Schedule A:

east harbour south

PINlegal description
21077-0390Part Lots 14 &15, Broken Front Concession, Township of York; Designated as Part 1 on 66R31112; Together with an Easement over Part Lots 14 & 15, Broken Front Concession, Part Lots 243, 244, & 245, Plan 105, Designated as Part 10, 66R31112 as in CA796305; City of Toronto
21077-0391Part Lots 14 &15, Broken Front Concession, York, and Part Lot 245, Plan 105, Designated as Parts 2 to 9 including 66R31112, Subject to an Easement Designated as Parts 6, 7, & 9, 66R31112, as in ES24042 and ES25049; Subject to an Easement over Parts 3 & 6, 66R31112 as in AT366176; Subject to an Easement over Parts 6, 7, & 9, 66R31112 as in AT3432194; City of Toronto
21077-0456Part of Lots 14 and 15 Broken Front Concession York; Designated as Part 1 on Plan 66R-33341; City of Toronto
21077-0455Part of LOT 14 Broken Front Concession York; Designated as Part 2 on Plan 66R-33341; City of Toronto
21077-0451Part of Lots 14 and 15 Broken Front Concession Township of York; Part of Lots 243, 244 and 245 Plan 105; Designated as Parts 6, 7 and 8 on Plan 66R-33341; Subject to an Easement over Parts 6 and 7 on 66R33341 as in CA796305; Subject to an Easement over Part 7 on 66R33341 as in CA748266; Subject to an Easement over Part 7 on 66R33341 as in E478008; City of Toronto
21077-0454Part of Lot 14 Broken Front Concession York; Designated as Part 3 on Plan 66R-33341; City of Toronto
21077-0453Part of Lot 14 Broken Front Concession York; Designated as Part 4 on Plan 66R-33341; City of Toronto
21077-0452Part of Lot 14 Broken Front Concession York; Designated as Part 5 on Plan 66R-33341; City of Toronto
21077-0392Part of Lots 14 and 15, Broken Front Concession, York; Part of Water Lot in front of Lots 14 and 15, Broken Front Concession, York; Part of Lots 345 and 346 and Parts of Front Street East, Plan 105, Designated as Parts 1 to 19 inclusive, and Parts 22 to 26 inclusive, 66R31113, T/W an Easement over Part Lot 14, Broken Front Concession York and Part Lot 245, Plan 105, being Part 21, 66R31113, as in AT3432194, AT366176, ES42042 and ES25047, T/W an Easement over Part Lot 14, Broken Front Concession, York, and Part Lots 243, 244, 245, Plan 105, Part 20, 66R31113 as in CA748266 and E478008; Subject to an Easement over Parts 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and Parts 22, 23, 24, 25, 66R31113 as in CT267442; Subject to an Easement over Parts 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and Parts 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 66R31113 as in AT4961800; Subject to an Easement over Parts 6, 16, 17, 18, 19 and Parts 23, 24, & 25, 66R31113 as in AT4964510; City of Toronto

Part 150 ft wide Road Plan 159E Toronto (Closed by ES7938); Part Block DC, V Plan 520E Toronto Part 1 & 2 64R14530; S/T ES62569; City of Toronto;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Parts 7-10 & 13, 66R30170 as in AT4955352;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Part 3 on 66R30171 as in AT4955451;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Part 1 66R31773 as in AT5841162

21077-0393Part Lot 14, Broken Front Concession Part of Water Lot in front of Lots 13 & 14 Broken Front Concession; Part Front Street, Plan 105, City East; Part Lot 1, Plan 568A Toronto, Designated as Part 1, 66R31114; City of Toronto
21077-0187Part Lot 14 Broken Front Concession and Part Lot 15 Broken Front Concession Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 Plan 66R-20604; City of Toronto, S/T Easement over Parts 5, 6, & 7 Plan 66R20604 in favour of Parts 1 & 18 Plan 66R20604 and Part Lots 13 to 19 Inclusive, S/S Front Street (now Mill Street), Plan 108 lying between Lot 12 and Lot 13 RCP 12161; Part of East Street (also known as Water Street) (Closed by CT258744) Plan 108 Designated as Part 2 Plan 63R-462; Parts Lots 20 to 26 inclusive, S/S Front Street (now Mill Street) Plan 108, Part Lot 28 S/S Palace Street (now Front Street) Plan 108, Part Lot 28 N/S Front Street (now Mill Street) Plan 108 Lying between Lot 12 and Lot 13 RCP Plan 12161 and south of Lot 12 RCP 12161, as in TC698 except RCP 12161, as in OT1731; Part Marsh Lands, Township of York, granted to the Toronto Harbour Commissioners by the Ontario Government October 4, 1888; Part Marsh Lands, Township of York, Granted to John Smith by Ontario Government on October 4, 1888 as in ES12640 (Secondly); Part of the old Don Channel, Township of York, as in ES12640, save and except Parts 1 to 13 Inclusive, and Parts 15 to 27 inclusive, on Plan 66R-20763; T/W Easement over Parts 9 and 16 PL 66R-20604 as in AT366176
21077-0023PCL 338-1 SEC A105; Part Lot 14 Concession Broken Front Township of York; Part Water Lot in front of Lot 13 Concession Broken Front Township of York; Part Water Lot in front of Lot 14 Concession Broken Front Township of York; Part Lot 1 PL 568A Toronto; Lot 338 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 339 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 340 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 341 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 342 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 343 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 344 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 347 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 348 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 349 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 350 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 351 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 352 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 353 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 354 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 355 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 345 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 346 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 356 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 357 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 358 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 359 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 360 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 361 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 362 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 363 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 364 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Front Street Plan 105 Toronto; Part Strange Street Plan 105 Toronto; Part Palace Street Plan 105 Toronto Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 66R11601; S/T A379547; Toronto together with an Easement over Part of Lot 14, Broken Front Concession, York and Part of Lots 243, 244 and 245, Plan 105, Designated as Part 9 on Plan 66R-18671 (being Part 9 on Plan 64R-16608) as in E478008. Description amended on 2002/01/21 by M. Gartska. T/W Easement over Part Lot 14, Broken Front Concession, York and Part of Lot 245, Plan 105 Designated as Part 8, Plan 64R16608 as in AT3432194, City of Toronto
21077-0022PCL 222-1 SEC A105; Lot 14 Concession Broken Front Township of York; Part Lot 222 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 223 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 224 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 225 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 226 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 227 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 228 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 229 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 243 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 244 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Lot 245 Plan 105 Toronto; Part Palace Street Plan 105 Toronto; Part Strange Street Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 230 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 231 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 232 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 233 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 234 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 235 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 236 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 237 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 238 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 239 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 240 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 241 Plan 105 Toronto; Lot 242 Plan 105 Toronto Part 2 66R6273; T/W Part Lot 14 Concession Broken Front, Part Water Lot in front of Lot 14 Concession Broken Front, Part Lots 344, 345 and 346 Plan 105, Part Front Street Plan 105 Part 3 66R6273 as in A379547; T/W Part Lot 1 Plan 214 Part 1 66R13413 as in C59704; T/W Part Burnett Avenue Plan M467 as closed by By-law C98807 Part 1 to 4 66R14080 as in C162863; T/W Part 53 Plan M347 Part 2 66R6985  as in C173870; T/W Part Lot 2 and 3 Plan M347 Part 5 66R13841 as in C173869; T/W Part Lot 7 M351 Part 39 to 46 66R13982 as in C2277356 (S/T C94597, C173752; T/W Part Lot 7 M351 Part 26 and 38 66R13982 as in C227357; T/W Part Lot 7 M351 Part 27, 28, 35, 36, 37 66R13982 as in C227358; T/W Part Budworth Drive Plan M1289 as closed by Bylaw C259060 Part 3 66R14380 as in C283645 (S/T C283646); T/W Part Lot 1 to 4 Plan 66M2191 Part 1 to 5 66R14771 as in C334349 (S/T C217695, C328043); T/W Part Lot 12 Plan M1052 Part 48, 58 and 59 66R14899 as in C355549 (S/T C299199, C355550); T/W Part Lot 2 to 15 Plan 66M2190 Parts 2 to 15 66R14838 as in C358812 (S/T C285455, C358813); T/W Part Lot 1 Plan 66M2190 Part 1 66R14838 as in C371132; T/W Part Lot 1 Plan D807 & Part Lot 39 Concession 4 (Northern Division fronting the Humber) Part 2 to 6 66R14733 as in C426277; T/W Part Lot 9 and 10 Plan 66M2215 Part 2 and 3 66R15070 as in C426137; T/W Part Block 92 Plan 66M2215 and Part 2 and 3 66R15112 as in C434516; T/W Part York Gatte Blvd Plan 6530 Part 2, 5 and 7 66R15013 as in C447428; T/W Part Lot 14 Concession 3 Part 1 66R15539 as in C549686; T/W Part Block G Plan D1397 Part 5 to 9 66R13715 as in C552584; T/W Part Block AX Plan M1678 and Part Heaslip Terrace Plan M1678 as closed by Bylaw 22555 Part 1, 2 and 3 66R15324 as in C585095; T/W Part Water Lot 35 Plan 5A (S of the Esplanade) Part of the Esplanade closed by Bylaw 17527 Part 29 to 32 and 54, 59 66R15563 as in C582924 (S/T C362422, C363652); T/W Part Water Lot 35 Plan 5A (S of the  Esplanade) Part 34 and 71 66R15563 as in C582925 (S/T C363652) T/W Part Lot 39 and 40 Concession 4 (Fronting the Humber) Part 7 66R15742 as in C627894 (S/T 508534); T/W Part 1 Expropriation Plan D830 Part 2 66R14568 as in C626944; T/W Part Block AX Plan M1744 Part 6 66R14839 and Pt Jade Street Plan M1744 as closed by Bylaw C428886 Part 9, 10 and 14 66R14839 as in C631740; T/W Part Block 1, 11 and 12 66M2260 Part 1, 2 and 3 66R15853 as in C638712 (S/T TB424779); T/W Part Lot 228 Plan 2226Y Part 17 and 18 66R15884 as in C652431 (S/T C561883); T/W Block 1 Plan 1338 as in C660235; T/W Block A Plan M1180 as in C661147; T/W Part Shadberry Drive Plan M1507as closed by Bylaw C652540 Part 1 66R15706 as in C664232; T/W Part Common Elements Condo Plan # 914 Part 20 66R15778 as in D217267 (S/T C559299); T/W Part Albion Drive Plan M527 as closed by Bylaw C691745 Part 3 66R5638 as in C693297; T/W Lot 13 Concession 5 Part 1 and 2 66R16182 as in C702895 (S/T C116359, C353631; T/W Part Heaslip Terrace Plan 66M2235 Part 3, 5, 6, and 7 66R15950 as in C705613; T/W Part Block 2 66M2058 Part 4 and 5 66R16329 as in C755640; T/W Part Harlandale Avenue Plan M389 Part 2 66R15503 as in C776130; T/W Part Stubbs Drive Plan M843 and Part 1 ft Reserve Plan M843 (N and S/S Stubbs Drive) Part 1 to 8 66R14748 as in C801057; T/W Part Lot 238 Plan M2 Part 1, 2 and 3 66R16521 as in C829049; T/W Part Lot 2 Plan M351 and Part Block A Plan M561 Part 2, 3 and 4 66R16683 as in C860972; T/W Part Lot 2 Plan M3511 and Part Block A Plan M561 Part 1 and 7 66R16682 as in C890973; T/W Part Lot 2 Plan M351 and Part Block B Plan M561 Part 5 66R16683 as in C860974; T/W Part Lot 2 Plan M351 and Part Block B Plan M561 Part 6 66R16683 as in C860975; T/W Part Lot 1 to 4, 44 to 47, 52 to 56 Plan M137 Part 46 to 50, 60 to 75, 79 to 88 and 94 to 99 66R16722 as in C871172; T/W Part Ordinance Reserve Part 5 and 14 66R16652 as in C877270; T/W Part Lot 59 and 60 Plan M275 Part 1 66R16847 as in C921884; T/W Part Lot 423, 431 and 432 Plan M110 Part 78 to 85 66R16855 and Part 49 to 51 66R16871 as in C928277; T/W Part Lot 33 and 34 Plan 909Y Part 21, 23, and 26 66R16911 as in C950061; T/W Common Elements Condo Plan 1113 as in D493295; T/W Part Lot 2 Plan 339 or Plan 389 Part 1 and 2 66R17205 as in E804; T/W Part Town Lot 2 N/S Adelaide Street Plan Township of York Part 1 66R17143 as in E3274; T/W Part Lot 23 Concession 2 FTB Part 3 66R17034 as in E16665; S/T Part 2 66R6273 as in E293604; Toronto, City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement in gross over Parts 1 and 2, Plan 66R-33516 as in AT6471451


east harbour north

PINlegal description
21077-0134Part Lot 15 Concession Broken Front Township of York Part 1, 2 63R3654 & Part 2, 4, 5 64R14907; City of Toronto; Subject to an Easement as in AT5262211

Part Lot 15 Concession Broken Front Township of York, Part Block A Plan 165E Toronto, Part Lot P Plan Don Improvement Plan, Parts 1 to 8, 11 to 16, 20 to 24, 26 66R33624;

Subject to easement over Parts 1,2,3,5 66R20106 as in AT109281 Except Part 1 AT6002687;

Subject to an Easement over Parts 2,4 66R20106 as in AT109282;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Part Lot 15, Concession Broken Front, Part 2 AT6002687 as in AT6002687;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Part Lot 15, Concession Broken Front and Part Lot P, Don Improvement Plan, Part 3 AT6002687 as in AT6002687;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Part 24 66R33624 as in AT6451358;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Parts 7, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22 66R33624 as in AT6451426;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Parts 20, 22, 23 66R33624 as in AT6451427;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Parts 8, 11, 16 66R33624 as in AT6451428;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Part 26 66R33624 as in AT6451429; City of Toronto

21077-0135Part Lot 15 Concession Broken Front Township of York (Travelled Road) being Sunlight Park Road (formerly Eastern Avenue) as established by unregistered bylaw #523 between Don Valley Parkway & Broadview Avenue; S/T CT475850; City of Toronto
21077-0183Part Lot 15 Concession Broken Front Township of York, being Part of Eastern Avenue Diversion, Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10, RD211 Save & Except Part 1, 66R20464; S/T CT475850; City of Toronto
21077-0138Part Block A Plan 165E Toronto as in ES70341; City of Toronto
21077-0139Part Block A Plan 165E Toronto, Part 2 on Expropriation Plan AT6233945; City of Toronto
21077-0140Part Block A PL 165E Toronto, Designated as Part 1 on Expropriation Plan AT6231421; City of Toronto

Part Lots 14, 15 Concession Broken Front Township of York, Part Block A Plan 165E Toronto, Parts 9,10,17,18,19,25 66R33624;

Subject to an Easement over Part 9 66R33624 as in AT109281;

Subject to an Easement in gross over Parts 9,10 66R33624 as in AT6002687; City of Toronto

21077-0442Part of Lot 15 Concession Broken Front Township of York, Designated as Part 1 on Expropriation Plan AT6002687; City of Toronto
21077-0153Part Lot 15 Concession Broken Front Township of York, Part 1, 66R25435; City of Toronto
21077-0141Part Block A Plan 165E Toronto, Part 1 on Expropriation Plan AT6233945; City of Toronto
21077-0142Part Block A Plan 165E Toronto, Designated as Part 2 on Expropriation Plan AT6231421; City of Toronto
21077-0189Part of Lots 14 and 15, Broken Front Concession, Township of York, Designated as Part 2 on Plan 66R25435; Together with Easement over Parts 5, 6 and 7 Plan 66R20604 and Parts 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25 Plan 66R20763 as in AT356801, as partially released by AT1728119; Together with Easement over Parts 3 and 6 Plan 66R20604 and Parts 17 and 18 Plan 66R20763 as in AT356801; Together with Easement over Parts 9 and 16, Plan 66R20604 as in AT366176, as partially released by AT366186; Together with an Easement as in AT2310791; Together with an Easement over Parts 1 and 2, Plan 66R23609 as in AT1738430; Subject to an Easement in favour of Canadian National Railway Company as in AT2795820; together with an Easement as in AT2824753; City of Toronto
21077-0155Part Lot 14, Broken Front Concession, Township of York; Part Lot 15,Broken Front Concession, Township of York, Designated as Part 3, Plan 66R25435; Together with Easement over Parts 5, 6 and 7 Plan 66R20604 and Parts 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25 Plan 66R20763 as in AT356801, as Partially released by AT1728119; Together with Easement over Parts 3 and 6 Plan 66R20604 and Parts 17 and 18 Plan 66R20763 as in AT356801; Together with Easement over Parts 9 and 16, Plan 66R20604 as in AT366176, as Partially Released by AT366186; Together with an Easement as in AT2310791; Together with an Easement over Parts 1 and 2, Plan 66R23609 as in AT1738430; Subject to an Easement in favour of Canadian National Railway Company as in AT2795820; Together with an Easement as in AT2824753; City of Toronto
21076-0328South Park Street Plan D135 Toronto aka Eastern Avenue; Part Lot 77-82 Plan D135 Toronto Part 12, RD211 known as the Eastern Avenue Diversion; City of Toronto
21076-0331Scadding Street Plan D135 Toronto aka Broadview Avenue between Queen Street East & Eastern Avenue; City of Toronto

Order in Council 724/2024