How to get access to updated crop protection information

The most recent crop protection information is now available through a digital application, the Ontario Crop Protection Hub. The Ontario Crop Protection Hub replaces previous Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) PDF and print crop protection publications.

The Ontario Crop Protection Hub allows users to:

  • access pest control product options, rates, efficacy data and application notes
  • view supplementary information on using pesticides in Ontario
  • customize and navigate through information based on their specific needs
  • access information when they need it to make important business decisions
  • access information digitally, either through desktop, tablet or mobile

Available crop protection information

Updated information for new growing seasons on a wide variety of different crop types, management strategies and protection options can be found online using the Ontario Crop Protection Hub.

Find more OMAFRA publications

OMAFRA has many publications available on a variety of topics. Visit Publications Ontario to view the agricultural publications catalogue.