Interim Management Statement

©1999, Queen’s Printer for Ontario

Additional copies of this publication can be obtained only from:

Ministry of Natural Resources
Kenora District
808 Robertson Street
PO Box 5080
Kenora, ON
P9N 3X9
Telephone: (807) 468-2501

Approval statement

This Interim Management Statement will provide interim direction for the management of Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve until a comprehensive Park Management Plan is prepared.

This statement will provide the basis for the subsequent preparation of the Park Management Plan.

I am pleased to approve this Interim Management Statement for

Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve.

Signed by:
Tim P. Sullivan
Zone Manager
Ontario Parks
North West Zone


The purpose of this Interim Management Statement is to identify;

  1. park values which are to be protected
  2. resource management prescriptions necessary to protect these values; and
  3. restrictions on use of natural resources within the park

This Interim Management Statement is not intended to replace a Park Management Plan. Rather it is intended to guide the use of natural resources and related activities within the park until such a time as a Park Management Plan is prepared.

The guidelines that have been developed are based upon information contained in the Kenora District Land Use Guidelines.

Background information

This table provides background information for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Name: Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Proposed class: Nature Reserve
MNR district: Kenora
MNR region: North West
Total area (ha): 27
Land: 27
Water: N/A
Site region: 4S
Site district: 2
Date in regulation: March 8, 1997

Map of Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve - February 1999

Map depicting surrounding area of Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve

Life science representation


This table provides information on life science representation for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Site type/landscape unit Species / communities
Peninsula with deep soils located on Maynard Lake. White pine occurrence at the northern limit of the species' range. Atypical Old Growth White Pine stand, age class 157 years, with some White Spruce and Poplar, represents potential genetic value.

Earth science representation

This table provides information on earth science representation for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Geological theme Feature

Cultural resource representation

This table provides information on cultural resource representation for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Theme Theme segment
Unknown N/A

Recreational opportunities

This table provides information on recreational opportunities for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Day use Car camping Wilderness / back country


This table provides information on inventories for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Level / type Reconnaissance / completion date Detailed / completion date Required?
Earth science   1994  
Life science   1994  
Cultural     Yes
Recreational     N/A

Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve Interim Management Statement

I. Land tenure / acquisition / disposition

Maynard Lake Nature Reserve is Crown Land.


Land disposition in this Nature Reserve will not be considered; land acquisition is not required at this time.

II. Existing / proposed developments

There is no existing development. No development will be considered.

III. Recreational activities

There is currently no recreational use of the area. People fishing and canoeing on adjacent waters may access the Nature Reserve for day use, "no trace" activities.


Camping within the Nature Reserve will be discouraged. Hunting will not be permitted within the Nature Reserve. The use of snowmachines or all-terrain vehicles is not permitted.

IV. Commercial activities

A registered trapline (KE41) is partially located within the Nature Reserve. A portion of Bear Management Area KED5143 is within the Nature Reserve boundary. There is low mineral development potential and there are no mining claims on this site. There are aggregate deposits on the site, but they are not commercially viable due to access and distance to markets. Logging has never occurred in the park. Spruce budworm has caused damage to forests in the area.


Licensed commercial trapping will be phased out except for trapping by Status Indians. The Bear Management Area KE05143 will be adjusted to remove the area that is within the Nature Reserve.

New mining activity, including prospecting, staking of mining claims, or development of mines will not be permitted in the Nature Reserve. Aggregate development or removal will not be permitted within the park.

Commercial logging will not be permitted within the park but will take place on adjacent land in the Kenora Forest Management Unit.

V. Native interests

There are no land claims regarding the Nature Reserve. The Nature Reserve area is within the boundaries of lands covered under Treaty #3, Grassy Narrows Wabauskang First Nations.


Any management guidelines will reflect the Ontario government’s approach to aboriginal rights:

  1. All decisions related to the identification, planning or disposition of provincial park lands, or other lands set aside to protect significant natural or cultural heritage values, will be the subject of public Aboriginal peoples who identify traditional ties to those lands will be integral to the consultation and decision making processes. In some cases there may be a need for separate consultation or negotiation processes to address Aboriginal interest in park lands. If required, some issues regarding how a park is used may also be the subject of negotiation with Aboriginal people
  2. The Government of Ontario will consider all the available options when seeking to determine the land component, if any, during negotiations involving land claim settlements with First Options for use that involve lands which are not to be considered for provincial park purposes will be preferred
  3. As described in the Province’s Interim Enforcement policy (1991), aboriginal people hunting or fishing in provincial parks will be subject to all relevant treaties and However, an agreement reached between the Province and a First Nation may modify the application of those treaties and laws. (Ontario Provincial Parks Planning and Management Policies, 1992)

VI. Natural resources

Maynard Lake is classified as a Provincial Nature Reserve. The trees in this representative old growth white pine forest are 157 years old. Despite the relatively small size, this forested area contains important old growth characteristics, with a core area of 70 percent white pine. A Bald Eagle nest is located within the nature reserve.


Restrictions on commercial and recreation activities, as noted above, are expected to provide adequate protection to the life science features. Should any unforeseen conflicts or threats to significant resources / features arise, appropriate measures and/ or restrictions will be implemented.

VII. Cultural resources

There are no known archeological sites within the park.


Sensitive areas will be recorded and appropriately managed as they are identified.

VIII. Client services

No promotional literature is presently available.


Client services will not be provided until a Management Plan has been completed, except as requested by legislation or M.N.R. Policy.

IX Research and inventories

The local public and interested parties were canvassed for views on the proposed Nature Reserve over the summer of 1994. Public response to the proposed Nature Reserve was positive.

Detailed vegetation, soils and landform inventories were carried out by Kenora District staff in 1994.


Additional research / inventories will be encouraged to further document park values. These may be undertaken by Ontario Parks, by MNR, or by outside groups / individuals. Any research must be approved by the Zone Manager or the Park Superintendent.


Kenora District Office 1994. Old Growth White Pine and Red Pine Ecological Inventory.

Kenora District Office 1994. Proposed Old Growth Protection Areas Site Description.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1984. Kenora District Land Use Guidelines.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources September 1994 Consultation Report for 6 Old Growth Protection Sites.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1992. Ontario Provincial Parks Planning and Management Policies.

Appendix I: Land Use Activity for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve

This table provides information on land use activities for Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Activity Acceptable - Yes Acceptable - No Recommended guideline
Aggregate extraction   No  
Agriculture   No  
Bait fishing   No  
Commercial fishing   No  
Cottaging   No  
Crown land recreation   No Not applicable to Parks.
Forestry   No  
Hunting   No  
Mining   No  
Provincial parks Yes    
Roads   No  
Rural residential   No  
Sport fishing   No  
Tourism   No  
Trapping Yes   It is recommended that existing trapping activity be permitted to continue only for Status Indians enjoying treaty rights.
Mechanized travel:   No  
Wildlife viewing Yes    
Wild rice harvesting   No  
Urban development   No