Effective May 2024


The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Master Numbering System has been developed for the purpose of bringing together all Health Facilities and Programs under one system of identification. The system is a composite of:

  • health and health related units
  • facilities
  • clinics
  • programs and services

Each organisation has been assigned a unique four digit identifying code.

Facilities and programs are identified by a type code, which indicates a broad service classification. Care must be taken to identify the correct service classification by type since various types of service may be provided within one facility.

This publication has been designed primarily for use by those involved in completion of the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) abstract. Users should contact the Ministry of Health or Health Data Branch by email at AskHealthData@ontario.ca for further information concerning their use of the system.

Please note that due to space limitations on field lengths, some municipal names have been truncated or abbreviated and do not necessarily constitute legal names.

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