Appendix A
Statutes Administered by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming

Accommodation Sector Registration of Guests Act, 2021, responsibility for which is shared with the Solicitor General

Art Gallery of Ontario Act

Arts Council Act

Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act, 2019

George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art Act

Historical Parks Act

Hotel Registration of Guests Act

Innkeepers Act

Lawren Harris Day Act, 2017

McMichael Canadian Art Collection Act

Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre Corporation Act

Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Act, in respect of culture matters

Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Act, in respect of tourism matters

Niagara Parks Act

Ontario Heritage Act, in respect of clauses 70(1)(a) and (e) as they relate to museums

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999

Ontario Trails Act, 2016

Ontario Wine Week Act, 2005

Ottawa Convention Centre Corporation Act

Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019

Public Libraries Act

Royal Botanical Gardens Act

Royal Ontario Museum Act

Science North Act

St. Lawrence Parks Commission Act

Status of Ontario’s Artists Act, 2007

Appendix B
Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Gaming


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of tourism and culture that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport under Order in Council O.C. 1209/2022 dated August 29, 2022, as amended, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of gaming that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Finance under Order in Council O.C. 1194/2022 dated August 29, 2022, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.
  3. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities of the Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet in subsection 4(2) of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999 in respect of the approval of the acquisition, holding or disposition of any interest in real property by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of tourism and culture that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport under Order in Council O.C. 1209/2022 dated August 29, 2022, as amended, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of gaming that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Finance under Order in Council O.C. 1194/2022 dated August 29, 2022, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.

Order in Council 1176/2024