730392897
Discing (1x)0.712151138
Cultivating (2x)1.425271769
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (4x)2.8506750166
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374730114
Pesticide spraying (6x)2.4426053155
Distribute & collect containers10.0177191101171
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.00000
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator284966133721480

European plum

Annual Estimated Cost of Production - 6 ton yield

Variable costs
Variable CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 143 hrsNo value2117
Labour: machine operator, 30.0 hrsNo value531
Ammonium nitrate, 125 kgNo value78
Muriate of potash, 100 kgNo value56
InsecticidesNo value284
FungicidesNo value227
HerbicidesNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value220
FuelNo value434
Interest on operating capitalNo value226
Production insuranceNo value830
Consulting FeesNo value20
IrrigationNo value176
PackingNo value960
Miscellaneous (1 hive, leaf, mulch)No value100
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable CostsNo value6325
Fixed costs
Fixed CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value288
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value65
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo value 
Measurable Fixed Costs-1453
Total Measurable CostsNo value7778
Contribution Margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution Margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (6 ton x $2030 per ton)No value12180
Total Variable CostsNo value6325
Contribution marginNo value5855
Operation Costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Pruning48698No valueNo value698
Thinning12175No valueNo value175
Harvest801200No valueNo value1200
Raking Brush344No valueNo value44
Total Hand Labour1432117 No value2117
Operation Costs - Machine Labour and Machine Costs
Machine Labour and Machine CostsLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Brush chopping1.527342585
Discing (1x)0.712151138
Cultivating (2x)1.425271769
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (6x)4.27410075249
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374730114
Pesticide spraying (8x)3.2577263192
Distribute & collect containers10.0177191101469
Subsoiling/aerating (1x)0.00000
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator30.05316544041589


Annual Estimated Cost of Production - 6 ton yield

Variable Costs
Variable CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Labour: hand, 141 hrsNo value2083
Labour: machine operator, 28.2 hrsNo value499
Ammonium nitrate, 125 kgNo value78
Muriate of potash, 100 kgNo value56
InsecticidesNo value242
FungicidesNo value237
HerbicidesNo value40
Cover Crop SeedNo value27
Machine repair, maintenanceNo value200
FuelNo value408
Interest on operating capitalNo value188
Consulting FeesNo value20
IrrigationNo value176
PackingNo value960
Miscellaneous (leaf analysis)No value50
Food safetyNo valueNo value
Land rentalNo valueNo value
Total Variable CostsNo value5264
Fixed Costs
Fixed CostsCost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Machine: depreciationNo value262
Machine: Interest on investmentNo value60
Cold storageNo value160
Other overheadNo value940
Land ownershipNo valueNo value
Measurable Fixed CostsNo value1422
Total Measurable CostsNo value6686
Contribution Margin (no land or food safety costs included)
Contribution Margin (no land or food safety costs included)Cost per acre ($)
Cost per acre ($)
Gross Income (6 ton x $4270 per ton)No value25626
Total Variable CostsNo value5264
Contribution margin (no land costs)No value20362
Operation Costs - Hand Labour
Hand LabourLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Pruning48698No valueNo value698
Thinning20291No valueNo value291
Harvest701050No valueNo value1050
Raking Brush344No valueNo value44
Total Hand Labour1412083No valueNo value2083
Operation Costs - Machine Operator
Machine OperatorLabour (hours)Labour CostsMachine costsfootnote 1Fixed CostsTotal Costs
Brush chopping1.527342585
Discing (1x)0.712151138
Cultivating (2x)1.425271769
Fertilizing (2x)1.425271769
Seeding cover crop (1x)0.5911828
Mowing (4x)2.8506750166
Weed spraying (3x)2.1374730114
Pesticide spraying (7x)2.8506053162
Distribute & collect containers10.0177191101469
Subsoiling/aerating (0x)0.00000
Orchard maintenance2.0354326104
Total Machine Operator28.24996083691476