2024 update

The Class environmental assessment for GO Transit has been revoked as it is no longer needed.

GO Transit (Metrolinx) follows the Transit and Rail Project Assessment Process  under Ontario Regulation 231/08 for its projects, where applicable.

Learn more on the Environmental Registry.

Project summary

This class environmental assessment establishes a planning and approval process for a variety of projects that are carried out by GO Transit.


GO Transit


Greater Toronto Area



Reference number

9917; 04008


Environmental Assessment Branch

Project history

Class environmental assessment—Revoked
Decision date:  February 22, 2024

Class environmental assessment—amendment (2005): approved
Expiry of public comment period: May 25, 2005
Decision date: August 8, 2005

Class environmental assessment—amendment (2003): approved
Expiry of public comment period: April 4, 2003
Decision date: December 3, 2003

Class environmental assessment (1995): approved
Expiry of public comment period: December 25, 1992
Decision date: December 13, 1995

Class environmental assessment—amendment (2005)

The GO Transit class environmental assessment (class EA) was approved in December 2003. It allows GO Transit to carry out a pre-determined range of undertakings, without individual approvals under the Environmental Assessment Act, provided that the requirements of the class EA process are met. Non-administrative amendments to the class EA are required to follow the amending procedures as outlined in the approved class EA. A Minister’s approval is required for these types of amendments.

On January 27, 2005, GO Transit requested the following two amendments to the class EA:

  1. switch new maintenance or storage yards for bus service from Group C to Group B
  2. remove the reference to Part II Order requests from the initial project overview letters

A notice of amendment was posted in the Toronto Star by GO Transit on April 7, 2005. The public had 45 days to comment on the proposed amendments. The comment period expired on May 24, 2005. No concerns were raised by the public or the ministry review.

The Minister approved the amendments to the class EA on August 8, 2005.

Class environmental assessment—amendment (2003)

On February 10, 2003, GO Transit formally submitted proposed amendments to its class environmental assessment document (1995) to the Minister of the Environment, along with a request to renew its class EA for a five-year period.

The types of projects covered by the class EA include:

  • construction of new commuter rail stations, bus terminals, or storage yards
  • expansions of existing commuter rail stations, bus terminals, storage and maintenance facilities, or yards
  • extensions to existing rail routes
  • rail infrastructure improvements

GO Transit’s proposed amendments are intended to clarify ambiguous areas of the document, improve the project planning and design process, and respond to new procedures as prescribed by reform to provincial and federal legislation.

As required by the class EA, on February 18, 2003, a notice of proposed amendment was issued to notify the public and relevant government agencies of the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed amendments. The 45-day review period for the proposed amendments to the class EA expired on April 4, 2003. No comments were received from the public during the review period, however, several government agencies submitted comments.

The majority of the comments were administrative in nature. For example, the government agencies requested updates to:

  • their contact information
  • the timing and rationale for consultation
  • the list of guidelines, policies and legislation which they administer

GO Transit further amended its class EA to reflect the comments received from government agencies, and submitted a final draft of the class EA on October 21, 2003.

On December 3, 2003, the Minister approved the proposed amendments to the class EA.

In keeping with current ministry practice, the class EA does not have an expiry date. GO Transit will be required to undertake a review of the class EA every five years. The review will ensure that the class EA still complies with legislative requirements and planning practices, and continues to satisfy the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. Any necessary revisions to the class EA will be made using the amending procedure described in the class EA.

The amended class EA will take effect on February 2, 2004. Until that date, the 1995 class EA, which was set to expire on December 13, 2003, is still in effect.

Notice of approval

Proponent: GO Transit
EA File No.: GT-AA-03

Take notice that the amendments proposed by GO Transit in the “Draft Final October 2003” version of its Class Environmental Assessment Document have been approved.

Having considered the submissions received, I hereby issue this Notice of Approval, subject to conditions set out below.


  1. For the purposes of these conditions:
    1. “proponent” refers to GO Transit;
    2. MOE” refers to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment;
    3. EAAB” refers to the Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch of MOE;
    4. “Director” refers to the Director of EAAB; and
    5. “Class EA” refers to the Class Environmental Assessment Document (Draft Final October 2003).
General conditions
  1. This Class EA will replace the GO Transit Class Environmental Assessment Document, approved pursuant to Order-in-Council no. 2316/95, under the Environmental Assessment Act.
  2. The proponent shall comply with all the provisions of the Class EA submitted to MOE which are hereby incorporated in this approval by reference except as provided in these conditions and as provided in any other approvals or permits that may be issued.
  3. These conditions do not prevent more restrictive conditions being imposed under other statutes.
Public record
  1. Where a document is required for the Public Record, the proponent shall provide the document to the Director for filing within the specific Public Record file maintained for the undertaking. The proponent shall provide copies of all documents for the purpose of public review to:

    1. the Director of MOE Central Region;
    2. the Director of MOE West Central Region; and
    3. the Director of MOE Southwest Region

    These documents may also be provided through other means as considered appropriate by the proponent.

Monitoring and reporting
  1. The five-year review of the Class EA, as referred to in Appendix I of the Class EA, shall commence on the fifth anniversary of the date this Class EA is approved, and every five years thereafter, until such time as is otherwise indicated in writing by the Director to the proponent. Each review shall be submitted to the Director for placement in the Public Record within 90 days of the commencement of the review.
Amending procedure
  1. The amending procedure for modifying the Class EA referred to in Appendix I of the Class EA may be used by the proponent until:
    1. A regulation is made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council prescribing rules and restrictions under subsection 11.4(4) of the Environmental Assessment Act for amending this Class EA; and
    2. The Minister of the Environment has issued a notice to GO Transit and filed a copy of it in the Public Record for this Class EA prescribing which of the procedures under the regulation shall apply in place of, or in addition to, the procedures set out in Appendix I and which procedures in Appendix I shall cease to apply.
Other conditions
  1. GO Transit shall make minor editorial changes to the Class EA, which are incorporated herein by reference and contained in the letter from GO Transit to EAAB, dated November 6, 2003.
  2. GO Transit shall make the following changes to the Class EA to reflect comments submitted by government reviewers:
    1. On page D-38 and D-39, third column, change In rural areas to In prime agricultural areas;
    2. On page D-38, fourth column, remove Topsoil Prevention Act and Food Land Guidelines. Add Municipal Act, Line Fences Act and Nutrient Management Act;
    3. On page F-1, add Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement to the second column in the row for Local Area Municipalities;
    4. On page F-2, 151 column, under Ministry of Agriculture and Food, replace Land Use Planning Branch with Resources Management, Agricultural Land Use; and
    5. On pages G-4 and G-7 remove the references to Part II Order requests.
  3. GO Transit shall ensure that the Class EA uses the most up-to-date provincial ministry names.
  4. GO Transit shall revise the Class EA to reflect the requirements of conditions 8 through 10. Thirty (30) copies of the revised Class EA shall be submitted to EAAB no later than 60 days from the date of this Notice for placement in the Public Record and for use by MOE staff. The revised Class EA will replace the GO Transit Class Environmental Assessment Document, 1995 and will be followed by GO Transit 60 days from the date of this approval.

Dated the 3rd day of December, 2003 at Toronto.

Original signed by:
Minister of the Environment
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 12th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1P5