Engagement statistics

  • 37
    sessions led by the Secretary of the Cabinet
  • 4,870+
    OPS employees engaged at sessions led by the Secretary of the Cabinet
  • 1,110+
    OPS employees engaged at sessions led by OPS leadership
  • 3,220+
    OPS employees engaged at sessions led by ministries
  • 34,000+
    OPS employees engaged onlinefootnote *
  • 690+
    forms submitted online by OPS employees

Total number of employees engaged at in-person sessions and onlinefootnote **: 40,000+

Key communications and engagements

December 12, 2017
OPS of the Future featured in an online article by Secretary Orsini for Canadian Government Executive magazine
December 6, 2017
Launch of the External Advisory Committee for the OPS of the Future
November 20, 2017
All ADMs/Associates/DMs meeting
November 16, 2017
OPS of the Future session at the onRISK conference
November 2, 2017
OPS of the Future session at the Policy+ conference
October 13, 2017
OPS of the Future external engagement session in partnership with Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship
October 10, 2017
OPS of the Future pop-up at the Policy Innovation Hub
October 3, 2017
OPS of the Future profiled in TBS Transforms video (internal) and in Deputy Minister’s guest blog post by Chief Talent Officer Diane McArthur
August 28, 2017
Launch of Internal Reference Group
July 5, 2017
Ontario Public Commission storyboard presented, including OPS of the Future content
May 6, 2017
OPS of the Future profiled at Federal Blueprint 2020 Innovation Fair (Toronto)
February 16, 2017
OPS of the Future project launched across the OPS

Summary of online submissions from OPS employees

Based on online submissions up to September 30, 2017.


Region Number of submissions Percentage of submissions Percentage of OPS staff by region
Central 292 65% 58%
Eastern 58 13% 13%
Northern 53 12% 13%
Western 45 10% 16%
Total 448 100% 100%

Years of service

Years of service Number of submissions Percentage of submissions Percentage of OPS staff by years of service
Over 20 96 21% 19%
10 to 20 147 33% 33%
5 to 10 99 22% 19%
Less than 5 106 24% 29%
Total 448 100% 100%

Employee type

Employee type Number of submissions Percentage of submissions Percentage of OPS staff by employee typefootnote ****
Manager 97 22% 9%
Employee 351 78% 91%
Total 448 100% 100%