Amendment approval statement

August 28, 2019

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am pleased to approve this amendment to the management statement for Kama Hills Provincial Park. The amendment provides revised direction in the management statement for the issuance of commercial tenure and conditions of any disposition, including requirements under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 and approval through an environmental assessment process.

I would like to express my appreciation to those who participated in the planning process.


Jason Travers, Director
Ontario Parks

Regional Director’s approval statement

This revised Interim Management Statement will provide interim direction for the management of the above Provincial Nature Reserve until a comprehensive Park Management Plan is prepared.

This statement will provide the basis for the subsequent preparation of the Park Management Plan.

I am pleased to approve this Interim Management Statement.

M. S. Millar
A/Regional Director
North Central Region

Revised March 1991

Background information

  • Date: 06.85
  • Name: Kama Hills
  • Class: Nature Reserve
  • M.N.R. district: Nipigon
  • M.N.R. region: North Central
  • Total area ha: 1
    • Land: [no information provided]
    • Water: [no information provided]
  • Site region: 3W
  • Site district: 3
  • Date in regulation: June 15, 1985

Map: Background information

Greyscale map of the Nature Reserve and surrounding area


Life science representation

  • Site type/ landscape unit: N/A
  • Species/communities: [no information provided]

Earth science representation

  • Geological theme: Neohellklan Rift Valley Envir. Theme type section
  • Feature: Kama Hill Fm., Sibley Group.

Cultural resource representation

  • Theme: None
  • Theme segment: [no information provided]

Recreation opportunities

  • Day use: N/A
  • Car camping: N/A
  • Wilderness/back country: N/A


Level/type Reconnaissance/ completion date Detailed completion date Required?
earth science checksheet   detailed Inventory
life science     detailed Inventory

Kama Hills Provincial Park Interim Management Statement

I. Land tenure

The Kama Hill formation is entirely on Crown Lands. This area is within the boundaries of the Domtar Forest Management Agreement, Camp 82 Unit, and has not been excluded from F.M.A.


Ontario Parks may provide tenure for a utility corridor to accommodate the development of the new East-West Tie electrical transmission line, subject to completion of an Environmental Assessment, approval by the Minister, and any conditions necessary to protect park values.

Steps to effect the Nature Reserve’s exclusion from Domtar’s F.M.A. will be undertaken.

II. Land acquisition/disposition

New land disposition for commercial use may be considered in the form of land use permit or lease, provided that the proposed commercial use is consistent with conditions of the PPCRA and the project has been approved through an Environmental Assessment process.

III. Existing/proposed development


IV. Recreational activities


V. Commercial activities

As of April, 1989, the trap line NG-117 has been removed from the park.


No commercial activities will be permitted in the park (Appendix I).

VI. Natural resources

This Nature Reserve class Park was established for the protection of an earth science feature, specifically the type section of the Kama Hill Formation, Sibley Group.


To ensure the protection of the site aggregate extractions; forest management and road construction within the boundaries will not be permitted (Appendix I).

Wildlife viewing will be encouraged (Appendix I).

VII. Cultural resources


VIII. Client services

Easy access and excellent representation make this area a prime candidate for education purposes.


The area may be used as an educational/interpretive feature.

IX. Research/inventories

To date we have no information on the life science features within the Nature Reserve. An earth science checksheet has been completed.


Detailed life and earth science inventories of the Park will be completed when funds permit.


O.M.N.R. 1983. Nipigon District Land Use Guidelines.

Kor, P. 1980. Earth Science Inventory Checksheet.

Franklin, J. M. 1970. Metallogeny of the Proterozoic Rocks of Thunder Bay District, Ontario. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.

Kustra, C. R., W. H., Mcilwaine, W. H. Fenwick and J. Scott. 1977.

Proterozoic Rocks of Thunder Bay Area, Northwestern, Ontario. Inst. Lake Superior. Geology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Field Excursion. Guide, 3-4 May, 1977. 47 p.

Nipigon District Staff. Impact Assessment Sheet.

Appendix I: Consultation

In August 2019, this management statement was amended to allow for a hydro line crossing. On February 7, 2017, a policy proposal notice was posted on the Environmental Registry for the review of the proposed amendments. The comment period occurred between February 7, 2017 - March 24, 2017. Letters were also sent to Indigenous communities and other interested or affected stakeholders to notify, and request input, on the proposed amendments to park management direction. As a result of consultation, a total of 3 comments were received. One comment was supportive of the East-West Tie project. Two comments requested more information about the project.

Appendix II: Plan of Kama Hill Provincial Nature Reserve in the District of Nipigon

Black and white line map of the Nature Reserve, Lake Superior, Kama Bay and Nipigon District.

Activity Acceptable
Recommended guidelines
Aggregate Extraction   x  
Agriculture   x  
Bait Fishing   x  
Commercial Fishing   x  
Cottaging   x  
Crown Land Recreation     Not applicable to Parks.
Forestry   x  
Hunting   x  
Mining   x  
Provincial Parks x    
Roads   x  
Rural Residential   x  
Sport Fishing   x  
Tourism   x  
Trapping   x  
Wildlife Viewing x    
Wildrice Harvesting   x  
Urban Development   x  

Source: Nipigon District Land Use Guidelines