
From April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019, the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development conducted a health and safety initiative which focused on mine hoists at mines and mining plants.

During this initiative, inspectors checked that employers were complying with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations to protect workers from hazards related to mine hoist plants. This included:

  • training of maintenance personnel for hoists and hoist plants
  • adequately trained supervisors and workers
  • focus on hoist operator’s workload
  • hoist instructions between workers while the hoist is in operation
  • conveyance chairing practices

Mines hoists

Hoisting of people and material in mines is a high-risk operation reliant on controls to ensure worker safety. There are several significant reported hoist incidents every year that require the electrical/mechanical inspectors’ attention.


During this initiative, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development inspectors:

  • conducted 43 field visits
  • visited 43 workplaces
  • issued 14 orders and requirements, including 2 stop work orders
    • orders per field visit – 0.30
    • orders per workplace visited – 0.30