Under the Agencies and Appointments Directive and the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive, provincial agencies are required to post their governance documents. These include business plans, annual reports and expense information for designated individuals.

Governance Documents

The Species at Risk Program Advisory Committee (SARPAC) is an advisory agency and is not required to have or post governance documents under the Agency and Appointments Directive.

Name Position Purpose Start date yy-mm-dd End date yy-mm-dd Destination Attendees Other attendees Air fare Other transportation Accommodation Meals Incidentals Subtotal Hospitality Other expenses Total
Bryan Gilvesy Member February 22, 2018 meeting 18-02-22 18-02-22 Novotel 1 n/a n/a $153.34 $184.45 $22.50 $37.29 $397.58 n/a n/a $397.58
Brian Anderson Member February 22, 2018 meeting 18-02-22 18-02-22 Novotel 1 n/a n/a $182.75 n/a $22.50   $205.25 n/a n/a $205.25
Allison Merla Member February 22, 2018 meeting 18-02-22 18-02-22 Novotel 1 n/a $263.57 n/a n/a n/a $12.00 $275.57 n/a n/a $275.57