
Second review of the customer service standards

In summer 2023, the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility established the Customer Service Standards Development Committee to undertake an evidence-based and focused review of the province’s customer service standards and assess if changes are needed to the general requirements in Ontario Regulation 191/11 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

This committee is expected to begin work on its review of the existing standards in fall 2023.

First review of the customer service standards

In 2013, the Minister Responsible for Accessibility established the Customer Service Standards Development Committee, a group of representatives from various sectors, including business, municipalities and people with disabilities, to make recommendations on existing customer service standards.

As a result, there were:

List of members and representation

The following is a full list of the second review committee members, including the organization or sector they are representing. Committee membership may be subject to change.

Voting members

  • Jeff Adams (Chair), lawyer and disability advocate
  • Doug Earle, West Park Healthcare Centre Foundation
  • Raj Chopra, disability community representative
  • Kay Matthews, Ontario Business Improvement Area Association
  • Louie DiPalma, Ontario Chamber of Commerce
  • Lois Davies, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (York Region)
  • Julia Hudson, Canadian Hearing Services (CHS)
  • Tracey McKenzie, Rural Ontario Municipal Association
  • Brian Buchan, Human Resources Professionals Association
  • Fatima Finnegan, Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association
  • Maryann Istiloglu, Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals
  • Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, City of Ottawa
  • Peter Athanasopoulos, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
  • Chris O’Brien, OLG
  • Jennifer Cowan, Scotiabank
  • Don Halpert, disability community representative
  • Jacqueline Silvera, University Health Network (UHN)
  • Jason Mitschele, Public Prosecution Service of Canada
  • Azhar Karim, DEEN Support Services

Non-voting members

  • Amanda McHugh, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
  • Dale Wolfries, Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery 
  • Glenn Brunetti, Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery
  • Tom Kaszas, Ministry of Red Tape Reduction  

Scope and timelines

The second review scope and timelines

A Standards Development Committee will undertake a review of the customer service standards, as prescribed in Section 9 of the AODA and summarized as follows:

  1. Re-examine the long-range objectives of the standards.
  2. If required, revise the measures, policies, practices, and requirements to be implemented on or before January 1, 2025, and the timeframe for their implementation.
  3. Develop initial recommendations for public comment on changes to the standards.
  4. Consider public feedback and make final recommendations to the minister for a proposed accessibility standards.

The minister has requested the committee to undertake an evidence-based review of the customer service standards, with a focus on requirements that were amended or created in 2016, as well as assess whether changes are needed to the General Requirements under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) (Part I).

The committee’s work will carefully consider, among other resources, the feedback and research gathered by the ministry regarding challenges and gaps in the IASR’s customer service standards and General Requirements, such as user experiences for persons with disabilities and implementation issues for obligated sectors. The committee may also leverage the expertise of its members and work collaboratively to identify priority areas for further committee discussion.

The committee has been encouraged to consider all possible solutions and tactics, including recommendations on practical non-regulatory measures to remove or prevent barriers, such as recommendations related to public information and awareness or programs that could complement a potential updated or new regulation.

They may also decide to establish technical sub-committees with representation from experts in the field to support committee discussions and the development of its recommendations.

Guidelines for recommendations

  • Review the long-term accessibility objectives of the standards and include a proposed timeframe for implementation of your recommendations.
  • Ensure that any recommendations the committee makes are cost-effective and make use of clear and straightforward language.
  • Respect and be complementary to the principles, purpose and requirements of the AODA, and support the purpose of the AODA, taking into account:
    • the range of disabilities that the measures, policies, practices and requirements are intended to address
    • the nature of the barriers that the measures, policies, practices and requirements are intended to identify, remove and prevent
    • any technical and fiscal considerations/impacts that may be associated with their implementation (such as for obligated organizations, sectors and the province more broadly)
  • Focus efforts on removing and preventing barriers both now and in the future.
  • Consider existing Ontario legislative and regulatory frameworks, as well as measures and supports that already exist in the sector.
  • Consider inter-jurisdictional best practices and innovative solutions, keeping in mind the context of Ontario’s current regulatory framework.
  • Consider fiscal implications and feasibility for the sector to comply.
  • Consider the “enforceability” of the requirements to support compliance and enforcement of the proposed Standards.
  • Where appropriate, reflect national and international standards, legislation, regulation, codes and best practices in Ontario, other provinces, Canada and internationally, in the area of accessibility.

Throughout the process, the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council (ASAC) sitting on the committee should keep ASAC informed of the committee’s progress.

Key deliverables and timelines

The committee will complete the following key deliverables within the specified timelines:

  • Meetings — the committee will meet virtually on a schedule to be identified in the agreed-upon workplan. Note: the ministry will continue to monitor public health guidelines with respect to COVID restrictions on in-person meetings. Per diems are provided at the discretion of the minister.
  • Committee work plan — the committee will prepare and provide to the minister a draft work plan early in the development of its recommendations. The work plan will outline key milestones, activities and timelines to achieve the deliverables described in this letter.
  • Proposed recommendations for the IASR’s customer service standards and General Requirements — within six months or sooner of the committee’s first meeting, the committee will deliver to the minister initial recommendations to be posted for public review.
  • Finalizing recommendations for revisions to the standards — as required by the AODA, a report on comments received during the public review will be prepared by the ministry and the comments collected will be given to the committee for its consideration. The committee will consider public comments, seek additional information if needed, and make changes based on public comments as the committee deems advisable. The committee will submit the final recommendations to the minister no later than 14 weeks after receiving the report and public comments.
  • Meeting minutes and progress reports — no later than four weeks following each of its meetings, the committee will approve and provide the minister a copy of its meeting minutes.

The first review scope and timelines

Section 9 of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 informed the scope of the legislated review of the customer service standards. It required a Standards Development Committee to:

  1. Re-examine the long-range objectives of the customer service standards.
  2. If required, revise the measures, policies, practices and requirements to be implemented on or before January 1, 2025 and the timeframe for their implementation.
  3. Develop another proposed standards containing modifications or additions that the committee deems advisable for public comment.
  4. Make such changes it considers advisable to the proposed accessibility standards based on comments received and make recommendations to the minister.

In addition, the minister asked the committee to consider recommendations in three key areas which were identified through research and stakeholder consultations. The priority areas were as follows:

  • service animal requirements
  • support persons requirements
  • opportunities to harmonize the requirements of the customer service standards with the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR)

Key deliverables and timelines

The committee completed the following key deliverables.

  • Mandatory orientation and training — all members of the committee completed an initial orientation and training session committee work plan. The committee prepared and gave the minister a draft work plan to the committee.
  • Proposed recommendations for revisions to the standards — the committee delivered to the minister proposed recommendations for public review.
  • Finalizing recommendations for revisions to the standards — a report on comments received during the public review was prepared by the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (now the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility) and the comments were given to the committee for its consideration. The committee considered public comments and made changes to the proposed revisions based on public comments. The committee submitted final recommendations for revisions to the standards to the minister along with a report on its consideration of public comments after receiving the report and public comments.
  • Meeting minutes and progress reports — following each of its meetings, the committee approved and provided the minister its meeting minutes which included a progress report on the review of the customer service standards.

Meeting minutes

Second review meeting minutes

First review meeting minutes

Meeting 5: March 21, 2024

Letter from chair to the minister

The Honourable Raymond Cho
Minister for Seniors and Accessibility
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1S5

Dear Minister Cho,

On behalf of the members of the Customer Service Standards Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the minutes of the meeting (“Meeting 5”) held on March 21, 2024. This was the final meeting held prior to submitting our initial recommendations report.

Over the past several weeks, our committee has reviewed the draft initial recommendations report and provided feedback to inform discussions at our March 21 meeting. Meeting 5 was dedicated to discussing this feedback and updating recommendations where needed.

Following the meeting, ministry staff made the agreed upon updates to the committee’s draft initial recommendations report in order for it to be sent out for a final vote.

Once our initial report is submitted to you, the Customer Service Standards Development Committee will have completed the first phase of our work reviewing the customer service standards and general requirements in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) Ontario Regulation 191/11, under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act), 2005 (AODA).

I look forward to the upcoming public consultation and am eager to use the feedback received from people with disabilities, businesses and sectors across the province to help inform the committee’s final recommendations. I value the varied experiences and input that will be shared and am confident the public feedback will help us to strengthen our final recommendations report.

I thank you for the opportunity to lead this review and contribute to the goal of a more accessible and inclusive Ontario.

(Original signed by)
Jeff Adams
Chair, Customer Service Standards Development Committee

Meeting information

Date: March 21, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: "M" (meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items. All recommendations to date are considered draft until finalized and included in the initial recommendations report submitted to the minister.

Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Lois Davies, Raj Chopra, Kay Matthews, Tracey McKenzie, Julia Hudson, Peter Athanasopoulos, Brian Buchan, Louie DiPalma, Fatima Finnegan

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Kerrie Laskoski, Anubha Mehta, Hayden Porch, Ann Louise FitzPatrick, Natalie Venzon, Alicia Androich, Thomas Lee

Captionist: Gemme Humenny

Regrets: Jacqueline Silvera, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Maryann Istiloglu, Amanda McHugh, Heather Peters, Glen Brunetti, Tom Kaszas

Meeting minutes

M 5-1.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement

Jeff Adams (chair) welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 5-1.2 Chair’s introduction, agenda review

The chair noted that this was the last Customer Service Standards Development Committee meeting prior to submitting the initial recommendations report. He also noted that the committee would be concluding discussions on service animals, followed by an open discussion of input on the draft initial recommendations report, for the majority of the meeting.

M 5-1.3 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (on Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 5-1.4 Discussion: use of service animals recommendation

The committee engaged in a discussion regarding requirements around documentation for service animals. A member presented the committee with rationale for a new proposed recommendation to address a potential gap. There was discussion on competing rights between legislations, behaviour of service animals, education and awareness, as well as overlap with other recommendations. As a result, the committee agreed to add a new recommendation to the initial recommendations report to address this issue.

The chair acknowledged the value of building consensus amongst members with different lived experiences and areas of expertise.

M 5-1.5 Discussion: providing input on draft initial recommendations report

For the remainder of the meeting, members had an open discussion to review feedback by various members on the draft initial recommendations report, and proposed revisions to finalize the recommendations. Topics discussed included the use of support persons (section 80.47), training (80.49) and the format of documents (section 80.51).

M 5-1.6 Wrap-up and next steps

The chair provided closing remarks and thanked and congratulated the committee on reaching this milestone. Ministry staff shared next steps for finalizing and voting on the initial recommendations report, and for the submission of the report to the minister.

The committee was reminded of the AODA requirement to post the initial recommendations report for a minimum of 45 days. Once public feedback is gathered, the committee will be invited to reconvene to review the feedback, make revisions as necessary and vote to finalize the report.

Ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions.

Meeting 4: February 15 and 16, 2024

Letter from chair to the minister

Date: March 8 2024

The Honourable Raymond Cho
Minister for Seniors and Accessibility
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1S5

Dear Minister Cho,

On behalf of the members of the Customer Service Standards Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the minutes of the meeting (“Meeting 4”) held on February 15 and 16, 2024.

On the first meeting day, February 15, 2024, based on my invitation, the committee received an external presentation from ARCH Disability Law Centre on the interplay between the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), citing several valuable case-law examples. The committee engaged in a thoughtful discussion with the representative from ARCH Disability Law Centre and posed questions that will help inform our work.

On the second meeting day, February 16, 2024, the committee continued their discussion of requirements around support persons, which began at our January meeting. The committee also reviewed the purpose, definitions and long-term objective of the Customer Service Standards. Following the meetings, ministry staff summarized the committee’s recommendations that were developed on the above topics. An electronic vote will be held to finalize them. The committee will be meeting again on March 21, 2024.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead this review and contribute to the goal of a more accessible and inclusive Ontario.

(Original signed by)
Jeff Adams
Chair, Customer Service Standards Development Committee

Day 1 Meeting information

Date: February 15, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: "M" (meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items. All recommendations to date are considered draft until finalized and included in the initial recommendations report submitted to the minister.

Day 1 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Lois Davies, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Kay Matthews, Tracey McKenzie, Fatima Finnegan, Jacqueline Silvera, Julia Hudson, Maryann Istiloglu

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Ebadur Rahman, Kerrie Laskoski, Letitia Nolasque, Anubha Mehta, Hayden Porch, Ann Louise FitzPatrick, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon, Alicia Androich, Thomas Lee, Angela Li, Benjamin Lim

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Heather Peters (Customer Care Division, Service Ontario), Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade), Glen Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery)

Captionist: Gemme Humenny

Regrets: Peter Athanasopoulos, Brian Buchan, Louie DiPalma

Day 1 Meeting minutes

M 4-1.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement

Jeff Adams (chair) welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 4-1.2 Chair’s introduction, agenda review

The chair noted that the meeting would be spent receiving a presentation from ARCH Disability Law Centre to help inform the committee’s work, followed by time for questions and discussion.

M 4-1.3 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (on Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 4-1.4 Presentation: Hannah Lee, ARCH Disability Law Centre

The committee received a presentation from Hannah Lee, staff lawyer at ARCH Disability Law Centre, on the interplay between the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), as well as other relevant legislation and statutes. Ms. Lee reviewed a number of relevant case-law examples with the committee. The presentation was followed by an engaging discussion between members and Ms. Lee on the application of the themes covered in the presentation to the work of the committee.

M 4-1.5 Discussion time

Following the presentation from ARCH Disability Law Centre, the committee continued their discussion on jurisdictional interplay and competing rights.

M 4-1.6 Wrap-up and next steps

The chair provided closing remarks and noted the focus areas of the following day’s meeting. Ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions.

Day 2 Meeting information

Date: February 16, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Day 2 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Lois Davies, Louie DiPalma, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Kay Matthews, Tracey McKenzie, Fatima Finnegan, Brian Buchan, Jacqueline Silvera, Julia Hudson, Maryann Istiloglu

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Ebadur Rahman, Kerrie Laskoski, Anubha Mehta, Hayden Porch, Ann Louise FitzPatrick, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon, Alicia Androich, Arminda Aliu, Thomas Lee

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Heather Peters (Customer Care Division, Service Ontario), Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade)

Captionist: Gemme Humenny

Regrets: Peter Athanasopoulos, Glenn Brunetti, Tom Kaszas

Day 2 Meeting minutes

M 4-2.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement and agenda review

Jeff Adams welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 4-2.2 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (on Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 4-2.3 Discussion on support persons

The committee continued their discussion of support persons, which began in January. Ministry staff provided an overview of AODA requirements for support persons and the committee discussed gaps and barriers. As a group, the committee developed several draft recommendations which ministry staff committed to circulate for online voting.

M 4-2.4 Discussion of general requirements

Ministry staff provided an overview of the General Requirements section of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), with a focus on the Purpose and Definitions sections. The committee discussed areas where they felt updates to the definitions would be beneficial and developed draft recommendations which ministry staff committed to circulate for online voting.

M 4-2.5 Discussion of the long-term objective of the standard

The committee reviewed the current long-term objective of the Customer Service Standards. The committee discussed potential ways to update the long-term objective to address gaps and increase clarity. The committee proposed several updates, which the ministry staff committed to circulate for online voting.

M 4-2.6 Wrap-up and next steps

The chair provided closing remarks and ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions. The committee will meet again on March 7, 2024.

Meeting 3: January 11 and 12, 2024

Letter from chair to the minister

Date: March 6 2024

The Honourable Raymond Cho
Minister for Seniors and Accessibility
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1S5

Dear Minister Cho,

On behalf of the members of the Customer Service Standards Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the minutes of the meeting (“Meeting 3”) held on January 11 and 12, 2024.

On the first meeting day, January 11, 2024, the committee was pleased to hear an overview by ministry staff on the use of service animals and support persons. This was followed by the committee forming smaller focus groups to discuss these topics in detail. On the second meeting day, January 12, 2024, based on my invitation, the committee received an external presentation from Professor David Lepofsky, from the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Alliance, on interpreting the AODA legislation with other statutes and some case-law examples. The remainder of this meeting was reserved for discussion between committee members and ministry staff on remaining issues and recommendations from the previous day’s topics (the use of service animals and support persons). Following both of these meetings, ministry staff summarized the committee’s recommendations that were developed on the above topics. These discussions will be continued in more detail in our next set of February 2024 committee meetings.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead this review and contribute to the goal of an accessible and inclusive Ontario.

(Original signed by)
Jeff Adams
Chair, Customer Service Standards Development Committee

Day 1 Meeting information

Date: January 11, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: "M" (meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items. All recommendations to date are considered draft until finalized and included in the initial recommendations report submitted to the minister.

Day 1 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Lois Davies, Louie DiPalma, Peter Athanasopoulos, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Kay Matthews, Tracey McKenzie, Fatima Finnegan, Brian Buchan, Jacqueline Silvera, Julia Hudson, Maryann Istiloglu

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Meenu Sikand, Ebadur Rahman, Kerrie Laskoski, Arminda Aliu, Anubha Mehta, Hayden Porch, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Harrison Luong, Thomas Lee

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Heather Peters (Customer Care Division, Service Ontario), Glenn Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery), Tom Kaszas (Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, non-voting member), Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade)

Captionist: Gemme Humenny

Day 1 Meeting minutes

M 3-1.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement

Jeff Adams (chair) welcomed the committee. Raj Chopra gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 3-1.2 Chair’s introduction, agenda review

Jeff Adams outlined the goal of the meeting as receiving a presentation by ministry staff on the use of service animals and support persons. This was to be followed by a focus group discussion for providing recommendations on these topics addressing barriers, changes, or enhancements to improve accessibility in Ontario.

M 3-1.3 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (on Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 3-1.4 Use of service animals and support persons

Ministry staff presented an overview of the use of service animals and support persons.

M 3-1.5 Focus group discussion on use of service animals and support persons

The committee split into three virtual break-out rooms to discuss the topics, deliberate on the intended outcomes, and develop recommendations on measures, policies, and practices for improving requirements for the use of service animals and support persons.

M 3-1.6 Focus group reporting

After the break-out room discussions, the committee reconvened as a group and members presented their discussions and proposed recommendations for the committee’s further consideration.

M 3-1.7 Wrap-up and next steps

Jeff Adams provided closing remarks and noted that the draft recommendations would be circulated to the committee for reference and review. However, further discussions on these topics would be continued at the February 16 committee meeting. Thereafter these recommendations would be finalized through e-voting. Ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions.

Day 2 Meeting information

Date: January 11, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Day 2 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Lois Davies, Louie DiPalma, Peter Athanasopoulos, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Tracey McKenzie, Fatima Finnegan, Brian Buchan, Jacqueline Silvera, Maryann Istiloglu, Julia Hudson.

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Heather Peters (Customer Care Division, Service Ontario), Glenn Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery)

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Meenu Sikand, Letitia Nolasque, Rory Burke, Ryan Convery, Ebadur Rehman, Jeffrey Man, Susannah Bush, Meridith St. Pierre, Thomas Lee, Hayden Porch, Kerrie Laskoski, Anubha Mehta, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Arminda Aliu, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon

Captionist: Kim Johnson

Regrets: Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade- non-voting member), Tom Kaszas (Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, non-voting member)

Day 2 Meeting minutes

M 3-2.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement and agenda review

Jeff Adams welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 3-2.2 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (on Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 3-2.3 Presentation: Professor David Lepofsky, The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance

The committee received a presentation from Professor David Lepofsky from the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Alliance, on interpreting the AODA legislation with other statutes and some case-law examples.

M 3-2.4 Discussion time

Discussion between the committee members and ministry staff took place to debrief from Professor Lepofsky’s presentation. Residual issues and/or recommendations from the previous day’s topic of the use of service animals and support persons was planned to be carried over to the February 2024 committee meetings.

M 3-2.5 Wrap-up and next steps

Jeff Adams provided closing remarks and ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions.

Meeting 2: December 7 and 8, 2023

Letter from chair to the minister

Date: December 7 and 8, 2023

The Honourable Raymond Cho
Minister for Seniors and Accessibility
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1S5

Dear Minister Cho,

On behalf of the members of the Customer Service Standards Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the minutes of the meeting (“Meeting 2”) held on December 7 and 8, 2023.

The committee was pleased to hear an overview by ministry staff on accessibility plans, feedback, and accessible formats, as well as, procurement, self-service kiosks and notice of temporary disruption requirements. This was followed by the committee forming smaller focus groups to discuss these topics in detail.

Following the meetings, the committee will be voting to finalize the Customer Service Standards Development Committee’s recommendations that were discussed on the above topics on December 7 and 8, 2023.

(Original signed by)
Jeff Adams
Chair, Customer Service Standards Development Committee

Day 1 Meeting information

Date: December 7, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: "M" (meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items. All recommendations to date are considered draft until finalized and included in the initial recommendations report submitted to the minister.

Day 1 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Lois Davies, Louie DiPalma, Peter Athanasopoulos, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Tracey McKenzie, Fatima Finnegan, Brian Buchan, Jacqueline Silvera.

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Ebadur Rahman, Kerrie Laskoski, Arminda Aliu, Anubha Mehta, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon, Thomas Lee.

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Amanda McHugh-Joeanna DeMarco-Bolce (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade), Glenn Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery), Tom Kaszas (Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, non-voting member)

Captionist: Gemme Humenny

Regrets: Julia Hudson, Maryann Istiloglu, Dale Wolfries (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, non-voting member)

Day 1 Meeting minutes

M 2-1.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement

Jeff Adams (chair) welcomed the committee. Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 2-1.2 Chair’s introduction, agenda review

Jeff Adams outlined the goal of the meeting as receiving a presentation by ministry staff on accessibility plans, the feedback process, and accessible formats, followed by a focus group discussion for providing recommendations on each of these areas addressing barriers, changes or enhancements to improve accessibility in Ontario.

M 2-1.3 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 2-1.4 Accessibility plans, feedback and accessible formats

Ministry staff presented an overview of accessibility plans, feedback and accessible formats.

M 2-1.5 Focus group discussion on accessibility plans, feedback and accessible formats

Committee split into three virtual break-out rooms to discuss the topics, deliberate on the intended outcomes, and develop recommendations on measures, policies, and practices for improving accessibility plans, feedback and accessible formats requirements.

M 2-1.6 Focus group reporting

After the break-out room discussions, the committee reconvened as a group and members presented their discussions and proposed recommendations for the committee’s further consideration.

M 2-1.7 Wrap-up and next steps

Jeff Adams provided closing remarks and noted that the discussion on recommendations had been recorded and would be circulated to the committee for finalization through e-voting, following these meetings. Ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions.

Day 2 Meeting information

Date: December 8, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Day 2 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Lois Davies, Louie DiPalma, Peter Athanasopoulos, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Tracey McKenzie, Fatima Finnegan, Brian Buchan, Jacqueline Silvera, Maryann Istiloglu.

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade), Glenn Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery), Tom Kaszas (Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, non-voting member)

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Kerrie Laskoski, Arminda Aliu, Anubha Mehta, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon

Captionist: Kim

Regrets: Julia Hudson, Dale Wolfries (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, non-voting member)

Day 2 Meeting minutes

M 2-2.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement and agenda review

Jeff Adams welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 2-2.2 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 2-2.3 Procurement, Self-Service Kiosks and Notice of Temporary Disruption Requirements

Ministry staff presented an overview of procurement, self-serve kiosks and notice of temporary disruptions.

M 2-2.4 Focus group discussion on Procurement, Self-Service Kiosks and Notice of Temporary Disruption Requirements

Committee split into three virtual break-out rooms to discuss the topics, deliberate on the intended outcomes, and develop recommendations on measures, policies, and practices for improving procurement, self-service kiosks and notice of temporary disruption requirements.

M 2-2.5 Focus group reporting

After the break-out room discussions, the committee reconvened as a group and members presented their discussions and proposed recommendations for the committee’s further consideration.

M 2-2.6 Wrap-up and next steps

Jeff Adams provided closing remarks and noted that the discussion on recommendations had been recorded and would be circulated to the committee for finalization through e-voting, following these meetings. Jeff reminded the committee members that this was the last meeting for this year, thanked them for their contribution and reminded them of the shared commitment to continue this important work in the new year.

Ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions.

Meeting 1: November 9 and 10, 2023

Letter from chair to the minister

December 11, 2023

The Honourable Raymond Cho
Minister for Seniors and Accessibility
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1S5

Dear Minister Cho,

On behalf of the members of the Customer Service Standards Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the minutes of the meeting (“Meeting 1”) held on November 9 and 10, 2023.

The Committee was pleased to hear an overview of the regulatory landscape from the Director of the AODA Compliance and Assurance Branch, Mr. Rory Burke. This was followed by a presentation by ministry staff on best practices for recommendation-development as well as a summary of duplication in General Requirements Section 1, 2, and the Customer Service Standards Section 80.45. The committee also began its first discussion about accessibility policies and training.

My thanks again for the privilege of leading this review and contributing to the goal of an accessible and inclusive Ontario.

(Original signed by)
Jeff Adams
Chair, Customer Service Standards Development Committee

Day 1 Meeting information

Date: November 9, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: "M" (meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items. All recommendations to date are considered draft until finalized and included in the initial recommendations report submitted to the minister.

Day 1 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (Chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Jennifer Cowan, Julia Hudson, Lois Davies, Louie DiPalma, Peter Athanasopoulos, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Tracey McKenzie.

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Ebadur Rahman, Rory Burke, Kerrie Laskoski, Arminda Aliu, Anubha Mehta, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade)

Captionist: Gemme Humenny

Regrets: Fatima Finnegan, Kay Matthews, Brian Buchan, Maryann Istiloglu, Jacqueline Silvera,Glenn Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery), Tom Kaszas (Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, non-voting member), Dale Wolfries (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, non-voting member)

Day 1 Meeting minutes

M 1-1.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement

Jeff Adams (chair) welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 1-1.2 Chair’s introduction, agenda review

Jeff Adams provided an overview of the committee’s work for the next six p;months to support the review of the province’s Customer Service Standards in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), leading to the development of the initial recommendation report to the minister, in spring 2024. Mr. Adams outlined the goal of the meeting including a discussion and vote on the customer service standards development committee’s workplan.

M 1-1.3 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 1-1.4 Vote and discussion on: Customer Service Standards Development Committee workplan

Ministry staff walked the committee through the proposed workplan for discussion and noted that the committee will have a chance to formally vote on the workplan after the meeting.

M 1-1.5 Compliance overview

Rory Burke, the director of the AODA Compliance Assurance Branch, Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility, provided an overview of its authority and discretion and its roles and responsibilities regarding compliance assistance, audit, and enforcement activities under the Act.

M 1-1.6 Standards review introduction

Ministry staff presented on a guidance framework to support the committee’s review process and development of recommendations

M 1-1.7 General requirements: Purpose and application, definition

Ministry staff presented an overview of foundational information related to accessibility laws of Ontario and Canada. The committee also received information on overlapping requirements across the AODA general requirements (Sections 1 and 2).

M 1-1.8 Customer service standards: scope and interpretation

Ministry staff gave an overview of the IASR, definitions under General Requirements and Section 80.45 of the Customer Service Standards.

M 1-1.9 Wrap-up and next steps

Jeff Adams provided closing remarks, thanked members for their attendance and restated the importance of continuance of their work in the subsequent meeting on the following day. Jeff invited members to remain on the call to discuss if they had specific administrative questions for ministry staff.

Day 2 Meeting information

Date: November 10, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Day 2 Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (chair), Azhar Karim, Chris O’Brien, Don Halpert, Fatima Finnegan, Doug Earle, Jason Mitschele, Julia Hudson, Lois Davies, Louie DiPalma, Peter Athanasopoulos, Raj Chopra, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Tracey McKenzie, Maryann Istiloglu.

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade), Glenn Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery), Tom Kaszas (Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, non-voting member).

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Kerrie Laskoski, Arminda Aliu, Anubha Mehta, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon

Captionist: Kim

Regrets Standards Development Committee members: Jacqueline Silvera, Kay Matthews, Jennifer Cowan, Brian Buchan, Dale Wolfries (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, non-voting member)

Day 2 Meeting minutes

M 1-2.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement and agenda review

Jeff Adams welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

M 1-2.2 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Ministry staff conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings (Zoom) to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

M 1-2.3 Accessibility policies and training

Ministry staff presented an overview of policy requirements and training requirements related to both the Customer Service Standards and General Requirements.

M 1-2.4 Presentation on duplication

Ministry staff presented on compliance and jurisdictional information, duplication and any gaps across training and accessibility policy requirements in the Customer Service Standards and General Requirements, followed by a discussion by committee members.

M 1-2.5 Committee discussion on duplication

Committee split into two virtual break-out rooms to discuss both topics, deliberate on outcomes and develop recommendations on measures, policies, and practices for improving the policy and training requirements discussed during the meeting.

After the break-out room discussions, the committee reconvened as a group and members presented their discussions and proposed recommendations for the committee to discuss.

M 1-2.6 Wrap-up and next steps

Jeff Adams provided closing remarks and noted that the discussion on recommendations would be circulated to the committee for finalization through e-voting. The members were also reminded that an e-vote on the Customer Service Standards Development Committee workplan would be sent by the ministry following these meetings. Ministry staff stayed on the call to address any outstanding administrative questions.

Orientation Meeting: October 26, 2023

Letter from chair to the minister

Date: November 23, 2023

The Honourable Raymond Cho
Minister for Seniors and Accessibility
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1S5

Dear Minister Cho,

On behalf of the members of the Customer Service Standards Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the minutes of the meeting held on October 26, 2023.

The committee has completed their initial orientation and training session. We thank both you and assistant deputy minister, Meenu Sikand, for taking the time to attend the meeting and for your kind words of encouragement.

We look forward to receiving the comprehensive foundational materials for our review to support upcoming meetings. These materials will assist the committee in the development of our initial and final recommendations.

My thanks again for the privilege of leading this review and contributing to the goal of an accessible and inclusive Ontario.

(Original signed by)
Jeff Adams
Chair, Customer Service Standards Development Committee

Meeting information

Date: October 26, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location: virtual (Zoom)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘O’ (orientation meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.

Meeting present

Standards Development Committee members: Jeff Adams (Chair), Doug Earle, Raj Chopra, Louie DiPalma, Lois Davies, Julia Hudson, Tracey McKenzie, Maryann Istiloglu, Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Peter Athanasopoulos, Chris O’Brien, Jennifer Cowan, Don Halpert, Jacqueline Silvera, Jason Mitschele, Azhar Karim

Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Amanda McHugh (Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade), Glenn Brunetti (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery)

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility staff: Meenu Sikand, Ebadur Rehman, Ryan Convery, Kerrie Laskoski, Meridith St. Pierre, Arminda Aliu, Anubha Mehta, Hayden Porch, Harrison Luong, Natalie Venzon

Guests: Minister Raymond Cho

Captionist: Gemme Humenny

Regrets: Kay Matthews, Fatima Finnegan, Brian Buchan, Tom Kaszas (Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, non-voting member), Dale Wolfries (Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, non-voting member)

Meeting minutes

O 1.1 Call to order, land acknowledgement

Jeff Adams (Chair) welcomed the committee and gave a land acknowledgement statement.

O 1.2 Message from the minister

The Honourable Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility, provided remarks and thanked the members for their commitment to the work of the committee.

O 1.3 Message from the assistant deputy minister

Meenu Sikand, assistant deputy minister, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Division, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, provided remarks on the importance of the committee’s work to help improve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities.

O 1.4 Chair’s introduction, agenda review

Jeff Adams introduced himself and spoke about the importance of accessibility in customer service and provided an overview of the committee’s work for the next six months.

O 1.5 Housekeeping remarks and roll call

Natalie Venzon, policy advisor, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, conducted the roll call and reviewed best practices for accessible online meetings to support the full participation of members at the meeting.

O 1.6 Standard Development Committee review roles, process & responsibilities

Ebadur Rahman, director, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Policy and Standards Branch, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, led a presentation on the committee’s roles, responsibilities, and processes, including an outline of the terms and reference as contained in the minister’s letter to the chair.

The presentation was supported by ministry staff and Kerrie Laskoski, manager, AODA Standards Development Unit, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility.

Members had an opportunity to ask clarifying questions about the scope of the work.

O 1.7 Member introductions

Jeff Adams provided an opportunity for members to introduce themselves and share their experiences related to accessible customer service. Members shared their personal view on areas that could be improved in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation’s (IASR) customer service standards and general requirements.

O 1.8 Committee administration

Hayden Porch, team lead, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility provided logistical information on virtual meetings, accessibility accommodations, remuneration and communication protocols.

O 1.9 Wrap-up and next steps

On behalf of the chair, the ministry provided closing remarks, thanked members for attending and requested members to email the ministry with feedback on the draft workplan.

Meeting 6: July 23 and 24, 2014

Letter from chair to the minister

September 12, 2014

The Honourable Brad Duguid
Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario  M7A 2E1

Dear Minister,

Re: Customer Service Standard review meeting 6 – minutes and progress report

On behalf of the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council/Standards Development Committee ("Committee"), I am pleased to submit the committee approved minutes of Meeting 6 held on July 23 and 24, 2014 and to provide you with a brief update on the committee’s progress. The following key deliverables were completed at Meeting 6:

  • Reviewed and considered the public feedback received during the public comment period and made recommendations on the final three requirements of the Customer Service Standard;
  • Reviewed and revised the long-term objectives of the Customer Service Standard; and
  • Finalized the committee’s recommendations to government for a revised Customer Service Standard, and discussed the content of the transmittal letter to the Minister.

The committee looks forward to submitting its final recommendations to you in September.


(Original signed by)

Jim Sanders
Chair, Accessibility Standards Advisory Council / Standards Development Committee

Meeting information

July 23 and 24, 2014

777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Toronto, Boardrooms ABC

Day 1 present

Accessibility Standards Advisory Council / Standards Development Committee: Jim Sanders (Chair), Scott Allinson, Jane Arkell, David Best, Nuria Bronfman, Don Halpert (by teleconference), John Hendry, Debbie Kirwin, Dean Mellway, Stephen Murphy, Manon Poirier, Gary Rygus, Michelle Saunders (by teleconference on day 2), Dean Walker, Ann Hoy

Staff: Natalie Early, Nicole Dunn, Laura Adams, Graham Gerrell, Katherine Irwin, Jessica Brcko

Interpreters: Gus Mancini,Sean Power, Kerry Grandfield

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: M represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.

Day 1 meeting minutes

M 6.1 Welcome and Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided greetings and opening remarks.
  • The committee reviewed and approved the agenda.
  • The committee approved the minutes from the June 25 and 26, 2014 meeting.

M 6.2 Preamble regarding class structure

  • As requested by the committee at Meeting 5, Natalie Early, the Manager of the Accessibility Policy Unit, presented draft language for a preamble to provide context for the committee’s recommended changes to the class structure section.
  • The committee agreed to include this preamble in the transmittal memo to the Minister that will accompany its final recommendations to government (See Appendix C for preamble excerpt).

Motion 6.1 Approve the proposed wording for the preamble.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 6.3 Feedback process

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the Committee’s proposed changes to Section 7 of the Customer Service Standard regarding feedback processes for providers of goods or services. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 6.2 Recommend the following:

  • The title of the section be changed to "Feedback Process on the Accessible Provision of Goods or Services."
  • The language on the channels and formats of an organization’s feedback process under the Customer Service Standard be matched with the language in the Information and Communications Standard which specifies that:
    • Obligated organizations ensure that their feedback process is accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports upon request.
    • Language be added that is similar to the language in the policies, practices and procedures section of the Customer Service Standard which states that when communicating with a person with a disability, a provider shall do so in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 6.4 Support persons

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the Committee’s proposed changes to Section 4 of the Customer Service Standard regarding support persons. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 6.3 Recommend that additional language be added to clarify when an organization may require a support person to accompany a person with a disability for reasons of health and safety as follows:

  • This would only occur where, after consultation with the person with a disability, requiring a support person is the only means to allow the person to be on the premises and at the same time fulfill the provider’s obligation to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability and that of others (i.e., the health and safety risk cannot be eliminated or reduced by other means); and
  • Any considerations on protecting health and safety must be based on specific evidence and not on assumptions.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.4 Recommend the following wording be added to education materials regarding support person requirements:

  • Suggest as a best practice in educational materials that fees should be waived for support persons when an organization requires them as per section 4.5.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 6.5 Effective dates and implementation timelines

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the Committee’s proposed changes to Section 2 of the Customer Service Standard regarding effective dates and implementation timelines. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 6.5 Recommend the following regarding effective dates:

  • Where practical and applicable, the committee recommended that compliance dates align with the other accessibility standards with the provision of a grace period if required.
  • Delayed effective dates are recommended for all other recommendations with material changes to existing requirements to allow organizations time to comply.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Action M 6.1 As further background material, the Directorate was requested to provide a summary chart of implementation dates for all accessibility requirements for later in Day 1 of meeting.

M 6.6 Surcharge (new area)

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback recommending that a new accessibility requirement be added to address the potential barrier of fees/surcharges being applied when accessing goods or services through certain channels but not others.
  • The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 6.6 Recommend that education materials encourage organizations to consider impacts of certain fees and if they can be waived to ensure equal opportunity to access goods and services.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 6.7 Review of long-term objectives

  • Ms. Early provided an overview of the long-term objectives of the Customer Service Standard.
  • The committee discussed potential revisions to the long-term objectives. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 6.7 Recommend that the long-term objectives of the Customer Service Standard be updated to include the term "facilities" as follows: "The long-term objective of the Customer

Service Standard is that persons or organizations providing goods, services and facilities (as defined in the purpose and application section proposed by the committee) in the Province of Ontario provide accessible customer service. The standard specifies requirements for achieving the long-term objective."

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Action M 6.2 The Directorate was requested to develop a draft definition of the term "facilities" for Day 2 of the meeting.

M 6.8 Transmittal memo topics

  • Ms. Early made a presentation on potential topics that the committee may wish to include in its transmittal memo to the Minister that will accompany its final recommendations. A discussion occurred. The committee agreed to continue the discussion on Day 2.

M 6.9 Education and enforcement update

  • Darren Cooney, Manager of the Public Education and Partnerships Unit, made a presentation to the committee which provided an update on the Directorate’s public education, outreach and compliance activities. A discussion ensued.

M 6.10 Day 1 wrap-up

The Chair provided closing remarks.

Day 2 meeting minutes

M 6.11 Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided opening remarks.

M 6.12 Transmittal memo topics – continued

  • The committee continued its discussion on topics that may be included in the transmittal memo to the Minister that will accompany its final recommendations.

Action  M 6.3 The Directorate will circulate a draft of the transmittal memo based on the topics discussed for committee review/input and approval.

M 6.13 Review of final recommendations and final vote

  • Ms. Early presented a document containing all of the committee’s final recommended changes to the Customer Service Standard and supporting explanations, including a proposed definition of "facilities," which will form in part the package to be sent to the Minister. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 6.8 The proposed changes to the Customer Service Standard and the supporting explanations are ready to be submitted to the Minister for government consideration.

Motion carried - 14 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 6.14 Other comments

  • Following the completion of the review of the Standard, individual Committee members shared their personal comments and experiences about facing barriers to accessible customer service.
  • While the following comments do not reflect the collective views of the Committee, nor final recommendations from the Committee to the Minister, they are provided for information purposes.
  • It was suggested that the government continue to do more to remove physical barriers that may prevent or limit access to goods, services and facilities (e.g. stairs at the entrance to a business). While this issue falls within the scope of Ontario’s Building Meeting Minutes
  • July 23 and 24, 2014 Code and the Design of Public Spaces Standard, the government is encouraged to consider the importance of physical access in ensuring accessible customer service that addresses independence, dignity, integration and equality.
  • It was further suggested that government consider factors other than a specific threshold of number of employees when determining reporting requirements for organizations. For example, some Committee members felt that requiring all organizations, regardless of their type or size, to report on their compliance every two or three years through an online form was not an onerous administrative burden. The proposed class structure would still be used for documentation requirements.
  • It was thought that this approach may be an effective method to raise awareness of accessibility and remind organizations of their obligations under the Act. Other members expressed concern about the cumulative impact of additional reporting requirements for small businesses given the number of government ministries that have a role in regulating business in Ontario.

M 6.15 Wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.

Appendix A – Meeting 6 motions

Motion 6.1

Approve the proposed wording regarding class structure.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.2

Recommend the following:

The title of the section be changed to "Feedback Process on the Accessible Provision of Goods or Services."

  • The language on the channels and formats of an organization’s feedback process under the Customer Service Standard be matched with the language in the Information and Communications Standard which specifies that:
    • Obligated organizations ensure that their feedback process is accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports upon request.
  • Language be added that is similar to the language in the policies, practices and procedures section of the Customer Service Standard which states that when communicating with a person with a disability, a provider shall do so in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.3

  • Recommend that additional language be added to clarify when an organization may require a support person to accompany a person with a disability for reasons of health and safety as follows:
    • This would only occur where, after consultation with the person with a disability, requiring a support person is the only means to allow the person to be on the premises and at the same time fulfill the provider’s obligation to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability and that of others (i.e., the health and safety risk cannot be eliminated or reduced by other means); and
    • Any considerations on protecting health and safety must be based on specific evidence and not on assumptions.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.4

Recommend the following wording be added to education materials regarding support person requirements:

  • Suggest as a best practice in educational materials that fees should be waived for support persons when an organization requires them as per section 4.5.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.5

Recommend the following:

  • Where practical and applicable, the committee recommended that compliance dates align with the other accessibility standards with the provision of a grace period if required.
  • Delayed effective dates are recommended for all other recommendations with material changes to existing requirements to allow organizations time to comply.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.6

  • Recommend that education materials encourage organizations to consider impacts of certain fees and if they can be waived to ensure equal opportunity to access goods and services.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.7

  • Recommend that the long-term objectives of the Customer Service Standard be updated to include the term "facilities" as follows:
    • "The long-term objective of the Customer Service Standard is that persons or organizations providing goods, services and facilities (as defined in the purpose and application section proposed by the committee) in the Province of Ontario provide accessible customer service. The standard specifies requirements for achieving the long-term objective."

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 6.8

  • The proposed changes to the Customer Service Standard and the supporting explanations are ready to be submitted to the Minister for government consideration.

Motion carried - 14 in favour, 0 opposed.

Appendix B – Meeting 6 action items

Day 1

Action M 6.1 As further background material, the Directorate was requested to provide a summary chart of implementation dates for all accessibility requirements for later in

Day 1 of meeting (completed - provided on Day 1 of meeting).

Action M 6.2 The Directorate was requested to draft a definition of the term "facilities" for Day 2 of the meeting (completed - provided at end of Day 1 of meeting).

Day 2

Action M 6.3 The Directorate will circulate a draft of the transmittal memo based on the topics discussed for committee review/input and approval.

Appendix C – Class structure preamble

The committee is recommending that the class structure for private/not-for-profit organizations under the Customer Service Standard be revised to match that of the other accessibility standards. This means that "small organizations" would be defined as those with fewer than 50 employees in Ontario instead of the current 20.

Given the thoughtful and sometimes difficult deliberations that went into this decision, members felt it appropriate to provide additional rationale to support our recommendation.

The committee carefully considered public feedback on this matter and is aware of the perception that this change would reduce the number of organizations that must comply with the Customer Service Standard. This is not the case. Organizations would continue to be required to comply with the accessibility requirements (i.e. to develop accessibility policies, and to provide accessible customer service). Organizations with 20 to 49 employees would no longer be required to document their policies. These organizations would continue to be subject to government audit, compliance and enforcement activities.

The committee considered the issue of documentation in the context of organizational resource effort and compliance. The committee concluded that public education and enforcement is the key to increased compliance. Analysis of compliance activities such as audits and compliance assistance indicates that organizations have come into compliance very quickly once they are aware of obligations, as opposed to a refusal to comply.

Based on the foregoing, public feedback, and the understanding that government will increase its public education efforts to increase compliance, the committee is of the opinion that accessible customer service goals could continue to be achieved if the class structure is changed to match the other accessibility standards. With this change, small organizations would be able to focus limited resources on delivering accessible customer service rather than preparing administrative documentation.

Meeting 5: June 25 and 26, 2014

Letter from chair to the minister

July 17, 2014

The Honourable Brad Duguid
Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario  M7A 2E1

Dear Minister,

Re: Customer Service Standard review meeting 5 minutes and progress report

On behalf of the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council/Standards Development Committee (ASAC/SDC), I would like to congratulate you on your recent appointment as the Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure. I look forward to meeting with you in the near future to discuss the work of ASAC/SDCand how the committee can continue to support you in advancing accessibility in Ontario.

ASAC/SDC is currently engaged in the legislative review of the Customer Service Standard (CS Standard). The committee began its work in September 2013. After deliberations over 4 meetings, the committee posted its initial recommendations for public comment in March 2014.

I am pleased to submit the committee approved minutes of Meeting 5 held on June 25 and 26, 2014 and to provide you with a brief update on the committee’s progress. The following key deliverables were completed at Meeting 5:

  • Received an overview (statistics and trends) of the public feedback received during the public comment period (March 3 to May 22, 2014) on the committee’s initial proposed revisions to the CS Standard;
  • Reviewed and considered the public feedback on 8 of 11 CS Standard requirements and finalized recommendations on these requirements.

Looking ahead to Meeting 6 scheduled on July 23 and 24, 2014, the committee intends to:

  • Complete the public comment review and make recommendations on the final 3 requirements of the CS Standard;
  • Review the long term objectives of the CS Standard to determine whether revisions are required; and,
  • Finalize the recommendations for a revised CS Standard, and discuss the content of the transmittal letter to the Minister.

While meeting time has been set aside in August, it is the committee’s intent to complete its work on the CS Standard Review at the July meeting. The committee looks forward to submitting its final recommendations to you in late August.


(Original signed by)

Jim Sanders

Meeting information

June 25 and 26, 2014

777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Toronto, Boardrooms ABC

Day 1 present

Accessibility Standards Advisory Council / Standards Development Committee: Jim Sanders (Chair), Scott Allinso, Jane Arkell, David Best, Nuria Bronfman, Don Halpert, John Hendry, Debbie Kirwin, Dean Mellway, Stephen Murphy, Manon Poirier, Gary Rygus (by teleconference on day 2), Michelle Saunders, Dean Walker, Ann Hoy

Staff: Natalie Early, Glen Padassery, Nicole Dunn, Laura Adams, Sarah Dunsford, Alf Spencer, Katherine Irwin

Interpreters: Day 1: Gus Mancini, Dana Feckovics and Sean Power,  Day 2: Gus Mancini and Dana Feckovics, 

Regrets: ASAC/SDC: Michelle Saunders (Day 1)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: M represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.

Day 1 meeting information

M 5.1 Welcome and chair remarks

  • The Chair provided greetings and opening remarks. The committee reviewed and approved the agenda.
  • The committee confirmed the minutes from the January 29 and 30, 2014 meeting.
  • Natalie Early, Manager, Accessibility Policy, presented an overview (statistics and trends) of the public comment period for the committee’s initial proposed revisions to the Customer Service (CS) Standard.
  • Glen Padassery, Director, Standards Policy and Compliance Branch, presented on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the Human Rights Code.

Action M 5.1 As further background material, the ADO was requested to re-circulate a presentation made by the Ontario Human Rights Commission at the October 2013 meeting.

M 5.2 Confirmation of voting procedures

  • Ms. Early made a presentation on the voting procedures to approve final recommended changes to the CS Standard. A discussion ensued.
  • It was agreed that the numerical results of the votes will be recorded in the minutes.

M 5.3 Policies, practices and procedures

  • Mr. Padassery presented the public feedback received on the ASAC/SDC’s proposed changes to Section 3 of the CS Standard regarding policies, practices and procedures.
  • The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motions:

Motion 5.1 Recommend that government policy guidelines and education materials reference additional principles of accommodation identified through public feedback where appropriate.   

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 1 opposed.

Motion 5.2 Recommend that references to "policies, practices and procedures" throughout the Customer Service Standard be changed to match the term "policies" in the other accessibility standards.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 5.4 Training

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the ASAC/SDC’s proposed changes to Section 6 of the CS Standard regarding training for staff. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:
  • Motion 5.3 Recommend the requirements on who must be trained, and when training must be provided, be replaced with the following language:
  • Training must be provided to:
    • All employees and volunteers;
    • All people who participate in developing the organization’s policies; and
    • All other people who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the organization.
  • Every person must be trained as soon as practicable.
  • Organizations must provide training on any changes to its accessibility policies on an ongoing basis.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 5.5 Service animals

  • Mr. Padassery presented the public feedback received on the ASAC/SDC’s proposed changes to Section 4 of the CS Standard regarding service animals. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 5.4 Recommend that the definition of service animal be changed as follows:

An animal would be defined as a service animal if:

  • the person provides third party certification that their service animal has been trained to provide assistance that relates to that person’s disability; or
  • it is "readily identifiable" that the animal is used by the person for reasons relating to their disability; or
  • the person provides documentation from a regulated health professional confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to their disability.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 1 opposed.

M 5.6 Day 1 wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.

Day 2 meeting information

M 5.7 Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided opening remarks.

M 5.8 Notice of temporary disruptions

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the ASAC/SDC’s proposed changes to Section 5 of the CS Standard regarding notice of temporary disruptions.
  • The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 5.5 The committee does not recommend any changes to the current requirements regarding notice of temporary disruptions in Section 5 of the Customer Service Standard.

Motion carried - 11 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 5.9 Class structure

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the ASAC/SDC’s proposed changes to the class structure within the CS Standard. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 5.6 Recommend that the class structure under the CS Standard be changed to match that of the other accessibility standards, as follows:

  • Private and not-for-profit organizations would be defined as having between 1 – 49 employees (small).
  • Private and not-for-profit organizations would be defined as having 50 or more employees (large).

Requirements under the CS Standard that applied to organizations with 20 or more employees would now apply to organizations with 50 or more employees.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 2 opposed.

Given the high level of collaboration by the committee to reach a decision on this matter, and the anticipated level of public interest on a recommendation on class structure, the committee asked that a preamble be prepared to accompany the committee’s class structure recommendation in the minutes to be discussed at the next meeting.

Action M5.2 For committee consideration at the meeting in July (Meeting 6), the ADO was requested to draft a preamble to accompany the committee’s recommendation on class structure.

M 5.10 Notice of availability of documents and format of documents

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the ASAC/SDC’s proposed changes to Section 8 of CS Standard regarding notice of availability of documents and Section 9 regarding format of documents. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 5.7 Recommend that:

  • An organization be required to provide accessible formats and communication supports upon request to a person with a disability. These must be provided in a timely manner and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged.
  • The current provision that organizations and people with disabilities "agree upon" an accessible format be replaced with the following requirement:
    • Organizations must consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 5.11 Purpose and application

  • Ms. Early presented the public feedback received on the ASAC/SDC’s proposed changes to Section 1 of the CS Standard regarding its purpose and application. The committee discussed the issues raised in the public feedback and voted on the following motion:

Motion 5.8 Recommend that:

  • The types and definitions of obligated organizations under the CS Standard be matched with those of other accessibility standards as follows:
    • designated public sector organization
    • Government of Ontario
    • large designated public sector organization
    • large organization
    • Legislative Assembly
    • small designated public sector organization
    • small organization

"Facilities" be included throughout the CS Standard (i.e. "provision of goods, services and facilities").

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 5.12 Guidance from committee on other issues and recommendations

  • d/ channel is an accommodation for their disability.
  • In addition, the committee agreed to discuss issues related to compliance and public education at Meeting 6.
  • Action M 5.3 Ms. Early presented an overview of the public feedback received that was not directly related to the requirements in the CS Standard or the committee’s proposed changes.
  • The committee agreed to consider at Meeting 6 the recommendation in public feedback to prohibit any added fee or surcharge for customers with disabilities when they order goods or services using a specific service method/ channel (e.g. ordering a good or service over the phone rather than on the internet) and that service methoThe ADO was requested to provide an inter-provincial scan on developments regarding accessibility across Canada for Meeting 6.

M 5.13 Wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.

Appendix A – Meeting 5 motions

Motion 5.1

  • Recommend that government policy guidelines and education materials reference additional principles of accommodation identified through public feedback where appropriate.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 5.2

  • Recommend that references to "policies, practices and procedures" throughout the Customer Service Standard be changed to match the term "policies" in the other accessibility standards.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 5.3

Recommend the requirements on who must be trained and when training must be provided be replaced with the following language:

  • Training must be provided to:
    • All employees, and volunteers;
    • All people who participate in developing the organization’s policies; and
    • All other people who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the organization.
  • Every person must be trained as soon as practicable.
  • Organizations must provide training on any changes to its accessibility policies on an ongoing basis.

Motion carried - 13 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 5.4

Recommend that the definition of service animal be changed as follows:

An animal would be defined as a service animal if:

  • the person provides third party certification that their service animal has been trained to provide assistance that relates to that person’s disability; or
  • it is "readily identifiable" that the animal is used by the person for reasons relating to their disability; or
  • the person provides documentation from a regulated health professional confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to their disability.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 1 opposed.

Motion 5.5

The committee does not recommend any changes to the current requirements regarding notice of temporary disruptions in Section 5 of the Customer Service Standard.

Motion carried - 11 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 5.6

Recommend that the class structure under the CS Standard be changed to match that of the other accessibility standards, as follows:

  • Private and not-for-profit organizations would be defined as having between 1-49 employees (small).
  • Private and not-for-profit organizations would be defined as having 50 or more employees (large).

Requirements under the CS Standard that applied to organizations with 20 or more employees would now apply to organizations with 50 or more employees.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 2 opposed.

Motion 5.7

Recommend that:

  • An organization be required to provide accessible formats and communication supports upon request to a person with a disability. These must be provided in a timely manner and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged.
  • The current provision that organizations and people with disabilities "agree upon" an accessible format be replaced with the following requirement:
    • Organizations must consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 0 opposed.

Motion 5.8

Recommend that:

  • The types and definitions of obligated organizations under the CS Standard be matched with those of other accessibility standards as follows:
    • designated public sector organization
    • Government of Ontario
    • large designated public sector organization
    • large organization
    • Legislative Assembly
    • small designated public sector organization
    • small organization
  • "Facilities" be included throughout the CS Standard (i.e. "provision of goods, services and facilities").

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 0 opposed.

Appendix B – Meeting 5 action items

Day 1

Action M5.1 As further background material, the ADO was requested to re-circulate a presentation made by the Ontario Human Rights Commission at the October 2013 meeting.

Day 2

Action M 5.2 For committee consideration at the meeting in July (Meeting 6), the ADO was requested to draft a preamble to accompany the committee’s recommendation on class structure that would be included in the final recommendations for the Minister.

Action M 5.3 The ADO was requested to provide an inter-provincial scan on developments regarding accessibility across Canada for Meeting 6.

Meeting 4: January 29 and 30, 2014

Letter from chair to the minister

March 11, 2014

The Honourable Eric Hoskins
Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario  M7A 2E1

Dear Minister,

Re: Customer Service Standard review meeting 4 – minutes and progress report

On behalf of the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council/Standards

Development Committee (ASAC/SDC), I am pleased to submit the committee approved minutes of Meeting 4 held on January 29 and 30, 2014 and to provide you with a brief update on the committee’s progress.

Further to progress reports from Meetings 1, 2 and 3, the committee has completed the following key deliverables:

  • Completed the general review of the Customer Service Standard requirements; and
  • Approved the initial proposed revisions to the Customer Service Standard for posting for public comment.

Looking ahead to Meeting 5, tentatively scheduled on May 27 and 28, 2014, the committee intends to review and consider the public comments received during the 45 day public comment period (March 3 to April 16, 2014). The committee looks forward to submitting its final recommendations to you in late June.

(Original signed by)
Jim Sanders

Meeting information

January 29 and 30, 2014

777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Toronto, Boardrooms ABC

Day 1 present

Accessibility Standards Advisory Council / Standards Development Committee: Jim Sanders (Chair), Scott Allinson, Jane Arkell, David Best, Nuria Bronfman, Don Halpert (by teleconference), John Hendry, Debbie Kirwin, Dean Mellway, Stephen Murphy, Manon Poirier, Gary Rygus, Michelle Saunders, Dean Walker, Ann Hoy

Staff: Natalie Early, Glen Padassery, Laura Adams, Sarah Dunsford

Interpreters: Penny Schincariol, Angi Tippet, Kerry Grandfield

Regrets: Scott Allinson (Day 2), Don Halpert (Day 2)

Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: M represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.

Day 1 meeting minutes

M 4.1 Welcome and Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided greetings and opening remarks.
  • The committee reviewed and approved the agenda.
  • The committee confirmed the minutes from the December 4 and 5, 2013 meeting and reviewed the action items from this meeting.
  • Natalie Early, Manager, Accessibility Policy, presented a document summarizing the voting process to approve the proposed revisions to the Customer Service (CS) Standard for public comment. A discussion ensued.

Action M 4.1 The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) was requested to clarify past voting practices by previous Standards Development Committees and the format of the recorded vote for information on Day 2 of the meeting.

M 4.2 Section 8 - Notice of availability of documents and Section 9 - Format of documents

  • Ms. Early presented an overview of Sections 8 and 9 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motions:

Motion 4.1 Amend the current provisions of Sections 8 and 9 under the CS Standard.

Motion carried

Motion 4.2 Expand the scope of Sections 8 and 9 of the CS Standard to include any information and communication that an organization provides to the public, not just documents required under the CS Standard.

Motion carried

Motion 4.3 Modify Sections 8 and 9 of the CS Standard to require communication supports to be provided in addition to accessible formats.

Motion carried

Motion 4.4 Modify Sections 8 and 9 of the CS Standard to replace the phrase "The provider of goods or services and the person with a disability may agree upon the format to be used for the document or information" with "The obligated organization shall consult with the person making the request in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support."

Motion carried

Motion 4.5 Modify Sections 8 and 9 of the CS Standard to specify that the accessible format must be provided at no more than the regular cost charged to others and in a timely manner.

Motion carried

Action M 4.2 The ADO was requested to provide options for adding language to the CS Standard to indicate the application of "reasonability"/ "practicability" in the context of meeting requirements after the morning break on Day 1 of the meeting.

Action M 4.3 The ADO was requested to provide members with the website address for the review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 being conducted by Dean Mayo Moran.

Ms. Early presented options for adding language to the CS Standard to indicate the application of "reasonability"/ "practicability" in the context of meeting requirements. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 4.6 Recommend that government add language to the general provisions of the CS Standard regarding the application of "reasonability" / "practicability" in the context of meeting requirements of the Standard.

Motion carried

M 4.3 Review and approval of proposals for public comment

  • Ms. Early presented the Proposed Revised Customer Service Standard document for posting for public comment which summarizes the committee’s proposed revisions to the CS Standard and supporting explanations.
  • A discussion ensued.

Action M 4.4 The ADO was requested to amend the Proposed Revised Customer Service Standard for Day 2 of the meeting as follows:

  • Amend the explanation for the proposed change to the definition of service animals where "readily apparent" and "readily identifiable" had been incorrectly reversed;
  • Amend the proposed revision to the definition of service animals to clearly indicate the committee’s intent that all service animals must be trained;
  • Include a footnote or notation to clearly indicate to the reader when a proposed revision to one section of the CS Standard (e.g. class structure) applies to other sections throughout the document; and
  • Incorporate the committee’s decisions from Day 1 regarding Sections 8 and 9 of the CS Standard.

M 4.4 Review and approval of proposed feedback form

  • Ms. Early presented the proposed Feedback Form for members of the public and organizations to use in order to provide comments on the initial proposed revised CS Standard.
  • A discussion ensued.

Action M 4.5 The ADO was requested to revise the Feedback Form before the launch of the public comment period as follows (subject to government privacy, legal, and technical considerations):

  • Use an older version of Microsoft Word to ensure it is accessible for certain screen readers;
  • Include an option for people to disagree with a proposed change and provide an explanation, in addition to the option to disagree and provide a suggestion for a different change;
  • Clearly state in the instructions section that it is not necessary to respond to all questions;
  • Include separate comment boxes after each option for agreeing or disagreeing on the proposed changes, rather than one comment box for all options;
  • Remove options for respondents to write a question (in addition to or instead of a comment) on the proposed changes; and
  • Include optional questions requesting the name and contact information of the individual or organization.

Action M 4.6 The ADO was requested to include the following items in its plan to launch the public comment period:

  • Confirm whether the public comment period would be for 45 calendar days or business days;
  • Request partners to help communicate to their members when the public comment period is open;
  • Provide committee members with an updated version of the Feedback Form before the launch of the public comment period;
  • Work with committee members to ensure the accessibility of the Feedback Form; and,
  • Provide committee members with the dates of the 45-day public comment period once confirmed.

M 4.5 Review of parking lot items

  • Ms. Early presented a list of parking lot items based on the previous meetings. A discussion ensued. The committee identified items to carry forward to Meeting 5.

M 4.6 Day 1 wrap-up

  • Alyson Rowe of the Minister’s Office, Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment, joined the ASAC/SDC for introductions and a brief discussion.Day 1 meeting minutes

The Chair provided closing remarks.

Day 2 meeting minutes

M 4.7 Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided opening remarks.
  • The committee discussed the tentative dates for Meeting 5.

M 4.8 Continuation of discussions from day 1

Feedback form:

Ms. Early presented the action items regarding the Feedback Form from Day 1. A discussion ensued.

The committee added the following item to the list of revisions to the Feedback Form (Action M 4.5):

  • Add an explanation that all personal information requested would be used for analytical purposes only.

Proposed revised Customer Service Standard:

Ms. Early presented the updated Proposed Revised Customer Service Standard document which incorporated the committee’s revisions and decisions from Day 1. A discussion ensued.

Voting procedures:

Ms. Early confirmed the voting procedures to approve the proposed revisions to the CS Standard for public comment. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 4.7 The proposed changes to the Customer Service Standard and the supporting explanations are ready for public comment.

Motion carried - 12 in favour, 0 opposed.

M 4.9 Wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.

Appendix A – Meeting 4 action items

Day 1

The ADO is to do the following:

  • Action M 4.1 Clarify past voting practices by previous Standards Development Committees and the format of the recorded vote for information on Day 2 of the meeting (completed – provided on Day 2 of meeting).
  • Action M 4.2 Provide options for adding language to the CS Standard to indicate the application of "reasonability"/ "practicability" in the context of meeting requirements after the morning break on Day 1 of the meeting (completed – provided after the morning break of Day 1 of meeting).
  • Action M 4.3 Provide members with the website address for the review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 being conducted by Dean Mayo Moran (completed – provided on Day 1 of the meeting).

Action M 4.4 Amend the Proposed Revised Customer Service Standard for Day 2 of the meeting as follows:

  • Amend the explanation for the proposed change to the definition of service animals where "readily apparent" and "readily identifiable" had been incorrectly reversed;
  • Amend the proposed revision to the definition of service animals to clearly indicate the committee’s intent that all service animals must be trained;
  • Include a footnote or notation to clearly indicate to the reader when a proposed revision to one section of the CS Standard (e.g. class structure) applies to other sections throughout the document; and
  • Incorporate the committee’s decisions from Day 1 regarding Sections 8 and 9 of the CS Standard (completed – provided on Day 2 of the meeting).

Action M 4.5 Revise the Feedback Form before the launch of the public comment period as follows (subject to government privacy, legal, and technical considerations):

  • Use an older version of Microsoft Word to ensure it is accessible for certain screen readers;
  • Include an option for people to disagree with a proposed change and provide an explanation, in addition to the option to disagree and provide a suggestion for a different change;
  • Clearly state in the instructions section that it is not necessary to respond to all questions;
  • Include separate comment boxes after each option for agreeing or disagreeing on the proposed changes, rather than one comment box for all options;
  • Remove options for respondents to write a question (in addition to or instead of a comment) on the proposed changes;
  • Include optional questions requesting the name and contact information of the individual or organization; and
  • Add an explanation that all personal information requested would be used for analytical purposes only (added to Action M4.5 on Day 2 of meeting).

Action M 4.6 Include the following items in its plan to launch the public comment period:

  • Confirm whether the public comment period would be for 45 calendar days or business days (completed – confirmed on Day 1 of meeting);
  • Request partners to help communicate to their members when the public comment period is open;
  • Provide committee members with an updated version of the Feedback Form before the launch of the public comment period;
  • Work with committee members to ensure the accessibility of the Feedback Form; and,
  • Provide committee members with the dates of the 45-day public comment period once confirmed.

Meeting 3: December 4 and 5, 2013

Letter from chair to the minister

December 18, 2013

The Honourable Eric Hoskins
Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario  M7A 2E1

Dear Minister,

Re: Customer Service Standard review meeting 3 minutes and progress report 

On behalf of the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council/Standards Development Committee (ASAC/SDC), I am pleased to submit the committee approved minutes of Meeting 3 held on December 4 and 5, 2013 and to provide you with a brief update on the committee’s progress.

Further to the progress reports from Meetings 1 and 2, the committee has completed the following key deliverables:

  • Examined potential eligibility criteria for identifying support persons;
  • Reviewed and determined whether the support person requirement that allows organizations to require the use of a support person should be amended; and,
  • Conducted a general review of the other Customer Service (CS) Standard requirements.

Looking ahead to Meeting 4 on January 29 and 30, 2014, the committee intends to finish the general review of the other CS Standard requirements and to vote on initial recommendations for posting for public comment.


(Original signed by)

Jim Sanders

Meeting information

December 4 and 5, 2013

777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Toronto, Boardrooms ABC

Day 1 present

ASAC/SDC: Jim Sanders (Chair), Jane Arkell, David Best, Nuria Bronfman, Don Halpert, John Hendry, Debbie Kirwin, Dean Mellway, Stephen Murphy, Manon Poirier, Gary Rygus, Dean Walker, Ann Hoy

Staff: Natalie Early, Glen Padassery, Maria Edwards, Nicole Dunn

Presenters: Brian Chan (Easter Seals Canada)

Interpreters: Day 1: Angi Tippet, Gus Mancini and Dana Feckovics,  Day 2: Heather Hawthorn, Gus Mancini and Dana Feckovics

Regrets: Scott Allinson, Michelle Saunders, Gary Rygus (Day 1)

Format of committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes:  M represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.

Day 1 meeting information

M 3.1 Welcome and Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided greetings and opening remarks.
  • The committee reviewed and approved the agenda.
  • The committee confirmed the minutes from the October 30 and 31, 2013 meeting and reviewed the action items from this meeting.

M 3.2 Presentation on the access 2 Entertainment Program

  • Brian Chan, National Programs Manager at Easter Seals Canada, provided an overview  of the Access 2 Entertainment program for people with disabilities who require the assistance of a support person when visiting ticketed attractions and entertainment venues. The presentation included the program’s history, partners, participating venues, application process, and feedback received from program participants.

M 3.3 Support persons background and context

  • Natalie Early, Manager, Accessibility Policy, provided background and context for the discussion on support persons including Customer Service (CS) Standard intent, interjurisdictional and legislative context, and feedback from stakeholders.

M 3.4 Definition of support persons

  • Ms. Early presented an options paper on refining the definition of support persons. A discussion ensued. No revisions were proposed.

M 3.5 Clarifying organization policies on support persons

  • Ms. Early presented an options paper on clarifying organization policies on support persons. A discussion ensued.
  • The committee agreed to continue a discussion on what businesses may request to demonstrate proof of a need for a support person (ie. ID card) on Day 2 of the meeting.

M 3.6 Section 4.5

  • Ms. Early presented an options paper on section 4.5 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued.

Action M3.1 The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) was requested to provide an example of clarifying language for modifying section 4.5 of the CS Standard for Day 2 of the meeting.

M 3.7 Day 1 Wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.

Action M 3.2 The ADO was requested to provide the committee with a discussion summary  of Day 1 for Day 2 of the meeting.

Day 2 meeting minutes

M 3.8 Chair remarks

The Chair provided opening remarks.

The committee reviewed the action items from Day 1 of the meeting. As requested by the committee Ms. Early provided a summary of the Day 1 discussion and an example of clarifying language for modifying section 4.5 of the CS Standard.

M 3.9 General review of the other Customer Service Standard requirements

  • The committee agreed that of the 11 sections under the CS Standard, sections 1, 2, and 4 had been reviewed as part of deliberations in meetings 1 and 2 and that sections 10 and 11 are out of scope for the purpose of the general review. The committee reviewed the remaining six sections.

M 3.9.1 Section 3 – Establishment of policies, practices and procedures

  • Ms. Early presented an overview of section 3 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 3.1 Maintain the current CS Standard requirements on policies, practices and procedures.

Motion carried

M 3.9.2 Section 5 – Notice of temporary disruptions

  • Ms. Early presented an overview of section 5 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 3.2 Maintain the current CS Standard requirements on notice of temporary disruptions.

Motion carried

M 3.9.3 Section 6 – Training for staff

  • Ms. Early presented an overview of section 6 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 3.3 Maintain the current CS Standard requirements on training for staff.

Motion carried

M 3.9.4 Section 7 – Feedback process

  • Ms. Early presented an overview of section 7 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motions:

Motion 3.4 Match the language on the channels and formats of an organization’s feedback process with the language in the other accessibility standards.

Motion carried

Motion 3.5 Include a clear link to the section 3.4 requirement to communicate in a manner that takes into account a person’s disability.

Motion carried

Motion 3.6 Modify the title of the section to "Feedback process on the accessibility to provision of goods or services."

Motion carried

M 3.9.5 Section 8 – Notice of availability of documents

  • Ms. Early presented an overview of section 8 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued. Members agreed to defer the discussion to Meeting 4.

M 3.9.6 Section 9 – Format of documents

  • Ms. Early presented an overview of section 9 of the CS Standard. A discussion ensued. Members agreed to defer the discussion to Meeting 4.

M 3.10 Vote on motions

  • Based on the foregoing discussion on items brought forward from Day 1 of the meeting, the committee voted on the following motions on support persons:

Motion 3.7 Maintain the current definition of support persons under the CS Standard.

Motion carried

Motion 3.8 Modify the current section 4.5 requirement under the CS Standard to add the following:

  • This would only occur where, after consultation with the person with a disability, requiring a support person is the only means to allow the person to be on the premises and at the same time fulfill the provider’s obligation to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability and that of others (i.e., the health and safety risk cannot be eliminated or reduced by other means).
  • Any considerations on protecting health and safety must be based on specific evidence and not on assumptions.

Motion carried

M 3.11 Wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.

Action M 3.3 The ADO was requested to update the track changes summary provided at prior meetings incorporating the committee recommendations from this meeting.

Action M 3.4 The ADO was requested to provide consolidated and finalized initial recommendations for a formal vote at the next meeting.

Appendix A – Meeting 4 action items

Day 1

  • The ADO is to provide the committee members with the following:
    • Action M3.1 An example of clarifying language for modifying section 4.5 of the CS Standard (completed – provided on Day 2 of the meeting).
    • Action M3.2: A discussion summary for Day 1 of the meeting (completed – provided on Day 2 of the meeting).

Day 2

  • The ADO is to provide the committee members with the following:
    • Action M3.3 An update to the track changes summary provided at prior meetings incorporating the committee recommendations from this meeting.
    • Action M3.4 Consolidated and finalized initial recommendations for a formal vote at the next meeting.

Meeting 2: October 30 and 31, 2013

Letter from chair to the minister

November 12, 2013

The Honourable Eric Hoskins
Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario  M7A 2E1

Dear Minister,

Re: Customer Service Standard review meeting 2 – minutes and progress report

On behalf of the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council/Standards Development Committee (ASAC/SDC), I am pleased to submit the committee approved minutes of Meeting 2 held on October 30 and 31, 2013 and to provide you with a brief update on the committee’s progress.

Further to the progress report from Meeting 1, the committee has completed the following key deliverables:

  • Examined service animal requirements, including the definition and potential training requirements for service animals; and,
  • Finalized the draft workplan, outlining key milestones, activities, and timelines (copy attached).

Looking ahead to Meeting 3 on December 4 and 5, 2013, the committee intends to discuss the priority area of support person requirements and other requirements of the Customer Service Standard.


(Original signed by)

Jim Sanders

Meeting information

October 30 and 31, 2013

777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Toronto, Boardrooms ABC

Day 1 present

ASAC/SDC: Jim Sanders (Chair), Scott Allinson, Jane Arkell, David Best, Nuria Bronfman, Don Halpert, John Hendry, Debbie Kirwin, Dean Mellway, Stephen Murphy, Manon Poirier, Gary Rygus, Michelle Saunders, Dean Walker, Ann Hoy

Staff: Natalie Early, Glen Padassery, Alf Spencer, Maria Edwards

Presenters: Sandy Turney and Tim Rose (Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides), Jeff Poirier (Ontario Human Rights Commission), Mayo Moran (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto), 

Interpreters: Bonnie-Lyn Barker, Sean Power (Day 1), Tala Jalili (Day 1), Penny Schincariol (Day 2), Angi Tippett (Day 2)

Regrets: Scott Allinson (Day 1)

Format of committee minutes and references:
For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes:  M represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.

Day 1 meeting minutes

M 2.1 Welcome and Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided greetings and opening remarks.
  • The committee reviewed and approved the agenda.
  • The committee approved the minutes from the September 11 and 12, 2013 meeting and reviewed the action items from this meeting.

M 2.2 Service animals training

  • Sandy Turney, Executive Director, Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, provided an overview on service dog training programs, a scan of the industry in Canada and abroad, and her perspective on the training of other service animals.

M 2.3 Experience of a service animal client

  • Tim Rose, accompanied by his service dog, Rush, shared his experience as a service animal client. Both Mr. Rose and his service dog completed training through the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides program.

M 2.4 Service animals and the Ontario Human Rights Code

  • Jeff Poirier, Senior Policy Analyst, Policy, Education, Monitoring and Outreach at the Ontario Human Rights Commission provided an overview on the Ontario human rights system, the relationship between the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005and highlighted human rights cases relating to service animals.

M 2.5 Reflections from morning presentations

  • Members discussed their reflections on the morning presentations by the guest speakers.

M2.6 Service animals background and context

  • Natalie Early, Manager, Accessibility Policy, provided background and context for the discussion on service animals, including Customer Service (CS) Standard intent, interjurisdictional and legislative context, feedback from stakeholders, and current events.

Action M 2.1 The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) was requested to provide the committee with Manitoba’s guidelines on service animals.

M 2.7 Definition of service animals

  • Ms. Early presented an options paper on refining the definition of service animals. A discussion ensued.

Action M 2.2 The ADO was requested to provide the committee with a discussion summary for Day 1 of the meeting.

M 2.8 Day 1 Wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.

Day 2 meeting minutes

M 2.9 Chair remarks

The Chair provided opening remarks. The committee reviewed the action items from Day 1 of the meeting.

M 2.10 Decisions on service animals

M 2.10.1 Decision on Definition of Service Animals

The committee continued its discussion on the definition of service animals that began on Day 1 of the meeting. Members voted on the following motions:

Motion 2.1 Maintain the current definition of service animals under the CS Standard (i.e., a guide dog or other service animal).

Motion carried

Motion 2.2 Amend the term "readily apparent" to "readily identifiable."

Motion carried

Motion 2.3 Amend the requirement to provide a letter from "a physician or nurse" to a letter from a "regulated health professional."

Motion carried

Motion 2.4 Government to develop frequently asked questions to help organizations better identify service animals and provide further detail through guidelines (or other means) that service animals are not pets.

Motion carried

M 2.10.2 Decision on training requirements for service animals

  • Ms. Early presented an options paper on refining the training requirements for service animals. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 2.5 Clarify that service animals are trained to provide assistance to a person with a disability that relates to that person’s disability.

Motion carried

M 2.11 Clarification of scope for public consultation

  • As a follow-up to the discussion at Meeting 1, Ms. Early provided clarification on the scope for the posting and request for public comment on the committee’s recommendations to the minister.

M 2.12 Track changes of committee recommendations to date

  • At the request of the committee, and for illustrative purposes only, Ms. Early provided a track changes version of the CS Standard prepared by staff incorporating the committee’s recommendations from Meeting 1.

Action M 2.3 The ADO was requested to continue to provide the committee with a track changes version of the CS Standard incorporating the committee’s recommendations from each meeting.

M 2.13 Revised draft workplan

  • The committee reviewed the revised workplan prepared by staff. A discussion ensued. Members approved the draft workplan without revision and recommended that it be submitted to the minister as required in the minister’s mandate letter.

M 2.14 Guest speaker – Mayo Moran

  • Mayo Moran, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto and recently appointed reviewer of the AODA, joined the committee in camera over lunch and provided remarks.

M 2.15 Wrap-up

  • The Chair provided closing remarks.
  • The committee set tentative dates for the meeting in May (May 27 and 28, 2014), which are subject to change depending on the public posting period for the committee’s initial recommendations to the minister.

Appendix A – Meeting 2 action items

Day 1

The ADO is to provide the committee members with the following:

  • Action M 2.1 Manitoba’s guidelines on service animals (completed – provided on Day 2 of the meeting).
  • Action M 2.2 A discussion summary for Day 1 of the meeting (completed – provided on Day 2 of the meeting).

Day 2

The ADO is to provide the committee members with the following:

  • Action M 2.3 Track changes version of the CS Standard incorporating the committee’s recommendations from each meeting.

Meeting 1: September 11 and 12, 2013

Letter from chair to the minister

September 30, 2013

The Honourable Eric Hoskins
Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario  M7A 2E1

Dear Minister,

Re: Customer Service Standard review meeting 1 – minutes and progress report

On behalf of the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council/Standards Development Committee (ASAC/SDC), I am pleased to submit the committee approved minutes of Meeting 1 held on September 11 and 12, 2013 and to provide you with a brief update on the committee’s progress.

The committee has completed the following key deliverables:

  • Completed an initial orientation and training session;
  • Developed a draft workplan to be finalized at Meeting 2;
  • Reviewed the long-range objectives of the Customer Service Standard; and
  • Identified Customer Service Standard requirements which are similar to those outlined in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) and suggested ways to harmonize these requirements with the IASR to further streamline accessibility standards, simplify compliance, and reduce regulatory burden on business.

Looking ahead to Meeting 2 on October 3 and 4, 2013, the committee intends to discuss the priority area of service animal requirements.


(Original signed by)

Jim Sanders

Meeting information

September 11 and 12, 2013

250 Yonge Street, 35th Floor, Toronto, Collaboration Boardroom

Day 1 present:

ASAC/SDCJim Sanders (Chair), Scott Allinson, Jane Arkell, David Best, Nuria Bronfman, Don Halpert, John Hendry, Debbie Kirwin, Dean Mellway, Stephen Murphy, Manon Poirier, Gary Rygus, Michelle Saunders, Dean Walker, Ann Hoy.

Staff: Natalie Early, Glen Padassery, Alf Spencer (Day 1 morning), Maria Edwards

Presenters: Sarah Kong (Global Knowledge Inc.), David Lepofsky (AODA Alliance)

Interpreters: Penny Schincariol, Bonnie - Lynn Baker, Kerry Grandfield (Day 1), Angi Tippet (Day 2)

Regrets: Scott Allinson (Day 2 afternoon)

Format of Committee minutes and references: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: M represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items

Day 1 meeting minutes

M 1.1 Welcome and Chair remarks

  • The Chair provided greetings and opening remarks which included acknowledgement of the recent appointment of Mayo Moran, Dean and James Marshall Tory Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, to lead the review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
  • The committee reviewed and approved the agenda.
  • The committee approved the ASAC minutes from the July 10 and 11, 2013 orientation session and reviewed the action items from this meeting.
  • The Chair confirmed the voting procedures.

M 1.2 Long-term objectives of the Customer Service Standard

  • Natalie Early, Manager of Accessibility Policy, provided an overview of the long-term objectives of the Customer Service (CS) Standard.
  • A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 1.1 Maintain the current long-term objectives of the CS Standard to guide the review of the CS Standard, but revisit these objectives at the end of the review to ensure their continued alignment with the committee’s proposed recommendations.

Motion carried

Action M 1.1 The ADO was requested to provide the committee with the long-term objectives of the other four accessibility standards.

M 1.3 Approach to integration

Ms. Early provided an overview of integration. This is the process of examining the requirements of the CS Standard with the requirements of the other four accessibility standards and to look for opportunities to align, where appropriate. The committee reached a consensus on the scope and options for integration. It was noted that the discussion on new and/or enhanced CS Standard requirements would be a separate discussion later in the review of the CS Standard. The committee also agreed on the following guidelines for recommendations on integration:

  • Will not conflict with the long-term objectives of the CS Standard.
  • Will reduce the inconsistencies of CS Standard requirements with the other accessibility standards.
  • Will maintain or enhance the current level of accessibility.
  • Will be based on the evidence currently available.
  • Will simplify requirements for obligated organizations.

The guidelines have not been ranked and the committee will consider all five in reaching a recommendation.

M 1.4 Decisions on integration

M.1.4.1 Decision on administrative changes

  • Ms. Early provided an overview on administrative changes which are CS Standard requirements that do not have a parallel or complementary requirement in the IASR. A discussion ensued.

Action M 1.2 The ADO is to provide the committee with further analysis on compliance and accessibility reporting, format of documents, notice of availability of documents and temporary disruptions requirements in support of discussion on Day 2 of the meeting.

M 1.4.2 Decision on class structure

  • Ms. Early provided an overview of the options for integration of class structure requirements. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion M 1.2 Match the CS Standard class structure with the class structure of the other accessibility standards.

Motion carried

M 1.4.3 Decision on feedback

  • Ms. Early provided the committee with an overview on the integration of feedback requirements. A discussion ensued. Members agreed to defer the discussion to Day 2 of the meeting.

M 1.4.4 Decision on policies, practices and procedures

  • Ms. Early provided an overview of the options for integration of the requirement on policies, practices and procedures.
  • A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion M 1.3 Match "policies, practices and procedures" with the term "policies" used in the other accessibility standards.

Motion carried

M 1.4.5 Decision on training

  • Ms. Early provided an overview of the options for integration of training requirements. A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motions:

Motion M1.4 Match the language on who must be trained with the language in the other accessibility standards.

Motion carried

Motion M1.5 Match the language on when training must occur with the language in the other accessibility standards.

Motion carried

M 1.5 Day 1 wrap-up

The Chair provided closing remarks.

Day 2 meeting minutes

M 1.6 Opening remarks

  • The Chair provided opening remarks.
  • The committee reviewed the action items from Day 1 of the meeting.

M 1.7 Decisions on integration

M 1.7.1 Decision on compliance and accessibility reporting

Glen Padassery, Director of Standards, Policy and Compliance, provided an overview of the compliance and accessibility reporting requirements of the AODA and the CS Standard. A discussion ensued on whether review of these sections is within scope. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 1.6 The accessibility reporting requirements as established in the CS Standard are out of scope for the CS Standard Review.

Motion carried

M 1.7.2 Decision on temporary disruptions

  • Ms. Early provided the committee with an overview on the integration of temporary disruption requirements.
  • A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 1.7 Maintain the temporary disruption requirements as established in the CS Standard.

Motion carried

M 1.7.3 Decision on format of documents and notice of availability of documents

  • Ms. Early provided the committee with an overview on the integration of format of documents and notice of availability of documents requirements.
  • A discussion ensued. Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 1.8 Maintain the format of documents and notice of availability of documents requirements as established in the CS Standard.

Motion carried

M 1.7.4 Decision on feedback

  • The committee continued the discussion on integration of feedback requirements that began on Day 1 of the meeting.
  • Members voted on the following motion:

Motion 1.9 Maintain the feedback requirements as established in the CS Standard.

Motion carried

M 1.7.5 Decision on administrative changes

  • Based on the foregoing discussion on items brought forward from Day 1 of the meeting and follow-up analysis and presentations from staff, the committee voted on the following motion:

Motion 1.10 It is recommended that the following seven requirements form the CS Standard under the IASR through legislative drafting. The committee reserves the right to revisit these requirements as part of the CS Standard Review at a later date.

  1. Purpose and application (with the exception of class structure)
  2. Effective dates
  3. Service animals and support persons
  4. Notice of temporary disruptions
  5. Feedback
  6. Notice of availability of documents
  7. Format of documents

Motion carried

M 1.8 Guest speaker – David Lepofsky

  • David Lepofsky, Chair of the AODA Alliance, joined the committee over lunch and provided remarks.
  • Mr. Lepofsky kindly agreed to provide the committee with a recording of his remarks.

M 1.9 Sharepoint training

  • Sarah Kong of Global Knowledge Inc. provided the committee members with training on the use of SharePoint to access future meeting materials.

M 1.10 Workplan

  • The committee reviewed the draft workplan prepared by staff. Staff will update the workplan based on the committee discussion.

Action M 1.3 The ADO is to provide the committee with an updated workplan to be considered at the next meeting.

M 1.11 Wrap-up

  • The committee confirmed the dates for the next three meetings:
    • October 30 and 31, 2013
    • December 4 and 5, 2013
    • January 29 and 30, 2014

The Chair provided closing remarks.

Action M 1.4 The ADO was requested to provide the committee with materials to inform the discussion on the public review and public consultation processes.

Action M 1.5 The ADO was requested to provide the committee with a track changes version of the CS Standard incorporating the committee’s recommendations at the meeting.

Action M 1.6 The ADO was requested to provide information on what accessible formats were made available during the public comment period for the initial proposed CS Standard.

Action M 1.7 The ADO was requested provide a policy on per diems.

Appendix A – M eeting 1 action items

Day 1

The ADO is to provide the committee members with the following:

  • Action M 1.1 The long-term objectives of the other four accessibility standards (completed –provided on Day 2 of the meeting, with the exception of the long-term objectives for the Design of Public Spaces Standard)
  • Action M 1.2 Analysis on compliance and accessibility reporting, format of documents, notice of availability of documents and temporary disruptions (completed – provided on Day 2 of the meeting)

Day 2

The ADO is to provide the committee members with the following:

  • Action M 1.3 Updated workplan to be considered at the next meeting
  • Action M 1.4 Materials to inform the discussion on the public review and public consultation processes
  • Action M 1.5 Track changes version of the CS Standard incorporating the committee’s recommendations at the meeting
  • Action M 1.6 Information on what accessible formats were made available during the public comment period for the initial proposed CS Standard
  • Action M 1.7 Policy on per diems