
Other crops include nursery crops, sod and ginseng. Greenhouse crops are not included in the survey.


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
2,4-D amines 8,738
dicamba 707
glyphosate 6,635
mecoprop-p 4,305
simazine 1,059
s-metolachlor 606
other 255
Total 22,305


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
acephate 2,929
carbaryl 3,878
dicofol 332
endosulfan 233
imidacloprid 214
malathion 346
other 252
Total 8,185


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
azoxystrobin 600
captan 816
chlorothalonil 8,697
copper oxychloride 936
fosetyl-al 6,380
iprodione 382
mancozeb 10,354
metiram 706
myclobutanil 434
propiconazole 619
other 184
Total 30,108

Grand Total

A grand total of 60,598 kilograms of pesticides were used on other Ontario crops.