Interim Management Statement

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Regional director’s approval statement

Red Sucker Point Provincial Nature Reserve

This revised Interim Management Statement will provide interim direction for the management of the above Provincial Nature Reserve until a comprehensive Park Management Plan is prepared.

This statement will provide the basis for the subsequent preparation of the Park Management Plan.

I am pleased to approve this Interim Management Statement.

Signed by:
M.S. Millar
A/Regional Director
North Central Region

Revised March 1991

Background information

Date: 15.06.85

Name: Red Sucker Point
Class: Nature Reserve
MNR District: Terrace Bay
MNR Region: North Central
Total area (ha) 360
Site region: 3W
Site district: 5
Date in Regulation: June 15, 1985

Map of Red Sucker Point Provincial Nature Reserve

This map provides detailed information about background information in Red Sucker Point.

Life science representation


site type/landscape unit species/communities

Earth science representation

geological theme feature
Timiskaming Interstadial Continuous sequence of raise cobble beaches from glacial
Lake Nipissing stage to present lake levels.

Cultural resource representation

theme theme segment
Undefined Extensive rock structure development on cobble beaches.

Recreation opportunities

day use car camping wilderness/back country


level/type reconnaissance/completion date detailed completion date required?
life science     brief surrvey
earth science checksheet   detailed inventory
cultural site record form   detailed inventory

I. Land tenure

The entire Park area is located within the municipal boundaries of the Township of Marathon. The northern Park boundary abuts the Canadian Pacific Railway main line.


Liaison with representatives from both the Township of Marathon and the Canadian Pacific Railway will be maintained, and their participation sought in future planning that may impact on the Park objectives.

II. Land acquisition/disposition


III. Existing/proposed development


To protect Park resources, no development will be permitted prior to completion of a Park Management Plan.

IV. Recreational activities


V. Commercial activities


VI. Natural resources

The Red Sucker Point Provincial Park protects a lacustrine earth science landform/process theme consisting of a continuous series of raised cobble beach ridges dating to the Nipissing stage of the Superior Basin (Timiskaming Interstadial). This series of beach ridges is considered one of the best developed features of its kind on the north shore of Lake Superior. The area is also of historical significance, having over 70 rock structures attributed to historic and prehistoric native peoples.

Mineral resource management

Mineral resources have not been documented.


Mining will not be permitted within the Park.

Agreement management


Aggregate extraction will not be permitted within the Park.

Vegetation management


Commercial logging will not be permitted within the Park.

Wildfire and insects/disease will be controlled as required.

Fisheries and wildlife management


Sport fishing will be permitted within the Park. Hunting, trapping and commercial bait fishing will not be permitted.

VII. Cultural resources


Cultural resources as identified, will be protected from disturbance.

VIII. Client services



Interpretation will be conducted as minor, occasional theme of the Neys Provincial Park visitor services program.



A basic information leaflet will be produced providing information on access, significant resources, etc., and legislation pertinent to research activities and resource protection.

IX. Research/inventories


Additional research inventories (earth/life science, cultural) will be encouraged to further document Park values, and may be carried out by MNR or by outside interests.

Should inventories identify significant features, interim resource management plans will be prepared.

All research will abide by the regulations and policies governing research activities in Provincial Parks.


Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1983. Terrace Bay District Land Use Guidelines.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1979. Earth and Life Science Features Inventory- Terrace Bay District.

Map of Red Sucker Point Provincial Park

This photo shows detailed information about Red Sucker Point Provincial Park.

Enlarge Red Sucker Point Provincial Park