Ministry of Natural Resources
Sault Ste. Marie District
Northshore Area

February, 2004

Approval Statement

I am pleased to approve this Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve (C257).

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is located in Site District SE-1. It protects red oak forest communities, which are not commonly found in this site district. Regulated on November 22, 2002, this 149 hectare conservation reserve is situated approximately 16 kilometres northeast of the Town of Thessalon, in Day Township.

Direction for establishing, planning and managing conservation reserves is defined under the Public Lands Act, the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy, and other applicable policies. The specific direction for managing this conservation reserve is in the form of a basic SCI, which defines the area to which the plan applies, provides the purpose for which the conservation reserve has been proposed, and outlines the Ministry of Natural Resources management intent for the protected area. This SCI has been created with input from program specialists within Sault Ste. Marie District. It will provide both the foundation for the continued monitoring of activities and guidance for the management of the conservation reserve. More detailed direction at this time is not anticipated. However, should significant facility development be considered or complex issues arise requiring additional studies, more detailed management direction in the form of special protection measures, or a detailed Resource Management Plan, will be prepared with full public consultation.

Public and Aboriginal consultation occurred prior to the regulation of this conservation reserve. An additional 15-day consultation period took place in December 2003 that provided stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the draft SCI. Comments from the review period have been considered in the development of this document.

The management guidelines outlined in this SCI will be implemented by the Northshore Area Supervisor, and will be reviewed every five years and amended as required by the District Planner, Sault Ste. Marie District, Ministry of Natural Resources.

Written by:
Marjorie Hall
OLL Planner
Date: February 12, 2004

Submitted by:
Erin Nixon
District Planner
Date: February 5, 2004

Recommended For Approval by:
Dick Hagman
Northshore Area Supervisor
Date: February 2, 2004

Recommended For Approval by:
Serge Tenaglia R.P.F.
District Manager, Sault Ste. Marie District
Date: February 19, 2004

Approval by:
Rob Galloway
Regional Director, Northeast Region
Date: April 2, 2004

1.0 Introduction

The following document is a Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve (C257). The purpose of this SCIis to identify and describe the natural, recreational, and cultural values of Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve and to outline the Ministry of Natural Resources' management intent for this area. The first three sections of this document highlight the provincial context in which it was produced, state its goal and objectives, and summarize the planning process for conservation reserves. Sections 4 through 7 are specific to Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve and provide background information and management direction for the site. Section 8 outlines the requirements for continued implementation and review of this document.

Management direction specified in this SCI will serve to protect the conservation reserve for the benefit of all Ontario residents. This direction will comply with the land use intent stated in the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy (LUS) (OMNR 1999) and associated policy clarification statements. Additionally, this conservation reserve will be managed under the Public Lands Act (OMNR 1997a), and will comply with all legal requirements as specified under the Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.18).

1.1 Provincial Context

Ontario’s network of natural heritage areas has been established to protect and conserve areas representative of the diversity of the natural regions of the province, including the species, habitats, features, and ecological systems which comprise that natural diversity. Protected natural heritage areas are a key component in the sustainable management of natural resources. They ensure that representative sites within the larger managed landscape are retained in as natural a state as possible.

On July 16, 1999, the Land Use Strategy (LUS) (OMNR 1999) was released to guide the planning and management of much of Ontario’s Crown lands. Extensive consultation was conducted during the development of the Land Use Strategy. The objectives of the Land Use Strategy are to complete Ontario’s system of parks and protected areas; recognize the land use needs of the resource-based tourism industry; provide forestry, mining and other resource industries with greater certainty around land and resource use; and, enhance hunting, angling and other Crown land recreational opportunities (OMNR 1999).

The LUS (OMNR 1999) contributes to completing Ontario’s system of protected natural heritage areas by designating 378 new areas to be protected. These areas are considered to be significant and require protection from incompatible activities in order for their values to endure over time. Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve forms part of Ontario’s network of natural heritage areas. It protects red oak (Quercus rubra L.) forest communities, which are not commonly found in Site District SE-1.

The Ministry of Natural Resources has established conservation reserves as a tool to protect natural heritage areas on public lands, while permitting most traditional public land uses to continue. These uses include recreational activities, such as hunting and fishing, and the traditional activities of Aboriginal communities as defined under applicable Aboriginal treaties. Lands designated as conservation reserves in the LUS (OMNR 1999) are removed from the Sustainable Forest License area, and mining and surface rights are withdrawn from staking under the Mining Act (RSO 1990 Chapter M.14).

The LUS (OMNR 1999) and subsequent policy clarification statements outline the general land use policy and management direction for new conservation reserves. Each new conservation reserve will have a planning document, either a SCIor, in more complex situations, a Resource Management Plan, that details site-specific management direction.

2.0 Goal and Objectives of the SCI

2.1 Goal

The goal of this SCI is to provide the framework and the direction to guide management decisions affecting Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve.

2.2 Objectives

The following objectives are identified as the means to achieve the above stated goal:

  • To describe the site’s current state of the resource in terms of its values and existing uses and activities.
  • To outline the Ministry of Natural Resources' management intent for the protected area.
  • To determine the land use compatibility of current land uses, and to develop specific guidelines and prescriptions to manage these uses.
  • To create public awareness of the values within this conservation reserve by providing information on the resources it contains and protects, and to support responsible stewardship through partnerships with local stakeholders.
  • To identify research, client services, and/or marketing strategies that may contribute to sound long-term management of the conservation reserve.
  • To identify the monitoring and/or research necessary to maintain the integrity of protected values.
  • To provide direction for the evaluation of proposed new uses or economic ventures through the application of the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Environmental Assessment Act legislation. This test will evaluate the impact of suggested use(s), either positive or negative, on the protected values of the conservation reserve.

3.0 Management Planning

3.1 Planning for a Conservation Reserve

The planning process for a conservation reserve consists of regulating the site and preparing a site specific management plan. Consultation with the public, Aboriginal communities, and industry occur during site identification, boundary finalization, and management planning. Regulation of a conservation reserve involves preparing a legal description of the site boundaries, removing the site from the Sustainable Forest Licence area, and withdrawing the site from staking under the Mining Act (RSO 1990 Chapter M.14). Once a conservation reserve is regulated, the level of management planning required to fulfill the protection targets is determined, and either a basic or enhanced SCIor a Resource Management Plan is prepared.

A basic SCIis prepared when there is no deviation from the land use direction provided in the LUS (OMNR 1999) and there are few to no issues that require resolution. Alternatively, a Resource Management Plan (RMP) is prepared in situations where one or more complex issues have to be addressed, or where there is widespread public interest in a site. An enhanced SCI is an intermediary document which is used when a site requires more detailed management direction than would be provided by a basic SCI, but does not have issues significant enough to warrant the preparation of a RMP. Whichever the determination, the plan must be completed within three years of the conservation reserve’s regulation date. The guidelines for the preparation of these documents are provided in Procedural Guidelines A­ Resource Management Planning (Conservation Reserves Procedure PL3.03.05, Public Lands Act, OMNR 1997a) and the Northeastern Region Guidelines on the Planning Process for Conservation Reserves: Statement of Conservation Interest and ResourceManagement Plan (Thompson 2001).

A SCI is essentially a management plan, which receives its direction from the LUS (OMNR 1999). The purpose of a SCIis to identify the state of the resource in terms of the site’s values and its current land use activities, and to outline the Ministry of Natural Resources' management intent for the conservation reserve. Basic SCIs typically have a 15-day public consultation period, whereas enhanced SCIs and RMPs have a longer consultation period. Upon completion of this public review, the SCI, or RMP, is revised as necessary and approved by the appropriate Regional Director.

Existing permitted uses within conservation reserves may continue, unless they are shown to have a significant negative impact on the values protected by the site. A review/evaluation mechanism is in place to address proposed new permitted uses or land use proposals. The Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) as outlined in the Public Lands Act Policy PL 3.03.05 (OMNR 1997a), and/or other standard Ministry of Natural Resources' environmental screening processes, are used to screen future proposals. Where cultural resources may be impacted, proposals may be screened through Conserving a Future for our Past: Archaeology, Land Use Planning & Development in Ontario, Section 3 (MC 1997).

Public comment may be solicited during a review of any future land use proposals that require new decisions to be made. Appropriate Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.18) requirements and amendment processes will apply to any future proposal and/or any significant change in management direction being considered for a site.

3.2 Planning Process for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve was proposed as a conservation reserve in the LUS (OMNR 1999). Consultation has occurred with the public, Aboriginal communities and industry, and the boundary of the site was regulated through an amendment to Ontario Regulation 805/94 of the Public Lands Act on November 22, 2002, by Ontario Regulation 313/02. A copy of public consultation documents can be found in Appendix D.

To date, no significant issues related to land use in this area have been identified. For this reason, it was determined that a basic SCI will adequately identify the site’s significant features and serve as the appropriate format for providing management guidelines. It should be noted that this document addresses only those issues or land use proposals currently known to the District Manager. The direction provided by this SCI, and future management decisions, will work to resolve any potential land use conflicts and to ensure that identified values continue to be adequately protected.

3.2.1 Planning Area

The planning area for this SCIconsists solely of the regulated boundary for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve (see Appendix A, Map 1). However, to fully protect values within the conservation reserve, the area beyond the regulated boundary may require additional consideration through landowner outreach programs. Specific attention should be given to areas where red oak forest communities extend beyond the conservation reserve’s boundary.

4.0 Background Information

4.1 Location and Site Description

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is located approximately 16 km northeast of the Town of Thessalon, in Day Township (see Figure 2). This site was regulated on November 22, 2002, and is approximately 149 hectares in size. Table 1summarizes the administrative details of the site.

Whenever possible, recognizable natural and cultural features, such as creeks, shorelines, or old roads have been used to delineate conservation reserve boundaries to facilitate on-the-ground identification. Both the eastern and southern boundary of Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve are clearly defined. The eastern boundary follows a hydro transmission corridor (see Figure 1), and the southern boundary follows the shoreline of Basswood Lake. The northern and western boundaries are more difficult to position on the landscape, as they follow the lot lines of adjacent private properties (see Appendix A, Map 1).

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is relatively easy to access. Water access to the site can be gained via Basswood Lake. Although there is no direct road access into the conservation reserve, Melwel Road runs in close proximity to the site’s eastern boundary (See Appendix A, Map 1). The hydro transmission corridor that defines the conservation reserve’s east boundary can also be used to gain access to the periphery of the site. The Voyageur Hiking Trail provides access to the interior of the conservation reserve. Starting at Melwel Road, the trail enters the site near its southeast corner and travels north across the conservation reserve (see Figure 2). The Voyageur Trail can also be accessed from Oak Ridge Trail Road (see Appendix A, Map 1). It is recommended that a Voyageur Trail map be carried while hiking. Additional information on the Voyageur Trail can be found in Section 5.4.

The site is located within Hills' (1959) Site District1 5E-1, which extends from Sault Ste. Marie to Spanish along the St. Mary’s River and Lake Huron shoreline. The conservation reserve protects red oak forest communities, which are uncommon in Site District 5E-1. It is a small, relatively undisturbed conservation reserve and is one of the few remaining pieces of Crown land on Basswood Lake, which has long been recognized as an important recreational lake.

Figure 1: Transmission line used to delineate the east boundary of Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. (T. Latulippe. 9 Sept 2002. OMNR)

Figure 1: Transmission line used to delineate the east boundary of Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve.

Table 1: Location and administrative details for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve.

Name Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve (C257)
Site Region - Site District (Hills 1959) 5E-1Thessalon
Ecoregion- Ecodistrict (Crins and Uhlig 2000) 5E-1
OMNR Administrative Region/District/Area Northeast Region/Sault Ste. Marie District/Northshore Area
UTM co-ordinates Zone 17 (NAD 83) 319513 E, 5133835 N
SCICompleted February_ 2 2004
Regulated November 22 2002
Area 149 ha
Nearest Town Approximately 16 km northeast of the Town of Thessalon
Township(s) Day Township
OBM Numbers 2017310051300, 2017320051300
Topographical Map Number I Name 41J 06 Iron Bridge
Wildlife Manag_ement Unit 37
Forest Management Unit Northshore Forest

Figure 2: Map showing the location of Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve (C257)

Map showing the location of Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve

4.2 History of the Site

Tourism plays an important role in the area surrounding Basswood Lake (historically known as Wahquekobing Lake, and later Wakwekobi Lake). Basswood Lake, Bright Lake and Hagen Lake are all known for their excellent angling and boating opportunities. These lakes are home to hundreds of private cottages and numerous commercial tourism camps.

According to Cameron (1993), the first known account of tourism in the Basswood Lake area was in the 1880s when three individuals came to Ontario to find a fugitive, who had fled from England. When the British searchers were preparing to depart for Canada they packed a chest filled with hunting and angling gear. Their journey took them to the shores of Basswood Lake where they located the fugitive. They remained in the Basswood Lake area for the summer, fishing and hunting to their contentment. When the time came for the searchers to return to England, they left the fugitive behind. Many years later the fugitive, G. F. Dryer, died peacefully in his home on shores of Basswood Lake.

The first known tourism lodge in the area was established in 1929, when Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stuller, of Indiana, bought a farm located on the northwest corner of Basswood Lake (Cameron 1993). There they built the "Indiana Inn" and six guest cabins (Cameron 1993). In the early 1940s another tourism lodge was constructed on the shores of Basswood Lake. This popular tourism lodge, known as Melwel Lodge, was constructed by Weldon and Melba Moore (Cameron 1993). Melwel Lodge is still in operation today.

The land protected by Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve has never been patented land. In 1895, a request was made to purchase a parcel of land now located in the southwest corner of the conservation reserve. This request was rejected as forest harvesting activities were scheduled to occur in the vicinity of the land parcel. By 1965 a number of mining claims where staked in the area presently protected by the conservation reserve. This included a mining claim staked on a parcel of land presently located in the southwest corner of the conservation reserve. These mining claims are no longer active. In 1965, in the face of increasing development pressures, all remaining Crown lands fronting Basswood Lake were officially withdrawn from any form of disposition, to protect the lake and its fishery from overdevelopment.

4.3 Inventories

Table 2 indicates the current status of natural heritage inventories that have occurred for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. Recommendations for future inventory needs are located in Table 3, Section 7.2.

Table 2: Inventory and survey information for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve.

Type of Inventory Inventory Method Date(s) of Inventory Report
Life Science Aerial reconnaissance 9 Sept. 2002 Nicholson, J. et al. 2003. Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve life Science Checksheet- Step 2. Unpublished Information. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Earth Science Aerial reconnaissance 9 Sept. 2002 Kristjansson, R. 2003. Draft Earth Science Inventory Checklist for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. Unpublished Information. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Recreation Ground and aerial reconnaissance Ground: 25 July 2002 Air: 9 Sept. 2002 Latulippe,T. and M. Hall. 2003. Recreation Inventory Report for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. Unpublished Information. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

5.0 State of the Resource

5.1 Key Values

Key values are those values that make this site unique and have led to its designation as a conservation reserve. Their protection is paramount. The key values found within Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve include the following:

  • Red oak forest communities, not commonly found in Site District 5E-1.

Additional values as listed in Section 5.2 through Section 5.6 are also important. Descriptions in this section are not necessarily complete. If new values, key or otherwise, are identified, they will be added to this section. If any new value is considered significant, management guidelines may be modified, if required, to ensure its protection.

5.2 Earth Sciences

Site District 5E-1 is a 25-km wide band of land extending from Sault Ste. Marie to the Town of Spanish (Hills 1959; Crins and Uhlig 2000; Nicholson et al. 2003). This site district is characterized by lacustrine plains interrupted by small bedrock knolls along the coast of the Great Lakes, and inland by bedrock-controlled, till-covered uplands (Nicholson et al. 2003).

The earth science features within Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve are commonly encountered in Site District 5E-1 and, therefore, are considered to be only of local significance (Kristjansson 2003). The bedrock geology of Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is uniform, as the entire conservation reserve is underlain by the Nipissing diabase (Kristjansson 2003). The surficial geology of the site is slightly more variable, consisting of Bedrock-Drift Complex and Ice-Contact Stratified Drift (Kristjansson 2003).

According to Kristjansson (2003), most of the conservation reserve is covered by Bedrock-Drift Complex. The topography associated with this complex is best described as ranging from moderately sloping, in the vicinity of Basswood Lake, to knobby. Surface materials associated with this complex consist of till and/or stratified sediment and exposed bedrock.

A relatively thick and laterally continuous deposit of Ice-Contact Stratified Drift underlies the extreme northwest section of the conservation reserve (Kristjansson 2003). This deposit extends to the west and northwest, well beyond the boundaries of the site, and probably consists of sand and/or gravelly sand. It is associated with a subtle ridge formation, oriented east to west within the conservation reserve (Kristjansson 2003). Kristjansson (2003) suggests that the Ice-Contact Stratified Drift Complex and its associated ridge formation represent a minor end moraine, a feature that marks the continuing retreat of a glacier.

5.3 Life Sciences

Natural vegetation communities that occur within Thessalon Site District SE-1 are a combination of species from both the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence and Boreal forest regions (Nicholson et al. 2003). Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve contains red oak forest communities, which are uncommon in this site district (Nicholson et al. 2003). The majority of red oak found in the conservation reserve is located in a white pine (Pinus strobus L.)/red oak true mixedwood2 stand that occupies the southwest corner of the conservation reserve and extends north (see Appendix A, Map 2). This stand continues past the northwest boundary of the conservation reserve onto adjacent private lands. According to Larry Jago (pers. comm.), long time resident of the Basswood Lake area, this red oak stand is periodically subject to infestations of oak shredder and, in recent years, gypsy moth. The regional and provincial significance of the white pine/red oak true mixedwood stand has not been evaluated (Nicholson et al. 2003).

Figure 3: Aerial picture of the forest stands in Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. (T. Latulippe. 9 Sept. 2002. OMNR)

Aerial picture of the forest stands in Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve.

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is largely covered by poplar (Populus sp.) predominant hardwood3 and white pine/red oak true mixedwood stands, which combined occupy almost half of the site (see Appendix A, Map 2). The poplar predominant hardwood stands are found in the central portion of the conservation reserve, whereas the white pine/red oak true mixedwood stand is located in the western half of the site (Nicholson et al. 2003). The conservation reserve also includes other white pine and poplar communities, as well as stands of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) (see Figure 3) (see Appendix A, Map 2). Except for the sugar maple dominant stand, the poplar mixedwood stand, and part of a poplar hardwood mixed stand, all of the forest communities within the conservation reserve are associated with the Bedrock-Drift Complex (Nicholson et al. 2003).

The majority of forest stands range in age from 60 to 89 years; however, two forest stands located in the northeast section of the conservation reserve are 90 to 119 years old (Nicholson et al. 2003). Additionally, a sliver of a 90 to 119 year poplar mixedwood, located in the conservation reserve’s northwest corner, is a potential old-growth stand. The majority of this possible old-growth stand, however, is located outside of the conservation reserve. The forest stand stocking4 is relatively consistent across the conservation reserve, primarily ranging from 41 to 60 percent.

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is located within the Lake Huron Basin in a tertiary watershed. While this conservation reserve is located along the shoreline of Basswood Lake, there are no wetlands or waterbodies within the site itself. The shoreline of the lake is essentially a gravel/rubble mixture (Latulippe and Hall, 2003). Basswood Lake itself is an important sport fish lake, offering lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), small mouth-bass (Micropterus dolomieu), yellow perch (Perea f/avescense) and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) (Latulippe and Hall, 2003).

The conservation reserve falls within the core of the Iron Bridge deer yard area. Deer yard areas are extremely important, as they provide shelter, food and open areas for movement of deer. A number of other land mammals have been observed within the conservation reserve, including black bears (Ursus americanus) (Latulippe and Hall, 2003).

5.4 Recreational Values

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve has a high potential for recreational activities. The site is easily accessed by water via Basswood Lake, and is also accessible from Melwel Road (Refer to Section 4.1 for information on access).

The Voyageur Hiking Trail is another significant feature of the conservation reserve. The trail enters the site near its southeast corner and travels north across the conservation reserve (see Appendix A, Map 1). Once accessed, the trail is marked by white circles painted on trees and by rock piles located along bedrock outcrops; however, even with these markers, following the trail can be problematic due to low maintenance and use (Latulippe and Hall, 2003). Therefore, it is recommended that a Voyageur Trail map be carried while hiking. In the conservation reserve the trail passes through a variety of forest stands. See Figures 5 and 6 for photos of this section of the trail. The Voyageur Trail can be accessed from Melwel Road, where a sign is posted at the trailhead. For information on trail maintenance refer to the Voyageur Trail Association’s website for the Thessalon area (http://www3.sympatico.cajyoyageur.trail/thessalon.html).

Additional recreational activities known to occur within Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve include hunting and snowshoeing. The conservation reserve also has the potential to host a variety of nature appreciation activities, including photography, painting and picnicking. Additionally, a small area of shoreline about mid-way along the conservation reserve’s north boundary has the potential to be used for day use activities, such as picnicking and swimming.

Figure 5: Forest stand viewed from the Voyageur TraiL (T. Latulippe. 25 July 2002. OMNR)

Forest stand viewed from the Voyageur trail

Figure 6: Lookout over Basswood Lake located along the Voyageur TraU. (T. Latulippe. 25 July 2002. OMNR.)

Lookout over Basswood Lake located along the Voyageur  Trau

5.5 Cultural Values

This site falls within the Robinson-Huron Treaty area. To date, no First Nation community has identified any specific Aboriginal values within the conservation reserve.

There is no known record of archeological features in the site.

5.6 Research Values

No known research and/or monitoring activities have occurred within the conservation reserve.

5.7 Site Condition

Interpretation of 1994 air photographs for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve show little evidence of human disturbance. This is supported by an aerial reconnaissance survey completed by the Ministry of Natural Resources in 2002, which rated disturbance to the site as low 5 (Nicholson et al. 2003). Minor disturbances that were noted, however, include the edge effect created by the hydro transmission corridor that delineates the site’s east boundary and the minimal impact created by the Voyageur Hiking Trail (Nicholson et al. 2003).

The conservation reserve is almost entirely surrounded by private land. The condition of the adjacent lands is considered to be healthy. With the exception of forest stands located north of the hydro transmission corridor, the conservation reserve has relatively good connectivity to stands beyond its boundaries (Nicholson et al. 2003).

6.0 Management Guidelines

All management guidelines in this SCI are based on direction contained in the LUS (OMNR 1999) and associated policy clarification statements. The management guidelines outlined in this section are specific to Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve and are intended to protect the site’s unique values. The guidelines in this document may be subject to change and may be amended as necessary. If a conflict between management guidelines exists, the conservation reserve will be managed to protect the integrity of its natural values, while permitting compatible land use activities (OMNR 1997a).

Proposed new uses and/or development, as well as research and education activities, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Before new proposals can be permitted, the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) must be passed as well as consideration of cultural values according to Conserving a Future for our Past: Archaeology, Land Use Planning & Development in Ontario, Section 3 (MC 1997). In addition, all new proposals are subject to applicable Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.18) requirements.

The following management strategies have been devised to achieve the goal and objectives of the SCI for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. A summary table of the management guidelines for this site can be found in Appendix C. For the most up-to-date version of this summary table, please refer to the Crown Land Use Atlas, located on the internet at, or contact your local Ministry of Natural Resources Office. The Crown Land Use Atlas is a consolidation of existing local land use policies for Crown lands within the OLL planning area, an area that covers 45 percent of the province and that extend from Lake Simcoe in the south to the Albany River in the north.

6.1 Industrial Activities

6.1.1 Commercial Timber Harvest

The area contained within this conservation reserve (149 ha) has been withdrawn from the Northshore Sustainable Forest License area and no commercial timber harvesting will be permitted. Please refer to Section 6.4.3 for information regarding non-commercial wood harvesting.

6.1.2 Mining and Exploration

There are no existing mining claims or leases within this conservation reserve. Mining and surface rights have been withdrawn from staking under the Mining Act (RSO 1990 Chapter M.14). Mineral exploration is not permitted.

6.1.3 Extraction of Peat, Soil, Aggregate and Other Material

Extraction of peat, soil, aggregate and other material is not permitted.

6.1.4 Energy Generation

Hydropower development and windpower generation are not permitted.

6.2 Existing and Proposed Development

6.2.1 Transportation Corridors Roads

According to the LUS (OMNR 1999), new roads for resource extraction will not be permitted except for those identified in Forest Management Plans prior to March 31, 1999. No new or existing roads for resource extraction were identified. Trails

A portion of the Voyageur Trail runs through the conservation reserve. This hiking trail is permitted to continue. No other major organized winter or summer trails have been identified.

Any proposed new trails will be subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures. Trail development in low-lying areas and wetlands will be discouraged, as will trail development over shallow soils on rock outcrops. All new and existing trail heads and trail routes must be recorded using new technologies (ie. global positioning systems) to ensure an accurate record of the location of the feature. This location information must be provided to the Sault Ste. Marie District, Ministry of Natural Resources.

6.2.2 Other Corridor Development/Maintenance

A hydro transmission corridor is adjacent to, but excluded from, the conservation reserve’s east boundary. No communication, energy transmission, or other non-road corridors are located within this conservation reserve. New corridor developments will be actively discouraged. Proposals for new corridors will be subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures.

6.2.3 Natural Heritage Appreciation Facilities/Recreational Structures

There are currently no existing authorized natural heritage appreciation facilities or recreational structures (ie. boardwalks, bird viewing platforms, kiosks, ski shelters, or interpretative signs). New natural heritage appreciation facilities and recreation structures are permitted, subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures.

6.2.4 Land Disposition

Sale of land is not permitted, except for those situations described in the policy clarification tables (OMNR 2000).

No Land Use Permits (LUPs) exist within this conservation reserve for private recreation camps. New leases or LUPs may be issued for approved public uses (ie. not for private recreation camps), subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures. These leases/permits will not be sold but may be eligible for enhanced tenure or transfer.

Enhanced tenure is defined as anything beyond the term and form of current tenure. All requests for transfer or enhanced tenure will be subject to the following screening criteria:

  • Is the transfer or enhanced tenure consistent with the conservation reserve’s land use intent, which is the protection and enhancement of the site’s natural, recreational and cultural values?
  • Is it consistent with the land disposition policies outlined in the District Land Use Guidelines, the Crown Land Use Atlas, this SCI and any other applicable document?
  • Does it adversely affect the values as identified in Section 5.0, and/or conflict with other uses?
  • Is land needed by the Crown to protect significant natural or recreational values outlined in this SCI?
  • Does the transfer or enhanced tenure clash with traditional Aboriginal uses, land claims or agreements?
  • Are all rents, taxes, fees, rates or charges paid up for the existing LUP or lease?

6.3 Commercial Activities

6.3.1 Commercial Bait Harvesting

There are no waterbodies or streams within this conservation reserve. However, Day Township is currently allocated to one commercial bait harvesting operation. New operations can be considered subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures.

Under Public Lands Act PL 3.03.08 "Buildings for Bait Harvesting Management", cabins for the purposes of bait harvesting may be constructed on Crown land. However, such buildings should be avoided within this conservation reserve whenever possible and established on Crown land outside of the protected area.

6.3.2 Commercial Fishing

There are no waterbodies within this conservation reserve.

6.3.3 Commercial Fur Trapping

A portion of Registered Trapline Area BL 029 occurs within the boundary of this conservation reserve. This registered trapline area is currently allocated to a head trapper. If a head trapper surrenders a registered trapline, or the head trapper’s privileges are revoked, the registered trapline may be transferred to another trapper following established allocation procedures. If the registered trapline is not transferred in due course, or remains unallocated for a significant period of time, reallocation of the trapline may occur following applicable district screening processes.

The establishment of new trapline trails will be considered following the procedure and criteria for new trails as outlined in Section No trap cabins currently exist within Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. The establishment of new trap cabins will not be permitted.

6.3.4 Bear Management Areas

A portion of Bear Management Area (BMA) BL 37 033 occurs within the boundary of this conservation reserve. Guided hunting activities associated with a BMA may continue within this conservation reserve. Transfer of the BMA within this conservation reserve may be permitted in cases where the current operator sells their bear hunting business to another operator and the BMA transfer is approved. If an operator surrenders the BMA or the BMA is revoked, reallocation of the BMA may occur following applicable district screening processes.

6.3.5 Commercial Food Collection

There are currently no existing commercial food harvesting ventures. Any new ventures requiring permits from the Ministry of Natural Resource will be subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures.

6.3.6 Commercial Non-Timber Forest Products

Commercial harvesting of non-timber forest products is not consistent with the intent of the conservation reserve and will not be approved.

6.3.7 Outpost Camps/Main Base Lodges

There are currently no existing authorized outpost camps or main base lodges. New outpost camps and main base lodges may be considered through planning and will be subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures. The form of land tenure for these new uses will remain as a land use permit or lease. Sale of Crown land for new outpost camps or mainbase lodges will not be permitted.

6.4 Non-Commercial Activities

6.4.1 Nature Appreciation/Recreation Activities

Off-trail hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and other non-motorized activities will be permitted within this conservation reserve. However, should the impact of these activities degrade the landscape, the Ministry of Natural Resources will re-evaluate these permitted uses and decide upon a new strategy for this site. New trails to support these activities may be considered. Please refer to Section for more details related to trail development.

6.4.2 Camping

There are no maintained campsites or campgrounds within this conservation reserve. Crown land camping policies apply, unless significant adverse effects on protected values necessitate further planning and management for this activity. Existing campsites should be used where they exist and campers should avoid sensitive areas.

6.4.3 Non-Commercial Consumptive Resource Use

Cutting of trees for non-commercial purposes may be authorized via permit issued by the local Ministry of Natural Resources, subject to review and determination of the impact that such cutting would have on the values identified in Section 5.0. Such permits are intended only for leaseholders, Land Use Permit holders, cottagers and other property owners within the conservation reserve who do not have road access to their property and have no alternate wood source outside of the conservation reserve. This permit is intended to cover fuelwood, dock stringers, and other occasional small scale uses.

Non-commercial harvesting of non-timber forest products such as berries, mushrooms, sphagnum moss (Sphagnum spp.), and wild rice (Zizania sp. L.) can occur provided the values of the site, identified in Section 5.0, are not jeopardized.

6.4.4 Hunting and Fishing

Hunting is a traditional activity within this conservation reserve. In conjunction with current hunting regulations and conservation reserve policy, hunting is permitted to continue.

There are no waterbodies within this conservation reserve. Recreational fishing from the shore of the conservation reserve is permitted in compliance with current fishing regulations.

6.4.5 ATV and Snowmobile Use

No authorized snowmobile and/or ATV trails have been identified. Please refer to Section for more information on trails. In general, off-trail use of ATVs and snowmobiles is not permitted. However, off-trail use is permitted for licenced trappers to access their traplines and for licenced bait harvest operators to conduct bait harvest operations. Off-trail ATV and snowmobile use is also permitted for the direct retrieval of large game by hunters. In all cases, off-trail use is only permitted provided the protection of the site’s values is not compromised. Should the impact of off-trail ATV and snowmobile use degrade the landscape, the Ministry of Natural Resources will re-evaluate these permitted uses and determine a new strategy.

6.5 Resource Management Activities

Resource management activities refer to those tools used to protect and enhance the values of this conservation reserve. Some management activities may require the use of intrusive techniques. Under normal circumstances, some of these techniques would not be permitted to occur in the conservation reserve; however, if they are found to be necessary, they may be applied under controlled conditions, to achieve a desired result. Infrastructure such as roads, trails, and buildings may need to be constructed to preform activities such as prescribed burns, forest regeneration, wildfire control, and insect and disease control. Activities described in this section will be deemed acceptable if the ultimate outcome is in compliance with the management intent for this conservation reserve.

6.5.1 Insect and Disease Control

This conservation reserve will be maintained in as natural a state as possible. Insect and disease control measures should only be considered if the identified values are significantly threatened and/or adjacent private lands are threatened.

6.5.2 Fire Management

The Ministry of Natural Resources recognizes fire as an essential process fundamental to the ecological integrity of conservation reserves. In accordance with existing conservation reserve policy (OMNR and the Forest Fire Management Strategy for Ontario, forest fire protection will be carried out as on surrounding lands.

Whenever feasible, the Ministry of Natural Resources' fire program will endeavor to use "light on the land" techniques, which do not unduly disturb the landscape, in this conservation reserve. Examples of light on the land techniques may include limiting the use of heavy equipment or limiting the number of trees felled during the fire response efforts.

Opportunities for prescribed burning to achieve ecological or resource management objectives may be considered. These management objectives will be developed with public consultation prior to any prescribed burning, and will be reflected in the document that provides fire management direction for this conservation reserve. Plans for any prescribed burning will be developed in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources Prescribed Burn Planning Manual (OMNR 1997a) and the Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.18).

6.5.3 Fish and Wildlife Management

New fish and wildlife management activities may be considered but will require the approval of a separate fish/wildlife management plan, which must be referenced in this SCIor an amendment made to this SCI to include specific management prescriptions. New wildlife management activities are also subject to the Test of Compatibly (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures. Fish management activities on Basswood Lake are not affected by this conservation reserve.

6.5.4 Vegetation Management

New vegetation management activities may be considered but will require the approval of a separate vegetation management plan, which must be referenced in this SCIor an amendment made to this SCIto include specific management prescriptions. New vegetation management activities are also subject to the Test of Compatibly (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures.

6.5.5 Forest Renewal

Preference will be given to natural regeneration after any disturbance in the conservation reserve. In some cases, regeneration may be artificially assisted when it is deemed appropriate to mitigate against human disturbances (e.g. illegal occupation and trespass).

6.6 Research

Scientific research is encouraged, by qualified individuals or institutions, that contributes to a better understanding of the natural and cultural values protected by this conservation reserve or that advances the protection, planning and management of these values. The Sault Ste. Marie District Planner should be contacted for information on research and/or monitoring opportunities within this conservation reserve. Proposals to conduct research should be directed to the Northshore Area Supervisor, Ministry of Natural Resources, Blind River Area Office, and will be subject to the Test of Compatibility (see Appendix B) and applicable Ministry of Natural Resources' policies and procedures. Any site that is disturbed during research activities is to be rehabilitated as closely as possible to its original condition. Collecting may only be permitted as part of an authorized research project, and may be subject to appropriate permits and conditions.

Existing Forest Resource Inventory surveys and approved resource monitoring activities are permitted to continue.

6.7 Marketing

No active marketing of this conservation reserve is anticipated.

6.8 First Nations

Traditional activities and Aboriginal rights, as defined in the Robinson-Huron Treaty and other applicable legislation, will not be affected within or by the boundaries of this conservation reserve.

Any First Nation land claims within this area will be addressed according to appropriate Ministry of Natural Resources' procedures. When possible, the Ministry of Natural Resources will work with the Ontario Ministry of Culture to identify archaeological sites to be protected.

7.0 Recommendations

7.1 Additions to the Reserve

The site’s small size, the fact that it is surrounded by private lands, and the lack of easily identifiable boundaries on the north and west side, may make it difficult to preserve the long-term integrity of this site. The addition of the parcel of Crown land located directly north of the hydro transmission corridor should be considered. Inclusion of this Crown land parcel would not only increase the size of the conservation reserve, but would also protect additional forest stands containing scattered red oak, the species which the conservation reserve was established to protect.

7.2 Future Needs and Considerations

The values protected by this site should be considered in land use management activities on adjacent properties to ensure sufficient protection of the site’s core values.

Table 3 highlights future needs and considerations for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve.

Table 3: Future needs and considerations for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve.

Future Needs/Considerations Details
Complete Life Science Inventory The Northeast Region should complete the final stage (fifth step) of the life science inventory. This stage of life science inventory includes an assessment of the site’s significance and contribution to the oarks and protected areas program.
Adjacent Property Owner Involvement Efforts should be made to work with landowners of adjacent private lands. Specific consideration should be given to protecting red oak stands that extend both east and west of the conservation reserve.
Boundary Marking The vectored boundaries of the conservation reserve should be marked to protect the site from adjacent land use activities.
Winter Recreational Inventory An attempt should be made to assess the level of winter use within the conservation reserve, including the presence or absence of snowmobiling, skiing, and snowshoeing.
Partnership Development Efforts should be made to work with partners (such as the Ontario Forest Research Institute (OFRI), Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology) to gather baseline data on this site to assist with future monitoring and inspection activities.
Funding Efforts should be made to obtain funding to support the above listed items, including monitoring, assessment, and inspection requirements for this site.

7.3 Monitoring

Periodic monitoring of human activities and/or their impacts within this conservation reserve will be conducted. A schedule for cursory field monitoring will be identified within the District’s annual compliance plan and an IFM (Integrated Field Monitoring) inspection report will be filed at the Sault Ste. Marie District Office. The Northshore Area Supervisor will oversee these activities. In addition, Conservation Officers will complete periodic compliance monitoring to ensure the protection mandate is maintained. If at any time human activities are deemed to be negatively impacting the protected features, the activities will be reviewed and measures taken to mitigate any disturbance.

Approved inventory, monitoring, assessment, or research activities that are compatible with protection objectives are encouraged. Any area that is disturbed during research activities is to be rehabilitated as closely as possible to its original condition. The Northshore Area Supervisor may apply additional conditions.

8.0 Implementation, Review and Revisions

8.1 Responsibility

The Blind River Area Office will be responsible for implementing the management policies and guidelines for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. The primary role will be to provide public information and compliance monitoring to ensure adherence to current policies and guidelines.

8.2 Review and Revisions

The Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve SCIwill be reviewed every five years by the District Planner to confirm and update the information in this document. Revisions to this document will be subject to requirements as specified in the Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.18). If changes in management direction are needed at any time, the significance of the changes will be evaluated. Minor amendments to the plan that do not alter the overall protection objectives may be considered and approved by the Area Supervisor without further public consultation. All minor amendments to the SCIwill be documented in Appendix F. In assessing major amendments, the need for a more detailed Resource Management Plan (RMP) will first be considered. Where a RMP is not considered necessary or feasible, a major amendment to management direction may be considered with public consultation. Major amendments will be recommended by the District Manager and approved by the Regional Director, and will follow the appropriate guidelines (OMNR 2001b).

Literature Cited

Crins, W.J. and P.W.C. Uhlig. 2000. Ecoregions of Ontario: Modification to Angus Hills' Site Regions and Site Districts - Revisions and Rationale.

Hills, G.A. 1959. A Ready Reference for the Description of the Land of Ontario and its Productivity. Preliminary Report. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. Ontario.

Kristjansson, R. 2003. Draft Earth Science Inventory Checklist for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. Unpublished Information. Peterborough Main Office. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Latulippe, T. and M. Hall. 2003. Recreation Inventory for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve. Unpublished information. Sault Ste. Marie District Office. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Nicholson, J., B. Burkhardt, L. King and S. Longyear. 2003. Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve Life Science Checksheet - Step 2. Unpublished Information. Northeast Regional Planning Unit. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Ministry of Culture (MC). 1997. Conserving a Future for Our Past: Archeology Land Use Planning and Development in Ontario, Section 3.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resource. 1997a. Conservation Reserves. Lands and Waters Branch Policy. Public Lands Act, PL 3.03.05. Date Issued: February 11, 1997.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1997b. Prescribed Burn Planning Manual. AFFMB Publication No. 313. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1999. Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy. Queen’s Printer for Ontario: Ontario, Canada.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2000. Conservation Reserve Policy-As Amended by the Ontario Living Legacy Land Use Strategy. Unpublished document. September 2000.

Ontario Ministry Natural Resources, 2001a. Forest Information Manual. Queen’s Printer for Ontario: Toronto, Ontario.

Ontario Ministry Natural Resources, 2001b. Procedures for the Amendment of Ministry of Natural Resources Land Use Direction. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Ontario Ministry Natural Resources. 2002. Buildings for Bait Harvesting Management. Public Lands Act, PL 3.03.08.

R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.18. Environmental Assessment Act. [Accessed: September 15, 2003] http:/ wwww .on .ca/DBLaws/Statutes/Engl ish/90e 18_e. htm.

R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.14. Mining Act. [Accessed: September 15, 2003] http://www.e­

Thompson, J. 2001. Northeast Region Guidelines on the Planning Process for Conservation Reserves: Statements of Conservation Interest and Resource Management Plan. Unpublished information. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Appendix A: Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve Maps

Map 1: Recreational Values for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve

Map of Recreational Values for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve

Map 2: Species CompositionMap for Basswood Lake ConservationReserve

map of Species Composition Map for Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve

Appendix B: Test of Compatibility

Test of Compatibility

The Conservation Reserve policy provides broad direction with regard to the permitted uses. The policy provides onlv an indication of the variety of uses that will be considered acceptable in conservation reserves. Any new uses, and commercial activities associated with them, will be considered on a case by case basis, and, subject to the following test of compatibility. To ensure a standard screening process is followed, reviews of all current and new activities will be subject to the screening criteria as specified by the Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1900, Chapter E.18).

The following outlines the two steps involved in performing a Test of Compatibility. An assessment of current activities would only follow step two, which focuses on the impacts. An assessment of any new activity would consider the impact of the activity and its conformity to the SCI/RMP.

  1. Conformity to SCI/RMP:


    describe values for which an area has been set aside and the range of appropriate uses that will be permitted in the area. SCI may also speak to the acceptability of other 'new' uses currently not occurring in the area.

    The first 'test' is: "do proposed new land uses and/or commercial activities conform to the direction of the SCI/RMP for the conservation reserve? Would the new use(s) depart from the spirit of appropriate indicator land uses in the SCI/RMP?"

  1. Impact Assessment:

    If the proposed use(s) pass test 1 it is important to determine their impact on the area before they are approved. This should include the following:

  • Impact on natural heritage values: "will the new use(s) impact any natural values in the area? If so how and to what degree? Is it tolerable?"
  • Impact on cultural values: "will the new use(s) impact an historical or archaeological values in the area?"
  • Impact on research activities: "will the new use(s) affect research activities in the area?"
  • Impact on current uses: "will the new use(s) have any negative impact on the array of current uses?"
  • Impact on area administration: "will the new use(s) increase administrative costs and/or complexity?" (For example, the cost of area monitoring, security and enforcement).
  • Impact on accommodating the use outside the conservation reserve: "Could the use(s) be accommodated as well or better outside the conservation reserve?"
  • Impact on socio-economics of the area: "will the new use(s) affect the community(ies) surrounding the area in a positive or negative way?" (For example, will the new use make an area less remote thereby affecting a local tourism industry that is dependent on the area’s remoteness for its appeal?"
  • Impact on area accessibility: "does the new use(s) give someone exclusive rights to the area or a portion of the area to the exclusion of other existing uses?"

Appendix C: Summary of Permitted Uses

For the most recent version of this policy report, please refer to the Crown Land Use Atlas located on the internet at, or contact your local Ministry of Natural Resources Office.

Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario

Crown Land Use Atlas-Policy Report

Policy Report Edit Request Form


ID: C257
Area Name: Basswood Lake
Area (ha): 149
Designation: Conservation Reserve (Ontario’s Living Legacy)
District(s): Sault Ste. Marie


This conservation reserve, in Site District SE-1 provides representation of red oak in a system of deep gullies flanked by bedrock uplands. This site is of high diversity due to the varied landforms including valleys, bedrock uplands, lake shoreline and numerous vegetation types. The forests include red oak, white pine, trembling aspen, white birch and sugar maple.

Basswood Lake was regulated as a conservation reserve on December 7, 2002.

Land Use Intent:

Management of this area is also governed by the general policies contained in the Land Use Strategy (1999).

Management  Direction:

Those uses and management activities not listed in the following table are governed by existing conservation reserve policy. Over time the management direction will be elaborated in a Statement of Conservation Interest or Resource Management Plan. Any new uses, and commercial activities associated with conservation reserves, will be considered on a case by case basis, and they must pass a test of compatibility to be acceptable. Compatibility is normally determined through a planning process.

Commercial Activities


Activity Permitted Guidelines
Aggregate Extraction
Bait Fishing
Existing: Yes Existing use permitted to continue, unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. New operations can be considered, subject to the "test of compatibility"
New: Maybe  
Commercial Fishing    
Existing: Yes Existing use permitted to continue, unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. New operations can be considered, subject to the "test of compatibility".
New: Maybe  
Commercial Fur
Existing: Yes  
New: Maybe Existing use permitted to continue, unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. Existing trap cabins can continue; new cabins are not permitted. New operations can be considered, subject to the "test of compatibility".
Commercial Hydro No  
Commercial Timber
Commercial Tourism    
Existing: Yes  
New: Maybe Existing authorized facilities can continue, unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. New tourism facilities can be considered during the planning for an individual reserve.
Bear Hunting by Non­ residents (guided)    
Existing: Yes Existing authorized operations permitted to continue. New operations not permitted.
New: Maybe  
Outfitting Services    
Existing: Yes Existing authorized operations permitted to continue. New operations can be considered during the planning for an individual reserve.
New: No  
Outfitting Services    
Existing Yes Existing authorized operations permitted to continue. New operations can be considered during the planning for an individual reserve.
Outpost Camps    
Existing: Yes  
New: Maybe Existing authorized facilities permitted to continue. New facilities can be considered during the planning for an individual reserve.
Existing: Yes  
New: Maybe Existing authorized facilities permitted to continue. New facilities can be considered during the planning for an individual reserve.
Boat Caches (Managed) Energy Transmission and Communications Corridors    
Existing: Yes  
New: No These facilities should avoid conservation reserve lands wherever possible.
Food Harvesting (Commercial)    
Existing: Maybe  
New: Maybe  
Mineral Exploration and Development No  
Peat Extraction Wild Rice Harvesting No  
Existing: Yes  
New: Maybe  

Land and Resource Management Activities

Activity Permitted Guidelines
Crown Land Disposition    
Private Use: Maybe  
Commercial Use: Maybe Sale of lands is not permitted, except for minor dispositions in support of existing uses (e.g. reconstruction of a septic system). Renewals of existing leases and land use permits are permitted. Requests for transfer of tenure will be considered in the context of the Statement of Conservation Interest or Resource Management Plan. New leases or land use permits permitted for approved activities. Tourism facilities can apply to upgrade tenure from LUP to lease.
Fire Suppression Yes Fire suppression policies are similar to adjacent Crown lands, unless alternative fire policies have been developed through a planning process.
Fish Habitat Management Maybe  
Inventory/Monitoring Yes/Maybe  
Prescribed Burning Roads (Resource Access) Maybe  
Existing: Yes  
New: Maybe Existing roads can continue to be used. Continued use will include maintenance and may include future upgrading. New roads for resource extraction will not be permitted, with the exception of necessary access to existing forest reserves for mineral exploration and development.
Vegetation Management Maybe Conservation Reserves policy indicates that Featured Species Management and Natural Systems Management may be permitted. Vegetation management can be considered in a planning process.
Wildlife Population Management Maybe  

Science, Education and Heritage Appreciation

Activity Permitted Guidelines
Collecting No  
Historical Appreciation Yes  
Nature Appreciation Yes  
Photography and Painting Yes  
Research Yes  
Wildlife Viewing Yes  

Recreation Activities and Facilities

Activity Permitted Guidelines
All Terrain Vehicle Use    
On Trails: Yes  
Off Trails: No Existing use permitted to continue where it does not adversely affect the values being protected. ATV use off trails is not permitted except for direct retrieval of game.
Campgrounds Maybe  
Food Gathering Yes  
Horseback Riding(trail) Yes Existing use on trails permitted.
Hunting Yes  
Mountain Bike Use Yes Existing use on trails permitted.
Motor Boat Use    
Commercial: Yes  
Private: Yes  
Non-motorized Recreation Travel Yes  
Private Recreation Camps (Hunt Camps)    
Existing: Yes  
New: No Existing camps permitted to continue, and may be eligible for enhanced tenure, but not purchase of land.
Rock Climbing Snowmobiling Maybe  
On Trails: Yes  
Off Trails: Maybe Existing use permitted to continue where it does not adversely affect the values being protected. Snowmobile use off trails Is not permitted, except that snowmobiles may be used for direct retrieval of game.
Sport Fishing Trail Development Yes  
Existing: Maybe  
New:   Development of trails for a variety of activities (e.g. hiking, cross-country skiing, cycling, horseback riding, snowmobiling) can be considered as part of planning for an Individual reserve.

Note: The policies outlined in this table do not supersede any Aboriginal or treaty rights that may exist, or other legal obligations.

Management of this conservation reserve is carried out within the context of Conservation Reserve policy as amended by the policies for new conservation reserves outlined in the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy.

Source of Direction:

Ontario’s Living Legac,v Land Use Strategy (1999)

Conservation Reserves Policy (1997)

Blind River District Land Use Guidelines (1983)

Appendix D: Regulation Public Consultation Materials

64 Church Street
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 3H3


June 1, 2001

To:  Ontario  Living Legacy Stakeholders

Dear Sir/Madam:

On July 16, 1999, the Ontario Government released the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy, a broad land use approach to the planning and management of much of the Crown lands in central and parts of northern Ontario. A major part of the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy was a government commitment to the biggest expansion of provincial parks and conservation reserves in Ontario’s history. Ontario intends to add 378 new areas to its protected areas system. Ontario’s Living Legacy is a momentous achievement that will be recognized around the world as a significant contribution to sustaining our natural environment. A copy of the Land Use Strategy is available from our office upon request.

In accordance with the recommendations in the Land Use Strategy, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is now implementing the process of establishing these 378 new protected areas. The first step in this process is for the Ministry to consult on the boundaries of these areas. In the past two years, the MNR, Sault Ste. Marie District, has held boundary consultations on 29 sites within the District. To date, 16 ofthose sites have been regulated. At this time, Sault Ste. Marie District has prepared 9 more sites for boundary refinement consultation. In future years, the remaining recommended protected areas from the Land Use Strategy will be put forward for similar consultations.

As stated in the Land Use Strategy, the boundary refinement process will consider local ecological information and will attempt to establish regulated boundaries along features that can be identified on the ground. The boundary refinement process may result in modest increases or decreases in the sizes of the protected areas. Any existing commitments for the areas, which were considered during the land use planning process, will be considered in defming the fmal boundary.

Following is a list of the 9 sites in Sault Ste. Marie District scheduled for boundary consultation this year. One of these sites, P238 Mississagi River Provincial Park Addition, was put forward during last fall’s public consultation. The boundary for that site has since been modified, in part to incorporate public comments, as well as to better achieve the protection intended for this park. As a result of these modifications, we are asking again for public comment on the proposed boundary. The list of 9 sites includes both provincial parks and conservation reserves. The Land Use Strategy established the Ministry’s intent to add these Crown lands to Ontario’s protected areas system, following the extensive public consultation associated with Ontario’s Living Legacy and the Lands for Life land use planning initiatives between 1997 and 1999. The Ministry is inviting public comment on the proposed boundaries of these protected areas prior to their finalization and ultimate regulation under the Provincial Parks Act or the Public Lands Act.

PI91 - Mississagi Provincial Park Addition
P221 - Matinenda Provincial Park
P238- Mississagi River Provincial Park Addition
C257 - Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve
P261 - Little White River Provincial Park
P265- Blind River Waterway Provincial Park
C266- Galbraith Peatland Conservation Reserve
P269- North Channel Inshore Waterway Provincial Park
P319 - Aubinadong River Provincial Park

Your name and address have been included within a Ministry mailing list of persons potentially interested in these boundary consultations. The mailing list includes a range of individuals and groups, such as nearby landowners, resource users, persons with other rights or tenure (e.g. Land Use Permit, Mining Act rights), municipalities, and others who may have an interest in the area. Accompanying this letter, you will find background information (factsheets, maps) for the site(s) we have determined to be of interest to you. More detailed maps and information about the proposed boundaries for all 9 sites are available from this office, or from the Blind River Area Office (62 Queen Ave., Blind River, Ontario).

In the future and subject to the intended regulation of these areas as provincial parks and conservation reserves, Ontario Parks and the Ministry of Natural Resources will undertake a management planning process to determine the long-term management of these protected areas. Depending upon the complexity of issues related to the provincial parks, management planning may take the form of a simple Interim Management Statement or a more detailed Park Management Plan. In the case of planning for conservation reserves, a simple Statement of Conservation Interest or a more detailed Resource Management Plan will result. Please let us know if you would like to be notified when planning begins. Planning, management and permitted uses within these provincial parks and conservation reserves will be consistent with the commitments ofthe Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy.

The Ministry is collecting comments and information regarding these proposed provincial park and conservation reserve boundary reviews under the authority of the Provincial Parks Act and the Public Lands Act respectively. These comments will assist the Ministry in making decisions and determining further public consultation needs. Comments and opinions will be kept on file and may be included in study documentation that is made available for public review. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1987), personal information will remain confidential unless prior consent is obtained. However, the Ministry may use this information as public input on other resource management surveys or projects. For further information regarding this Act, please contact Heather Barnes, Acting Information Management Supervisor, Ministry of Natural Resources, Sault Ste. Marie District Office at 705-949-1231.

If you would like to discuss the proposed boundaries and the protection of these areas under the Provincial Parks Act and/or the Public Lands Act, please contact:

Sheila Walsh, OLL Resource Planner, Sault Ste. Marie District MNR, 64 Church Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 3H3 (phone 705-949-1231 ext.215; fax 705-949-6450) or

Mark Austin, OLL Intern, Blind River Area Office MNR, 62 Queen Ave., Blind River, Ontario, POR 1BO (phone 705-356-2234 ext.228; fax 705-356-7441).

Further information on Ontario’s Living Legacy is available in our office or by visiting the Ministry’s internet website at All comments related to these proposed site boundaries must be received by June 30, 2001.

Thank you for your interest.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Mispei-Beyer
A/District Manager
Sault Ste. Marie District

Attachments- Provincial Park and/or Conservation Reserve Factsheet(s)
Proposed Site Boundary Map(s)
Key Map
Permitted Uses Table(s) for Provincial Parks and/or Conservation Reserves

Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve (C257) Fact Sheet

June 2001


On July 16, 1999, the Ontario Government released the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy to guide the planning and management of Crown lands in central and parts of northern Ontario. A major part ofthe Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy was a government intent to establish 378 new protected areas. This commitment marks the biggest expansion of provincial parks and conservation reserves in Ontario’s history.

The proposed Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is part of this significant expansion of Ontario’s protected areas system.

Size and Location

The Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is located approximately 16 km northeast ofThessalon in Day Township. The site is located along the northeastern shore of Basswood Lake, immediately west of a hydro transmission corridor. The total area of this conservation reserve is approximately 118 ha. It protects an area that has been recommended as provincially significant because of its uncommon red oak dominated communities and diverse landform conditions.

Area Highlights

The Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve is located within ecological site district SE-1, a 25-km deep band of land extending from Sault Ste. Marie to Spanish along the St. Mary’s River and Lake Huron shoreline. This site district is characterized along the coast by lacustrine plains interrupted by small bedrock knolls, and inland by bedrock-controlled, till-covered uplands. Natural vegetation communities that develop within this area combine species from both the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence and Boreal forest regions.

This site contains a red oak-dominated community which is considered uncommon in the site district. Furthermore it represents two different biophysiographic units: moderately broken sandy till uplands, and weakly broken lacustrine deltaic plain. The park contains valleys, bedrock uplands and lake shoreline, and is a small, relatively undisturbed site with a high level of diversity.

Basswood Lake has long been recognized as an important recreational area. Also known as Wakwekobi Lake, it has been stocked with various fish species, including lake trout, smallmouth bass and walleye, as early as 1936. Presently, the main fish species is lake trout; whitefish, smallmouth bass, walleye and brook trout are also found in Basswood Lake. This large lake, including the area of the conservation reserve, is surrounded by private land. Public road access to this conservation reserve does not exist, although Melwel Road, off of Highway 17, approaches the eastern boundary of the site.

Land Use Intent

Conservation reserves are areas of Crown land set aside by regulation under the Public Lands Act.

Conservation reserves complement provincial parks in protecting representative natural areas and special landscapes. Most recreational (e.g. hiking, skiing, tourism related uses, nature appreciation) and non-industrial (e.g. fur harvesting, commercial fishing and bait harvesting) activities that have traditionally been enjoyed in the area will continue, provided that these uses do not impact on the natural features needing protection. Hunting and fishing are also permitted within all new conservation reserves recommended through Ontario’s Living Legacy.

Commercial timber harvesting, mining, aggregate extraction and commercial hydroelectric development are prohibited in conservation reserves. Careful mineral exploration may occur in specific new conservation reserves proposed through Ontario’s Living Legacy, in areas that have provincially significant mineral potential. If a portion of a new conservation reserve is to be developed for a mine, it would be removed from the reserve, and appropriate replacement lands would be placed in regulation. Please refer to Table 4 from the Land Use Strategy for a detailed summary of permitted uses in conservation reserves.

 Next Steps

The Land Use Strategy established the Ministry’s intent to add these Crown lands to Ontario’s protected areas system, following the extensive public consultation associated with the Ontario’s Living Legacy and Lands for Life land use planning initiatives between 1997 and 1999. Prior to the finalization ofthe boundary of this conservation reserve proposed for regulation under the Public Lands Act, the Ministry is inviting public comment on the proposed boundary from all potentially affected stakeholders and First Nations. Boundary consultations will commence June 1, 2001.

In the interim, the area has been withdrawn and protected from resource extraction activities such as timber harvesting, hydroelectric development, aggregate extraction and new mineral exploration.

In the future and subject to the intended regulation of the area as a conservation reserve, the Ministry ofNatural Resources will prepare a long term management plan for this area. Depending upon the complexity of issues within this conservation reserve, management planning may take the form of a simple Statement of Conservation Interest or a more detailed Resource Management Plan. Please let us know if you would like to be notified when planning begins.

Planning, management and the uses permitted within this conservation reserve will be consistent with the commitments of the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy.

For More Information

For further information on the proposed Basswood Lake Conservation Reserve, please contact:

Sheila Walsh, OLL Resource Planner, Sault Ste. Marie District MNR (705-949-1231 ext.215) or Mark Austin, OLL Intern, Blind River Area Office MNR (705-356-2234 ext.228).

You may also visit the Ministry’s Internet website at for information about Ontario’s Living Legacy.

Appendix E: Amendments to the SCI

1 Site districts are areas characterized by physiographic similarities, and by the successional trends exhibited by the predominate vegetation types on those physiographic features (Hills 1959; Crins and Uhlig 2000).

2 Mixedwoods are defmed as follows: hardwood mixedwoods are stands dominated by hardwoods with Jess than 30 percent cover conifer in the main canopy; mixedwoods contain approximately equal percentages of conifer and hardwood trees; and true mixedwoods contain a 50:50 split between conifers and hardwoods (Nicholson et al. 2003).

3 Hardwood stands are defined as follows: pure hardwood stands contain 100 percent hardwood trees in the canopy; dominant hardwood stands contain less than 10 percent cover of conifers in the main canopy; and predominant hardwood stands contain less than 20 percent cover of conifers in the main canopy. (Nicholson et al. 2003).

4 Stocking is a qualitative measure of the density of tree cover in a forest stand. Stocking represents the density of forest stems based on average age, height, canopy closure, and species composition in a forest stand and is expressed as a percentage (OMNR 2001 a).

5 Disturbance rating is based on the percentage of the total area of the conservation reserve currently under some form of known disturbance. High rating indicates greater than 20% of area is currently under some form of disturbance, medium indicates 10 to 20% of area is currently under some form of disturbance, low indicates that less than 10% of area is disturbed. and pristine indicates that less than <1% ofthe area is disturbed (Nicholson et al. 2003).