Children and Adult Services Program - vote 702

The Children and Adult Services program provides effective and accountable community-based services for individuals needing financial and employment supports, people with developmental or physical disabilities and/or special needs, children and youth at risk, youth in conflict with law, newcomers and victims of violence.

Social Assistance programs help people return to work by providing financial and employment supports to eligible individuals who are in need, including people with disabilities and their families. The Family Responsibility Office improves the financial security of families by collecting and distributing child and spousal support payments pursuant to court orders and domestic contracts filed with the courts.

The Children and Youth at Risk program includes child protection, youth justice and other services to children and youth. Child protection services delivered by Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous well-being societies protect children and youth at risk of abuse or neglect. Youth Justice services reduce re-offending, contribute to community safety, and hold youth accountable through prevention, rehabilitation and reintegration. This program also provides culturally appropriate services for Francophone and Indigenous children, youth and families and adoption information disclosure services.

Supports to Individuals and Families include services for children, youth and adults with developmental and/or physical disabilities; culturally appropriate health and wellness programs for Indigenous peoples; community-based supports for at-risk youth or women and children experiencing violence; and specialized services for children and youth including autism services, rehabilitation services, and supports for those with complex special needs. Ontario Child Benefit provides direct non-taxable financial support for low to moderate income families. The Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent provides children and youth in the care of Children’s Aid Societies with access to social, educational and recreational opportunities and a savings program for older youth in care.

Children, Youth and Social Services Information & Information Technology Cluster provides strategic advice and operations of information technology solutions to support the business and mandate of the ministry.

The Office of Women's Issues works across government to promote women's economic and social empowerment and security and the prevention of violence against women. Settlement and Integration programs support the successful social and economic integration of immigrants and refugees.

Vote summary

Item number Item

Supplementary estimates





Operating expense


Financial and employment supports

$116,900,000 $9,442,802,000 $10,028,533,400 $9,440,305,573

Supports to individuals and families

$278,515,900 $3,864,248,400 $4,008,437,300 $3,536,780,849

Total operating expense to be voted

$395,415,900 $13,307,050,400 $14,036,970,700 $12,977,086,422

Total operating expense

$395,415,900 $13,307,050,400 $14,036,970,700 $12,977,086,422

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense


Financial and employment supports


Transfer payments


Ontario Works - employment assistance


Ontario Works - financial assistance


Ontario Disability Support Program - financial assistance

$51,980,800 $116,900,000

Total operating expense to be voted


Supports to individuals and families


Transfer payments




Total operating expense to be voted




Children and Youth Services


Transfer payments



$278,515,900 $278,515,900

Total operating expense to be voted


Total operating expense for Children and Adult Services Program


Total operating expense for Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
