What we do

Children and Youth

  • Oversee the delivery of child protection services for children who have been, or are at risk of being, abused or neglected.
  • Help make sure children and youth with special needs, including autism, have access to timely and effective services.
  • Work with First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous communities to support the healthy development of their children and youth.
  • Help prevent high-risk youth from coming into conflict with the law, improve their outcomes, and reduce re-offending.
  • Oversee health screening and intervention programs that support early child development.
  • Monitor international and private adoption services in Ontario.
  • Provide policy oversight and funding for the Ontario Child Benefit.

Community and Social Services

  • Provide financial and employment supports to low-income Ontarians.
  • Fund services and supports for adults with developmental disabilities.
  • Collect, distribute and enforce child and spousal support payments.
  • Supply interpreter and intervenor services for adults who are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or deafblind.
  • Collaborate with Indigenous communities on healing, health and wellness programs and services for Indigenous people.
  • Support survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence and sexual violence.

Women’s social and economic opportunity

  • Supports the advancement of women’s equality and safety.

Personal information and privacy rules

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services  
438 University Avenue, 7th floor  
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K8

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