

Prospective licensees can perform several functions in the Child Care Licensing System (CCLS). They can:

  • view the orientation video
  • create and update a profile
  • apply for licenses

Once an application is submitted, applicants can also:

  • check the status of an application
  • send updates
  • withdraw an application
  • add staff members and request staff director approval (once the licence application is assigned to a program advisor)

Once a licence has been issued, applicants, now called licensees use the system to:

  • renew licences
  • report serious occurrences
  • request staff director approval
  • ask for a licence revision if required

Before getting access to CCLS, a prospective licensee must register to use the software.

Using this guide

  • This guide includes instructions for individuals, corporations and First Nations. When required, different processes are noted by group
  • Window samples are used to provide a general point of reference and may not show all the fields in of a window. In addition, your window may not be exactly as shown in the example. Any data appearing in window samples is fictitious

Getting more information or assistance

For more information about child care licensing, contact your local Child Care Quality Assurance and Licensing office. See a list of offices.

For all other questions regarding registering and using the Child Care Licensing System, contact the Child Care Helpdesk:

Toll-free: 1-855-457-5478

Local: 416-314-6230

How to register

Important Note: You must complete this one-time process before you can apply for a licence .


Before you can start applying for a licence you must register to use the Child Care Licensing System. It is a one-time process that involves several steps. Be sure to follow the steps outlined below.

At the end of the process you will have the three things you require to access CCLS:

  1. ONe-key ID
  2. ONe-Key password

Step 1: Create your ONe-key account

ONe-key is a system used by the Government of Ontario to give external users secure access to government websites. Once you have a ONe-key user ID and password, you are able to access various sites in addition to the Child Care Portal.

The Sign In window appears Image of the Sign in window with fillable textboxes to enter a ONe-key ID and password on the right. The webpage also has links for information on ONe-key or to sign up for a One-key ID on the left.

Please note your window may look different.

  1. Open your browser
  2. Type the following address in the address area:
  3. Click Sign up now!. The ONe-key Account Registration window appears Image of the One-key Account Registration webpage with fillable textboxes to choose a One-key ID password. The webpage also confirms terms and conditions of use and notice of collection with a telephone number for assistance: 416-326-1234 (GTA) or 1-800-267-8097.
  4. Enter the ONe-key ID that you would like to use. Here are the guidelines:
    • 8 characters minimum
    • it cannot contain * \ + " or a space
  5. Enter the password that you would like to use. Here are the guidelines:
    • 8 characters minimum
    • 16 characters maximum
    • you must have both upper and lower-case characters
    • you must have at least one number (0-9)
    • you must have at least one symbol such as ! @ # $ % ^, etc.
    • your password cannot be the same as your ONe-key ID
  6. Record your ONe-key ID and password somewhere safe. You'll need them every time you log in to the Child Care Licensing System
  7. Click the Terms and Conditions of Use link
  8. Read the Terms and Conditions of Use. Click the X to close the window
  9. Click the Notice of Collection link
  10. Read the Notice of Collection. Click the X to close the window
  11. If you agree, click the acceptance checkbox. It should have a checkmark when you are done Image of the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions of use.
  12. Enter your three password recovery questions and answers. These questions will help you recover your password if you forget it
  13. Optional: Enter your email address in the Optional Recovery ID Info section. This information will allow ONe-key to email your login ID to you if required
  14. Click Sign up. After a few seconds, the Confirmation window appears Image of the Confirmation window that confirms ONe-key account registration and the One-key ID. There is also information on the One-key portal and a request that the page be printed as a record and stored in a secure manner. The image shows a red button to “continue” after the confirmation. There is a telephone number for assistance: 416-326-1234 (GTA) or 1-800-267-8097.
  15. Click Continue. The All Services from A to Z window appears Image of the All Services from A to Z window with links to enrol for service(s) access. It says that after completing enrolment the user can access the service from the My Services list.
  16. Click Child Care Licensing System. The following window appears

Image of the Child Care Licensing System window with a button on the left to ‘complete enrolment’ and a button on the right to ‘create a new account’. The description on the webpage says to click ‘complete enrolment’ if the user has received three emails from with enrolment information. The description says if the user is not a child care licensee to click ‘create new account’ or if the user is a child care licensee and did not receive the enrolment emails they should contact

You're done creating your ONe-key account!

Make note of your ONe-key ID and password then go on to the next step.

Step 2: Create your child care licensing system account

This window appears at the end of Step 1:

Image of the Child Care Licensing System window with a button on the left to ‘complete enrolment’ and a button on the right to ‘create a new account’. The description on the webpage says to click ‘complete enrolment’ if the user has received three emails from with enrolment information. The description says if the user is not a child care licensee to click ‘create new account’ or if the user is a child care licensee and did not receive the enrolment emails they should contact

Image of the register new user window with fillable textboxes for adding a new user including title, first name, last name, email, primary phone number and alternative phone number. At the bottom there are buttons to ‘exit’ or ‘save’.

  1. Click Create new account. The Register New User window appears
  2. Complete the information. A red asterisk* indicates that the information is mandatory.
  3. Click Save. The following window appears.

Image of the Child Care Licensing System with a button to ‘Login/ Register’. The window welcomes users to the portal and requests users to click the button go to the One-key login page.

The system sends you an email with your personal identification number (PIN). You will use your PIN to log in to the Child Care Licensing System.

Go on to Step 3.

Step 3:

1. Open your email from the Here is an example of what you'll find.

Image of an example email from Subject: Child care Licensing System. The body of the email explains that a one-time enrolment process must be completed and includes a ONe-key PIN. It says to save the PIN for future login. The email includes a link to the ONe-key portal and contact information for questions:
    Toll free: 1-855-457-5478

2. Record your personal identification number (PIN) somewhere safe. You will use it every time you log in to the Child Care Licensing System

Go on to Step 4.

Step 4: Go back to ONe-key

This window appears at the end of Step 2:

Image of the Child Care Licensing System with a button to “Login / Register”.

1. Click Login/Register. The ONe-key Sign in window appears.

Image of the Sign in window with fillable textboxes to enter a ONe-key ID and password on the right. The webpage also has links for information on ONe-key or to sign up for a One-key ID on the left.

2. Enter your ONe-key ID and password

3. Click Sign in. The My Services window appears

Image with the My Services window with a description that says that the user has access to the Child Care Licensing System (with link) and an explanation that additional services can be accessed using the menu on the left side of the screen.

4. Click Child Care Licensing System. The Confirm Your Identity window appears

Image of the Confirm Your Identity window with a fillable textbox for the user’s ONe-key PIN. A tip is included to see email #3. There are buttons at the bottom to ‘submit’, ‘clear’, or ‘cancel’.

5. Type the ONe-key PIN that was in your email

6. Click Submit. The Welcome window appears

Image of the Welcome to the Child Care Licensing System Window for a new user. At the top of the window there are tabs for ‘Home’, ‘Welcome (My Account)’ and ‘Log Out’. On the left there are tabs for ‘Licensee Orientation’, ‘CCEYA Licensing Standards Test’, ‘Tools and Resources’ and ‘Need Help?’

So far so good! The next step is to watch the Licensee orientation video.

Step 5: Watch the licensee orientation video

The Licensee orientation is an online video that answers many questions you may have about becoming a child care licensee. It explains the Child Care Early Year Act, 2014, the licensing requirements and walks you through the application process. The orientation must be viewed before you can continue.

The following window appears at the end of Step 4.

Image of the Declaration and Consent window with a checkbox to agree that the orientation module has been completed and to confirm the user is aware that the completion of the module will not result in the issuance of a licence to operate a child care centre or home child care agency. The webpage has a notice that it is an offence under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 to knowingly give false or misleading information.

  1. Click Licensee Orientation
  2. Watch the orientation video
    • • Use the Prev and Next buttons to go through the screens
      • The Menu link lists all the topics so you can see how you are progressing
      • The Glossary link displays definitions of terminology you will read in the orientation
      • The Resources link provides valuable links to relevant sites and documents
      • To read a transcript of the narrative click Transcript
  3. When you have finished watching the video click I have finished. The Declaration and Consent window appears.
  4. If you agree with the statement, click I agree
  5. Click Submit. A Confirmation window appears

Image of a window that confirms successful completion of the Orientation Module. It says if the user wishes to begin the application process, they should log out and the log back in to create a profile. There is a note that the module can be reviewed at any time.

Go on to Step 6.

Step 6: Log into CCLS

The following window appears at the end of step 5.

Image of a window that confirms successful completion of the Orientation Module. It says if the user wishes to begin the application process, they should log out and the log back in to create a profile. There is a note that the module can be reviewed at any time.

Image of the ONe-key -confirm logout window with a button to confirm logout of all ONe-key protected applications on the left and a button to go the ONe-key portal and stay logged in on the right.

Image of the My Services window with a description that says that the user has access to the Child Care Licensing System (with a link) and an explanation that additional services can be accessed using the menu on the left side of the screen.

Image of the authentication window to confirm identity with a fillable textbox for the user’s ONe-key PIN. A tip is included to see email #3. There are buttons at the bottom to ‘submit’, ‘clear’, or ‘cancel’.

  1. Click Log out. The Confirm Logout window appears.
  2. Click ONe-key Portal. The My Services window appears
  3. Click Child Care Licensing System. The authentication window appears
  4. Type your PIN (from your email)
  5. Click Submit. The following window appears. Now that you have watched the video, more options appear on the window. At this point however you cannot apply for a licence. There is still one more step

Image of the Child Care Licensing System window which includes sections titled ‘Drafts (Items not yet submitted to the ministry)’, ‘In process Items’, and ‘Ministry Actions’. Each section has sub headings such as ‘New Licence Applications’ and ‘Staff Director Approvals’. There are tabs on the left for ‘Licensee Orientation’, ‘Profile’, ‘New Licence Application’, ‘Staff Director Approval’, ‘Administration’, ‘CCEYA Licensing Standards Test’, ‘Tools and Resources’, and ‘Need Help?’

Go on to Step 7.

Step 7: Start your profile

The next step is to create your profile. The profile information required varies depending on whether you are applying as an individual, corporation or First Nation.

It is very important that you keep your profile up-to-date even after you complete your registration. Details can be found in the Reference Guide for Applicants and Licensees.

Note: A red asterisk* indicates mandatory information.

1. Click Profile.

2. Click Profile Information. The Applicant/Licensee Type window appears.

Image of the Applicant/Licensee Type window with checkboxes for preferred language of correspondence in either’ English’ or ‘French’ and Applicant/Licensee Type as either ‘Individual’, ‘Corporation’ or ‘First Nation’. At the bottom there are buttons to ‘exit’, ‘save’ or ‘save and next’.

3. Select the correspondence language you prefer

4. Select the type of applicant you are applying as:

Types of corporations include:

You must complete and submit an Initial Return to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) within 60 days after the date of incorporation.

If your corporation is carrying on business with a name different than the corporate name, you are required to register the business name with MGCS.

First Nation

The window expands automatically after you make your selection. The window that appears depends on the type of applicant you selected in the previous step.

Step 8: Enter your individual profile information

Note: If you are not applying as an individual, skip this step.

Image of the Applicant/Licensee Type window with fillable textboxes and checkboxes for individual profile information. Below there are checkboxes to fill out Police Record Check information as well as a link to upload the Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children form and the Offence Declaration Form. Below there is a table for uploading Police Record Check Documents. At the bottom there are buttons to ‘exit’, ‘save’ or ‘save and next’.

Step 9: Enter your corporation profile information

Note: If you are not applying as a corporation, skip this step.

Image of the Applicant/Licensee Type window with fillable textboxes and checkboxes for corporation profile information. There are also tables to fill in information about the director and officer. Below the tables there is a note about completing and submitting an Initial Return to the Ministry of Government and Consumer services within 60 days. At the bottom there are buttons to ‘exit’, ‘save’ or ‘save and next’

Image of the Applicant/Licensee Type window with fillable textboxes and checkboxes for corporation profile information. There are also tables to fill in information about the director and officer. Below the tables there is a note about completing and submitting an Initial Return to the Ministry of Government and Consumer services within 60 days. At the bottom there are buttons to ‘exit’, ‘save’ or ‘save and next’

(Your window may look different)

1. Complete the Applicant / Licensee Type

Tip: Click the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services link to go directly to their site to complete a return if required

2. Verify your entries. The following information will be locked once you save your entries:

3. Click Save. A warning appears

4. If the information you have added thus far is correct, click OK

5. Add the directors of the corporation: (Skip this step if you are a Consolidated Municipal Service System Manager / District Social Services Administration Board.)

Note: Directors can be added, updated and deactivated after the initial profile is created.

5.5 Upload the applicable document(s) to the Police Record Check Documents section.

Image of the Police Record Check window with checkboxes to fill out information. Below there is a link to upload the Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children form and the Offence Declaration Form. Below there is a table for uploading Police Record Check Documents. At the bottom of the page there is a button to ‘cancel’ or to ‘save’.

6. Add the officers of the corporation:

Note: Officers can be added, updated and deactivated after the initial profile is created.

Image of the Officer window with fillable textboxes and checkboxes for the Officer’s information. Officer window bottom

6.1 Click Add Officer>. The Officer window appears.

6.2 Enter the officer's information.

6.3. Depending on the type of organization you have selected, you may be required to enter Police Record Check information.

6.4. There are two forms that you can download, complete, and then upload to CCLS: Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children Form, and Office Declaration Form

6.5. Upload the applicable document(s) to the Police Record Check Documents section.

Image of the Police Record Check Documents window with checkboxes to fill out information. Below there is a link to upload the Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children form and the Offence Declaration Form. Below there is a table for uploading Police Record Check Documents. At the bottom of the page there is a button to ‘cancel’ or to ‘save’.

6.6 Click Save & Return. The person's name appears in the officer's list.

7. Click Next. The Applicant/Licensee Information window appears.

8. Continue to Step 11: Finish your Profile

Step 10: Enter your First Nation profile information

Image of the Applicant/Licensee Type window to enter First Nation profile information. There is a drop down menu to select the First Nation, fillable textboxes to add information about the child care manager and other First Nation members. At the bottom there is a button to ‘exit’, ‘save’, or ‘save and next’.

Note: If you are not applying as a First Nation, skip this step:

1. Select the First Nation

2. Verify your entries. The following information will be locked once you save your entries:

3. Click Save. A warning appears

4. If the information you have added thus far is correct, click OK

5. Add First Nation members:

Note: In order to complete and save the initial profile, there must be a First Nation member record having the role of “Chief”. First Nation members can be added, updated and deactivated after the initial profile is created.

6. Add Child Care manager members:


Image of the Manager window with fillable textboxes and checkboxes to add information about the Manager such as name, start date, address, telephone number and whether the manager has signing authority and is a Registered Early Childhood Educator.

(Partial window sample only)

Image of the Police Record Check Documents window with checkboxes to fill out information. Below there is a link to upload the Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children Form and the Offence Declaration Form. Below there is a table for uploading Police Record Check Documents. At the bottom of the page there is a button to ‘cancel’ or to ‘save’.

Image of the Police Record Check Documents Table. The column on the left has a list of document types, middle columns include information about dates and status and the column on the right has a link to upload the document. At the bottom there is a button to ‘cancel’ or ‘save’.

Image of the Attachments window with a fillable box for ‘Date Police Record Check Performed’. The submission date will be populated and a “Browse” button to upload the file is displayed. There is also a fillable textbox for comments to the ministry as well as for comments from the ministry, including the date the comment was submitted and by whom. At the bottom there is a button to ‘cancel’ or ‘save and return’.

(The window may look different depending on the document selected.)

Step 11: Finish your profile

Image of the Applicant/Licensee Information Window with fillable textboxes for the applicant/licensees information and mailing address. At the bottom there is a button to go to ‘previous’, ‘exit’, or ‘save’.

(Your window may look a bit different.)

"You have successfully created your profile. You can proceed to apply for a licence by clicking on "Apply for a New Licence” under "New License Application" now or the next time you log on."

You're done! Remember to store your ONe-key login, password and PIN somewhere safe. You'll need all three each time you log in.

You can now apply for a licence. The Reference Guide for Applicants/ Licensees contains step-by-step information about how to submit a licence application and more.


    • Individual:
      • An individual holds the licence personally under their own name
      • He/she is personally responsible for operation of the child care centre
      • You must register a business name with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services if the child care centre/home child care agency is operated with a name that is different than the individual's name
    • Corporation: a corporation is a business type that:
      • is incorporated either provincially or federally
      • may be For Profit or Non-Profit
    • consolidated municipal service system manager (CMSM) and district social services administration boards (DSSAB)
    • publicly-funded school board
    • hospital/health facility (operated by a Board of Governors of a hospital or children's treatment centre)
    • college/university
    • churches / religious group
    • other
    • You must meet the definition of First Nation as set out in the Indian Act (Canada)
    • You must meet the requirements set out by the First Nation

    1. Complete / edit the information


    2. Verify your entries. The following information will be locked once you save your entries:
    • Applicant / Licensee Type
    • First Name
    • Last Name

    3. Click Save. A warning appears

    4. If the information you have added thus far is correct, click OK

    5. There are two forms that you can download, complete, and then upload to CCLS: Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children Form, and Office Declaration Form

    6. Scroll down to the Police Record Check Documents section then upload the police record check document(s):

    (Note: If this section is not on your screen, click Profile Information.)

    Image of the Police Record Check Documents section with checkboxes to fill out Police Record Check information. Below there is a link to upload the Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children form and the Offence Declaration Form. Below there is a table for uploading Police Record Check Documents. At the bottom of the page there is a button to ‘cancel’ or to ‘save’.

    7. Click Next. The Applicant/Licensee Information window appears

    8. Continue to Step 11: Finish your Profile

    • 1. Click the applicable button. A PDF copy of the form appears.

      2. Complete the form.

      3. Save the form. Make note of the form name and the location of the form.

      4. Close the form.

      1. Click Upload Document>. The Attachments window appears.

      Attachments window

      (The window may look different depending on the document selected.)

      2. Select / enter the date.

      3. Click Browse.

      4. Select the document then click Open.

      5. You may wish to add a comment to the ministry in the provided text box.

      6. Click Save & Return. The document appears in the list.

    • Applicant / Licensee Type
    • Corporation Number
    • Corporation Name
    • Is the corporation a co-cooperative corporation?
    • Is the corporation (For-Profit/Non-Profit)

    5.1 Click Add director. The Officer window appears.

    Image of the Director window with fillable textboxes and checkboxes to fill out the Director’s information.

    Image of the Director window with checkboxes to fill out Police Record Check information. Below there is a link to upload the Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children form and the Offence Declaration Form. Below there is a table for uploading Police Record Check Documents. At the bottom of the page there is a button to ‘cancel’ or to ‘save’.

    (Your window may look different depending on your corporation type (school board, health facility, etc)

    5.2 Enter the director's information.

    5.3 Depending on the type of organization you have selected, you may be required to enter Police Record Check information.

    5.4 There are two forms that you can download, complete, and then upload to CCLS: Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children Form, and Office Declaration Form.

    • 5.4.1 Click the applicable button. A PDF copy of the form appears.

      5.4.2 Complete the form.

      5.4.3 Save the form. Make note of the file form name and location of the form.

      5.4.4 Close the form.

    5.5.1 Click Upload Document>. The Attachments window appears.

    Image of the Attachments window. At the top there are checkboxes to fill out Police Record check information. Below there is a link to upload the Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children form and the Offence Declaration Form. Below there is a table for uploading Police Record Check Documents. At the bottom of the page there is a button to ‘cancel’ or to ‘save’.

    (The window may look different depending on the document selected.)

    5.5.2 Select / enter the date.

    5.5.3 Click Browse. A list of files appears.

    5.5.4 Select the document then click Open.

    5.5.5 You may wish to add Add a comment to the provided text box.

    5.5.6 Click Save & Return. The document appears in the list.

    5.6 Click Save & Return. The person's name appears in the officer's list.

    6.4.1. Click the applicable button. A PDF copy of the form appears.

    6.4.2. Complete the form.

    6.4.3. Save the form. Make note of the file form name and location of the form.

    6.4.4. Close the form.

    6.5.1 Click Upload Document>. The Attachments window appears.

    Image of the Attachments window with a fillable box for ‘Date Police Record Check Performed’. The submission date will be populated and a “Browse” button to upload the file is displayed. There is also a fillable textbox for comments to the ministry as well as for comments from the ministry, including the date the comment was submitted and by whom. At the bottom there is a button to ‘cancel’ or ‘save and return’.

    (The window may look different depending on the document selected.)

    6.5.2 Select / enter the date.

    6.5.3 Click Browse. A list of files appears.

    6.5.4 Select the document then click Open.

    6.5.5 You may wish to enter a comment to the ministry in the provided text box.

    6.5.6 Click Save & Return. The document appears in the list.

    • Applicant / Licensee Type
    • Name of First Nation


    1. Enter the First Nation member's information directly in the table.

    2. Click Add First Nation Member. A warning message appears.

    3. Click OK to continue. The person's name appears in the First Nation Member list.

    1. Click Add Manager. The Manager page appears.

    2. Enter the Child Care Manager information

    3. Scroll down to the Police Record Check

    4. Answer the Police Record Check questions.

    5. There are two forms that you download open, complete, and then upload to CCLS: Written Confirmation for Non-Interaction with Children Form, and Office Declaration Form.

    • 1. Click the applicable button. A PDF copy of the form appears.

      2. Complete the form.

      3. Save the form. Make note of the form name and the location of the form.

      4. Close the form.

    • 6. Upload the applicable documents(s) to the Police Record Check Documents table:

    1. Click Upload Document>. The Attachments window appears.

    2. Select / enter the date.

    3. Click Browse. A list of files appears.

    4. Select the document then click Open.

    5. You may wish to add a comment to the ministry in the provided text box.

    6. Click Save & Return.

    7. Click Save & Return. The person's name appears in the Child Care Manager list.

    8. Click Next. The Applicant/Licensee Information window appears.

    9. Continue to Step 11: Finish your Profile below.

    1. The Applicant/Licensee Information window should be on your screen after the previous step.

    2. Enter the information

    3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears