
Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
2,4-D amines 593
diuron 1,451
glufosinate ammonium 245
glyphosate 6,700
linuron 795
napropamide 742
paraquat 352
simazine 1,147
terbacil 314
other 789
Total 13,130


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
acequinocyl 220
acetamiprid 293
azinphos-methyl 1,520
Bacillus thuringiensis 237
carbaryl 4,597
carbofuran 263
chlorpyrifos 4,053
diazinon 2,966
endosulfan 2,622
kaolin 11,293
malathion 923
permethrin 644
phosalone 2,419
phosmet 25,724
spirodiclofen 573
thiacloprid 837
other 1,547
Total 60,732


A total of 74 kilograms of nematocides were used on Ontario fruit.


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
Bacillus subtilis 396
boscalid 1,665
captan 117,189
chlorothalonil 10,463
copper oxychloride 5,283
copper sulfate 2,714
cyprodinil 969
dinocap 1,555
dodine 219
fenbuconazole 359
fenhexamid 1,498
ferbam 3,295
folpet 2,366
fosetyl-al 2,048
iprodione 713
kresoxim-methyl 802
lime sulphur - calcium polysulphide 441
mancozeb 84,976
metiram 69,437
myclobutanil 612
potassium bicarbonate 3,098
propiconazole 277
pyraclostrobin 298
pyrimethanil 2,221
streptomycin 332
sulphur 144,427
trifloxystrobin 475
other 128
Total 458,257

Growth Regulators

Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
prohexadione calcium 395
other 206
Total 601

Grand Total

A grand total of 532,794 kilograms of pesticides were used on Ontario fruit.