
Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
acephate 343
carbaryl 1,861
carbofuran 391
chlorantraniliprole 239
chlorpyrifos 5,234
cyhalothrin-lambda 404
cypermethrin 1,887
diazinon 4,996
dimethoate 896
endosulfan 2,290
formetanate hydrochloride 336
imidacloprid 1,641
malathion 389
methamidophos 2,814
methomyl 203
phosmet 1,944
other 168
Total 26,036


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
azoxystrobin 738
boscalid 370
chlorothalonil 92,706
copper hydroxide 19,390
copper oxychloride 1,265
fenamidone 2,262
fosetyl-al 1,014
iprodione 696
mancozeb 49,093
metiram 18,253
propamocarb hydrochloride 1,237
pyraclostrobin 267
other 143
Total 187,433


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
atrazine 11,424
bentazon 3,312
bromoxynil 1,076
dimethenamid 965
diquat 1,922
diuron 435
fluazifop-p-butyl 216
glyphosate 6,110
imazethapyr 406
linuron 13,464
mesotrione 407
metribuzin 3,935
oxyfluorfen 500
paraquat 1,536
pendimethalin 2,892
prometryne 2,100
s-metolachlor 25,323
trifluralin 2,979
other 589
Total 80,629

Growth Regulators

Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
ethephon 2,278
maleic hydrazide 1,259
Total 3,538


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
metam-sodium 39,993
Total 39,993

Grand Total

A grand total of 337,629 kilograms of pesticides were used on Ontario vegetables.