

Peat Resources Limited


Township of Upsala



Reference number



Environmental Approvals Branch, 416-314-8001
Toll free 1-800-461-6290

Current Status

Terms of reference: refused, May 31, 2007

Project Summary

The purpose of the undertaking is for a peat harvest and processing operation near Upsala, Ontario.

Project History

  • Terms of reference: refused
    • Date submitted: September 29, 2006 (amended December 12, 2006)
    • Expiry of public comment period: October 27, 2006
    • Decision date: May 31, 2007
  • Designation: voluntary agreement granted
    • Date submitted: December 2, 2005
    • Decision date: March 17, 2006

Terms of Reference


A proposed Terms of Reference (ToR) for a peat harvest and processing operation near Upsala, Ontario was submitted to the ministry on September 29, 2006. As a result of the concerns raised by members of the Government Review Team (GRT), Aboriginal communities and members of the public, Peat Resources Limited (PRL) requested a “time out” for up to 8 weeks to address concerns and amend its ToR. An amended ToR was resubmitted to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) on December 12, 2006.

The Minister of the Environment is not satisfied that an environmental assessment prepared in accordance with the ToR will be consistent with the purpose of the EAA and the public interest for the following reasons:

  • the ToR does not set out a clear and detailed planning process that will ensure the completed EA will be consistent with the purpose of the EAA and the public interest;
  • the ToR contains a number of inconsistencies, errors and omissions of key facts relating to the rationale for the project;
  • PRL has not addressed the technical concerns raised by the public and government review team;
  • consultation on both the draft ToR and the revised ToR has been insufficient; and
  • the ToR does not ensure that an EA prepared in accordance with the ToR will contain a sufficient level of detail to accurately assess the environmental effects of all alternatives and the proposed undertaking.

Based on the above, PRL’s ToR was refused by the Minister of the Environment on May 31, 2007.

Designation (Voluntary Agreement)

Under section 3.0.1 of the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA), proponents whose enterprises or activities would not normally be subject to the EAA can enter into a voluntary designation agreement with the Minister to have the EAA apply to their enterprise or activity.

On March 17, 2006, Peat Resources Limited and the Minister of the Environment entered into a Voluntary Agreement, making Peat Resources Limited’s proposed peat extraction project subject to the requirements of the EAA.

Peat Resources Limited proposes to extract peat from two bog complexes including any related activities, the construction of related peat processing plant(s), the processing of the harvested peat into fuel grade peat and subsequent bog rehabilitation near the Township of Upsala, Ontario.