Notice of approval – terms of reference

Proponent: The Regional Municipality of York
Environmental assessment file number: MU-1105

As provided for by section 6(4) of the Environmental Assessment Act, the Terms of Reference, as submitted for approval to the Ministry of the Environment on June 9, 2004 to govern the preparation of an environmental assessment for the above-noted undertaking, is hereby approved with the following amendments:

  1. The Action column under the heading Cultural Environment of Table 5-1 Potential Environmental Effects, in Section 5 Assessment and Evaluation of Potential Environmental Effects is amended by adding as a second sentence: All affected Aboriginal Organizations and First Nations will be consulted during the EA study.
  2. Subsection Archaeological Resources, under 6.5.2 Cultural Environment, under 6.5 Analysis and Evaluation Framework is amended by adding as the second sentence in the first paragraph: Affected Aboriginal Organizations and First Nations will be consulted for information and for their assessment of the potential impacts.
  3. Subsection 6.12 Public Consultation under Section 6 – Environmental Assessment Work Plan is amended by adding to the end of the third paragraph: Affected Aboriginal Organizations and First Nations will .be consulted for information on archaeological resources by direct mailing or another direct method of communication during the preparation of the EA.
  4. The first sentence of the fifth paragraph of Subsection 6.12 Public Consultation under Section 6 – Environmental Assessment Work Plan is amended by adding affected Aboriginal Organizations and First Nations after In addition to the public consultation centres, the Draft EA report will be provided to the Ministry of the Environment, Government Review, Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), other agencies and before and the public for review and comment prior to submitting the Final Report to the Ministry of the Environment.
  5. The fifth paragraph of Subsection 6.12 Public Consultation under Section 6 – Environmental Assessment Work is also amended by adding as the last sentence The final EA will also be directly circulated to Government Review agencies and affected Aboriginal Organizations and First Nations and comments will be requested from each.

Pursuant to subsection 6.1(1) of the Environmental Assessment Act, any environmental assessment for the above-noted undertaking, submitted to the Ministry of the Environment pursuant to subsection 6.2(1) of the Environmental Assessment Act, must be prepared in accordance with the Terms of Reference as hereby approved.

Dated the 13th day of July 2004 at Toronto.

Original signed by:
Minister of the Environment
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 12th floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1P5