Notice of approval of amendments

Proponent: Municipal Engineers Association (MEA)
Environmental assessment file number: EA-03-03-02-02

Having considered the purpose and provisions of the Environmental Assessment Act and the Class EA, the MEA's submissions, the MEA's public consultation and its response to those submissions, I hereby amend the Class EA.


My reasons for amending the Class EA are as follows:

  1. The amendments were prepared in accordance with the amendment provisions outlined in section A.1.5.2 of the Class EA.
  2. The MEA consulted with government agencies, EA practitioners, industry representatives, interested persons and Aboriginal communities and organizations about its amendments. The MEA has demonstrated that the amendments are consistent with current regulatory requirements and planning practices and will provide for a more effective planning process to deliver municipal infrastructure and servicing in a more efficient and environmentally sustainable manner.
  3. The MEA submitted a record of consultation that outlines the results of the consultation with government agencies, EA practitioners, industry representatives, interested persons and Aboriginal communities and organizations. The record of consultation indicates that there are no outstanding concerns that have not been addressed.
  4. The amended Class EA process would allow for a more expeditious review of municipal infrastructure projects while maintaining a detailed review of environmental effects and ensuring that a consistent provincial environmental assessment process is followed.
  5. The amendments to the Class EA will minimize duplication in planning and EA requirements as well as unnecessary costs for private sector proponents while maintaining environmental protection.
  6. The MEA's amendments are consistent with its Class EA, the purpose and provisions of the Environmental Assessment Act and are in the public interest.

Dated the 17th day of August 2011 at Toronto.

Minister of the Environment
77 Wellesley Street West, 11th floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2T5