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Ministry Type of Emergency
All Ministries
  • Any emergency that affects the continuity of operations and services in the Ministry
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Farm animal disease; food contamination; agriculture plant disease and pest infestation
Attorney General
  • Any emergency related to the administration of justice including the operation of the courts and tribunals; the provision of legal services to government in any emergency
Children, Community and Social Services
  • Any emergency that requires emergency shelter, clothing and food; victim registration and inquiry services; personal services
  • Energy supply
Environment, Conservation and Parks
  • Spills of pollutants to the natural environment including fixed site and transportation spills
  • Drinking water
  • Human health, disease, and epidemics; health services during an emergency
Labour, Training and Skills Development
  • Any emergency that affects worker health and safety
Municipal Affairs and Housing
  • Any emergency that requires the coordination of extraordinary provincial expenditures
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry
  • Abandoned mine hazards
  • Support to assigned lead ministry during any emergency in Northern Ontario that requires provincial emergency management response
  • Forest Fires
  • Floods
  • Drought/low water
  • Dam failures
  • Crude oil and natural gas exploration and production, natural gas and hydrocarbon underground storage and salt solution mining emergencies
  • Erosion
  • Soil and bedrock instability
Solicitor General
  • Any emergency that requires the coordination of provincial emergency management
  • Any emergency that requires the continuity of provincial government services
  • Nuclear and radiological
  • Severe weather
  • War and international
  • Collapse of a building or other structure
  • Explosion and structural fire
  • Space object crash
  • Terrorism
  • Civil disorder
  • Any other peacetime emergency not listed herein
  • Transportation
Treasury Board Secretariat
  • Any emergency that affects labour relations and human resource management in the provincial government

Order in Council 1039/2022