Land acknowledgement

Ontario is located on the traditional territory of Indigenous peoples dating back countless generations. We show our respect for their contributions and recognize the role of treaty-making in what is now Ontario. You are encouraged to reflect on and acknowledge the Indigenous territory and unique history where you are located.


The Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 (PSOA) sets out the roles and authorities of the Public Service Commission (PSC) granting most human resource authorities to the PSC and others to the Management Board of Cabinet (MBC). The MBC, under the PSOA, can also establish terms and conditions of employment by directive.

The mandate of the PSC, under Part III of the PSOA, is to ensure:

  • Effective management and administration of human resources in relation to public servants that the PSC or its delegates appoint to employment by the Crown.
  • Non-partisan recruitment and employment of public servants that the PSC, or its delegates, appoint to employment by the Crown.

Structure, roles and membership

The PSC is a “Non-Board-Governed Regulatory Agency” (as defined by the Agencies and Appointments Directive) without budget or staff. Secretariat services are provided by public service staff from the Centre for People, Culture and Talent (CPCT), a division of Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS). A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the President of the Treasury Board (TBS Minister) and the PSC Chair outlines expectations between the government and the agency. The PSC is accountable to the TBS Minister through the MOU.

Roles and membership (see Appendix 1 for 2023 membership list):

  • TBS Deputy Minister is the PSC Chair and permanent member of the PSC.
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Talent and Leadership Division is the PSC Secretary, and a regular Ontario Public Service employee.
  • Secretary of the Cabinet, as head of the public service, is a permanent member of the PSC.
  • Other deputy minister members (nominated by the Secretary of the Cabinet based on experience, diversity and expertise) are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council to the role of commissioner for a one-year term, which may be renewed.

The PSC role in HR governance for the Ontario Public Service

The PSC is assigned authority under the PSOA to establish terms and conditions of employment for employees in ministries and Commission public bodies. Authority covers appointments to the public service, discipline, investigations, dismissals, and post-service conflict of interest for ministry employees. The PSC issues directives and policies to establish principles and requirements to fulfil statutory obligations. The PSC authority does not extend to the creation of job classes and compensation; this is retained by the MBC.

For effective HR management and accountability, the PSC delegates most authorities to deputy ministers for employees in ministries and to prescribed delegates for employees in Commission public bodies. In addition, MBC sub-delegates power to PSC as it relates to the creation of positions, salary or wage ranges and other terms and conditions of employment. Limits on sub-delegation are set where appropriate and the PSC retains the right to make (or overrule) decisions should it so choose. For example, the PSC retains authority to appoint senior executives in Executive 3 and Executive 4 classes of positions (assistant deputy minister, associate deputy minister or equivalent), and for dismissals of employees in all Executive classes of positions.


Commissioners are not remunerated to serve on the PSC. The PSC does not maintain a budget or staff, however, a staff resource (equal to half a full-time equivalent) from CPCT provides secretariat services. Duties include advice to ministries when preparing submissions for PSC consideration, agenda-setting, meeting coordination and distribution of meeting materials. Funding for the PSC’s administrative operations is provided by CPCT in accordance with TBS budgeting priorities and procedures.


The PSC provides enterprise direction for the effective management of human resources in the Ontario Public Service. The CPCT in TBS assists the PSC in achieving objectives through enterprise-wide human resources planning, policy advice, strategy development, workforce data and business trends analysis, administrative management (coordination, agenda-setting and records management), reporting and talent consulting services for ministries. The PSC will, over the course of this business plan:

  1. Approve human resource management directives and policies and associated programs to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks. PSC will oversee policy change recommendations that may result from the leadership pledge commitments associated with the third-party review of OPS inclusive workplace policies and programs.
  2. Promote the Ontario Public Service values.
  3. Oversee and monitor progress in achieving the strategic priorities and goals set out in the OPS People Plan to modernize work, grow and develop talent and cultivate a culture of belonging to optimize public service.
  4. Optimize business processes for effective decision-making by the PSC.
  5. Report annually on PSC performance against business plan commitments.

Performance measures and annual targets

The PSC’s performance will be assessed against:

Policy development

  • Annually, 100% of non-compensation policies that form part of the annual HR policy review agenda (see Appendix 2) are reviewed.
  • 100% completion of annual policy reviews where legislation (e.g., Occupational Health and Safety Act) prescribes the frequency of such reviews.

Public service talent and leadership

  • Annual reporting on number of appointments to Executive 3 or Executive 4 (or equivalent) classes of positions.
  • Quality of PSC executive appointments through a quality of hire index that measures the performance, retention, and growth potential of executives two years post-hire.
  • Analyze sociodemographic survey respondent information of PSC appointments to Executive 3 or Executive 4 (or equivalent) classes of positions to identify potential barriers faced by individuals from equity-deserving groups.

HR strategy

  • Implementation of the OPS People Plan to modernize work, grow and develop talent and cultivate a culture of belonging to deliver excellent public services as measured against established priorities.
  • The alignment of programs and initiatives within the OPS People Plan against the associated measurement framework.

Conflict of interest

  • Annually, 85% of post-service conflict of interest determinations are made for ministry employees within 60 calendar days of receiving the request.
  • Annual reporting on number of requests for determinations received by former ministry employees, number requiring non-standard restrictions, and instances in which the PSC had to act due to non-compliance with direction.
  • Annual communication of requirements to 100% of ministry employees who are obligated to submit annual financial conflict of interest declarations to the Integrity Commissioner or attest to no change in status since their last declaration.

Administration and reporting

  • Implementation of PSC business process improvements to optimize effective and efficient deliberation, decision-making and communication of decisions made by the committee.
  • Increasing transparency of PSC decisions through the PSC annual report of achievements to the TBS Minister.

Risk assessment and mitigation

Acting within the authorities granted to it under PSOA, as well as those delegated to it by MBC, the PSC makes decisions with respect to several potentially high-risk matters related to:

  • Policy direction for the management of OPS employees.
  • Appointments of senior executives in Executive 3 and Executive 4 classes of positions.
  • Dismissals of employees in Executive (levels 2 to 4) classes of positions (or equivalent).
  • Determinations of post-service conflict of interest for former ministry employees.

The enterprise risk management framework provides an overarching structure that the OPS can utilize to embed risk management in decision-making and relevant organizational processes. Integration of risk management is a strategic decision-making tool that minimizes threats and takes advantage of opportunities.

Assessment of PSC strategic priorities by likelihood and impact of risks are complemented by risk indicators and mitigation to determine risk appetite and tolerance in the execution of the mandate.





Overall risk rating


Policy direction

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks. 


PSOA and MBC grant authority to the PSC to set terms and conditions of employment. There is a risk to efficient governance without appropriate delegation of authority.


High impact

Medium – high

Avoid: PSC will review non-compensation policies that form part of the policy review agenda to ensure that directives and policies remain current and relevant, and address evolving organizational priorities, recommendations, and response for HR management.

Mitigate: PSC will monitor the HR Delegation of Authority to ensure accountability for hiring decisions are consigned to the appropriate level in the organization to optimize organizational efficiency and excellence.

Policy direction

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks.

Service delivery

There are risks in attracting, developing and retaining talent critical to the public service’s capability to deliver services.


High impact

Medium – high

Avoid: PSC will review non-compensation policies that form part of the policy review agenda to ensure that directives and policies remain current and relevant, and address evolving organizational priorities, recommendations, and response for HR management.

Policy direction

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks.


There are risks with not preserving OPS reputation as a non-partisan, merit-based, anti-racist and inclusive employer that is representative of the people of Ontario.

There is also risk of eroding employee engagement and confidence.



Medium – high

Avoid: PSC will review non-compensation policies that form part of the policy review agenda to ensure that directives and policies remain current and relevant, and address evolving organizational priorities, recommendations, and response for HR management.

Mitigate: PSC will approve policy direction and/or changes related to the leadership pledge commitments (e.g., anti-racism, diversity, inclusion, accessibility) that promote merit-based, equitable and inclusive hiring decisions.

Policy direction

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks.


As a large, decentralized organization, there are risks to OPS compliance with legislation (e.g., PSOA, Ontario Human Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act ,Employment Standards Act and Occupational Health & Safety Act) that binds the Crown as an employer.



Medium – high

Avoid: PSC will review non-compensation policies that form part of the policy review agenda to ensure that directives and policies remain current and relevant, and address evolving organizational priorities, recommendations, and response for HR management.

Mitigate: PSC will maintain compliance with legislation (e.g., PSOA, Ontario Human Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act ,Employment Standards Act and Occupational Health & Safety Act) and other legal guidance (e.g., public health advice) for the OPS as employer, through policy and programs.

Policy direction

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks.

Health & Safety

There are financial, fiduciary liability and employee risks with failure to comply with health and safety legislation and workplace safety measures.



Medium – high

Avoid: PSC will review non-compensation policies that form part of the policy review agenda to ensure that directives and policies remain current and relevant, and address evolving organizational priorities, recommendations, and response for HR management.

Mitigate: PSC will maintain compliance with legislation (e.g., PSOA, Ontario Human Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act ,Employment Standards Act and Occupational Health & Safety Act) and other legal guidance (e.g., public health advice) for the OPS as employer, through policy and programs.

Talent and leadership

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks.

Promote the OPS values.

Promote a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and accessibility.

Service delivery

There are risks that the OPS does not make timely decisions to attract, deploy and retain skilled, diverse, and engaged employees to deliver critical public services.


High impact

Medium – high

Avoid: PSOA employment and ethical frameworks are maintained and promoted to ensure a non-partisan, ethical, professional, and competent public service.

Mitigate: PSC meets bi-weekly to provide oversight of executive talent through the approval of appointments to Executive 3 and Executive 4 classes of positions (and equivalent).

Key Risk Indicator

Annual turnover for regular (permanent) staff is 6.0%.

Mitigate: PSC will monitor as increases may indicate risk of lost productivity and increased operating costs (employee recruitment, orientation, onboarding, lost capacity, etc.).

Talent and leadership

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks.

Promote the OPS values.

Promote a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and accessibility.


There are risks that the OPS is not perceived to be non-partisan, open and transparent in how it recruits and deploys employees. There are also risks associated with the OPS reputation as an inclusive, equitable, accessible, and anti-racist employer that is representative of the people of Ontario.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will monitor the OPS Employee Experience Survey, including employee engagement levels, as a decrease may indicate risk in achieving the values, culture and morale that set the conditions for success and employee performance.

Talent and leadership

Approve human resource management directives and policies and oversee the leadership pledge commitments under PSC authority to shape a non-partisan, professional, ethical, competent, healthy and safe, diverse, accessible, anti-racist, inclusive, and respectful public service, and mitigate workforce risks.


There are risks associated with how employees are appointed to the public service as prescribed in PSOA  and compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and Employment Standards Act.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will approve appointments to the public service as prescribed in PSOA and maintain compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and Employment Standards Act.

Strategic planning

Oversee and monitor progress in achieving the strategic priorities and goals set out in the OPS People Plan to modernize work, grow and develop talent and cultivate a culture of belonging to deliver excellent public services to Ontarians.

Alignment with organizational priorities

There is the risk that human resource management is not aligned with organizational priorities in key areas (e.g., modernization, diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and accessibility).




Avoid: PSC will actively monitor the achievement of objectives.


Mitigate: PSC to review, discuss and provide direction based on periodic reporting from CPCT on the progress of OPS People Plan implementation.

Mitigate: PSC will monitor indicators of inclusion levels, including those from the OPS Employee Experience Survey, and support initiatives that can improve these indicators and achieve inclusive workplace goals.

Strategic planning

Oversee and monitor progress in achieving the strategic priorities and goals set out in the OPS People Plan modernize work, grow and develop talent and cultivate a culture of belonging to deliver excellent public services to Ontarians.

Service delivery

There are risks that the public service agenda cannot be delivered without future-ready workforce strategies that prepare the OPS to take on the challenges of today and tomorrow within expected timelines.



Medium – high

Avoid: PSC will actively monitor the achievement of objectives.

Mitigate: PSC to review, discuss and provide direction based on periodic reporting from CPCT on the progress of OPS People Plan implementation.

Strategic planning

Oversee and monitor progress in achieving the strategic priorities and goals set out in the OPS People Plan to modernize work, grow and develop talent and cultivate a culture of belonging to optimize to deliver excellent public services to Ontarians.


Without intentional planning, there is potential to undermine OPS reputation as an inclusive, equitable, accessible, and anti-racist employer that is representative of the people of Ontario and attracts and retains a highly engaged and diverse workforce.



Medium – high

Avoid: PSC will continue with active and ongoing effort to monitor the achievement of objectives.

Mitigate: PSC will monitor alignment with the PSOA ethics and integrity framework and senior leadership diversification program and reporting, in alignment with the OPS People Plan implementation.

Mitigate: PSC will monitor indicators of inclusion levels, including those from the OPS Employee Experience Survey, and support initiatives that can improve these indicators and achieve inclusive workplace goals. A decrease in indicators of inclusion may indicate risk of failing to achieve a culture and morale that set the conditions for a safe, fair, valued, and respected employee experience.

Dismissals of executive employees

Promote OPS values.


There are risks to OPS reputation in how executives are dismissed from employment.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will retain decision-making authority for dismissals of employees in all executive classes to ensure fair and consistent processes across the enterprise.

Dismissals of executive employees

Promote OPS values.


There are risks of legal challenges from dismissed executives.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will secure legal advice from TBS Legal Services Branch when considering a recommendation to dismiss.

Dismissals of executive employees

Promote OPS values.


There are financial costs associated with dismissing executives.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will secure legal advice from TBS Legal Services Branch when considering a recommendation to dismiss.

Ethical behaviour

Promote OPS ethics and values.


There is the potential risk to OPS reputation as an ethical employer if the PSC does not fulfil its role as ethics executive for former ministry employees.




Avoid: PSOA employment and ethical frameworks are maintained and promoted to ensure a non-partisan, ethical, professional, and competent public service.

Mitigate: As ethics executive for former employees, the PSC will make determinations regarding potential conflicts of interest from former public servants who worked in a ministry.

Ethical behaviour

Promote OPS ethics and values


There are compliance risks associated with fulfilling requirements of the PSOA ethical framework.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will secure legal advice from TBS Legal Services Branch when considering conflict of interest declarations from former employees who worked in a ministry.

Administration and reporting

COVID‑19 pandemic recovery


There are risks in effectively and efficiently executing the PSC’s governance role in facilitating the reopening of OPS workplaces through appointments and approvals.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will review business processes periodically to optimize effectiveness and efficiency in executing its mandate, which may include adding meetings to the schedule or alternate methods for considering urgent appointments.

Mitigate: PSC to ensure thorough onboarding of new commissioners for effective governance and decision-making.

Administration and reporting

Compliance with reporting requirements (business planning, annual reporting) of the Agencies and Appointments Directive.


There are compliance risks in meeting requirements (business planning, annual reporting) of the Agencies and Appointments Directive.



Medium – high

Mitigate: PSC will submit an annual report to the TBS Minister to demonstrate progress against business plan priorities and fulfilment of accountability under the Agencies and Appointments Directive.


This plan outlines the business priorities and risk mitigation strategies for the PSC to fulfill obligations under the Agencies and Appointments Directive over the next three years. Progress will be reported annually and tabled in the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the Treasury Board/Management Board of Cabinet timelines.

 Centre for People, Culture and Talent

Treasury Board Secretariat

Appendix 1: Public Service Commission members (as of January 3, 2023)

Public Service Commission members generally serve one-year terms and are appointed by Order in Council. New members will be appointed, or existing members may be renewed, when member terms end.

Chair, Public Service Commission

Deborah Richardson
Deputy Minister, Treasury Board Secretariat
Secretary of Treasury Board and Management Board of Cabinet
Room 5320, Whitney Block
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON
M7A 1A1


Shawn Batise
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
Suite 400, 160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON
M7A 2E6

Denise Cole
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
7th Floor, 438 University Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5G 2K8

David Corbett
Deputy Attorney General
McMurtry-Scott Building
11th Floor, 720 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2S9

Karen Ellis
Deputy Solicitor General
Ministry of the Solicitor General
25 Grosvenor Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 1Y6

Michelle DiEmanuele
Secretary of the Cabinet & Head of the Public Service
Room 6420, Whitney Block
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON
M7A 1A1

Martha Greenberg
Deputy Minister, Policy and Delivery
Associate Secretary of the Cabinet
Room 6420, Whitney Block
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON
M7A 1A1

John Kelly
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
11th Floor, 77 Grenville Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 1B3

Greg Meredith
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
14th Floor, 400 University Avenue
Toronto, ON
M7A 1T7

Monique Rolf von den Baumen-Clark
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry
Room 6643, Whitney Block
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON
M7A 1W3

Stephen Rhodes
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Energy
10th Floor, 77 Grenville Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2C1

PSC Secretariat

Nosa Ero-Brown, Strategic Advisor to the Public Service Commission

Chief Talent Officer & Associate Deputy Minister
Centre for People, Culture and Talent
Treasury Board Secretariat
5th Floor, Whitney Block
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON
M7A 1W4

Stephen Brown, Secretary to the Public Service Commission
Assistant Deputy Minister, Talent and Leadership Division
Centre for People, Culture and Talent
Treasury Board Secretariat
595 Bay Street, Suite 1203
Toronto, ON
M5G 2C2

Appendix 2: 2022-2023 policy & priorities agenda

2022-2023 agenda

An agenda and priorities for 2022-2023 (to be updated as required to reflect new government priorities/emerging opportunities):

Priority Area


PSC Meeting Target (TBC)

Mandated Policy Reviews: required under Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Respectful Workplace Policy


Mandated Policy Reviews: required under Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Workplace Violence Prevention Policy


Mandated Policy Reviews: required under Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy


Public Service Excellence –Fostering an inclusive, responsible, and skilled workforce.

OPS Leadership Pledge – Implementation*


Public Service Excellence –Fostering an inclusive, responsible, and skilled workforce.

Disability Accommodation Policy


Public Service Excellence –Fostering an inclusive, responsible, and skilled workforce.

Policy on Preventing Barriers in Employment


Public Service Excellence –Fostering an inclusive, responsible, and skilled workforce.

Ethical Framework Program


Government Priorities –Delivering on key commitments.

Hiring Freeze Guidance & Reporting


Workforce of the Future –Strategic initiatives that create the conditions for a flexible, innovative, and skilled workforce.

OPS Flexible Work Strategy/Remote Work


Workforce of the Future –Strategic initiatives that create the conditions for a flexible, innovative, and skilled workforce.

OPS People Plan


Foundations: internal/public reporting, innovations in workforce analysis, employee engagement.

Foundations: internal/public reporting, innovations in workforce analysis, employee engagement.


Long-Term Agenda (to be confirmed on an annual basis)

HR Policies (non-Compensation)

Mandated Policy Reviews (Reviewed Annually)

Last Revised

Mandated Policy Reviews (Reviewed Annually)


Mandated Policy Reviews (Reviewed Annually)

Respectful Workplace Policy

Dec 2022


Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

Dec 2022


Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Dec 2022


HR Policies (non-Compensation)

Key Human Resources Directives and Policies

Last Revised

Key Human Resources Directives and Policies


Key Human Resources Directives and Policies

Attendance Policy

Jan 2018


Disability Accommodation Policy

Feb 2023* (addressing OPS Leadership Pledge commitment)


Disclosure of Wrongdoing Directive (Ministries including Minister’s offices)

Aug 2015


Disclosure of Wrongdoing Directive (public bodies) through MBC approval

Dec 2015


Employee Performance Policy

Apr 2023


Employment Policy

Nov 2020


Employment Screening Checks Policy

Nov 2018


Human Resources Management Delegation of Authority Directive

Apr 2012


Human Resources Management Directive through MBC approval

Apr 2012


Learning and Development Policy

Apr 2012


Policy on Preventing Barriers in Employment

June 2023 (addressing OPS Leadership Pledge commitment)


Secondment to a Minister’s Office Policy

Nov 2017


*Note: Priority for policy review evaluation is based on legislative requirements (e.g., annual reviews of health and safety policies), length of time since last review, accuracy (e.g., organizational changes, designations, responsibilities), and operational and program feedback. OPS Leadership Pledge commitments following the Third-Party Review of OPS inclusive workplace policies and programs may also inform prioritization.