Fee simple Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in land in the City of Toronto described as follows:

All right, title and interest

250 Front Street East
All of PIN 21091-0018 (LT)
PCL R-1 SEC Y1; PT BLK R (Small's lot) PL town of York Toronto; PT lands patented to W. Halton PL Town of York Toronto lying to the N of BLK R, PT 1, 66R5335; Toronto, City of Toronto

70 Parliament Street
All of PIN 21091-0267 (LT)
PT lands patented to W. Halton PL town of York Toronto designated as part 1 on plan 63R-4138, City of Toronto

68 Parliament Street
All of PIN 21091-0268 (LT)
PT BLK R (Small's lot) PL town of York Toronto; PT lands patented to W. Halton PL town of York Toronto as in CA505249; City of Toronto

271 Front Street East
All of PIN 21092-0248 (LT)
PT LT old county GAOL PL Town of York Toronto as in CA490597; City of Toronto

25 Berkeley Street
All of PIN 21092-0249 (LT)
PT LT old county GAOL PL Town of York Toronto as in CT712547 except the easement therein; City of Toronto

All of PIN 21058-0126 (LT)
PCL 1-2 SEC M14; Firstly: PT LT 1 PL M14 Toronto; PT LT 2 PL M14 Toronto; PT LT 3 PL M14 Toronto; PT LT 4 PL M14 Toronto Parts 1, 2 & 3 R1102; S/T rights-of-way over PT of the above described lands; T/W rights-of-way over PT of the above described lands; Secondly: PT LT 4 PL M14 Toronto PT 7 R1845; T/W a row in favour of the corporation of the City of Toronto and the municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, their successors and assigns, and their agents servants and workmen and for all other persons under their control with or without animals and/or vehicles in, over, along and upon that PT of LT 2 ON PL M14, bounded on the w by the WLY limit of the said LT 2, bounded on the N by the SLY limit of PT 2 on a plan of survey of record in the aforesaid office as R1845, bounded on the E by the NLY production of the ELY limit of PT 4 on the said PL R1102, and bounded on the S by the NLY limit of the said PT 4 ON PL R1102; Toronto, City of Toronto

10 Dickens Street
All of PIN 21059-0233 (LT)
LT 1-5, 7-12 PL 48E Toronto; BLK P, Q PL 264E Toronto; Lane PL 48E Toronto closed by bylaw 20832; City of Toronto

All of PIN 21059-0235 (LT)
PT lane PL 48E Toronto closed by ER107458 as in ER107458 (Firstly); City of Toronto

All of PIN 21059-0236 (LT)
PT LT 2B PL 96 Toronto as in BC2182 being Carlaw Av BTN CNR & Gerrard St E; City of Toronto

410 Logan Avenue
All of PIN 21070-0020 (LT)
PCL 255 SEC P Toronto; PT LT 1 PL M14 Toronto Parts 3, 4, 5 & 6 R1845; S/T A204190; Toronto, City of Toronto

All of PIN 21070-0029 (LT)
PCL 55-1 SEC M8; PT LT 41 PL M14 Toronto comm at the most NLY angle of the said LT 41; thence S WLY along the N WLY limit of the said LT, 30.75 FT more or less to its intersection with the NLY limit of Dundas St EE as dedicated by corporation of the City of Toronto BY-LAW 19712 and described firstly therein; thence ELY along the said NLY limit of Dundas St E, 17.79 ft more or less to the ELY limit of the said LT; thence NLY along the said ELY limit of LT 27.39 ft more or less to the POC; Toronto, City of Toronto

All of PIN 21070-0030 (LT)
PCL 1-2 SEC M14; PT LT 2 PL M14 Toronto PT 4 R1102; S/T rights-of-way over PT of the above described lands; T/W rights-of-way over PT of the above described lands; Toronto, City of Toronto

4 Paisley Avenue
All of PIN 21070-0037 (LT)
PCL 43-2 SEC M14; PT LT 43 N/S Jemima St PL M14 Toronto COMM at a point in the N limit of Jemima St, distant 18 inches WLY from the S E angle of said LT; thence WLY along the N limit of Jemima St, 18 FT more or less to the intersection of the production SLY of the centre line of the centre wall BTN the house on this land and the house to the W thereof; thence NLY to and along said centre line and the productions thereof, parallel to the E limit of said LT, to the rear limit of said LT; thence in a NLY direction along the lands of the grand trunk railway to a point where the said lands would be intersected by a line drawn parallel to the E limit of said LT at a distance of 18 inches WLY therefrom; thence SLY parallel to the E limit of said LT, 94 ft more or less to the POB; S/T a row at all times to the owners and occupants, of the house on the lands to the E thereof, to be used as a common row over the ELY 18 inches of this land for a distance of 60 ft NLY from Jemima St; T/W a row to the owners and occupants of this land over the ELY 18 inches of said LT 43, for a distance of 60 ft NLY from Jemima St, S/T the right of the Canadian National Railway Company at all times to enter upon the said lands herein described for the purposes of maintaining a concrete retaining wall adjacent to the rear limit the said lands herein described; Toronto, City of Toronto

2 Paisley Avenue
All of PIN 21070-0038 (LT)
PCL 43-1 SEC M14; PT LT 43 N/S Jemima St PL M14 Toronto COMM at a point in the N limit of Jemima St at the intersection of the production SLY of the centre line of the centre wall of the house on this land and the house to the E thereof said point being distant 19 ft 6 inches more or less WLY from the SE angle of said LT; thence NLY to and along said centre line and the production thereof parallel 1 EL to the E limit of said LT, to the rear limit of said LT; thence S WLY along the S limit of said LT, to the SS W angle thereof; thence ELY along the N limit of Jemima St, 38 ft 11 inches more or less to the POC; S/T a right as in LT57662; Toronto, City of Toronto

80 McGee Street
All of PIN 21076-0202(LT)
LT 164-166 PL 105 Toronto; PT LT 167 PL 105 Toronto as in ES56247; S/T & T/W ES57728; City of Toronto

All of PIN 21076-0297 (LT)
PT LT 161 PL 105 Toronto AS IN CT116497 secondly; S/T CA794999; City of Toronto

All of PIN 21076-0342 (LT)
LT 173 PL 105 Toronto EXCEPT PT 1, 64R13834 & CT435375; S/T execution 90-000130, if enforceable; S/T execution 91-015224, if enforceable; S/T execution 91-017092, if enforceable; S/T execution 97-010434, if enforceable; S/T execution 98-000691, If enforceable; S/T execution 98-008236, if enforceable; S/T execution 99-009956, if enforceable; City of Toronto

1 Atlantic Avenue
All of PIN 21299-0127 (LT)
PT BLK 11 PL ordnance reserve Toronto; PT BLK A PL D1474 Toronto; PT BLK A PL D1471 Toronto PT 1, 2, 3 63R3853; S/T CT207089; City of Toronto

All of PIN 21299-0161 (LT)
PT BLK 9, 11 PL ordnance reserve Toronto PT 6, 7, 8 64R15380; City of Toronto

All of PIN 21299-0170 (LT)
PT BLK 9 PL ordnance reserve Toronto PT 1, 2, 3, 4 64R15380; S/T CA534729 (secondly); City of Toronto

Kitchener Track Work Project

21 Randolph Avenue
Partial Fee Simple
Part of PIN 21328-0381(LT)
Parcel Block A-2 Section M230; Part of Block A, Plan M230, designated as Part 12 on R-Plan 66R-31423; City of Toronto

together with an uninterrupted right of way for ingress and egress for pedestrian and vehicular traffic in, over, along and upon Parts 32 and 33 on Plan 66R-16685 as in C-861142;
together with an uninterrupted row for ingress and egress for pedestrian traffic in, over, along and upon Part 31 on Plan 66R-16685 as in C-861142;

together with a right in the nature of an easement to and in the supply of electrical systems for the building located upon Parts 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 52 on Plan 66R-16685 through the physical components of the electrical systems located from time to time within Parts 43, 44, 47 and 48 on Plan 66R-16685 as in C-861142;

together with an uninterrupted row for ingress and egress for vehicular traffic, in, over, along and upon parts 5 and 34 on Plan 66R-16685 as in C-861143;
together with an uninterrupted right of way for ingress and egress for pedestrian and vehicular traffic in connection with the repair, construction and maintenance of the buildings situate on the above parcel in, over, along and upon Parts 3 and 22 on Plan 66R-16685 as in C-861143;

together with a right in the nature of an easement to and in the snow melting room for purposes of repair of the snow melting equipment which said snow melting room is designated as Part 39 on Plan 66R-16685 as in C-861143;

together with an uninterrupted and unobstructed non-exclusive right and right in the nature of an easement in, on, over, along, under, across and through Parts 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 52 on Plan 66R-16685 and Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 34, 35, 39, 41, 42 and 51 on Plan 66R-16685 for the purpose of building support as in C-861143 and C-861142; City of Toronto, Province of Ontario.

21 Randolph Avenue
Permanent Easement
An exclusive permanent easement in gross in, on, under, through and across servient lands:
Part of PIN 21328-0381(LT) parcel block A-2 SECTION M230; Part block A Plan M230 Toronto; designated as Part 11 on R- PLAN
66R-31423; City of Toronto, for the purposes and on the terms and condition as set out in the attached schedule.

82 Perth Avenue
Temporary Easement
Part of PIN 21331-0011 (LT)
Part of Lot 39 and 40, Plan M-44, designated as Part 1 on R-Plan 66R-31398; City of Toronto

22 Randolph Avenue
Partial Fee Simple
Part of PIN 21328-0366 (LT)
Part of Block A, Plan M-244, designated as Part 1 on R-Plan 66R-31393; City of Toronto

22 Randolph Avenue
Temporary Easement
Part of PIN 21328-0366 (LT)
Part of Block A, Plan M-244, designated as Part 2 on R-Plan 66R-31393; City of Toronto

1799 St. Clair Avenue West
Partial Fee Simple
Part of PIN 21357-0270 (LT)
Part of Lot 35, Concession 2 From the Bay designated as Parts 3 and 4 on R-Plan 66R-27020;City of Toronto

Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion

13435 Dufferin St
Permanent Easement,
Part of PIN 70002-0096 (LT)
Part Lot 8, Concession 2, designated as Part 1 on
R-Plan 65R-39080, Township of King, Regional Municipality of York

13435 Dufferin St
Permanent Easement,
Part of PIN  70002-0017 (LT)
Part Lot 8, Concession 2, designated as Part 2 on R-Plan 65R-39084, Township of King, Regional Municipality of York

13435 Dufferin St
Temporary Easement,
Part of PIN 70002-0017 (LT)
Part Lot 8, Concession 2, designated as Parts 1, 3 and 4 on R-Plan 65R-39084, Township of King. Regional Municipality of York

13516 Bathurst St
Temporary Easement,
Part of PIN 70002-0011 (LT)
Part Lot 7, Concession 2, designated as Parts 2, 3 and 4 on R-Plan 65R-39079, Township of King, Regional Municipality of York

257 Prescott Ave, Toronto, M6N3G9
Temporary Easement
Part of PIN 21320-0378 (LT)
Part of Lot 4, Plan 1370, designated as Part 1 on Plan 66R-31475, City of Toronto

Croham Rd & Eglinton Avenue West
Fee Simple
Part of PIN 10491-0370 (LT)
Part of lot 1, concession 3, west of Yonge Street (geographic Township of York), City of Toronto, designated as Parts 1, 2, and 3 of Plan 66R-31591

Fee Simple
Part of PIN 10491-0485 (LT)
Part of the road allowance between concession 3, west of Yonge Street and concession 3, from the Bay (closed by by-law  No. 10823) (not  registered) (geographic Township of York), City of Toronto, Designated as Part 1 of Plan 66R-31588

Lakeshore Rail Corridor Expansion

Long Branch Station - Permanent Easement Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in land in the City of Toronto as follows:

A portion of Edgeware Drive at Foch Avenue
Part of PIN 07576-0353 (LT)
Part St. Mary’s Rd (Aka Edgeware Dr) Lying S of 1 Foot Res, Plan 2433, Lot 201, Plan 2123,1 Foot Res, Plan 2123, E of Part 1 Plan 64R7809 Lot 11 Con 1 Sdfl, W of Brown's Line, Being Part Lot 11, Con 1 Southern Division Fronting Lake Ontario, (Also Known as Broken Front), designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 66R-31505 as in EB42423; Etobicoke, City of Toronto

A portion of an existing pathway north of the rail corridor
Part of PIN 07575-0001(LT)
Lot 37, Plan 3902; Part Lot 11, Con Broken Front (Aka Con 1 Sdfl), Part 1, 2, 3 , 64R7809; Part Lot 12, Con Bf (Aka Con 1 Sdfl); Part Rdal Btn Cons Broken Front & Con 1 Southern Division Fronting Lake Ontario, designated as Parts 1 to 3 on Reference Plan 66R-31504, S/T the Interest in The City of Etobicoke, Part 1 to 7 64R7808; S/T EB512594; S/T EB384398, EB384399, EB522683 Etobicoke, 43R7809 Changed to 64R7809 By LRO 66 on Feb. 22, 1999, Subject to an Easement Over Part 2 Plan 64R7809 in Favour of The City of Toronto as in AT2271017, City of Toronto

Lakeshore East

Fee Simple Expropriations

All rights, title and interest

1 Wolcott Avenue:

Part of PIN No. 06448-0181 (LT), legally described as Elmore Av PL 1808 Scarborough closed by SC212203, E of Wolcott Av; Toronto, City of Toronto
Being Part 2, on Reference Plan 66R-31479

Kimridge Avenue
Part of PIN No. 06448-0455 (LT), legally described as Kimridge Av PL 1808 Scarborough (formerly Elmore Av) BTN Danforth Av & Wolcott Av; Kimridge Av PL 1808 Scarborough (formerly Elmore Av) as closed by SC395900 AS IN SC395900 except SC436276; Toronto, City of Toronto
Being Part 1, on Reference Plan 66R-31479

Port Union Waterfront Trail
Part of PIN 06524-0267 (LT)
Part of Lot 35, Range 1, Broken Front Concession, Township of Pickering, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 66R-31465, City of Toronto

321 Scarborough Golf Club Road
Part of PIN 06476-0142 (LT)
Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 16 & 17, (Closed by By-law #183 as in SC509900), Concession D, Scarborough, designated as Parts 1, 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 66R-31446, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. TB48668

Part of 41 Syracuse Crescent
Part of PIN 06384-0041 (LT)
Part of Lot 38, Plan M931, Scarborough, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 66R-31434, City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement as in Instrument No. A156367.

Part of 43 Syracuse Crescent
Part of PIN 06384-0042 (LT)
Part of Lot 39, Plan M931, Scarborough, designated as Parts 3 and 4 on Reference Plan 66R-31434, City of Toronto Subject to an Easement as in Instrument No. A156367.

Part of 45 Syracuse Crescent
Part of PIN 06384-0043 (LT)
Part of Lot 39, Plan M931, Scarborough, designated as Parts 5 and 6 on Reference Plan 66R-31434, City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement as in Instrument No. A156367.

Part of 47 Syracuse Crescent
Part of PIN 06384-0044 (LT)
Part of Lot 40 Plan M931, Scarborough, designated as Parts 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Reference Plan 66R-31434, City of Toronto; Subject to Easements as in Instrument Nos. A909367, A92238 & Plan AT4915523.

Part of 49 Syracuse Crescent
Part of PIN 06384-0045 (LT)
Part of Lot 40, Plan M931, Scarborough, designated as Parts 11 and 12 on Reference Plan 66R-31434, City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement as in Instrument No. A92238.

Part of 51 Syracuse Crescent
Part of PIN 06384-0046 (LT)
Part of Lot 41, Plan M931, Scarborough, designated as Parts 13 and 14 on Reference Plan 66R-31434, City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement as in Instrument No. A92238.

Part of 53 Syracuse Crescent
Part of PIN 06384-0047 (LT)
Part of Lot 41, Plan M931, Scarborough, designated as Parts 15 and 16 on Reference Plan 66R-31434, City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement as in Instrument No. A92238.

Part of 24 Greyabbey Trail
Part of PIN 06522-0059 (LT)
Part of Lot 2, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Part 9 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto

Part of 26 Greyabbey Trail
Part of PIN 06522-0060 (LT)
Part of Lot 19, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Part 8 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto

Part of 28 Greyabbey Trail
Part of PIN 06522-0061 (LT)
Part of Lot 19, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Parts 6 and 7 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. A90671

Part of 30 Greyabbey Trail
Part of PIN 06522-0062 (LT)
Part of Lot 18, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Parts 4 and 5 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. A90671

Part of 32 Greyabbey Trail
Part of PIN 06522-0063 (LT)
Part of Lot 18, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Part 3 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto

Part of 34 Greyabbey Trail
Part of PIN 06522-0064 (LT)
Part of Lot 17, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto

Part of 79 Tivoli Court
Part of PIN 06384-0126 (LT)
Part of Lot 13, Plan M929, Scarborough, designated as Part 5 on Reference Plan 66R-31464, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. A95308.

Part of 80 Tivoli Court
Part of PIN 06384-0123 (LT)
Part of Lot 12, Plan M929, Scarborough, designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 66R-31464, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. A95308.

Part of 81 Tivoli Court
Part of PIN 06384-0125 (LT)
Part of Lot 13, Plan M929, Scarborough, designated as Part 4 on Reference Plan 66R-31464, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. A95308.

Part of 82 Tivoli Court
Part of PIN 06384-0124 (LT)
Part of Lot 12, Plan M929, Scarborough, designated as Parts 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 66R-31464, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. A95308.

Part of 19 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0208 (LT)
Part of Lot 9, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 1 and 22 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. SC253338.

Part of 21 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0209 (LT)
Part of Lot 10, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. SC253338.

Part of 23 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0210 (LT)
Part of Lot 10, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 4, 5, 6 and 7 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easements as in Instrument Nos. SC253338 and AT4821202

Part of 25 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0211 (LT)
Part of Lot 11, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 9 and 10 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easements as in Instrument Nos. SC253338 and AT4820903

Part of 27 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0212 (LT)
Part of Lot 11, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 12 and 13 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easements as in Instrument Nos. SC253338 and AT4915984

Part of 29 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0213 (LT)
Part of Lot 12, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 15, 16 and 18 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easements as in Instrument Nos TB657071, SC290657, AT4898987 and SC253338

Part of 31 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0214 (LT)
Part of Lot 12, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 19 and 20 on Draft Plan of Survey Job Number 2020-0002, Plan Number 1, City of Toronto; Subject to Easements as in Instrument Nos. AT4866692 and SC253338

Part of 63 Morningside Avenue
Part of PIN 06522-0304 (LT)
Part of Lot 1, Plan 5717, Scarborough, designated as Part 11 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto; Reserving a right-of-way over Part 11 in favour of the owner of the remaining PIN 06522-0304 until such time as the lands have been dedicated as public highway.

Part of 65 Morningside Avenue
Part of PIN 06522-0338 (LT)
Part of Lot 1, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Part 10 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto; Reserving a right-of-way over Part 10 in favour of the owner of the remaining PIN 06522-0338 until such time as the lands have been dedicated as public highway.

Unopened Road Allowance – Highland Creek Bridge
Part of PIN No. 06525-0924 (LT)
Part road allowance between Lots 2 & 3, Concession D, Scarborough lying south of SC257673; City of Toronto
Being Part 1, as described in Sketch SK-P-052

Part of Dedicated ROW Lawrence Avenue East Boulevard
Part of PIN No. 06215-0412 (LT)
Lawrence Avenue East (aka Chester Hill Rd) lying between the extension southerly of the easterly limit of Block 102, Plan M2045 & the extension southerly of the easterly limit of Part 16, Plan 64R9296; Part of Lots 153, 154 & 155, Plan 319 (Pickering), Parts 8, 9, 10, Plan 40R1910 except Parts 1, 5 & 6, Plan 66R25010; Part Block A, Plan 645 (Pickering), Parts 1, 2, 3, 6, Plan 64R9296, except Parts 6, 7, 9, Plan 64R10066; Part of Lot 2, Plan 645 (Pickering), Part 7, Plan 64R9296; Part of Lot 1, Plan 645 (Pickering), Part 10, Plan 64R9296; Part of Block C, Plan 275 (Pickering), Part 11, Plan 64R9296; Part of Block C, Plan 275 (Pickering), Part 13, Plan 64R9296, except Part 4, Plan 64R10066; Part of Block C, Plan 275 (Pickering), Part 15, Plan 64R9296; Part of Lot 33, Range 2 BFC, Parts 5, 8, Plan 64R10066; Part road allowance between Ranges 1 & 2 BFC, lying east of the production southerly of the westerly limit of Block 102, Plan M2045; Part road allowance between Lots 34 & 35, Range 1 BFC; Secondly; Part Block K, Plan 319 (Pickering), as in TP246365 except Parts 2, 3 & 4, Plan 66R25010; S/T SC518042; Part Block K, Plan 319 (Pickering), Parts 8 & 9, Plan 40R1910 except Part 5, Plan 66R25010; Part of Lots 152 & 153, Plan 319 (Pickering), as in TP246365 except Parts 2, 3 & 4, Plan 66R25010; S/T SC518042; Part Lot 34, Range 2 BFC, as in TB178874; Part Chester Hill Rd, Plan 319 (Pickering), south of a line running easterly between the extension southerly of the westerly limit of Lot 162, Plan 319 (Pickering) & westerly from an extension of the easterly limit of Part 4, Plan 64R6711 to the south westerly limit of Part 4, Plan 64R9296; Road Plan 360; S/T SC576389, SC582925 Scarborough, City of Toronto, being Part 1, as described in Draft Plan No. 17-504-00-01

Lawrence Avenue East Boulevard (Vacant Lands)
Part of PIN No. 06507-0019 (LT)
Block E, Plan 275; Scarborough, City of Toronto, being Part 2, as described in Draft Plan No. 17-504-00-01

105 Bridgend Street – Port Union Common Park (Parkland)
Part of PIN No. 06524-0266 (LT)
Part of Lot 35, Range 1, Concession Broken Front Pickering Parts 1, 4, 5, 6, Plan 64R14942, Parts 1 & 2, Plan 64R6850, Part 1, Plan 64R14964, S/T interest in CA579155; Toronto, being Part 1, as described in Sketch No. SK-P-032

180 Greyabbey Trail (Parkland)
Part of PIN No. 06522-0326 (LT)
Part of Lot 9, Concession D, Scarborough as in SC296800; S/T SC170714, SC300747, SC509582; Toronto, being Part 1, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-048

Unopened Road Allowance – Chemical Court
Part of PIN No. 06393-0100 (LT)
WID Plan 6238, Scarborough lying south of north limit of Lot 1, Plan 6238; Part of Lot 6, Concession D, Scarborough Part 4, Plan 64R10676; Part road allowance between Lots 6 & 7, Concession D, Scarborough being Chemical Court lying between Coronation Dr & Copperfield Rd; Toronto, City of Toronto, being Part 1, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-036

87 Morningside Avenue (Parkland)
Part of PIN No. 06522-0302 (LT)
Part of Lot 10, Concession D, Scarborough as in SC256204, SC295308; S/T SC295308; Part of Lot 9, Concession D Scarborough & Part of Lot 10, Concession D, Scarborough as in TB793904; S/T SC336414; Toronto, City of Toronto, being Part 4, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-042

Temporary Easement Expropriations

A temporary easement in gross, in, on, over and through for all works and uses in connection with the construction of the GO Expansion Project and associated utility works, including without limitation, laydown, access, erosion control, grading de-watering and restoration of the wetland area and the right to pass over and occupy, on an exclusive basis as necessary, with personnel, materials and equipment for a period of two (2) years, with an option to renew for one (1) year;

Merrill Bridge Road Park

Exclusive Temporary Easement (Construction - Retaining Wall on Adjacent Rail Corridor)
Part of PIN No. 21027-0184 (LT), legally described as LT 143-155 PL 461E Toronto; PT LT 6-7 CON 1 FTB TWP of York as in TY40579; Toronto
Being Part 1, on Reference Plan 66R-31482

Merrill Bridge Road Park
Exclusive Temporary Easement (Construction – Access to Rail Corridor)
Part of PIN No. 21027-0194 (LT), legally described as LT 156-163 PL 461E Toronto; PT LT 164 PL 461E Toronto as in ET33395 (twenty-fifthly) except CA20693; City of Toronto
Being Part 2, on Reference Plan 66R-31482

3575 Danforth Avenue
Exclusive Temporary Easement (Construction - Staging)
Part of PIN No. 06462-0260 (LT), legally described as PT LT 32 CON A Scarborough PT 1 EXPROP PL 8401; Toronto, City of Toronto
Being Part 1, on Reference Plan 66R-31488

340 Gainsborough Road
Exclusive Temporary Easement (Tree Removal)
Part of PIN No. 21027-0341 (LT), legally described as PT BLK A PL 459E Toronto as in EX1967 (firstly except CA640833, CA602217, CA575700, CA323675, CT736650, PT 1 & 2 64R15893) & ET126239 EXCEPT PT 1 & 2 64R15893; S/T ET126239; City of Toronto
Being Parts 1, 2 and 3, on Reference Plan 66R-31458

Monarch Park
Exclusive Temporary Easement (Tree Removal)
Part of PIN No.21034-0780 (LT), legally described as LT 357-535 PL 495E Toronto; Halligan Rd, Gillard Av, Bathgate Av PL 495E Toronto closed by OT54777; PT LT 8 CON 1 FTB TWP of York; PT Ashdale Av PL 411E Toronto (aka Parkmount Rd) closed by ET92508 AS IN ET106614; S/T CT616873; City of Toronto
Being Part 1, on Reference Plan 66R-31457

Stephenson Park
Exclusive Temporary Easement (Construction – Access to Rail Corridor)
Part of PIN No. 21014-0736 (LT), legally described as PT LT 16 PL 580 East Toronto AS IN TT477 except CT555940 & CT333330; City of Toronto
Being Part 1, on Reference Plan 66R-31459

Woodrow Park
Exclusive Temporary Easement (Fence Removal and Relocation)
Part of PIN No. 06444-0517 (LT), legally described as LT 213 PL 1882 Scarborough; LT 214 PL 1882 Scarborough; Toronto , City of Toronto
Being Part 3, on Reference Plan 66R-31483

Exclusive Temporary Easement (Tree Removal)
Part of PIN No. 06444-0559 (LT), legally described as Woodrow Av PL 1882 Scarborough; Toronto, City of Toronto
Being Part 1, on Reference Plan 66R-31483

SW Corner of Beechgrove Drive and Copperfield Road
Part of PIN 06522-0331 (LT)
Part of Lot 5, Concession D, Scarborough, designated as Parts 1, 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 66R-31420, City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement as in Instrument No. TB362677

Crossing Copperfield Road and Beechgrove Drive
Part of PIN 06522-0342 (LT)
Part of Lots 5 and 6, Concession D, Scarborough, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 66R-31397, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. TB362641.

Part of 34 Greyabbey Trail
Part of PIN 06522-0064 (LT)
Part of Lot 17, Plan M934, Scarborough, designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 66R-31414, City of Toronto

Part of 25 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0211 (LT)
Part of Lot 11, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Part 8 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. AT4820903

Part of 27 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0212 (LT)
Part of Lot 11, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Part 11 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Instrument No. AT4915984.

Part of 29 Pixley Crescent
Part of PIN 06390-0213 (LT)
Part of Lot 12, Plan 5728, Scarborough, designated as Parts 14, 17 and 23 on Reference Plan 66R-31413, City of Toronto; Subject to Easements as in Instrument Nos TB657071, SC290657, AT4898987 and SC253338.

180 Greyabbey Trail (Parkland)
Part of PIN No. 06522-0326 (LT)
Part of Lot 9, Concession D, Scarborough as in SC296800; S/T SC170714, SC300747, SC509582; Toronto, being Part 2, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-048

81 Darlingside Drive (Vacant Land)
Part of PIN No. 06390-0094 (LT)
Parcel 18693, Section Scarboro; Block D, Plan M819; S/T SC239415 Scarborough, City of Toronto, being Part 3, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-048

Parkland Adjacent to Tillinghast Lane Condo
Part of PIN No. 06476-0079 (LT)
Part of Lot 17, Concession D, Part 1, Plan RS604; Part road allowance between Lots 16 & 17, Concession D, Parts 2 & 3, Plan RS604, closed by By-Law SC509900; Scarborough, City of Toronto , being Part 2, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-043

Part of Tillinghast Condo Driveway
Part of PIN No. 06746-0153 (LT)
Part Lot 17, Concession D & Part Rd. Allowance between Lots 16 & 17, Concession D, designated Aa Part 16, Plan 66R-23613; Part Lot 17, Concession D, designated as Parts 18-20 inclusive, 22-24 inclusive, Plan 66R-23613. S/T a R.O.W over Parts 16, 18 & 23 on Plan 66R-23613 in favor of Accentia Development Inc. until said Parts 16, 18 & 23 are dedicated as a public highway as in AT-1822703.  City of Toronto, being Part 1, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-037

27 Tillinghast Lane

Part of PIN 06476-0170 (LT)

A temporary easement in gross in, on, over and through that part of Lot 17, Concession D, Scarborough, designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 66R-31547, City of Toronto, for grading and rehabilitation in connection with the realignment of the private lane known as Tillinghast Lane and works ancillary thereto in connection with the construction of a grade separation at the intersection of the Lakeshore East Rail Corridor and Scarborough Golf Club Road, such temporary easement to include the right to pass over and occupy, on an exclusive basis as necessary, Part 1 with personnel, materials and equipment for a period of two (2) years; Subject to Easement as in Instrument Numbers AT1947899, AT3474464, AT3479185, AT3905437 & AT4030091

Tillinghast Lane

Part of PIN 076482-0001 (LT)

A temporary easement in gross in, on, over and through that part of Toronto Common Elements Condominium Plan No. 2482, Scarborough designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 66R-31547, City of Toronto, for reconstruction and realignment of the private lane known as Tillinghast Lane and works ancillary thereto in connection with the construction of a grade separation at the intersection of the Lakeshore East Rail Corridor and Scarborough Golf Club Road, such temporary easement to include the right to pass over and occupy, on an exclusive basis as necessary, Part 2 with personnel, materials and equipment for a period of two (2) years; Subject to Easements as in Instrument No. AT4004197.

76 Morningside Avenue
Part of PIN 06384-0337 (LT)
Part of Lot 11, Concession D, Scarborough, designated as Part 8 on Draft Plan of Survey Job Number 2020-0005, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in Plan AT4909649

78 Morningside Avenue
Part of PIN 06384-0338 (LT)
Part of Lot 11, Concession D, Scarborough, designated as Part 7 on Draft Plan of Survey Job Number 2020-0005, City of Toronto; Subject to Easement as in AT4915422

87 Morningside Avenue (Parkland)
Part of PIN No. 06522-0302 (LT)
Part of Lot 10, Concession D, Scarborough as in SC256204, SC295308; S/T SC295308; Part of Lot 9, Concession D, Scarborough & Part of Lot 10, Concession D, Scarborough as in TB793904; S/T SC336414; Toronto, City of Toronto, being Parts 1, 2 and 3, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-042

Land Adjacent to 90 Morningside Drive (Vacant Land)
Part of PIN No. 06384-0300 (LT)\
Part Block B, Plan M929 designated as Part 5, Plan 66R-20609, City of Toronto, being Part 2, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-034

90 Morningside Drive
Part of PIN No. 06384-0299 (LT)
Part Lot 11, Concession D, Scarborough designated as Part 1, Plan 66R-20609, City of Toronto, being Part 2, as described on Sketch No. SK-P-033

One Foot Reserve – Adjacent to Rear Lot Lines Pixley Crescent Properties
The whole of PIN No. 06390-0486 (LT)
1 Foot Reserve, Plan 5728, Scarborough west of Lots 1 to 12; Toronto, City of Toronto

One Foot Reserve – Adjacent to Rear Lot Lines Syracuse Crescent Properties
The whole of PIN 06384-0149 (LT)
Parcel 1 FT RES-1, Section M931; 1 Foot Reserve, Plan M931, lying along the easterly limit of Lots 39 to 42; Scarborough, City of Toronto

One Foot Reserve – Adjacent to Rear Lot Lines Greyabbey Trail Properties
The whole of PIN 06522-0083 (LT)
Parcel 1 FT RES-1, Section M934; Firstly; 1 Foot Reserve, Plan M934, along the northerly limit on Plan M934; Secondly; 1 Foot Reserve along the westerly limit of Lots 1, 2, 17, 18 & 19, Plan M934; S/T SC232257 Scarborough, City of Toronto

One Foot Reserve – Adjacent to Tivoli Court Properties
The whole of PIN No. 06384-0152 (LT)
Parcel 1 FT RES, Section M929; 1 Foot Reserve, Plan M929, across the westerly limit of Block A; Scarborough, City of Toronto

One Foot Reserve – Adjacent to Front Lot Line of 76 and 78 Morningside Avenue
The whole of PIN No. 06384-0335 (LT)
Part of Lot 11, Concession D, Scarborough designated as Part 3, 66R-28232; City of Toronto

Permanent Easement Expropriations

3575 Danforth Avenue
Permanent Exclusive Easement (Slope Embankment)
Part of PIN No. 06462-0260 (LT), legally described as PT LT 32 CON A Scarborough PT 1 EXPROP PL 8401; Toronto, City of Toronto
Being Part 2, on Reference Plan 66R-31488

155 Raleigh Ave.
Permanent Easement (Tie Backs)
Part of PIN No. 06444-0516 (LT), legally described as LT 211 PL 1882 Scarborough; LT 212 PL 1882 Scarborough; Toronto, City of Toronto
Being Part 2, on Reference Plan 66R-31483

Woodrow Park
Permanent Easement (Tie Backs)
Part of PIN No. 06444-0559 (LT), legally described as Woodrow Av PL 1882 Scarborough; Toronto, City of Toronto
Being Part 1, on Reference Plan 66R-31483

Copperfield Road
Part of PIN No. 06522-0332 (LT)
Firstly: Road allowance between Lots 8 & 9, Concession D, Scarborough south of CNR except SC151607; Part of westerly ½ of Lot 8, Concession D, Scarborough; Part of easterly ½ of Lot 8, Concession D, Scarborough as in SC257739; east 1/2 of Lot 8, Concession D, Scarborough as in SC145357 (Firstly) except SC257739; Part of Lot 7, Concession D, Scarborough designated as Part 1, Plan 64R9755; Part road allowance between Lots 6 & 7, Concession D, Scarborough designated as Part 4, Plan 64R2917; Secondly; Part of Lot 7, Concession D, Scarborough; Part of Lot 6, Concession D, Scarborough; Part of Lot 5, Concession D, Scarborough designated as Parts 2 & 5, Plan 64R2917; being Copperfield Rd between Manse Rd and Beechgrove Dr; S/T SC300747, SC519551, TB362642, TB362678; Toronto, City of Toronto being Parts 3 and 5, as described in Sketch No. SK-P-053

Union Station Enhancement Project

Fee simple Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in lands in the City of Toronto described as follows:

All right, title and interest

Part of PIN 21395-0233 (LT)
Part Block C, Plan 536E
Part 1 on Plan 66R-31548

Part of PIN 21395-0170 (LT)
Part Block C, Plan 536E
Part 2 and 3 on Plan 66R-31548

Part of PIN 21396-0122 (LT)
Part Block B, Plan 536E
Parts 8, 9 and 11 on Plan 66R-31548

A Temporary Limited Interest for the purpose of a free, exclusive, uninterrupted and unobstructed temporary easement in gross or rights in the nature of a temporary easement in gross for a term commencing on July 30th, 2021 and expiring on December 31st, 2024 to occupy and enter and re-enter by all authorized users, including but not limited to servants, agents, employees, contractors, sub-contractors and workers, with all necessary material including but not limited to machinery, supplies and equipment, at all times in, on, over, through along and upon the lands for all purposes including but not limited to construction, staging and laydown, hoarding, shoring and formwork, establishment of temporary alternative access, installation of signage, and associated works. Notwithstanding the exclusivity of this easement, access for pedestrians will be maintained when possible, save and except to the extent Metrolinx is required for reasons of safety or otherwise to temporarily restrict such access to all or parts of the lands subject to this easement for such period or periods of time as may be necessary or advisable to permit the performance of the works.

Part of PIN 21395-0170 (LT)
Part Block C, Plan 536E
Part 4 on Plan 66R-31548

Part of PIN 21396-0122 (LT)
Part Block B, Plan 536E
Parts 7 and 10 on Plan 66R-31548

USEP Elevator Shafts - Fee simple Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in land in the City of Toronto described as follows:

All right, title and interest

Part of PIN 21396-0141 (LT)
Part Lots 1 and 4, Plan 12164
Part 2 on Plan 66R-31515

Part of PIN 21395-0019 (LT)
Part Lot 9, Plan D-970
Part 1 on Plan 66R-31515

Union Station Transit Rail Corridor Signaling System

Fee simple Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in land in the City of Toronto described as follows:

All right, title and interest

PIN 21397-0059 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 1 PL 12161 Toronto PT 32, 64R16700; S/T CA596557; City of Toronto

PIN 21397-0061 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 3 PL 12161 Toronto PT 34, 64R16700; City of Toronto

PIN 21398-0052 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 4 PL 12161 Toronto PT 35, 64R16700; S/T CA684808, CA684809, CA684815, CA684816; City of Toronto

PIN 21398-0053 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 5 PL 12161 Toronto PT 36, 64R16700; CA684808, CA684809, CA684815; City of Toronto

PIN 21092-0265 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 6 PL 12161 being part 37 64R16700 Toronto; S/T CA684808, CA684809, CA684815, CA684816; City of Toronto; together with an easement as in AT2310791

PIN 21092-0267 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 7 PL 12161 being part 38 64R16700 Toronto; S/T CA684808, CA684809, CA684815, CA684816; City of Toronto; together with an easement as in AT2310791

PIN 21092-0269 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 8 PL 12161 being PT 39 64R16700 Toronto; S/T CA684796, CA684799, CA684808, CA684815, CA684816; City of Toronto; together with an easement as in AT2310791

PIN 21077-0083 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 9 RCP 12161 Toronto PT 40 64R16700; T/W CA684795; City of Toronto

PIN 21077-0086 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 10 RCP 12161 Toronto PT 41 64R16700; T/W CA684795; City of Toronto

PIN 21077-0088 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 11 RCP 12161 Toronto PT 42 64R16700; T/W CA684795; City of Toronto

PIN 21077-0090 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 12 RCP 12161 Toronto PT 43 64R16700; T/W CA596557, CA684805; City of Toronto

PIN 21077-0093 (LT) – TTR
PT LT 13 RCP 12161 Toronto PT 31, 53 64R16700; S/T CA250409, CA250837, CA596557; T/W CA684805, CA684814; S/T ES55915; S/T CA250412; City of Toronto

PIN:  21395-0015 (LT) - The Toronto Terminals Railway Company Limited

PCL lot 9-1 SEC index plan D970; PT LT 9 index PL D970 Toronto PT 16, 66R18792 and PT 59, plan 66R18763; (but not S/T the liabilities, rights and interests referred to in paragraph 1 (with respect to succession duties oNLY), 3 & 6 of subsection 1 of section 47 of the land titles act R.S.O. 1980 chapter 230, as amended); S/T the right, described in instruments 1144EW and 1145EW in favour of all those entitled thereto, to maintain sewers, drains, water pipes, gas pipes or other similar services in and upon PT of said LT 9 ON index PL D970 designated as parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 ON PL 66R15360; S/T an easement, described in instrument CT563503, appurtenant to LT 22 ON said index PL D970, over PT of said LT 9 ON index PL D970, designated as PT 24 ON PL 66R15360, for an access facility, and roof overhang. (PT 24 ON PL 66R15360 is also shown as PT 8 ON PL 66R13575 and PT 3 ON PL 66R13467); T/W an easement, described in instrument CT159639, appurtenant to parts 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 and 21 ON PL 66R15360, over PT of blocks C and D according to PL 536E registered in the land registry office for the registry division of Toronto and PT of John St and PT of Lake St, both according to PL 536E, registered in the said land registry office, as stopped up and closed by by-law 10950 of the corporation of the city of Toronto registered in the said land registry office for the registry division of Toronto as instrument 4725ES, designated as parts 33, 34, 35 AND 36 ON PL 66R15360, being parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ON PL 66R15763, for RDWY access; T/W a right over PT LT 9 index PL D970 parts 37, 38, 40, 48, 49, 51, 52, 81, 82, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97 and 98, 66R15941 as in 1144EW and 1145EW; T/W an easement over PT LT 9 index PL D970 parts 81 and 82, 66R15941 as in 61147ES; T/W an easement over PT LT 9 index PL D970 parts 87 and 102, 66R15941 as in 61752ES; T/W an easement under and across PT LT 9 index PL D970 parts 92, 93 and 101, 66R15941 as in CT322256; S/T an easement appurtenant to parts 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 and 21, 66R15630 over PT blocks C and D PL 536E and PT John St and PT Lake St PL 536E as closed by bylaw 10950 of the Corporation of the City of Toronto as 4725ES designated as parts 33, 34, 35 and 36, 66R15360 as in CT159639; T/W an easement over parts 37, 38, 40, 48, 49, 51, 52, 78, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103 and 104, 66R15941 in favour of LT 9 index PL D970 save and except that PT of LT 9 index PL D970 designated as parts 4, 6 and 13, 66R15421 and parts 37, 38, 40, 48, 49, 52, 78, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103 and 104, 66R15941 as in C675996; T/W an easement as in 1144E&W, 1145E&W and E352775; T/W an easement over PT 58, 66R18763 as in E352775; T/W an easement over PT 57, 66R18763 as in E352778; T/W an easement over PT 57, 66R18763 and parts 1 to 6, 66R18792 as in E352778; S/T and T/W eases as in C675996, 1144E&W, 1145E&W, 61147ES, CT322256, CT563503, C981217, C673301, C675993, C878773, E88511 and E352778; S/T CT322256, E88511, ES61147, ES61752 ; subject to an easement over parts 4, 5 and 6, plan 66R-30777 in favour of firstly : part former road leading from the Queen's Wharf (Bathurst Street), plan military reserve, Toronto, part 72, plan 63R-4759 save and except parts 1 and 9, plan 66R-24815 ; secondly : part lot 19, index plan D970, parts 17 and 18, plan 66R-18441 save and except part 2, plan 66R-24815; thirdly : part lot 19, index plan D970, parts 12, 13, 14 and 15, plan 66R-18441 save and except parts 4, 5, 7 and 8 ON plan 66R-24815 ; fourthly : part lots 19, 20 and 25, index plan D970 as in AT5169234; City of Toronto

PIN 21395-0059 (LT) - Canadian National Railway Company

Part of lot 11, plan D-970, designated as parts 13 to 19 (INCL.) ON REF. plan 66R19421 (being the air space above parts 1 to 12 ON plan 66R19421) City of Toronto. T/W A R.O.W. over parts 23, 24, 39 & 40, plan 66R16455 as described in E17579. (but not S/T the liabilities, rights and interests referred to in paragraph 1 (with respect to succession duties oNLY), 3, 6 and 13 of subsection 1 of section 47 of the land titles act R.W.O. 1980 chapter 230, as amended); S/T ES61148.; together with an easement over parts 1 & 2 66R19422, PTS 1-12 66R19421 as in AT5133042; subject to an easement over parts 13 to 19, 66R19421 as in AT5133183; City of Toronto

Milton Station – Nipissing Road Urbanization

Fee Simple Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in lands in the Town of Milton described as follows:

All right, title and interest

151 Nipissing Road
Part of 24945-0116 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, part 2, 20R683; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Parts 49 and 51 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

155 Nipissing Road
Part of 24945-0117 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, as in 296026 & 435629; S/T debts, if any, in 435629; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Parts 52 and 54 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

200 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0122 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, part 1 & 2, 20R3882; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Parts 41 and 44 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Land Strip adjacent to 200 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0123 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, as in 345953; except PTS 1, 2, & 3 20R3882, PT 1 20R1253, PT 4 20R1502, PTS 1, 2, 4, & 5 20R2996, part1 20R1609, lots 1 TO 43 M118, parcel C-1, section M118, Childs Drive, M-118, condominium plan 42, condominium plan 44, condominium plan 45, condominium plan 47 and condominium plan 71; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Part 39 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

680 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0046 (LT)
BLK 47, PL 20M285, S/T H298231, S/T 53605 assigned by 120223 & amended by 137736; S/T H206409, H206419 Milton, designated as Part 32 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

720 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0052 (LT)
BLK 42, PL 20M285, S/T H275692; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Parts 23 and 27 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0051 (LT)
LT 10, PL 20M285, S/T H275692; Milton, designated as Part 24 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

760 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0055 (LT)
BLK 40, PL 20M285, S/T H242379; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Part 20 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

800 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0058 (LT)
PT BLK 38, PL 20M285, part 1, 20R7474, S/T a temporary right of entry in favour of 481715 Ontario Ltd. and Kathryn Joan Mullen and Winnifred Amy Langridge until complete acceptance of service within plan 20M285 by the Corporation of the Town of Milton and the Regional Municipality of Halton, S/T 252721; S/T H206409 Milton. "amended 2003 04 11 KH", designated as Part 17 on Reference Plan 20R-21775


805 Nipissing Road
Part of 24945-0238 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 TRAF NS, being parts 1&2, 20R7888 except part 1, expropriation plan HR1612712; subject to an easement in gross over part 7, 20R21230 until 2024/12/31 as in HR1710586; subject to an easement as in H298973; subject to an easement as in H298974; Town of Mlton, designated as Parts 80, 83 and 87 and Reference Plan 20R-21775

831 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0101 (LT)
BLK 60, PL 20M285, S/T H271485; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Part 56 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

851 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0098 (LT)
PT BLK 62, PL 20M285, part 3, 20R7422, S/T H266520 & S/T H206409 Town of Milton, designated as Part 59 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0096 (LT)
PT LT 21, PL 20M285, Part 2, 20R7422 Town of Milton, designated as Part 61 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

867 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0095 (LT)
BLK 62, PL 20M285, save and except PT BLK 62, PT 3, 20R7037 & PT BLK 62, PT 3, 20R7422; Milton. S/T ease H206409, designated as Parts 64 and 65 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Temporary Easement Expropriations

Those lands and/or interests in land in the Town of Milton described as follows:

A temporary easement for the purposes of earthwork/grading, driveway transition work (including sawcut, the removal, disposal and subsequent reinstatement of asphaLT and/or granular materials), removal of trees where required, storm sewer installation where required, curbs installation where required, utility relocation and/or adjustments where required (including relocation adjustment and/or installation of new hydro poles, relocation and/or adjustment of hydrants, relocation and/or installation of underground infrastructure, relocation and/or adjustment of Rogers Communications infrastructure, relocation and/or adjustment of Bell infrastructure, relocation and/or installation of Enbridge Gas Inc. infrastructure, relocation and/or installation of Cogeco infrastructure, reconnection to new hydro poles and transformers, reconnection to new gas main, relocation and/or adjustment of manholes to suit the new grade, relocation and/or adjustment of valve box and water box, and relocation and/or adjustment of transformer to suit new grade), landscaPINg (including removal and subsequent reinstatement of topsoil and sod), and environmental, geotechnical and archeological field work and testing on the property as deemed necessary to support and facilitate the works associated with or necessary for GO Expansion Project and matters ancillary thereto. The temporary easement will commence August 1, 2021 and continuing for a period of 37 months thereafter.

100, 150, 180 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0121 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, Part 4, 20R1502; S/T H148020 Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Parts 45, 70 and 71 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

101 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0223 (LT)
Part lot 13 CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey designated part 2, Plan 20R21298 together with an easement over Part lot 13 CON 3 being Part 1, Plan 20R21298 as in HR1588938 Town of Milton, designated as Parts 46 and 47 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

145 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0115 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, Part 1, 20R683; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Part 48 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

151 Nipissing Road
Part of 24945-0116 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, Part 2, 20R683; Milton/Trafalgar; designated as Part 50 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

155 Nipissing Road
Part of 24945-0117 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, as in 296026 & 435629; S/T debts, if any, in 435629; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Part 53 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

200 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0122 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, Part 1 & 2, 20R3882; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Parts 42 and 43 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Land Strip adjacent to 200 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0123 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 Trafalgar New Survey, as in 345953; except PTS 1, 2, & 3 20R3882, PT 1 20R1253, PT 4 20R1502, PTS 1, 2, 4, & 5 20R2996, Part 1 20R1609, Lots 1 to 43 M118, Parcel C-1, Section M118, Childs Drive, M-118, Condominium Plan 42, Condominium Plan 44, Condominium Plan 45, Condominium Plan 47 and Condominium Plan 71; Milton/Trafalgar, designated as Parts 38 and 40 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

680 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0046 (LT)
BLK 47, PL 20M285, S/T H298231, S/T 53605 assigned by 120223 & amended by 137736; S/T H206409, H206419 Milton, designated as Parts 31, 33 and 34 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0045 (LT)
LT 12, PL 20M285, S/T H298231, S/T 53605 assigned by 120223 & amended by 137736; S/T H206419 Milton, designated as Parts 35 – 37 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

700 Nipissing Road
All of PIN 24945-0206 (LT)
BLK 44, PL 20M285; save and except PT 1 20R20060 subject to an easement as in H206409 Town of Milton, designated as Part 29 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0047 (LT)
LT 11, PL 20M285; Milton, designated as Part 30 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

720 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0052 (LT)
BLK 42, PL 20M285, S/T H275692; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Part 26 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0051 (LT)
LT 10, PL 20M285, S/T H275692; Milton, designated as Parts 25 and 28 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

760 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0055 (LT)
BLK 40, PL 20M285, S/T H242379; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Parts 19 and 21 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0054 (LT)

LT 9, PL 20M285, S/T H242379 Town of Milton, designated as Part 22 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

800 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0058 (LT)
PT BLK 38, PL 20M285, Part 1, 20R7474, S/T a temporary right of entry in favour of 481715 Ontario Ltd. and Kathryn Joan Mullen and Winnifred Amy Langridge until complete acceptance of service within Plan 20M285 by the Corporation of the Town of Milton and the Regional Municipality of Halton, S/T 252721; S/T H206409 Milton. "Amended 2003 04 11 KH", designated as Part 16 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0057 (LT)
PT LT 8, PL 20M285, Part 2, 20R7474, S/T a temporary right of entry in favour of 481715 Ontario Ltd.Kathryn Joan Mullen, and Winnifred Amy Langridge until complete acceptance of the services within plan 20M285 by the Corporation of the Town of Milton and the Regional Municipality of Halton, S/T H252721; Milton, designated as Part of Part 18 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

804 Nipissing Road
All of PIN 24945-0208 (LT)
Part of block 38, Plan 20M-285 Part 4, ON Plan 20R7474, except Part 1, ON Plan 20R-19958 subject to an easement as in H206409 Town of Milton, designated as Part 14 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0060 (LT)
PT LT 8, PL 20M285, PT 5, 20R7474, S/T H252721 Town of Milton, designated as Part 15 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

805 Nipissing Road
Part of 24945-0238 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 TRAF NS, being Parts 1&2, 20R7888 except Part 1, Expropriation Plan HR1612712; subject to an easement in gross over Part 7, 20R21230 Until 2024/12/31 AS IN HR1710586; subject to an easement as in H298973; subject to an easement as in H298974; Town of Milton, designated as 81, 82, 84, 85 and 86

810 Nipissing Road
All of PIN 24945-0210 (LT)
Block 36, Plan 20M-285, except Part 2, ON Plan 20R-19958 subject to an easement as in H206409 Town of Milton, designated as Part 12 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0063 (LT)
LT 7, PL 20M285, S/T H264151; Milton, designated as Part 13 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

820 Nipissing Road
All of PIN 24945-0067 (LT)
BLK 35, PL 20M285; S/T H206409 Town of Milton, designated as Part 10 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0066 (LT)
LT 6, PL 20M285 Town of Milton, designated as Part 11 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

831 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0101 (LT)
BLK 60, PL 20M285, S/T H271485; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Part 55 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0099 (LT)
LT 20, PL 20M285, S/T H271485; MILTON, designated as Part 57 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

842 Nipissing Road
All of PIN 24945-0069 (LT)
BLK 33, PL 20M285, S/T H264187; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Part 8 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0068 (LT)
LT 5, PL 20M285, S/T H264187; Milton, designated as Parts 9 and 72 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

851 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0098 (LT)
PT BLK 62, PL 20M285, Part 3, 20R7422, S/T H266520 & S/T H206409 Town of Milton, designated as Part 58 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0096 (LT)
PT LT 21, PL 20M285, PART 2, 20R7422 Town of Milton, designated as Part 60 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

860 Nipissing Road
All of Part 24945-0204 (LT)
BLK 31, Plan 20M285, save & except PT 1 20R20050 subject to an easement as in H206409 Town of Milton, designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0071 (LT)
LT 4, PL 20M285, S/T H250536; Milton, designated as Part 7 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

867 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0092 (LT)
LT 21, PL 20M285, save and except PT LT 21, PT 2, 20R7037 & PT LT 21, PT 2, 20R7422; MILTON, designated as Part 62 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0095 (LT)
BLK 62, PL 20M285, save and except PT BLK 62, PT 3, 20R7037 & PT BLK 62, PT 3, 20R7422; Milton. S/T ease H206409, designated as Parts 63 and 66 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

873 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0200 (LT)
PT LT 21, PL 20M285, Part 2, 20R7037; PT BLK 63, PL 20M285, Part 1, 20R7037; PT BLK 62, PL 20M285, Part 3, 20R7037; S/T H247817, S/T H206409 AND S/T H206408, designated as Parts 67 and 68 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

886 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0075 (LT)
BLK 29, PL 20M285, S/T H252879; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Part 4 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Part of PIN 24945-0074 (LT)
LT 3, PL 20M285, S/T H252879; Milton, designated as Part 5 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

900 Nipissing Road

Part of PIN 24945-0176 (LT)
LT 2, PL 20M285 S&E PT 2, 20R17326; Milton. S/T H243114. S/T ease in gross over PT 3, 20R17326 as in HR647760, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

All of PIN 24945-0178 (LT)
BLK 27, PL 20M285 S&E PT 1, 20R17326; Milton. S/T H243114. S/T H206409, designated as Part of 3 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

909 Nipissing Road
Part of PIN 24945-0088 (LT)
BLK 64, PL 20M285, S/T H236428; S/T H206409 Milton, designated as Part 69 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

55 Ontario Street
Part of PIN 24945-0192 (LT)
PT LT 13, CON 3 TRAF NS, PT 1, 20R15801 S&E PT 2, 20R15803 & S&E PT 9, 20R18119; S/T eases in gross HR732546 & HR732548. subject to an easement in gross over Part 10, 20R18119 as in HR779113 subject to an easement in gross over Part 11, 20R18119 as in HR779114 subject to an easement in gross as in HR836095 Town of Milton, designated as Part 88 on Reference Plan 20R-21775

Order in Council 1804/2020