Schedule B

MTO Lands

Item Number Registry Office Legal Description Property Identifier Number Registered Owner
1 66 PT LT 10-11 PL 3368 North York as in NY456741 except NY484328, as in NY454770 except TB608894; Toronto (N York), City of Toronto 10091-0476 (LT) Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation
2 66 PT LT 5-6 PL 3368 North York as in NY456500 except TR70390, as in NY454418 except TB976588; Toronto (N York), City of Toronto 10091-0478 (LT) Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation
3 66 PT LT 8 PL 3368 North York as in NY452224 except TR29208; Toronto (N York), City of Toronto 10091-0479 (LT) Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation
4 66 LT 105-107 PL 3896 North York except NY650525, NY636754, NY638684; Toronto (N York), City of Toronto 10104-0693 (LT) Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Order in Council 330/2021