About safe-arrival programs

Safe-arrival programs alert you when your child has not arrived at school as expected. Together with daily attendance taking, elementary schools use these programs to:

  • account for any unexplained student absences (for example, where you did not tell the school about a planned absence in advance)
  • inform you in a timely manner
Elementary school students getting off a school bus and being greeted by school staff

School staff, students and families all work together to make sure that the safe-arrival program meets the needs of the school.

Contact your elementary school to learn more about their safe-arrival program.

What to expect from your safe-arrival program

Elementary schools design their safe-arrival programs to be flexible and best meet their needs based on:

  • number of students and staff
  • age of students
  • type of transportation used to bring children to school
  • ways to communicate in the area
  • advice from school councils, band councils, parents, volunteers and community members
  • local needs of the school and community

A safe-arrival program should include:

  • the roles and responsibilities of parents and guardians, the school, volunteers and other members of the school community
  • steps to take in normal and unusual situations, such as bad weather or bus cancellations
  • what steps a school should take if they cannot get in touch with the parent, guardian or caregiver
  • training and supervision of the school community members who deliver the program

Keep your school updated

You have an important role to play in your school’s safe-arrival program by:

  • letting your school know ahead of time about any planned absences (for example, doctor’s appointments) or if your child will be late to school
  • providing your school with emergency contact information when they ask for it at the beginning of each school year
  • informing your school if your contact information changes

Find your school’s contact information.