Economic cost benefit analysis

An economic cost benefit analysis (ECBA) is a way to compare the economic merits of transportation infrastructure proposals. We often ask for an economic cost benefit analysis with proposals for transportation infrastructure projects.

We can provide technical advice and guidance for completing an ECBA, including providing a copy of our ECBA guidance, which is based on international best-practices, with a specific focus on Ontario's unique transportation system.

To request a copy of the ECBA guide, email the Economics and Methodologies office at

Freight-supportive guidelines

We have detailed guidelines to help urban planners, municipal engineers, developers and others better understand and plan for the vehicles that transport goods through our communities. These guidelines can help you:

  • plan for available land
  • design sites
  • manage municipal transportation networks

The guidelines include best practices and implementation strategies for rural and urban communities. They draw on past experiences in Ontario, North America and around the world.

Read Ontario’s Freight Supportive Guidelines (PDF).

Transit-supportive guidelines

These guidelines help urban planners, transit planners, developers and others create an environment that supports public transit and promotes transit ridership.

The Transit-Supportive Guidelines are based on transit-friendly land-use planning, urban design and operational best-practices. The guidelines draw from experiences in Ontario, North America and around the world.

Read Ontario’s Transit Supportive Guidelines.

Road Talk newsletter

Road Talk is a technology transfer newsletter for transportation stakeholders, global road authorities, industry, academia and others.

It includes articles about the Ministry of Transportation’s highway research and innovation activities, as well as innovative operational policy and standards.

Road Talk is distributed electronically provincially, nationally, and internationally. It is developed by the Division Services Office of the Transportation Infrastructure Management Division, in collaboration with researchers and technical staff.

To subscribe to Road Talk, send an email to:

New issue: Vol. 29, no 1: Spring 2024 (PDF)

Recent issues

Vol. 28, no 3: Summer 2023 (PDF)

Vol. 28, no 2: Spring 2023 (PDF)

Vol 28, no 1: Winter 2023 (PDF)

Vol. 27, no 1: Spring 2022 (PDF)

Vol 26, no 1: Fall 2021 (PDF)

To access Road Talk’s historical publications on the MTO Library, follow this link: Ontario Ministry of Transportation Library.

Transit technology toolkit

The Transit Technology Toolkit is a guide to help small and medium-sized municipalities, transit systems and Indigenous communities navigate the emerging landscape of transit technologies and determine which ones may be a good fit. It includes tips on procurement, administration and maintenance.

Read the Transit Technology Toolkit

Highway corridor management


  • have a role in the land development review process
  • issue permits for construction activities on or near provincial highways

Learn more about highway corridor management resources and online services and find out why you should consult with us early on in the planning process.

Drainage and hydrology

There are drainage and hydrology information and resources available to support transportation planners with:

  • design and construction of highway drainage infrastructure
  • highway corridor control
  • highway maintenance

Search precipitation information using the Intensity-Density-Frequency (IDF) curve tool.

Visit the MTO technical publications site for:

  • Highway drainage design standards 
  • MTO gravity pipe design guidelines: circular culverts and storm sewers
  • Drainage directives
  • Municipal drains - outlet liability assessment factors for MTO highway rights of way
  • Guide for preparing hydrology reports for water crossings
  • Stormwater management requirements for land development proposals
  • MTO drainage management manual (DMM)
  • Glossary

First mile last mile resources

First mile last mile (FM/LM) refers to the first and last leg of a trip in which people and goods travel from a starting point to a transportation service or transport hub (first mile) and then to their final destination (last mile).

For example, the first mile could be the journey getting from your home to a bus stop and the last mile may be your trip from a bus stop at the end of your trip to a community centre.

If you are developing or deciding on transportation services and related land use planning components, the following resources can help you plan FM/LM connections that would make it easier for people to access transit or move goods and supplies.

Policy, regulations and guidance

These laws, guidelines and plans help to understand the development and use of land across the province.

Provincial Policy Statement, 2020

(Subject to changes as per the undergoing policy review conducted by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)

Transit-Supportive Guidelines (2012)

Ontario’s Freight Supportive Guidelines (PDF)

GO Rail Station Access Plan (Metrolinx)

A Place to Grow: Growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe

(Subject to changes as per the undergoing policy review conducted by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)

MTO’s province wide cycling network (interactive map)

E-bike laws in Ontario

Regional transportation plans

Ontario’s regional transportation plans set out a vision of a safer, more efficient and convenient transportation system that supports Ontario’s well-being and economic prosperity into the future. The plans were developed to support transportation planners, along with other public and private transportation infrastructure and service delivery partners, in building an integrated transportation system that addresses local priorities and achieves the goals set out in the plans.

Connecting the GGH: A Transportation Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe

Connecting the North: A draft Transportation Plan for Northern Ontario

Connecting the East: A draft Transportation Plan for eastern Ontario

Connecting the Southwest: A draft Transportation Plan for southwestern Ontario


Funding programs offered by the Ontario government to help your community or organization implement or enhance transportation infrastructure and services, such as:

Dedicated Gas Tax Funds For Public Transportation Program

2 cents per litre of provincial gasoline tax revenue is dedicated to supporting municipal public transit systems. Municipalities may contact for more information.

Indigenous Transportation Initiatives Fund

Electric vehicle (EV) ChargeON Program

Connecting Links program for roads and bridges

Learn more about all the available funding opportunities from the Government of Ontario.


Use these tools to discover ways technology can enhance FM/LM transit connections.

Transit technology toolkit

Vehicle pilot programs

Our pilot programs explore different modes of transportation that make first mile last mile trips more accessible, safe and efficient.

Automated vehicles


Research and technical documents

MTO online library

Find technical information and research on our online library catalogue including:

  • technical manuals
  • standards, policy and development reports
  • studies
  • research papers

You can also buy print copies online. If you would like to borrow from the physical collection, contact your local library to arrange for an Inter-Library Loan.

To request a document or information in an alternate format or for more information about the library please email

Technical publications

The Ministry of Transportation also has technical publications used for the design, construction and maintenance of our transportation network such as:

  • specifications
  • special provisions
  • manuals
  • guidelines
  • directives
  • forms