Triazine Herbicides

Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
atrazine 460,215
metribuzin 46,572
prometryne 2,100
simazine 2,206
Total 511,093

Auxinic Herbicides

This category includes phenoxy herbicides.

Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
2,4-D amines 60,076
2,4-D ester 33,166
2,4-DB (butyl ester) 30,546
clopyralid 976
dicamba 78,957
dichlorprop 29,878
MCPA/MCPB 107,663
mecoprop-p 6,232
other 82
Total 347,576

Sulfonylurea Herbicides

Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
chlorimuron ethyl 414
foramsulfuron 1,474
nicosulfuron 674
rimsulfuron 682
thifensulfuron-methyl 378
other 179
Total 3,801

Other Herbicides

Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
aciflurofen 763
amitrole 1,707
bentazon 44,389
bromoxynil 76,978
cloransulam-methyl 232
desmedipham 329
diflufenzopyr 3,618
dimethenamid 73,985
diquat 4,223
diuron 1,886
ethofumesate 1,069
fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 509
fluazifop-p-butyl 1,064
flufenacet 1,930
flumetsulam 1,364
fomesafen 5,116
glufosinate ammonium 15,683
glyphosate 2,062,648
imazethapyr 10,593
isoxaflutole 8,082
linuron 16,405
mesotrione 23,897
napropamide 1,957
oxyfluorfen 500
paraquat 1,888
pendimethalin 56,504
phenmedipham 329
pyrasulfotole 251
quizalofop-p-ethyl 1,372
sethoxydim 1,837
s-metolachlor 472,334
terbacil 314
tralkoxydim 674
trifluralin 17,926
other 683
Total 2,913,041


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
acephate 4,917
acequinocyl 255
acetamiprid 295
azinphos-methyl 1,523
Bacillus thuringiensis 279
carbaryl 15,379
carbofuran 654
chlorantraniliprole 432
chlorpyrifos 9,287
cyhalothrin-lambda 1,131
cypermethrin 2,038
diazinon 7,979
dicofol 388
dimethoate 2,736
endosulfan 5,146
formetanate hydrochloride 336
imidacloprid 1,945
kaolin 11,293
malathion 1,658
methamidophos 2,814
methomyl 1,629
permethrin 670
phosalone 2,419
phosmet 27,842
spirodiclofen 573
tefluthrin 462
thiacloprid 837
other 1,002
Total 105,922


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
1,3 dichloropropene 158,791
chloropicrin 32,426
metam-sodium 55,258
other 74
Total 246,550

Growth Regulators

Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
ethephon 2,795
fatty alcohol - N-decanol 19,809
maleic hydrazide 1,259
prohexadione calcium 395
other 91
Total 24,350


Active Ingredient Quantity (kg)
azoxystrobin 1,910
Bacillus subtilis 405
boscalid 7,643
captan 118,005
chlorothalonil 111,866
copper hydroxide 19,390
copper oxychloride 7,484
copper sulfate 2,853
cyprodinil 969
dinocap 1,555
dodine 219
fenamidone 2,262
fenbuconazole 359
fenhexamid 1,498
ferbam 3,295
folpet 2,366
fosetyl-al 9,443
iprodione 1,791
kresoxim-methyl 802
lime sulphur - calcium polysulphide 441
mancozeb 144,423
metiram 88,396
myclobutanil 1,073
potassium bicarbonate 3,098
propamocarb hydrochloride 1,237
propiconazole 8,666
prothioconazole 2,837
pyraclostrobin 5,289
pyrimethanil 2,221
streptomycin 332
sulphur 144,427
tebuconazole 13,425
thiophanate-methyl 925
trifloxystrobin 2,444
vinclozolin 449
other 165
Total 713,964

Grand Total

A grand total of 4,866,296 kilograms of specific pesticide ingredients were used on surveyed crops in Ontario.