Declaration order

Having received a request from Hydro One Network Incorporated that an undertaking, namely,

the Cardiff Transformer Station,

be declared not subject to section 5 of the Act pursuant to section 3.2; and

Having been advised by Hydro One Network Incorporated that if the undertaking is subject to the application of the Act, the following injury, damage or interference with the persons and property indicated will occur:

  1. Electrical demand could exceed the design rating of the transmission system in north Mississauga during peak summer months of 2005. Service interruptions or blackouts could result.
  2. Hydro One is also concerned they may have to deny future connections until loading issues are resolved. This could affect future business and residential development in the City of Mississauga.

Having weighed such injury, damage, or interference against the betterment of the people of the whole or any part of Ontario by the protection, conservation and wise management in Ontario of the environment which would result from the undertaking being subject to the application of the Act;

The undersigned is of the opinion that it is in the public interest to declare and declares that the undertaking is not subject to the application of the Act for the following reason(s):

  1. There are no significant environmental effects;
  2. The public and local and provincial agencies have had the opportunity to review the proposal and provide comment;
  3. Any delay in construction may have a negative effect on the ability of Hydro One to meet present and future electricity customer requirements; and
  4. Hydro One Network Incorporated and the public could be damaged by the cost of having to proceed with the process set out under the Class Environmental Assessment for Minor Transmission Facilities

This Declaration Order is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Where any activity which under this order would be declared not subject to the Act, is being carried out as, or is part of, an undertaking for which an environmental assessment has been accepted and approval to proceed received, the activity shall be carried out in accordance with any terms and conditions in the approval to proceed as well as the conditions of this order.
  2. Where any activity which is the subject of this order, is being carried out as, or is part of, another undertaking which is the subject of a declaration or exemption order under the Act, the activity exempt under this order shall be carried out in accordance with any terms and conditions in the other declaration or exemption order as well as the conditions in this order.
  3. Hydro One Network Incorporated shall implement the mitigation measures during construction and operation of the Cardiff Transformer Station as set out in their request for Declaration Order dated January 2004.
  4. Hydro One Networks Incorporated shall prepare and submit a Monitoring Report to the Director of the Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, the Director of the Ministry of the Environment Central Region Office and the Manager of the Ministry of the Environment Halton-Peel District Office within six months following the completion of construction of the Cardiff Transformer Station demonstrating how the mitigation measures outlined in the Declaration Order Request, dated January 2004, have been implemented.

Dated the 14th day of April, 2004 at Toronto.

Approved by O.C. number: 986/2004
Environmental assessment file number: EA-04-04-03