Current status

Notice of opportunity to provide input

Project summary

The Lockerby Mine (AMIS 05606) is a former underground copper-nickel mine located in Denison Township, approximately 17 kilometres southwest of the community of Chelmsford and 30 kilometres west of the City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario. The mine is accessed from the north off Highway 144 via Gordon Lake Road (also known as Lockerby Mine Access Road). The mine is bordered by Vale’s Crean Hill mine to the west.

The underground mine operated discontinuously since the 1960’s and ceased operations in 2015. The mining rights were forfeited to the Crown in early 2020. An ore pile remains at the mine with an estimated volume of 27,000 m3. There is evidence of metal leaching and acid rock drainage (ML/ARD) associated with the ore pile which has contaminated adjacent properties and poses a risk to aquatic life in surrounding surface water features.

In accordance with Section 53 (1) of the Mining Act, all chattels remaining at the mine within 6 months after the forfeiture, including ore, belong to the Crown and may be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Minister. The removal of the ore pile is a ministry priority by the due to the ongoing contamination risk to adjacent properties and surface water features. The proposed activity is the disposal of the ore pile through a competitive procurement process. The removal of the ore is estimated to occur over 1 to 2 weeks.


Ministry of Mines


Denison Township, Sudbury District



Reference number

Environmental Registry of Ontario #: 019-8605


Michaela Haring, Environmental Planner
Mine Rehabilitation Section
933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 6B5
Tel: 249-885-3631

Notice of opportunity to provide input on a category B project (2023)

We invite you to comment on the disposal of Crown-owned chattels at the Lockerby Mine. The undertaking is being carried out in accordance with the Class Environmental Assessment for Activities of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines under the Mining Act (PDF, amended 2018). The proposed activities are being assessed as a category B project with low potential for environmental effects.

We have identified several environmental effects associated with the undertaking, which can be mitigated using standard measures. A summary of negative environmental effects and proposed mitigation measures that would negate or reduce their significance is provided in the Project Description, which you can find with the supporting material for this project on the Environmental Registry of Ontario.

You are invited to provide input and express any concerns about this proposed project. For more information, or to submit comments, read the posting for this project on the Environmental Registry of Ontario or contact:

Michaela Haring, Environmental Planner
Mine Rehabilitation Section
933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 6B5
Tel: 249-885-3631

Your privacy

Personal information you provide in a submission (such as your name, address, and telephone number) and your views and opinions are being collected by the ministry under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act for the purpose of engaging in public consultation and making decisions regarding the project.

Your personal information may also be shared with the Environmental Approvals Branch of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservations and Parks. The collection, use, and disclosure of this information are all governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Send questions about the collection of this information to:

Michaela Haring, Environmental Planner
Mine Rehabilitation Section
933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 6B5
Tel: 249-885-3631