
Ontario's Rural Economic Development (RED) Program provides cost-share funding to support activities that create strong rural communities in Ontario and opens doors to rural economic development, by funding projects that:

  • address barriers to economic development
  • better position rural communities to attract or retain investment
  • address labour force development challenges
  • build rural community capacity to attract, retain and expand businesses
  • renew community assets to drive economic development
  • support economic growth through regional partnerships

The RED Program is application-based and projects are selected using a competitive process. Please read these RED Program Guidelines before completing your application form.

All applications are assessed based on these Guidelines. These Guidelines are subject to change without notice.

Important dates

Application intake is closed.

The deadline to apply was February 21, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET.


Funding is available through two streams.

Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream

This stream supports a range of projects to better position rural communities to attract and retain jobs and investment, and to enhance economic growth.

The maximum provincial project support for eligible costs in the Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream is 50%, up to a maximum of $150,000 per selected project.

Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream

This stream focuses on economic infrastructure projects that improve physical community assets that have been identified as strategically important to the community.

The maximum provincial project support for eligible costs in the Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream is 30%, up to a maximum of $250,000 per selected project.

Who is eligible

To be eligible to apply to the Rural Economic Development Program, an Applicant and Co-Applicants, if any, must be:

  • a municipality
  • a not-for-profit organization
  • an Ontario Indigenous community or organization; or
  • a Local Services Board

Eligible Applicants must also comply with all legal requirements.

The province is committed to supporting the success of Indigenous communities and Indigenous non-profit organizations in rural Ontario. If you are interested in applying for the program but have questions about the application process or eligibility requirements, contact program staff at: ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca.

Who is not eligible

The following are not eligible to apply or be a Co-Applicant:

  • a business
  • an individual
  • a research institution or organization whose core business or primary activity is research and development (for example, universities and colleges)
  • a not-for-profit organization that is not incorporated

Required documents

The ministry will only assess applications with full and complete information.


  • A completed RED Program application
    • Refer to RED Program Guidelines when completing your application to ensure Applicant, project and cost eligibility requirements are met.


Applicants are encouraged to include supplemental documentation with the application. This may make their application stronger.

Examples include:

  • a completed co-applicant form (if there are Co-Applicants)
    • Co-Applicants are directly engaged in the project and assume the same level of responsibility for the success of the project as the Lead Applicant and commit to contributing financial or in-kind resources to the project.
  • letters from Partners indicating their support for the project, including any in-kind contributions to the project if applicable
  • quotes or estimates to support the project budget
  • feasibility studies, strategic plans, reports, relevant research or anything else that supports the need for the project and anticipated impacts

How to apply

  1. Fill out the application form.
  2. Fill out the co-applicant form (if applicable).
  3. Gather the required documents.
  4. Email RED@ontario.ca with:
    • the completed application
    • any supplemental documents
    • co-applicant form (if applicable)

If the attachments are greater than 10 MB, send multiple emails and ensure the subject line remains consistent.

The ministry will send a confirmation email with an application number within 5 business days of the receipt of application. If you do not receive confirmation, please call the Agriculture Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300.


The deadline to apply is February 21, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET (Eastern Time).

Applicant roles

Applicants include a Lead Applicant and any Co-Applicants. These agreements do not include Partners.

Single Lead Applicants are eligible to apply, but we encourage you to have Co-Applicants or Partners. This will make your application stronger.

Lead ApplicantThe Lead Applicant is the primary contact for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). They sign the contribution agreement, assume liability for the project, receive all payments and submit all invoices.

Co-Applicants are directly engaged in the project and assume the same level of responsibility for the success of the project as the Lead Applicant, including liabilities for it. Co-Applicants contribute financial or in-kind resources to the project and sign the Contribution Agreement with the Province of Ontario. Co-Applicants do not receive project-related payments or submit project-related claims to OMAFRA.

Fill-out and submit a form for each Co-Applicant, if any.


Partners merely contribute financial or in-kind resources to the project. They do not sign the Contribution Agreement with the Province of Ontario.

Organizations or community groups that provide you with a letter of support without committing financial or in-kind support are not considered Partners.

Employees of the Ontario Public Service cannot be Partners and will not provide letters of support for any application.

Program outcomes

Lead Applicants are required to describe how their project will tangibly support the RED program’s outcomes, that are:

  • Investment attracted or retained: the attraction of new investments from public and private sources (for example, building permit value, new property tax assessment) or the retention of investments in a community that might not have occurred without the activities of the project (for example, preventing loss in tax assessment from vacancies/closures).
  • Labour force development challenges addressed: workforce challenges are acted on, fostering an adequate, equitable and/or stable labour force in a community that could be reasonably attributed to the project activities (for example: workforce and employer engagement, number of people hired, number of people trained).
  • Businesses attracted, retained and/or expanded: the number of businesses that have opened, remained, and/or grown within a community that could reasonably be attributed to the activities of the project (for example, change in the number of businesses).
  • Renewed community assets to drive economic development: the improvement of physical community assets that have been identified as strategically important to the community. The enhancement would lead to the rehabilitation and renewal of the assets that preserves and enhances the unique character and quality of life of a community for future generations.
  • Regional partnerships that support growth: partnerships between two or more communities or organizations, either formal or informal, that agree to work together to drive growth. Collaborative, regional partnerships help pool limited resources, both human and financial (for example, working to implement a mutually beneficial regional strategy) and can increase the project's effectiveness (for example, increasing the number of communities targeted by this project).

Strong projects will clearly align with 3 or more of the preceding RED Program outcomes. Lead Applicants should provide detailed descriptions of how actions undertaken through the project will address those outcomes.

Program streams and types

The Lead Applicant is required to identify the program stream and project type it is applying for. There are two program streams.

Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream

This stream supports projects that better position rural communities to attract and retain jobs, attract investment, and enhance economic growth. However, Capital Costs, whether Major Capital Costs or Minor Capital Costs, for projects in this stream will not be eligible for cost-sharing under the Program.

There are 7 project types for this stream. The Lead Applicant is required to identify which the project type they are applying for.

Project typeDescriptionExample projects
Entrepreneurship or business successionProjects that support business start-up or succession in the community
  • Coaching/mentorship
  • Business succession support (for example, connecting buyers and retiring business owners)
  • Familiarization tours
Business retention and expansionProjects that proactively engage the local or regional business community to identify and implement actions that address barriers to growth
Downtown revitalizationProjects that focus on identifying and implementing actions that improve and promote traditional downtowns
  • Projects that are part of OMAFRA's Downtown Revitalization Program (DR) with activities including:
    • growing customer traffic
    • attracting business to locate in downtowns through marketing activities
    • Community Improvement Plan (CIP) with an implementation component
Technology adoption or innovation initiativesProjects that support businesses and communities to improve their digital capabilities and participate in the information economy
  • Digital training and support services for businesses
  • Improving development and planning approvals process
  • Coordination of business approvals (for example, licensing, public health, permits)
Attraction and retention of workers, immigrants and youthProjects that implement strategies for attracting and retaining workforce
  • Employee-pooling projects
  • Workforce-oriented policy/regulatory improvements
  • Workforce attraction marketing
  • Career days/events
  • Network development (service providers / businesses)
  • Workforce or sector-based training
  • Youth training
  • Intern/apprentice matching system
Collaborative marketing and outreachProjects that implement marketing or promotional activities outlined in an existing marketing or communications plan that will have an impact across multiple communities in a region
  • Promotional campaigns across at least two communities (for example, investment attraction, tourism)
Sector or value chain developmentProjects that implement strategies to strengthen and coordinate collaboration across sectors or value chains
  • Buyer-Seller forums
  • Network development (for example, events, coordination)
  • Specialized business training

Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream

This stream focuses on economic infrastructure projects that improve physical community assets that have been identified as strategically important to the community. The enhancement would lead to the rehabilitation and renewal of the assets that results in the unique character and quality of life of a community are preserved and enhanced for future generations.

The majority of costs for projects in this stream must be minor capital costs.

There are 3 project types for this stream. The Applicant is required to identify which project type they are applying for.

Project typeDescriptionExample projects
Rehabilitation of cultural, heritage or tourism attractionsMinor capital costs projects that rehabilitate an existing cultural, heritage, or tourism attraction, as defined through previously completed strategies and projects that establish its significance for economic development
  • Rehabilitation of a historic building or structure
  • Rehabilitation of an established tourism attraction
  • Recreational trail rehabilitation
Redevelopment of vacant and/or underutilized buildingsMinor capital costs projects to redevelop interior of vacant and or underutilized buildings to achieve an economic development outcome
  • Development of an incubator or innovation hub
  • Youth centre
  • Agri-food hubs
Streetscaping and landscapingMinor capital costs projects defined through previously completed strategies that improve the design quality of public areas
  • Wayfinding signage
  • Beautification (for example, decorative lighting, banners, murals, street furniture, public art, trees)
  • Wi-Fi equipment for public use

Ineligible projects

The following projects are ineligible:

  • submissions with incomplete applications
  • projects that do not meet the eligibility criteria
  • projects that do not benefit rural Ontario
  • projects receiving any amount of other provincial funding
  • projects seeking funding for academic research
  • debt restructuring, fundraising, or financing (for example, re-granting RED funds)
  • projects that will influence or lobby any level of government
  • projects seeking funding for major capital projects (for example, new building construction, roads, bridges, paved walkways, water/wastewater treatment facilities, utility distribution, broadband)
  • marketing and outreach projects that do not have an impact across sectors, value chains, or at least two lower-tier or one single-tier jurisdictional boundaries.
  • projects that focus solely on tourism events
  • those primarily benefitting an individual business

The following projects are ineligible if their primary purpose is to:

  • become compliant with current Requirements of Law (for example, AODA)
  • merely develop plans (for example economic development strategies, feasibility, marketing, research or evaluation plans)
  • identify and inventory existing assets (for example, industrial land inventories, business directories)
  • ready a property or asset for immediate or imminent sale


The maximum provincial project support for eligible costs for approved projects in the Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream is 50%, up to a maximum of $150,000 per project.

The maximum provincial project support for eligible costs for approved projects in the Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream is 30%, up to a maximum of $250,000 per project.

Approved project funding will only be provided:

  • to the Lead Applicant
  • on a reimbursement basis, of approved eligible costs, based upon satisfying the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement.
  • subject to a 10% holdback until your final report is received and accepted by OMAFRA
  • all other RED Program requirements having been met

Extenuating circumstances

Applicants may request increased provincial cost-share funding of eligible costs, based on financial need for extenuating circumstances.

For the purposes of an extenuating circumstances request, financial need is defined as financial barriers to economic development which are significant and unique, that are not common across program Applicants. Applicants will need to explain these financial barriers in the application.

Funding sources for projects

Funding from federal government programs (for example, Community Futures Development Corporations) can be used toward project costs, if it is permitted under applicable federal programs.

Combined federal and RED funding cannot exceed 90% of the project’s eligible costs.

The Applicant(s) must disclose all sources of funds for the project in the application whether they are secured. Secured funding means a written commitment from the Co-Applicant or Partner. Failure to disclose all funding or possible funding sources may result in mitigation measures, up to and including the termination of the application or Contribution Agreement.

Projects receiving other provincial funding are not eligible to apply for or receive funding under the RED Program. Provincial funding includes but is not limited to funds administered by:

  • provincial ministries
  • Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation
  • regional tourism organizations
  • workforce planning boards

In-kind contributions are not eligible for funding or reimbursement, but can be noted on the application to demonstrate a commitment from Applicants and Partners.

Eligible costs

Eligible costs must be:

  • reasonable
  • necessary to complete the project
  • incurred within the period identified in the Contribution Agreement, between the effective date (no earlier than April 1, 2024) and project completion date.
  • incurred in Ontario
  • incurred by following a process that is transparent, fair and promotes the best value for money (i.e., prices must be competitive and not more than the fair market value)
  • paid to an arm's length third-party

Eligible cost items for all projects

New hires
  • wages and mandatory employer related costs (MERCs include Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Employment Insurance (EI), Employer Health Tax (EHT), Worker Safety Insurance Benefits (WSIB), and income tax) for new hires to work 100% on project-related activities
  • other costs for new hires who work 100% on project-related activities, including the cost of:
    • laptops, computers, software
    • travel in Ontario, specifically meals and mileage (in compliance with the province's Travel, Meal and Hospitality Directive)
    • portable internet services, cell phones, cellular network services
    • professional development fees (for example, conference or workshop registration)
Professional fees
  • project-related professional fees, including legal, architectural, engineering, environmental, surveys, project management, marketing and promotions, consulting, or accounting fees
  • project-related computer, communications and audio or video equipment (such as a camera or laptop)
  • project-related software (such as a customer relationship management platform, survey, design or virtual meeting applications)
Marketing and promotion-related costs
  • media, promotions or branding/design (for example, awareness program)
  • third-party project-related distribution costs, including data, printing, or postage
  • venue rental fees
  • honorariums for Indigenous Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers to attend events

Eligible costs under the Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream only

  • training development and speaker fees (not including travel)
  • workshop and training-related materials and supplies costs

Eligible costs under the Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream only

  • Minor Capital Costs
    • contractor’s fees
    • cost of materials or supplies (for example, electrical, plumbing, ventilation, structural and finishings) and labour, for:
      • rehabilitation of the interior of an existing vacant or underutilized building
      • rehabilitation of buildings or structures with identified cultural, heritage, or tourism significance
      • landscaping and streetscaping
    • equipment and machinery (for example, 3D printer, industrial sewing machine)
    • furniture (internal or external) and major appliances
    • localized (for example, downtown, park) Wi-Fi hardware and software for public use
    • project-related technology computer, communications and audio or video equipment (for example, projector or smart boards)
    • streetscaping and landscaping such as wayfinding signage, decorative lighting, banners, murals, street furniture, interpretive elements, public art, trees, and accessibility equipment outside of a building
    • trail rehabilitation (non-paved surfaces), including existing trail bridges
  • Ownership of eligible capital assets must be maintained for a minimum of 2 years after the completion of the project.
  • Projects in this stream must install a permanent sign recognizing the support of the RED Program. Costs of the sign will be reimbursed to a $100 maximum ($333.33 total eligible costs) for the design, fabrication, and installation expenses of the sign.

Ineligible costs

Ineligible costs are:

  • unreasonable
  • unnecessary to complete the project
  • incurred outside the period identified in the Contribution Agreement.
  • incurred outside of Ontario
  • incurred by following a process that is not transparent or fair or does not promote the best value for money (i.e., prices are not competitive or are more than the fair market value) or
  • paid to a non-arm's length third-party

Normal business practices costs

  • insurance and taxes
  • meetings not directly related to the project
  • office space, utilities, regular or deferred maintenance
  • office supplies, stationary, business cards and promotional items
  • phones, internet and networks
  • uniforms

Administrative costs

  • Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
  • financing and financing charges, debt restructuring, loan interest payments and bank fees
  • preparing an application, claim submission or reporting requirements for any program, including the RED Program

Employee expenses not related to new hires for the project

  • direct wage subsidies for existing staff on project related activities, or administrative fees charged by the Applicant(s)
  • honoraria taxable under the Income Tax Act, membership costs
  • travel and meals for consultants and existing staff
  • per diems

Hospitality and giveaway costs

  • catering, food, refreshments and alcohol
  • gifts or incentives
  • fundraising
  • sponsorship of conferences and events
  • giveaway items (for example, branded pens, buttons, notepads, etc.)

Major Capital Costs including, without limitation, costs of

  • purchase or lease of land, buildings, facilities and structures
  • site preparation
  • construction of buildings, construction or rehabilitation of paved, bricked or concrete surfaces, road/highway bridges, structures (mobile and fixed), gateway signs and major infrastructure (for example, water/wastewater systems, storm water management, transportation facilities, roads and streetlights)
  • additions to buildings, teardowns or rebuilds
  • purchase and installation of modular facilities
  • infrastructure and equipment costs for airports, seaports, railways, marinas and commuter/tourist transportation systems
  • utilities, power lines, chargers, generation systems, broadband infrastructure, and water or wastewater lines outside of a building

Vehicles and transportation equipment costs

  • vehicles
  • transportation equipment
  • material handling equipment (powered and unpowered)
  • agricultural, construction, or mining machinery

Other costs

  • activities that influence or lobby any level of government
  • permits and approvals contingencies
  • deposits (prepayments) for expenses that have yet to be fully incurred
  • refunds or rebates, including any you are eligible to receive
  • in-kind contributions

Project work plan and budget

Single and multi-year projects are eligible and should demonstrate impacts within the first year of the project.


Provide a detailed explanation of how the project will be successfully completed by filling out the project work plan and budget templates on the application form.

The project workplan should list each activity required to complete the project (such as, conduct public community consultations) and the anticipated start and end date of each activity. Lead Applicants are encouraged to attach relevant supplementary documentation to support the application.


The project budget must:

  • list the specific eligible cost items associated with each activity in the project work plan. Some activities may have more than one eligible cost (for example, an event may have the following costs: venue rental, printing, marketing or promotions)
  • list eligible, in-kind and ineligible costs
  • indicate when the costs will be incurred each year

Eligible costs must be broken down by fiscal year (between April 1 and March 31) and align with the timelines outlined in the project work plan.

The Lead Applicant is encouraged to provide as much detail as possible about cost items and may attach more detailed budget documents with the application.

Quotes and estimates

Lead Applicants may submit quotes and estimates for a stronger application.

Quotes or estimates should include a category breakdown (specify all items per cost item) for all project costs.

Quotes can be provided either on supplier letterhead or as a screenshot from the supplier's website (screenshot must include website URL, itemized list and totals).

Selection process

Once an application has been submitted and the intake period closes, each application will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Stage 1: eligibility screening

An application must meet the following basic eligibility criteria to move on to Stage 2:

  • a complete RED Program application and all supporting documentation was received by the date and time indicated for the intake
  • meeting all the Applicant eligibility criteria
  • meeting all the project eligibility criteria
  • the project takes place in and benefits rural Ontario

Stage 2: project assessment

Applications will be scored based on the following criteria and the criteria are listed in order of importance. For the 2024 intake, Indigenous community or organization projects will be given additional consideration, in the assessment areas of (1) collaboration and partnerships and (2) financial commitment.

Assessment criteriaStrong RED projects identify the following, through the application and supporting documents

RED Program outcomes: The project addresses one or more of the following RED Program outcomes:

  • investment attracted or retained
  • address labour force development challenges
  • businesses attracted, retained, and/or expanded
  • renew community assets
  • growth through regional partnerships
  • Strong alignment with three or more RED Program outcomes that will be addressed by the project
  • Provide detailed description of how actions undertaken through the project will address those outcomes

Collaboration and partnerships: Communities or organizations beyond the Lead Applicant and Co-Applicant that are offering financial and/or in-kind support for the project.

Please note organizations or community groups that provide a letter of support without committing financial or in-kind support are not considered partners or a collaboration.

  • Letter(s) or detailed breakdown from two or more communities or organizations beyond the Lead Applicant and how they will support project completion through:
    • financial contribution
    • knowledge/expertise
    • resources or staff
Reducing economic barriers: The project reduces economic barriers to economic development that have been identified through a previously completed community assessment (for example, BR+E, strategic plan)
  • Specific economic barriers that will be reduced by the project
  • Barriers substantiated by supporting documents
Regional, sector or value chain impacts: The project is expected to generate impacts at a regional level, across communities, sectors and/ or value chains.
  • Provides a detailed and well-supported description of how the project will impact multiple communities and how the impacts will be measured
  • Extent (at a regional level, across communities, sectors and/or value chains).
Project work plan: The project has a detailed work plan listing each activity required to complete the project, the specific eligible items associated with that activity, their estimated cost, and the anticipated start and end date of that activity
  • Provides a detailed plan that supports the successful completion of the project, including all of the following:
    • detailed description of eligible activities and their estimated cost
    • realistic timelines to complete each activity
Project budget: The project budget identifies costs that are eligible, reasonable and well-supported
  • Cost items meet all of the following criteria:
    • eligible and described in sufficient detail
    • reasonable
    • in alignment with the project work plan
    • substantiated by supporting documentation (for example, quotes, proposals).
Financial commitment: Applicant(s) have made a financial commitment to the project

For the Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream:

  • financial commitment equal to or greater than 50% of eligible project costs by the Applicant and Co-Applicant(s)

For the Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream:

  • financial commitment equal to or greater than 70% of eligible project costs by the Applicant and Co-Applicant(s)

Sustainability: the project will contribute to longer-term economic development activities and outcomes after RED Program funding ends, through activities like:

  • sustainability plans
  • on-going funding
  • activities to encourage sustainability (for example, knowledge and technology transfer)
Demonstrates significant and specific efforts to encourage longer-term contributions to economic development after RED Program funding ends.
Project oversight: the project will be managed by organizations and individuals that have necessary and relevant experience
  • Provides details about specific individual(s) who will be leading the project and their experience as it relates to the project
  • Resources and skills the organization will contribute to success of the project:
    • examples of similar projects that were overseen, undertaken and implemented by the organization.
    • successful funding projects that have been administered

Stage 3: approvals

All eligible applications that complete stage 2 will be reviewed by the Rural Economic Development Advisory Panel (REDAP). Panel members have expertise in rural economic development and the agri-food sectors. REDAP will make non-binding recommendations to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on funding.

The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has exclusive discretion to:

  • select or reject any application, even if all requirements are met
  • set the maximum amount of funding that will be provided for those that are approved

Reserved rights and non-entitlement

The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs retains the exclusive right to approve or reject any project at her sole discretion, even if all REDAP requirements have been met or REDAP has recommended funding; and to reduce cost-share funding percentages and to reduce maximum funding amounts or both for those projects that have been approved.

Applicants, jointly or severally, shall not be eligible for funding under the RED Program or have any claim or demand or action against His Majesty the King in right of Ontario, his ministers, directors, officers, employees, servants, appointees or agents, solely by reason of having made an application.

After project approval

Notifying Applicants of decision

The Lead Applicant will be notified as funding decisions are reached, which is usually within three months from the posted intake closure date. However, timing may vary.

Next steps after approval

If the Applicant is successful, the Lead Applicant will receive a letter of approval. The Lead Applicant and all Co-Applicants (if any) are required to sign a Contribution Agreement. All parties are required to sign and abide by the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement prior to receiving any funds.

The Applicant's information must be up to date with both Transfer Payment Ontario and Supply Ontario.

To register with, or update information previously submitted to, Transfer Payment Ontario, visit Transfer Payment Ontario.

To register with, or update information previously submitted to, Supply Ontario, click on Supply Ontario.

If you are the Applicant or are authorized to represent the Applicant, you can register and update the information referred to above.

Applications will be assigned a Project Analyst that will monitor and support the project.

Submitting claims

Claims for approved projects are submitted through an online portal. Instructions will be provided on how to receive access once the project is approved. In order for the claim to be processed, all submitted costs must be:

  • eligible
  • incurred
  • paid in full

A proof of payment must set out in detail:

  1. who paid for the good, service or both and their relationship to the Recipient
  2. who received the payment
  3. the goods, services or both that were provided
  4. the date of the payment

Generally acceptable forms of a proof of payment include:

  1. an electronic image of a processed cheque
  2. a statement from a banking institution setting out whom the processed cheque was written, or electronic payment made, and the amount, or
  3. a credit card or debit card receipt or statement clearly identifying the amount and to whom the payment was made
  4. wire transfer and online bank transfer showing transaction paid in full and cleared (transaction fees are not eligible costs)
  5. confirmation from vendor that bank draft funds have been received

Note: If using a credit card or debit card receipt, cheque or statement as a proof of payment, the number of the credit or debt card as well as all other information, including the unrelated costs to the Recipient's project should be blacked out. Bank statements and processed cheques also contain personal information which should be blacked out.

Project completion date

The project must be completed within the timeframe identified in the contribution agreement. If the Applicant does not complete the project by the project completion date, the Applicant may be required to repay any and all funds provided to the Applicant, including interest on them, as well as the costs incurred by the province to recover the funds and interest.

Final report

In order to close the project, the Applicant is required to submit a final report by the deadline stated in the contribution agreement. There is a 10% holdback of project reimbursement until the final report is received and accepted by the ministry, and all other requirements have been met.


Applicant: means the organization identified as the Applicant and includes the Lead Applicant and any Co-Applicants.

  • Lead Applicant: means the entity identified as the Lead Applicant on the RED Program application form.
  • Co-Applicant: means an entity identified as the Co-Applicant on the RED Program application form.

Arm's-length: means an entity that is not related, as determined under the Income Tax Act, to the Applicant or to a Co-Applicant.

Community: locations defined by lower-tier, single-tier and first nations jurisdictional boundaries.

Community Asset: refers to public physical places, structures or facilities. These can include cultural, heritage or tourism attractions, recreational trails, or in downtown areas including murals, decorative lighting, downtown street furniture or public art.

Contribution Agreement: The legal contract between the Applicant(s) and the Province of Ontario

Cost-share funding percentage: The maximum funding percentage the province will pay towards eligible costs for an approved project.

Economic development: The process of fostering an environment that results in the creation of wealth and well-being for communities.

Effective date: The date the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs approved your project to begin, which is set out in the Contribution Agreement, and that is no earlier than April 1, 2024.

Funds: The money the province provides to Applicant(s) to complete an approved project.

In-kind contributions: Non-financial goods and services provided to support the project. For example, salaries, use of equipment, materials and supplies, or use of facilities.

Incurred: When costs for goods or services have been received or completed.

Local Services Board: A Local Services Board established under the Northern Services Boards Act, 1990.

Major capital costs: Costs for significant infrastructure, including transportation infrastructure; construction and rehabilitation of buildings; construction or rehabilitation of paved, bricked or concrete surfaces, bridges, structures (mobile and fixed); gateway signs; additions to buildings, teardowns or rebuilds; purchase and installation of modular facilities; and for site preparation or purchase or lease of land, buildings, facilities and structures.

Minor capital costs: Costs that include contractor's fees; costs of construction materials or supplies and labour; redevelopment of the interior or exterior (excluding roofs) of an existing vacant or underutilized building; rehabilitation of buildings or structures with identified cultural, heritage, or tourism significance; landscaping and streetscaping; installation of localized Wi-Fi equipment for public use, streetscaping and landscaping and recreational trail rehabilitation (non-paved surfaces), including existing recreational trail bridges.

Municipality: A geographic area whose inhabitants are incorporated as described in the Municipal Act, 2001. S.O. 2001 c. 25.

Not-for-profit: A legal entity that is either a:

  • registered charity as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada) and is in good standing with the Canada Revenue Agency
  • corporation incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation or similar entity under an act of Canada or a province or territory of Canada and is in good standing under its incorporating act

OMAFRA: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Ontario Indigenous community or organization: means a First Nations community in Ontario; Métis community in Ontario; Political Territorial organizations in Ontario; Tribal Councils in Ontario; or Indigenous organizations in Ontario that apply on behalf of and with the support of the communities they represent, and that have a substantiated record of representing those communities.

Partner: an organization that contributes financial or in-kind resources towards project completion.

Project: A set of activities undertaken to achieve specific outcomes.

Requirements of Law: means all applicable requirements of law as may be set out in statutes, regulations, by-laws, codes, rules, ordinances, official plans, approvals, permits, licenses, authorizations, decrees, injunctions, orders and declarations, or any other similar instrument.

Rural Ontario: means all Statistics Canada census subdivisions (including lower-tier and single-tier municipalities) that either have a population of less than 100,000 people, or have a population density of 100 people per square kilometre or less, as identified in the most recent Statistics Canada Census of Canadian Population. Refer to the RED Program “Rural and Urban Areas” map.

Workforce: refers to people employed or actively seeking employment including workers, youth and immigrants.



Take notice that application forms and supporting co-applicant forms, material, claims and reports submitted to the Province of Ontario are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990 (FIPPA). Any information intended to be considered in confidence should be clearly and prominently marked "confidential" by the Applicant. Nevertheless, information supplied to the RED Program may be disclosed by OMAFRA where it is obligated to do so under FIPPA or by an order of a court, tribunal or pursuant to a legal proceeding. Information contained in an application to the RED Program may also be disclosed by OMAFRA to verify compliance with other provincial and federal funding initiatives administered by OMAFRA, other provincial or federal ministries, or a third-party delivery agent, to ensure that there is no duplication of funding. Inquiries about confidentiality should be directed to the RED Program.

Order-In-Council (OIC) and conflict resolution between documents

The Rural Economic Development Program is an application-based program (OIC 201/2011 ("the OIC")). In the event of conflict between these Guidelines, the application forms, co-applicant forms and the Contribution Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement will prevail. In the event of conflict between the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement and the OIC, the OIC will prevail.

Eligibility requirements

The Lead Applicant and Co-Applicant must also comply with the following requirements:

  • have the legal capacity and authority to enter into a contribution agreement and take on joint and several liability for the project
  • be in compliance with all Requirements of Law and agree to remain in compliance throughout your project if approved
  • if the project is approved, cooperate in any audits related to any funding received under the RED Program

Contact us

If the Applicant has questions or needs help with the application, contact us at 1-877-424-1300 or ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca to connect with an advisor.