ISBN 0-7729-0175-9
MNR 3290

Interim Management Statement

Kapuskasing District

April 1985

© Government of Ontario

Additional copies of this publication are available from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Kapuskasing District Office, 6-8-10 Government Rd., Kapuskasing, Ontario, P5N 2W4 - Telephone (705) 335-6191.

March, 1985

Regional Director’s approval statement

I am pleased to approve this Interim Management Statement for Adam Creek Provincial Park.

This Statement will provide direction for the management of Adam Creek Provincial Park until a Park Management Plan is completed. It will also set the general direction for the preparation of the more detailed management policies that the Management Plan will contain.

Signed by
R.A. Riley
Regional Director
Northern Region


Name: Adam Creek (Formerly Sanborn Twp.)
Proposed class: Nature Reserve
M.N.R. District: Kapuskasing
M.N.R. Region: Northern
Area (ha.): 20 ha.
Site region:  
Site district:  
Date in regulation:  

Life science target

Site type/landscape unit species/ communities

Earth science target

Geological theme Feature
Quaternary - Wisconsinan
  • Early to Middle Adam Till
  • Kipling Till

Cultural resource target

Theme Theme segment

Recreation opportunities target

Day use Car camping Wilderness back country


Level type Earth science Life science Cultural Recreational
Reconnaissance completed Yes No No No
Detailed completed Yes No No No
Required No No No No

Potential resource use conflict

Ontario Hydro Flooding Reserve

Material appended

DLUG extract
Other: Background information sheet

Management statement

1.0 Issues

There are no relevant management issues for this park.

2.0 Resource management guidelines

2.1 Mineral resource management

Analysis Guidelines Recommendation
The nature reserve status of the park protects it from any form of degrading land use/ activity including such forms of surface exploration/mining as open pit mining. Geological investigation may be authorized by the district manager provided that such activity enhances knowledge/understanding of the geological features, and that the results of such work are made available to M.N.R. Mineral exploration/extraction will not be permitted within the park. That the guidelines be implemented with the approval of the plan and following appropriate changes to regulation.

2.2 Wildlife management

Analysis Guidelines Recommendation
The park falls within Trapline KA-78. As hunting and trapping pose no threat to site values, these activities will be permitted. That the guidelines be implemented with the approval of the plan and following appropriate changes to regulations under The Game and Fish Act.

2.3 Vegetation management

Analysis Guidelines Recommendation
The park contains no known significant vegetation sites. Silvicultural which enhances the park’s geological features will be permitted. That the guidelines be implemented with the approval of the plan.

2.4 Land management

Analysis Guidelines Recommendation
There is no leased or private land within the park. However, Ontario Hydro has flooding rights to valley as a high water diversion for its dams on the Mattagami River. No disposition of land will be permitted. This guideline is already in effect.

3.0 Client services management guidelines

3.1 Information:

Basic information about Adam Creek Provincial Park will be produced for geologists and students. Specifically, a small leaflet providing information about access, the park’s significance, references, and so forth, using photos, geological maps, and text should be adequate.

3.2 Education:

Prospective visitors should be warned of the resource’s vulnerability to damage from collectors; for example in any publication which is produced for the park.

3.3 Development:

At present, the site is undeveloped and access is restricted to the use of watercraft. This situation facilitates protection of the site from human impact, and will be maintained.

4.0 Research

The Ontario Provincial Parks Planning and Management Policies describes scientific research policy in nature reserves as follows (NR-IV-10).

Scientific research by qualified individuals, which contributes to knowledge of natural …. history and to environmental management, will be encouraged in Nature Reserves.

All research programmes will require the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources and must also meet all requirements under applicable provincial and federal legislation. The Ministry may approve the removal of …. geological samples …. by qualified researchers …. Approved research activities and facilities will be compatible with protection values …. in individual Reserves, and will be subject to development and management policies for Nature Reserves unless special permission is given. Sites altered research activities will be rehabilitated as closely to their previous condition as possible.

Figure 1. Map

This is figure 1 map showing Adam Creek and the Mattagami River. Measurements are illustrated for Lower Till, Adam Till, Creek sediments, and Kipling Till.

Enlarge Figure 1. Map

Figure 2. Regional settings map

This is figure 2 regional settings map showing Adams Creek Provincial Nature Reserve in relation to Mattagami River. Towns, secondary roads are shown in relation to the Nature Reserve.

Enlarge Figure 2. Regional settings map

Adam Creek Nature Reserve

(to be replaced by official Survey Plan)


In the District of Cochrane, in the Township of Sanborn, located in the Kapuskasing Administrative District.

Metes & bounds

Commencing at a point measured 2.57 kilometres west 42 north from the southeast corner of Sanborn Township, at the confluence of the Mattagami River and Adam Creek; thence in a generally southwesterly direction at a distance of 100 metres from the low water mark on both sides of Adam Creek for 2 kilometres upstream: being an area of 20 hectares more or less.

Appendix I: Natural resources background information

Frey (1980) appraises the park’s earth science features as being of national significance based on the following rationale.

This section of the Adam Creek shoreline is the most accessible part of the internationally recognized standard reference (stratigraphic type section) of the Early to Middle Wisconsinan Adam Till and the Late Wisconsinan Kipling Till (INQUA, 1977, p.21, 22, 30, 31). The downstream end of the exposures on the Missinaibi River of this as yet formally undefined deposit (a type section has not been selected).

In composite the site-displays a complete record of the multiple glacial and non-glacial deposits of northern Ontario since the last interglacial events recorded in the Missinaibi Formation. In addition, a small outcrop of lignite of the Lower Cretaceous Mattagami Formation occurs at the upstream end of the site.

Appendix II

6. Sanborn site

  1. Description

    The nature reserve candidate m Sanborn Township includes 50 hectares along Adam Creek and protects a geological feature of national significance. This section of shoreline is the most accessible part of the internationally recognized standard reference of the Early to Middle Wisconsinan Adam Till and the Late Wisconsinan Kipling Till. The downstream end of the exposures also contain a regionally representative stratigraphic section of the non-glacial Friday Creek sediments, complimenting extensive exposures on the Missinaibi River. In composite the site displays a complete record of the multiple glacial and non-glacial deposits of Northern Ontario since the last interglacial events recorded in the Missinaibi Formation.

    This candidate is currently contained within an exploratory license for the purposes of mineral exploration.

  2. Land Use Intent

    The candidate is recommended for park status.

    It is further recommended that most of the ongoing activities within the area be permitted to continue. The exception to this would be commercial logging which is not recommended as a continuing use. An outline of these ongoing activities which are recommended for continuation is given in the Land Use Activity section, however it must be realized that in some instances further refinement may be required.

  3. Land Use Activity For Area Number 6-Sanborn Site

    Activity Acceptable Yes/No Recommended Guidelines
    Aggregate Extraction No  
    Agriculture No  
    Bait Fishing Yes It is recommended that sport fishing be permitted to continue.
    Commercial Fishing No  
    Cottaging No  
    Crown Land Recreation No Not applicable
    Forestry No  
    Hunting Yes It is recommended that hunting be permitted to continue.
    Mining Yes It is recommended that mineral extraction/exploration be permitted.
    Provincial Parks Yes Recommended for park status.
    Roads No Roads required for mineral exploration will be considered on a case by case basis.
    Rural Residential No  
    Sport Fishing Yes It is recommended that existing trapping activity be permitted to continue.
    Tourism No  
    Trapping Yes  
    Wildlife Viewing Yes  
    Wild Rice Harvesting No No commercial harvesting potential
    Urban Development No  

Interim Management Statement District approval form

I have read this Interim Management Statement and weighed its recommendations with respect to my area of assigned responsibility. I have made my views known and have participated in the District decision regarding the interim policies that it contains.

District approval Signature Date
Fish and Wildlife Supervisor    
Lands/Parks Supervisor    
Forest Management Supervisor    
Field services Supervisor    
Regional Planner    
District Manager