We have made progress toward increasing employment and income security for Ontarians. Since 2013, we have helped more than 26,500 young people find jobs, get training and gain valuable work experience through the Youth Employment Fund. In 2014, Employment Ontario also assisted more than 684,000 individuals to find and keep jobs through access to job search, matching, placement and training supports.

Key achievements in 2014

In 2014, some of the steps we took to help increase employment and income security include:

  • Increasing the minimum wage and indexing it to the Ontario Consumer Price Index, helping families keep up with the changing costs of living.
  • Launching the Aboriginal Economic Development Fund to provide grants and financing to Aboriginal businesses, communities and organizations.
  • Continuing annual increases for people receiving Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support benefits.
  • Increasing support by $50 per month for single adults without children receiving Ontario Works.
  • Replacing the Northern Allowance with the Remote Communities Allowance. The new allowance provides $50 more per month for individuals and families, plus an additional $25 for each family member. This is an increase of 13% since 2013 for a single person without children receiving Ontario Works and living in a remote community.

Moving forward, we will continue to focus on helping individuals become and stay employed. We are also taking steps to provide today’s workers with the retirement income security they deserve.

Read the 2014 Annual Report.

Employment and income support services:

Ontario Works

Employment Ontario

Ontario Electricity Support Program

Minimum wage increase

Training and employment services for youth:

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

Youth Job Strategy: Youth Employment Fund, Youth Entrepreneurship Fund

Services and benefits for vulnerable populations:

Ontario Disability Support Program

Aboriginal Economic Development Fund

Ontario Retirement Pension Plan

Guaranteed Annual Income System

Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant

Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Program

Microlending for  Women in Ontario Program

Employment Training Program for Abused/At-Risk Women