
We put rules in place and provide resources for school boards so that students, staff, parents and community members feel safe and accepted at school.

School boards can find all policies related to safe and accepting schools, community safety, bullying and discipline on this page. Boards can also find resources and tools to help guide them as they follow these policies.

Safe and accepting schools policies

School boards must follow all of these policies to create safe and accepting schools.

Promote positive school climates

School boards should use these resources to help keep students, parents, staff and community members feeling safe, included and accepted.

Promote school and community safety 

School boards must use these policies to help keep students safe in school and in the community.

Bullying prevention and intervention

School boards should use these strategies to prevent and address incidents of bullying at school and to foster a positive learning environment.

Progressive discipline

School boards must promote positive student behaviours and address inappropriate behaviours that occur at school, at a school-related activity or in any other circumstances where the student's behaviour has an impact on the school climate.

Suspensions and expulsions

Find policies for school boards and Ontario statistics on suspensions and expulsions

Resources for students and parents

School boards can help parents and guardians find information and resources to learn about creating safe, inclusive and accepting school environments where everyone — students, parents, staff and the community — feels welcome, safe and respected. 

School boards can share these resources with parents and guardians using ontario.ca/SafeSchools.

There’s information on topics like:

  • how to recognize and stop bullying
  • Ontario’s code of conduct
  • rules for disciplinary action, including suspensions and expulsions