
The Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN) provides a Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring program for adult offenders on:

  • bail release orders
  • conditional sentences
  • temporary absence permits

Recovery Science Corporation (RSC) operates the program under a contract with SOLGEN.

The GPS monitoring program replaces the Electronic Supervision Program. The new program helps us supervise offenders in the community by closely monitoring their compliance with conditions of their release. This allows us to hold offenders more accountable for their actions.


GPS monitoring is available as an optional condition for adult offenders that are:

  • serving conditional sentences
  • approved for interim release from custody on parole
  • using temporary absence permits
  • on bail

GPS monitoring is not available for young persons or probation orders.

Ontario judges make the decision to use GPS monitoring as an optional condition for conditional sentence orders.

The Ontario Parole Board or correctional institution makes the decision to use GPS monitoring as an optional condition for offenders released on parole and temporary absence permits.

How GPS monitoring works

Participants are fitted with an ankle bracelet which uses GPS to record their location to ensure they abide by the pre-approved curfew schedule or house arrest conditions.

The RSC is responsible for:

  • completing the suitability assessment
  • installing and removing devices
  • supervision
  • enforcement
  • monitoring services
  • technical support
  • service coverage across Ontario

Violations and equipment issues

A centralized computer system immediately reports participant violations, equipment issues and monitoring issues to the RSC, including:

  • device tampering
  • inclusion and exclusion zone violations
  • device equipment failure
  • low battery
  • location of individual

These are investigated and addressed according to established protocols.