Ministry overview


The Office of the Premier is dedicated to focused action on major transformation that will improve outcomes for Ontarians while helping to free up resources to reinvest in key priorities.

Ontario’s strategic plan

  • free prescription medications for everyone 24 and under
  • free tuition for 210,000+ postsecondary students
  • helping more people find an affordable place to call home
  • a $7 billion booster shot to health care
  • a proposed 25% cut to household electricity bills on average
  • a balanced 2017 Ontario Budget

Ministry contribution to priority outcomes

  • grow the economy and create jobs by leveraging investments through strategic partnerships
  • tackle climate change by meeting our greenhouse gas reduction targets and investing in a low-carbon economy
  • build and revitalize public infrastructure, invest in people’s talents and skills, and improve everyday life for Ontarians
  • strong Fiscal Management on the path to a balanced budget in 2017-18

Ministry programs

The Office of the Premier coordinates and facilitates the government’s mandate and associated initiatives, and all programs are integral to the successful implementation of government priorities.

Programs include all activities in the following areas:

Executive offices

Premier’s Office, Office of the Chief of Staff and Principal Secretary


Policy Advice and Support, Legislative Agenda Planning, Cabinet/Committee Agenda Planning


Communication Services, Media Relations, Strategic Communications, Other Related Services

Issues management

Coordination of Legislative Affairs, Freedom of Information Requests


Scheduling, Correspondence, Tours & Events

Planning and administration

Public Appointment Secretariat and Human Resources

Office of the Premier 2017-18 allocation


Office of the Premier: 2.7 $M

Table 1: Ministry planned expenditures 2017-18 ($M)


Highlights of 2016-2017 achievements

Key results achieved are documented and tracked across government in ministry specific plans.

Detailed financial information

Table 2: operating summary by vote

The Office of the Premier personnel provide essential support for the Premier of Ontario in her roles as head of the Executive Council and head of the Ontario Government.

Votes/ProgramsEstimates 2017-18 ($)Change from Estimates 2016-17 ($)% Change from Estimates 2016-17Estimates 2016-17* ($)Interim Actuals
2016-17* ($)
2015-16* ($)
Operating Expense      
Office of the Premier2,597,100 -- --2,597,1002,515,9642,479,032
Less: Special Warrants -- -- -- -- -- --
Total Operating Expense to be Voted2,597,100 -- --2,597,1002,515,9642,479,032
Special Warrants -- -- -- -- -- --
Statutory Appropriations105,861 -- --105,861105,861109,091
Ministry Total Operating Expense2,702,961 -- --2,702,9612,621,8252,588,123

Table 3: Ministry interim actual expenditures 2016-17*

 2016-17 ($M)
Capital --
Staff Strength**
(as of March 31, 2017)

* Estimates, Interim Actuals and Actuals for prior fiscal years are re-stated to reflect any changes in ministry organization and/or program structure. Interim actuals reflect the numbers presented in the 2017 Ontario Budget.

** Ontario Public Service Full-Time Equivalent positions.