Kaiashk Provincial Nature Reserve

Inetrim Management Statement

Regional Directors’s Approval Statement

Kaiashk Provincial Nature Reserve

This revised interim management statement will provide interim direction for the management of the above provincial Nature Reserve until a comprehensive Management Plan is prepared.

This statement will provide the basis for the subsequent preparation of the Park Management Plan.

I am pleased to approve this interim management statement.

Signed by:
M.S. Millar
A/Regional director
North Central Region - Thunder Bay

Revised March 1991

Background information

Date: June 10, 1989

Name: Kaiashk
Class: Nature Reserve
MNR. District: Thunder Bay
MNR.Region: North Central
Total area(ha): 780
Site region: 3w
Site district: 3
Date in regulation: June 10, 1989

This is a map of Kaiashk Provincial Nature Reserve in black and white at a scale of 1:160,000.


Life science representation

Site type/landscape unit Species/communities

Earth science representation

Geological theme Feature
Timiskaming Interstadial Kaiashk lnterlobate Moraine

Cultural resource representation

Theme Theme segment

Recreation opportunities

Day use Car camping Wilderness/back country


Level/type Reconnaissance/ completion date Detailed/ completion date Required?
Life science Field notes   Brief survey
Earth science Check sheet   Detailed inventory
Cultural     Brief survey

I Land tenure

All land within to the Nature Reserve is Crown Land. There is no tenure granted for any land within the Nature Reserve.

The land surrounding the Nature Reserve is within the spruce river forest management agreement. The area of the Nature Reserve is excluded from this agreement.


Granting of tenure will not be considered for any land within the Nature Reserve, until a Management Plan has been completed.

II Land acquisition/disposition

There is no patented land within or adjacent to the Nature Reserve area.


No consideration will be given to acquiring additional land or disposing of land within the Nature Reserve until a Management Plan is completed.

III Existing/proposed development

There is no existing or proposed development at the present time.


Development (excluding that related to public health and safety) will not be undertaken prior to completion of a Management Plan.

The boundaries for this Nature Reserve will be surveyed and cut, and appropriate signage provided, if funding permits.

IV Recreational activities

Kaiashk is classified as a provincial Nature Reserve. Therefore, the Nature Reserve was not established for recreational purposes. No water bodies exist within the Nature Reserve area. Hunting pressure is low.


Hunting will not be permitted within the Nature Reserve. Wildlife viewing will be permitted.

If unforeseen conflicts develop in the future between recreational uses and resource protection, necessary restrictions will be implemented.

V Commercial activities

The Nature Reserve is 100% within trapline area #41. However, the Nature Reserve comprises approximately 3% of the trapline area. Trapline harvest in the Nature Reserve area is estimated to be minimal (the trapline data is on file in the Thunder Bay district office.).

The Nature Reserve has been withdrawn from staking. No other commercial activities presently exist.


Forestry, aggregate extraction and mining will not be permitted in the Nature Reserve.

Trapping will be phased out by January 1, 2010 or when the trapper retires or dies, whichever is sooner. At that time, those portions of the licence within the park will be removed. Where a trapper’s licence lapses, the licence will not be renewed. No new licences will be issued. Other commercial activities will not be permitted.

VI Natural Resources

The Nature Reserve has been established to protect significant life science features, in particular, the Kaiashk lnterlobate Moraine.


Restrictions on recreational and commercial activities, as noted above, are expected to provide adequate protection to the life science features. If any unforeseen threats to the preservation of these features arise, appropriate measures and/or restrictions will be implemented.

Normal forest fire suppression will take place within the Nature Reserve area.

Until appropriate measures are identified in a Management Plan, insects and diseases will be controlled as is deemed necessary.

VII Cultural Resources

The cultural resources of the area are unknown.


Any disturbance of possible cultural sites within the Nature Reserve will be discouraged, and restrictions on activities on or near the sites will be implemented if necessary.

VIII Client services

No literature is presently available.


Client services will not be provided until a Management Plan has been completed, except as required by legislation or MNR policy.

IX Research and inventories

A earth science checksheet has been completed for Kaiashk Nature Reserve and is on file in the Thunder Bay District Office.


Brief life science and cultural resources surveys and a detailed earth science inventory will be completed prior to preparing a Management Plan.

Additional research inventories will be encouraged to further document Nature Reserve values. These may be carried out by MNR or by outside interest groups/individuals. Any research must first be approved by the district manager.


OMNR Abitibi Price Inc. Spruce River Forest- Forest Management Agreement #500700. 1981.

OMNR (Unpublished report) Earth Science Inventory Checksheet.

OMNR (Unpublished report) Life Science Inventory Checksheet.

OMNR 1983. Backgrounder Land Use Guidelines.

OMNR 1983. Thunder Bay District Land Use Guidelines.

Plan of Kaiashk provincial Nature Reserve in the district of Thunder Bay

This is a map of the Plan of Kaiashk Provincial Nature Reserve in the district of Thunder Bay. The map depicts the borders of the park, as well as the nearby Gulf River and Kitchen Lake as well as some other unclear topographical features.

Enlarge Plan of Kaiashk provincial Nature Reserve in the district of Thunder Bay