Statement of Conservation Interest

November 20, 2002

Approval statement

We are pleased to approve this Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) for the proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve. It is one of 378 new protected areas approved through Ontario’s Living Legacy, a land use strategy aimed, in part, at completing Ontario’s system of parks and protected areas.

The Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve is located in Site District 5E-11. It includes 911 hectares of Crown land along the length of Little Mississippi River through the geographic townships of Ashby, Mayo, Carlow, and Raglan. It traverses through a variety of landscapes, including open marsh and river rapids with a view of adjacent rolling hills and forested uplands.

The Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve contributes to the protected areas system by adding to the representation of waterways, regionally significant geological representation of components of the Bancroft Terrane, and locally significant wetland ecosites. Special features of the site, in conjunction with adjacent municipal shore road allowances, include its function as a riparian corridor, wildlife diversity, recreation potential and scenic viewscapes.

This proposed conservation reserve is situated within an area of eastern Ontario encompassed by the land claim by the Algonquin Nation. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Algonquin Nation are developing a protocol to guide discussions on a number of land use matters, including implementation of Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy.

The Little Mississippi River site has unique values that would benefit from protection at this time. The values at this site may be expanded in the future with the identification of other unique values through the protocol consultation process with the Algonquins. This SCI will protect the values of this site during the consultation process.

This Statement of Conservation Interest provides guidance for the management of the proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve and provides the basis for the ongoing monitoring of activities. More detailed direction is not anticipated at this time.

The proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve is managed under the jurisdiction of the Bancroft and Pembroke Districts of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Approved by:
Doug Unsworth
A/District Manager
Bancroft District

Approved by:
Ray Bonenberg
District Manager
Pembroke District

Approved by:
Ron Running
Regional Director
Southcentral Region

Date: January 23, 2003

1.0 Introduction

The proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve is located in southeastern Ontario, between the towns of Bancroft and Denbigh. The proposed conservation reserve weaves its way through the geographic townships of Ashby (Lennox and Addington County), Carlow and Mayo (Hastings County, and Raglan (Renfrew County) (Inset, Figure 1) and passes within close proximity of the Town of McArthur Mills where the river intersects Highway 28.

The proposed conservation reserve includes the Crown lands along the length of Little Mississippi River, from the north end of Weslemkoon Lake (where the river flow is controlled by a dam), northwards to Conroys Marsh, which is also a recommended Conservation Reserve in the Ontario Living Legacy Land Use Strategy. The boundary of this 909 hectare proposed conservation reserve is generally situated 120 metres back from the river’s edge, notwithstanding the 30 metre municipal shore road allowance. The proposed boundary is disjunct along the river, broken up by various parcels of patented lands.

While these Crown lands were not previously managed by MNR as a protected area, they have benefited from local interest and stewardship actions such as a community led project to build a walleye spawning bed (CFWIP project).

The purpose of this Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) is to identify and describe the values of the proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve. The SCI also outlines the activities that occur within the proposed reserve and provides guidelines for the management of current and future activities in the context of protecting the natural and cultural values.

Conservation Reserves are established by Regulation under the Public Lands Act. Statements of Conservation Interest are prepared under the authority of Procedural Guideline A – Resource Management Planning (PL Procedure 3.03.05).

1.1 Background information

Name Little Mississippi River (Proposed) Conservation Reserve
Ecological Site Region / Site District 5E/5E-11
OMNR Administrative Region/District/Area Southcentral Region/Bancroft District– Bancroft and Mazinaw Areas and Pembroke District – Madawaska Area
Total Area (hectares) 909 hectares
Regulation Date Pending
First Nations Interests Algonquins
OBM map sheets 10 18 2950 50100, 10 18 2950 50050,
10 18 2950 50000, 10 18 2950 49950,
10 18 2950 50100, 10 18 3000 50050,
10 18 3000 49950, 10 18 3050 49950,
10 18 3050 49900
UTM Coordinates Zone 18T / 500300 N / 297000 E (NAD 83)

1.2 Representation/targets

Earth science representation:

The proposed conservation reserve contributes the following earth science representation to Ontario’s system of protected areas:


  • The felsic (quartzofeldspathic) and mafic plutonic gneisses of the site are regionally significant components of the Bancroft Terrane (Duba, Frey 2002).
  • This site adds representation of the Elzevir Terrane to the provincial protected areas system (not provincially, regionally or locally significant).
  • This site contains two of five lithotectonic terranes of the Central Metasedimentary Belt (Bancroft Terrane and Elzevir Terrane), and therefore contributes to the conservation of the Grenville continental accretion theme outlined by Davidson (1981, p. 107-111).

Surficial geology

  • Till, glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial deposits are locally significant as typical components of the Late Wisconsinan Stage of the Quaternary Era in southeastern Ontario.

Life science representation:

The proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve includes the riparian edge, lowland and upland areas within the 120 metres from water’s edge along designated areas of the Little Mississippi River.

  • The Little Mississippi River CR contributes to the representation of waterways in the protected areas system. Achievement of waterway protected targets is considered to be high in northern Ontario and low in the southern Ontario (Ontario Parks, 2001). This site is considered to be locally significant.
  • The wetlands associated with the waterway (swamp, thicket, meadow marsh, and open water marsh) are considered to be locally significant (Merchant 2002a).

Cultural resources representation:

The Little Mississippi River was influential in the settlement of the area and establishment of local industry at that time.

  • The McArthur’s sawmill and the town of McArthur Mills were established on the river in the late 1800's; the river was used for power and to transport logs and supplies. The town is still the closest settlement to the reserve and marks one of the access points for canoes and kayaks.
  • Loney’s Chute, and the remnants of the wooden bridge that crossed it, is another existing example from the time of European settlement and when the river was used to transport logs. (Bronson in Dore and Tomasini, 2002)

Both these values are representative of local history and culture at the site.

Cultural resources inventories have not been completed for this proposed conservation reserve. The Bancroft-Minden Forest Management Plan (2001-2021) has identified areas within the proposed conservation reserve which have high potential for cultural values (Turner, 2002).

1.3 Survey work

Survey Level Earth Sciences Life Sciences Cultural Recreational Other
Reconnaissance Field notes and report, Duba, D and E.D. Frey, 2001 Checksheet, B. Merchant, 2002a   Checklist. Dore, M. and L. Tomasini, 2001  
Requirement None Further inventory is encouraged Further inventory is encouraged Monitor use and impacts of use  

2.0 Values to be protected

This proposed conservation reserve is located within Hills (1959) ecological Site District 5E-11. Values include earth science, life science and recreational features.

2.1 Earth science

Earth science values are focused on features (bedrock and surficial) that represent the chronology of earth history in the province (Davidson 1981).

The Little Mississippi Conservation Reserve is located within the Bancroft Terrane in the north and within two domains, Belmont and Grimsthorpe, of the Elzevir Terrane in the south. Both Terranes are on the Central Metasedimentary Belt in the eastern part of the Proterozoic Grenville Province. The Belmont and Grimsthorpe Domains are two of the three domains of the Elzevir Terrane (Easton in Duba and Frey, 2001).

Bedrock in the Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve is rarely visible and occurs as isolated and small shoreline outcrops (Duba and Frey, 2001).

Dominant rock types at Little Mississippi Conservation Reserve are quartzofeldspathic gneiss and metagabbro dikes/sills of the Bancroft Terrane (Duba and Frey, 2001).

The felsic (quartzofeldspathic) and mafic plutonic gneisses of the site are regionally significant components of the Bancroft Terrane.

This site adds representation of the Elzevir Terrane to the provincial protected areas system. This site contains two of five lithotectonic terranes of the Central Metasedimentary Belt (Bancroft Terrain and Elzevir Terrane), and therefore contributes to the conservation of the Grenville continental accretion theme outlined by Davidson (1981, p. 107-111). (Duba and Frey, 2001)

The surficial deposits are Quaternary glacial deposits of Late Wisconsinan age, as interpreted from other areas in southeastern Ontario. The uplands are covered by a very thin (<0.5 metre) and discontinuous till deposited as ground moraine on bedrock (Mollard in Duba and Frey, 2001). It is usually stoney, sandy and its clasts reflect the local bedrock geology. Patches of glaciolacustrine delta and glaciofluvial ice-contact deposits occur in the northern and central parts of the Conservation Reserve. Deposits of recent organic matter dominate the south part. (Mollard in Duba and Frey, 2001)

2.2 Life science

The proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve is located within Hills' (1959) ecological Site District 5E-11. The Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve follows the Little Mississippi River (in a series of segments) from Weslemkoon Lake to a point south of the provincially significant Conroys Marsh, eventually draining into Conroys Marsh.


The Little Mississippi River is winding for much of its length, but opens up into wide marshlands and deep, open-water pools surrounded by marsh in places. The riverbanks support a high diversity of ecosites, with opposite riverbanks sometimes presenting a remarkable contrast to one another. Beyond the reserve, on the northwest side, are high hills of white pine and mixed forests. (Merchant, 2002a)

Wetlands associated with the waterway (swamp, thicket, meadow marsh, and open water marsh) are considered to be locally significant (Merchant, 2002a).

Lowland and wetland ecosites include areas of tall grasses, open water marshes with pickerel weed/water lily, meadow marshes, thicket swamps and treed swamps (silver maple and cedar-black ash in particular).

The riverbanks in this reserve are extremely diverse, with ecosites changing with every bend in the river. This diversity is discussed further under the section Life Science-Diversity.

Upland communities include red pine on steep shallow till, mixedwoods of white pine, white spruce, balsam fir, white cedar, white birch, red maple and white elm in various combinations on moderate to steep hills of shallow till, and old cedar on bedrock and bedrock outcrops.

Wildlife using the site is diverse, for the local setting, and is also described further under the section Life Science-Diversity.


The riverbank communities are undisturbed within the proposed reserve areas (Merchant, 2002a).

The proposed reserve is segmented by private land in several places, as well as the 20 metre municipal shore road allowance. At present, some of the woody and riparian vegetation on private lands has been cleared to create lawns, permit access and viewing or for agricultural use. Any influence on private land would be through voluntary stewardship promoting the naturalisation of the riparian vegetation.

Forests are mature to 'overmature' providing habitat characteristics of down wood and standing cavity trees (Merchant, 2002b).

There is evidence of a small fire in a pine community north of McArthur Mills on the west side of the river. Lightning is believed to be the cause of the fire, since no sites suitable for camping were observed (Merchant, 2002b).


The riverbanks in this proposed reserve are extremely diverse, with ecosites changing with every bend in the river.

Some areas have steep sides, some flat, but generally the southwest side is flatter terrain than the northwest, and contains most of the marshy and grassy areas. The fluvial deposits have provided a rich substrate for vegetation.

Plant species diversity is high in the low-lying areas and wetlands. Some species are uncommon in other parts of site region, and many species providing food for wildlife are present. Species noted include: small purple fringed orchid, wild rose, spiraea, virgin’s bower, maple-leaved viburnum, nannyberry, tall meadow rue, snakeroot, Virginia creeper, choke cherry, royal fern, sensitive fern. (Merchant, 2002a)

Wildlife using the site is diverse. Wildlife species identified to use the site are: beaver, muskrat, raccoon, deer, black duck, pileated woodpecker, belted kingfisher, bullfrog, elk, bear, grouse, marten, fisher, American bittern and great blue heron. Fish species present in the river include largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, northern pike, walleye and rock bass. Broadwing hawk and bald eagle have historically nested in the vicinity, but outside of the proposed reserve.

Ecological considerations:

The Little Mississippi River flows north from Weslemkoon Lake to Conroys Marsh, a Provincially Significant Wetland. Any deterioration of water quality or imbalance between exotic and native plants upstream will affect the northern portions of Little Mississippi River as well as Conroys Marsh. Although exotic plant establishment may only be an issue if native plant communities are disturbed, seed of exotic plants will be transported with the current.

The habitat in the proposed conservation reserve is significant to the surrounding landscape because, as a riparian corridor, it provides a valuable water source, forage, prey species, cover, spawning and/or nursery area, and a transportation corridor for wildlife from the surrounding environs.

A good portion of the southwestern side of the river is in private ownership. Any deterioration in water quality may be ameliorated by improved riparian stewardship. (Merchant, 2002a)

Flooding rights on the river are reserved to Ontario Hydro (2001, Office of the Surveyor General), now known as the Ontario Power Generation Inc. At present there is no known detrimental impact caused by the management of water levels at the site. As distance increases from the dam, water levels increasingly become a function of drainage patterns such as the natural chutes and tributary streams, hence northern sections of the Little Mississippi proposed reserve are less influenced by the regulation of water levels.

The portion of the proposed Little Mississippi Conservation Reserve, just south of Conroys Marsh, has been identified as a moderate Fire Risk Zone (OMNR, 1983)

Locations of sensitive features are on file at the managing OMNR office.

Special features:

The proposed reserve is located adjacent to three deer wintering yards (Egan Creek/Mephisto near McArthur Mills, Weslemekoon Lake and Conroys Marsh yards).

There is suitable fish nursery and fish spawning habitat within the proposed reserve. A walleye spawning bed was created as part a Community Fisheries Involvement Program (CFIP) project approximately ten years ago.

The proposed reserve runs through two Bear Management Units. As well, there are several fur management areas and two fur management agreements that included in the proposed reserve.

The proposed conservation reserve links Weslemekoon Lake to the provincially significant Conroys Marsh and serves as a north-south corridor of riparian habitat. It provides fundamental habitat for aquatic species as well as drinking, forage, hunting area, and cover for terrestrial species travelling along the corridor.

The diversity of habitats represented here lends its significance to the proposed reserve, and shows the appropriateness of choosing this area as a proposed conservation reserve.


The life science values of proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve are considered locally significant.

2.3 Recreational values

The proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve passes through scenic locations with habitat for a diverse range of both aquatic and terrestrial species. This habitat provides locally significant opportunities for fishing, wildlife viewing, hunting, camping, boating and snowmobiling.

The proximity of the proposed conservation reserve to the proposed Conroys Marsh Conservation Reserve allows visitors to extend their visits to include both proposed reserves, which may also increase the appeal and diversity of both sites for the above activities.

The site may become more well-known and popular for activities such as fishing and nature viewing due to increased public awareness of the site since being recommended as an Ontario Living Legacy conservation reserve and its close proximity to Conroys Marsh.

3.0 Management guidelines

3.1 Land tenure


The proposed Little Mississippi Conservation Reserve consists entirely of Crown land. There are a total of sixty parcels to the proposed reserve. Parcels range in size from less than one hectare up to 149 hectares.

Where the proposed conservation reserve is not contiguous, it is intervened by private land. The most contiguous portion of the proposed reserve is in Raglan Township where the riverbed is included for the whole length and both sides of the river are included for most of the length. Carlow Township, Mayo Township and Ashby Township all have private lands intervening the proposed reserve. Mayo Township has the largest gaps between parcels.

The unopened road allowances (including shore road allowances) which pass through the proposed reserve are in municipal ownership, and therefore not part of the proposed reserve.

Where land on one or both sides of the river is regulated as part of the proposed conservation reserve, the riverbed is generally included.

The land surrounding the proposed reserve is a mix of private and Crown land. The northern portion of the proposed reserve is predominantly surrounded by Crown land. In the southern portion, the south side of the proposed conservation reserve is predominantly abutted by private land.

Flooding rights on the river are reserved to Ontario Power Generation Inc. (2001, Office of the Surveyor General).

There are three private hunt camps, operating with a land use permit, within the proposed reserve. The proposed reserve runs through Bear Management Unit (BA-61-002) in the MNR Bancroft District, and Bear Management Unit (PE 57-014) in the MNR Pembroke District. MNR Bancroft District administers both Bear Management Areas.

There are several fur management areas (NO 11, NO 14, TW02, TW13) which include the MNR Bancroft District portions of the proposed reserve. Within the MNR Pembroke portions of the proposed reserve, there are two fur management agreements which apply to the following lots and concessions in the proposed reserve: Con 10, Lots 4,5,6; Con 11, Lots 4,5,6; Con 12, Lot 4; Con 8, Lot 7; Con 9, Lots 4,5,6,7.

Five active baitfishing areas (PE74, MA2, CA4, BAM96, BAM100) include parts of the proposed reserve.


Sale of Crown lands within the proposed conservation reserve is not permitted, with the exception of some types of minor dispositions.

Renewals of existing land use permits are permitted. Existing private recreation camps are eligible for enhanced tenure but not for the purchase of lands. A decision to grant enhanced tenure, or to transfer recreational camps will be addressed through a screening process.

New leases or land use permits will be allowed for approved activities (Appendix 1).

Leasing of Crown lands to new commercial outfitting services, outpost camps, resort or lodges can be considered during future planning. Leasing of Crown lands within the proposed conservation reserve for the development of private camps is not permitted.

Fur harvesting and baitfishing will continue to be authorized within the proposed reserve.

As detailed in various sections of this SCI, the municipal shore road allowance abutting the river contains important riparian values and features, fish and wildlife habitat, as well recreational and aesthetic values. The acquisition of these road allowance areas by the Ministry would provide for a more contiguous land assembly and further assist in the protection of this landscape. Should the municipalities be interested in deeding these shore road allowances to the Crown, the Ministry would support their incorporation into the proposed conserve reserve. Expropriation of these shore road allowances by the Ministry from the municipalities or adjacent private landowners is not proposed.

Acquisition of land that would increase the contiguity of the linear segments of the proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve is a lesser priority than the shore road allowances, but could be considered when it becomes available and if it is determined to be appropriate and feasible.

3.2 Existing/proposed development


Consistent with Article #20 of the Ontario Forest Accord, the forest industry has identified the potential need for a future crossing of the Little Mississippi River, to permit the continuance of forest management activities adjacent to the proposed conservation reserve.

Six locations within the conservation reserve have been identified as being potentially suitable for low impact camping.

There are two areas for boating access to the proposed reserve.


This identified potential forest industry crossing will be dealt with through future planning and in accordance with the procedures in place at that time, related to the implementation of Ontario Forest Accord #20. This potential crossing may be situated within the portion of the proposed reserve located in Carlow Township.

Camping facilities will remain as undeveloped campsites. Consideration will be given to backwoods privies if a need for them is identified. Consultation will first occur with local municipalities, upon which such sites may be located.

It is not anticipated that additional boat access will be needed.

3.3 Recreational activities


The 2002 Recreation Report ranks the five most prevalent recreation activities within the proposed reserve. They are in order of rank: watersports, fishing, hunting, camping and snowmobiling. Wildlife viewing is another existing recreational activity.

Watersports include canoeing, motorized boating, kayaking and swimming.

Fishing includes good opportunity for a variety of sportfish (species listed in Life Science-Diversity section). The site is most popular in warm seasons but is also used for ice fishing. Present use is considered moderate and at a sustainable level.

A variety of wildlife is hunted (species listed in Life Science-Diversity section). There are three operational recreation camps within the proposed reserve, and over half a dozen surrounding the portion of the proposed reserve in Ashby Township.

The site is used at a small-scale for overnight camping, which is appropriate to the number of suitable sites available. A total of six potentially suitable sites were documented in a 2001 recreation inventory. (Dore and Tomasini, 2002).

The area is popular with snowmobilers, which was made evident from the large number of trails and signs observed during the recreation assessment (Dore and Tomasini, 2002). A regional trail crosses the river just north of McArthur Mills, it branches off and runs north along the river and connects with the OFSC E109 TOP connector trail (Marleau et al. in Dore and Tomasini, 2002).

Nature viewing and guided nature tours through the proposed reserve may become more popular in the future. Conroys Marsh is currently a destination used for guided nature-viewing tours. In time, these tours may include the proposed Little Mississippi Conservation Reserve as a natural extension.

It is expected that all of the above activities will continue to be locally important at the site.


Recreation use such as boating (canoeing, motorboat), swimming, wildlife viewing, and will be allowed to continue in the proposed Conservation Reserve.

Fishing and hunting will continue to be allowed within the proposed Conservation Reserve.

Camping will continue to be allowed within the proposed Conservation Reserve.

Establishment of new private recreation camps will not be permitted.

Use of mechanized recreational travel (snowmobiles and All Terrain Vehicles) will be allowed to continue on existing roads and trails. New trails, or the relocation of trails, may be considered through planning exercises where no significant conflicts can be demonstrated. Snowmobile and ATV use off trails is not permitted, except for the direct retrieval of game.

3.4 Commercial activities


The proposed reserve runs through two Bear Management Unit (BA-61-002 and PE 57-014).

There are several active fur management areas (NO 11, NO 14, TW02, TW13, TW09) which include the MNR Bancroft District portions of the proposed reserve. Within the MNR Pembroke portions of the proposed reserve there are two fur management agreements; which apply to the following lots and concessions in the reserve: Con 10, Lots 4,5,6; Con 11, Lots 4,5,6; Con 12, Lot 4; Con 8, Lot 7; Con 9, Lots 4,5,6,7.

Five active baitfishing areas (PE74, MA2, CA4, BAM96, BAM100) include parts of the proposed reserve.

A small commercial resort is located on private land between portions of the proposed reserve in Raglan Township. Although it is not located within the proposed reserve, the resort uses the proposed reserve to provide recreational opportunities for its visitors.

Mining activity is not known to have occurred in the proposed reserve.


Conservation Reserves do not permit mining, commercial forest harvesting, hydroelectric power development, the extraction of aggregate, peat, soils, or other industrial uses. (Public Lands Act, Ontario Regulation 805/94).

Other new commercial activities must meet the requirements of Procedural Guideline B – Test of Compatibility.

3.5 Aboriginal interests


The proposed conservation reserve is located within the land claim area of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan.


The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan are developing a protocol to guide discussions on a number of land use matters, including implementation of the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy. The Little Mississippi River site has unique values that would benefit from protection at this time. The values at this site may be expanded in the future with the identification of other unique values through the protocol consultation process with the Algonquins. Hunting and fishing are permitted uses in proposed conservation reserves.

3.6 Natural resource stewardship

3.6.1 General

This proposed conservation reserve would be managed with an emphasis on ensuring that the natural ecosystems and processes of the proposed conservation reserve are not negatively affected by current and future activities. Therefore, applications for specific uses will be carefully studied and reviewed. The Ministry, partner organizations, and/or the proponents may undertake such studies.

3.6.2 Vegetation


The proposed reserve contains diverse wetlands and riparian vegetation as well as upland vegetation.

Fire is recognized as a natural element of ecosystems.


Site will be managed as to maintain the vegetated character and diverse vegetation and ecotypes associated with the shoreline.

Although fire is recognized as a natural element of ecosystems, the proposed conservation reserve will be managed in accordance to the fire management plan of the adjacent Crown land. A 'light on the land' approach to fire management in conservation reserves is desirable (i.e. minimal use of heavy equipment, trenching, camp construction, tree cutting, etc.). If it were determined that it would be beneficial to use fire as a resource management tool, prescribed burning can be considered through future planning exercises.

Insects and disease may be suppressed if they are determined to be impacting the ecological values of the proposed reserve or the values for which the reserve is proposed.

As part of the consideration of Conservation Reserve Procedural Guideline B (Appendix 1), any new or relocated ATV or snowmobile trails will not traverse sections with sensitive vegetation.

No collecting of vegetation is permitted, except as part of an authorized research permit.

3.6.3 Wildlife


Wildlife species are listed under the Life Sciences – Diversity section.

Commercial and recreational activities related to wildlife are listed in the Management Guidelines – Commercial Activities and Management Guidelines – Recreational Values.


The management of game and fur species in the proposed Little Mississippi Conservation Reserve will continue, consistent with the wildlife management unit (WMU 57 and WMU 61), fur management areas (NO11, NO14, TW02, TW13, TW09) and Bear Management Area (BA-61-002) within which it lies.

3.7 Cultural resource stewardship


One historical feature of European settlement in the area has been identified within the proposed conservation reserve (Loney’s Chute).

The area is identified, by the Bancroft-Minden Forest Management Plan (2001-2021), to have high potential for cultural values (Turner, 2002).


The chute, and remnants of the road that crossed it, will remain a passive recreation feature. The Ministry supports the retention and protection of this cultural resource.

Where appropriate, interested partners will be encouraged to undertake inventories and studies of the area. Any research in the proposed conservation reserve must be approved prior to commencement (see Research section).

3.8 Client services


Motorboat access is limited to two northern boat launches: one is located south of the Conroys Marsh junction and a second east of Fort Stewart. Minimal and informal public parking is available at each boat launch.

Canoes can also be put in at a campsite just north of Weslemkoon Lake, and at several areas along the river where roads intersect or run parallel to the proposed reserve.

Areas of shallow water or rapids do not have sufficient portage routes to traverse them (Dore and Tomasini, 2002).

Boats (motorized and non-motorized) and snowmobiles can be rented at small commercial operation located on the river.

There are six sites in the proposed reserve which are suitable for low-impact camping. All campsites, with the exception of the campsite north of Weslemkoon Lake, are accessible by boat only. No facilities are provided at campsites. Campers are expected to pack out garbage after site use.

The Denbigh Trail Twisters and Old Hastings Snow Riders snowmobile clubs maintain the trails along the proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve.

There is an OLL factsheet for this proposed conservation reserve.


The focus of client services will remain on the provision of low key information and self-interpretation of proposed conservation reserve values.

An OLL fact sheet will continue to be provided at nearby MNR offices.

Consideration will be given to the strategic location of conservation reserve identity signs where trails (snowmobile or ATV) or roads enter the proposed conservation reserve, at access points or at boundaries along the river where ownership changes between Crown and private land.

There will be consideration given to providing privies at sites, if it is determined that the sites are used frequently. Signage to promote keeping sites garbage-free will also be considered.

3.9 Research


Since the designation of the site as a proposed Ontario Living Legacy conservation reserve, several surveys and checklists have been completed.

A reconnaissance Earth Science Report (Duba and Frey, 2002), a reconnaissance Life Science Checksheet (2002a) and a reconnaissance Recreation Checklist and Report (Dore and Tomasini, 2002) were completed based on 2001 field surveys.


Continued research should be geared to develop further knowledge of the natural values at the site and to monitor any impacts from recreational use of the site. Collection of baseline information on fisheries values and future monitoring is a priority. Some of this research may be conducted through partnerships with naturalists, anglers and researchers.

Authorized inventory of cultural/historic and archeological values will be encouraged so that these values can be appropriately protected.

Research proposals and activities must follow Procedural Guideline C – Research Activities in Conservation Reserves (PL. Procedure 3.03.05) (Appendix 2).

3.10 Marketing


There has been no direct marketing of the proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve to date. Promotion and information about this site has been primarily through the Ontario’s Living Legacy planning process, and recent MNR public consultation (2000) regarding proposed boundary refinement and regulation of this site.


Fact sheets about this proposed conservation reserve will continue to be available to inform the public about the special values of this area and the role of this proposed conservation reserve in Ontario’s protected area system.

4.0 Implementation

Administrative responsibility for the proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve lies with the Ministry of Natural Resources through its Bancroft and Pembroke District Offices.

MNR will continue with the custodial care of the proposed conservation reserve and will also seek out partnerships where appropriate. Implementation of this Statement of Conservation Interest will primarily involve monitoring activities to ensure adherence to the management guidelines.

Implementation Priorities include:

  • prepare to consult with Algonquin First Nation representatives and communities, as a basis of proceeding with final boundary refinement and regulation of this proposed conservation reserve
  • update this SCI upon final regulation as a conservation reserve
  • provision of client services (e.g. brochure or fact sheet) at nearby MNR Offices
  • monitor site use and impacts of use (i.e. campsites, fisheries values, vegetation)
  • assess acquisition potential as it arises. Acquisitions will be done with the goal of developing contiguity between existing portions of the proposed reserve
  • proceed with minor development (e.g. signage, privies) as funding permits
  • evaluate present fisheries values, and monitor thereafter, as funding and priorities permit
  • survey for additional natural heritage values (i.e. species at risk), preferably in partnership with reserve users and local residents
  • encourage appropriate survey of cultural values; and
  • evaluate if visitation levels warrant developing portage routes

5.0 Review and revision of the Statement of Conservation Interest

The proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve Statement of Conservation Interest will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

If changes are required in the Statement of Conservation Interest, they will occur through a standard process of minor and major amendments. Minor amendments will be processed in a relatively informal manner and will require the approval of the Area Supervisor. These amendments will deal with uses and activities that do not affect any of the policies in this SCI, such as new uses and/or activities that are consistent with existing policies.

Uses and/or activities that were not anticipated in the approved SCI and which have the potential to have a negative impact on the values of this proposed conservation reserve will require a major amendment. This will include an opportunity for public comment and input, will require the approval of the MNR District Manager(s) and Regional Director.


Davidson R. J. 1981. A framework for the conservation of Ontario’s earth science features. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto.

Dore, M. and L. Tomasini. Recreation Inventory Report, Little Mississippi [proposed] Conservation Reserve (C55). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Bancroft.

Duba, D. and E. Frey. 2002. Earth Science Report, Little Mississippi [proposed] Conservation Reserve (C55). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Bancroft.

Hills, G. A. 1959. A ready reference to the description of the land of Ontario and its productivity. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Division of Research, Maple, Ontario.

Merchant, B. 2002a. Draft Life Science Checksheet, Little Mississippi [proposed] Conservation Reserve (C55). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Bancroft.

Merchant, B. 2002b. Barb Merchant, Contract Ecologist, Southcentral Region Science and Technology Unit (North Bay), Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Personal correspondence. January 2002.

Noble T. W. 1983. Biophysiographic Analysis of Site Region 5E. Central (Algonquin) Region, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Office of the Surveyor General. 2001. Plan of C55 Little Mississippi [proposed] Conservation Reserve, Sheets 3-4, March 2001. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. (Note: not a plan of survey)

OMNR. 1983a. Bancroft District Land Use Guidelines. Bancroft District, Algonquin Region, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

OMNR. 1983b. Tweed District Land Use Guidelines. Tweed District, Algonquin Region, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

OMNR. 1983c. Pembroke District Land Use Guidelines. Pembroke District, Algonquin Region, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

OMNR. 2000. Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve (C55) Fact Sheet, September 2000.

OMNR. 1999. Ontario’s Living Legacy, Land Use Strategy, July 1999. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough.

Ontario Parks. 2001. Ontario Parks Website: (link no longer active) Date Accessed: February 18, 2002.

Turner, M. 2002. Mike Turner: Bancroft District Planner, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Personal correspondence: September, 2002.

Appendix 1: Procedural guideline B – land uses – Test of Compatibility (PL procedure 3.03.05)

The Conservation Reserve policy provides broad direction with regard to the permitted uses. The policy provides only an indication of the variety of uses that will be considered acceptable in Conservation Reserves. The only caution is that "any new uses, and commercial activities associated with them, will be considered on a case by case basis, and, they must pass a test of compatibility to be acceptable."

What does a 'test of compatibility' mean? An examination of this must start from the premise of why an area is set aside – specifically, its representative natural heritage values. Criteria are then identified to guide compatibility considerations. These criteria apply to the long-term acceptability of both existing uses and new uses.

  1. Conformity to SCI/RMP: SCI describes values for which an area has been set aside and the range of appropriate uses that will be permitted in the area. SCI may also speak to the acceptability of other 'new' uses currently not occurring in the area.

    The first 'test' is: "do proposed new land uses and/or commercial activities conform to the direction of the SCI/RMP for the Conservation Reserve? Would the new use(s) depart from the spirit of appropriate indicator land uses in the SCI/RMP?"

  2. Impact Assessment: If the proposed use(s) pass test 1 it is important to determine their impact on the area before they are approved. This should include the following:
    • Impact on natural heritage values: "will the new use(s) impact any natural values in the area? If so how and to what degree? Is it tolerable?"
    • Impact on cultural values: "will the new use(s) impact an historical or archaeological values in the area?"
    • Impact on research activities: "will the new use(s) affect research activities in the area?"
    • Impact on current uses: "will the new use(s) have any negative impact on the array of current uses?"
    • Impact on area administration: "will the new use(s) increase administrative costs and/or complexity?" (For example, the cost of area monitoring, security and enforcement).
    • Impact on accommodating the use outside the Conservation Reserve: "Could the use(s) be accommodated as well or better outside the Conservation Reserve?"
    • Impact on socio-economics of the area: "will the new use(s) affect the community (ies) surrounding the area in a positive or negative way?" (For example, will the new use make an area less remote thereby affecting a local tourism industry that is dependent on the area’s remoteness for its appeal?"
    • Impact on area accessibility: "does the new use(s) give someone exclusive rights to the area or a portion of the area to the exclusion of other existing uses?"

Indicator uses for Conservation Reserves

Industrial activities

Activity Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Commercial timber harvest No No No No
Cutting of trees by leaseholders and property owners for fuelwood and small-scale uses Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe
Timber salvage/sunken log retrieval Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe
Mineral exploration No No No No
Mining No No No No
Extraction of peat, soil, aggregate, other materials No No No No
Forest renewal Maybe footnote 1 Maybe footnote 1 Maybe footnote 1 Maybe footnote 1
Hydro power generation No No No No
Communications corridors Yes No footnote 2 Yes No footnote 2
Energy transmission corridors Yes No footnote 2 Yes No footnote 2
Transportation corridors Yes No footnote 2 Yes No footnote 2
Resource access roads Maybe footnote 2 Maybe footnote 2 Maybe footnote 3 Maybe footnote 2
Private access roads Yes No footnote 3 Yes No footnote 3

Recreation activities

Activity Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Sport fishing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sport hunting Yes Yes Yes Yes
Facility development Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe
Non-trail snowmobiling Maybe footnote 4 Maybe footnote 4 Maybe footnote 4 Maybe footnote 4
Non-trail ATV use Maybe footnote 4 Maybe footnote 4 Maybe footnote 4 Maybe footnote 4
Trails: - hiking - snowmobiling - cycling - horse riding - cross-country skiing Yes Maybe Yes Maybe
Motorized boating Yes Yes Yes Yes
Private recreation camps Yes footnote 5 No Yes footnote 5 No

Commercial activities

Activity Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Fishing Yes footnote 6 Maybe Yes footnote 6 Maybe
Bait-fish harvesting Yes footnote 6 Maybe Yes footnote 6 Maybe
Commercial fur trapping Yes footnote 6 Maybe Yes footnote 6 Maybe
Trapping cabin Yes No Yes No
Out-post camps/tourism facilities Maybe footnote 7 Maybe footnote 7 Maybe footnote 7 Maybe footnote 7
Commercial bear hunting (tourist operators) Yes No Yes No
Wild rice harvesting Yes footnote 6 Maybe Yes footnote 6 Maybe
Food harvesting Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe

Resource management activities

Activity Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Resource inventorying Yes Yes Yes Yes
Resource monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fire protection Yes Yes Yes Yes
Insect and disease Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe
Featured species management Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe

Other activities

Activity Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Generic OLL Policy Permitted?
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Specific Application
In Proposed Little Mississippi River Conservation Reserve
Research Yes Yes Yes Yes
Collecting Maybe footnote 8 Maybe footnote 8 Maybe footnote 8 Maybe footnote 8
Food gathering Yes Yes Yes Yes
Land disposition Yes footnote 9 Maybe footnote 9 Yes footnote 9 Maybe footnote 9
Habitat management for wildlife Maybe footnote 10 Maybe footnote 10 Maybe Maybe

Appendix 2: Procedural guideline C – research activities in Conservation Reserves


To encourage contributions to the goal of conservation reserves by:

  • providing direction for research activities associated with conservation reserves; and
  • establishing a process for the review and approval of proposals by researchers, which could have an impact on the values protected by the conservation reserve.


Research means any investigation or study of the natural, cultural, social, economic, management or other features or characteristics of conservation reserves.


Research will be encouraged to provide a better understanding of the natural values protected by a conservation reserve and to advance their protection, planning and management. The Statement of Conservation Interest will define, for each conservation reserve, the key research issues, set out the parameters within which research may occur and identify research needs.

Applications and approvals

Researchers must apply in writing to the Area Supervisor for permission to conduct research. The request letter must contain a statement explaining why the proposed research should be undertaken in the particular conservation reserve in preference to another location.

Proposals will be reviewed and approved by the Area Supervisor, guided by the Statement of Conservation Interest prepared for each reserve (see Guideline A – Resource Management Planning) and using Guideline B – Land Uses – Test of Compatibility. Permission must be granted in writing, including any conditions to be met in conducting the research, prior to the undertaking of any research project .

Terms and conditions

Permission to conduct research under this policy will be valid for a period of 12 consecutive months from date of issue. Permission to continue a research project for additional periods of 12 months or less may be granted upon submission of a written request and progress report. The Ministry may require the posting of collateral to assure that the terms and conditions of granting permission are met.

The Area Supervisor may suspend or revoke permission at any time for failure on the part of the researcher to meet:

  1. The intent or conditions of this policy
  2. The requirements under the Public Lands Act, including all amendments, where applicable
  3. The requirements under any other Act or Regulations of Ontario or Canada, including those governing the taking, handling, storing, confining, trapping, excavating and marketing any specimen, artifact, information or action (for example, scientific collector’s permit).
  4. The conditions and agreements specified in granting permission.

Final report

The researcher will submit copies of reports, publications and theses following from the results of the project to the Area Supervisor.