Regional Director’s approval statement

Sedgman Lake Provincial Nature Reserve

This revised Interim Management Statement will provide interim direction for the management of the above Provincial Nature Reserve until a comprehensive Park Management Plan is prepared.

This statement will provide the basis for the subsequent preparation of the Park Management Plan.

I am pleased to approve this Interim Management Statement.

Signed by:

M. S. Millar
A/Regional Director
North Central Region

Revised March 1991

Background information

Map showing Sedgman Lake Provincial Nature Reserve indicated with a black dot and arrow, and nearby areas.

  • Name: Sedgman Lake
  • Class: Nature Reserve
  • M.N.R. district: Nipogon
  • M.N.R. region: North Central
  • Total area (ha): 5,710
    • Land: [no information provided]
    • Water: [no information provided]
  • Site region: 3W
  • Site district: 1
  • Date in regulation: March 9, 1985


Life science representation

Site type/landscape unit

Weakly broken lacustrine fine sand with sandy till…and medium to coarse sds. Weakly broken med-coarse lacustrine sand plains (lac fine sd-organic).

  • associated vegetaion patterns.
  • weakly broken peat plains.

Earth science representation

Geological theme

Timiskaming Interstadial


Nakina Phase glaciation: Esker-delta complex; glacial Lake Nakina deposits.

Cultural resource representation



Theme segment

[no information provided]

Recreation opportunities

Day use


Car camping


Wilderness/back country



Level/type Reconnaissance completion date Detailed completion date Required?
Earth science checksheet N/A detailed inventory
Life science checksheet N/A detailed inventory
Cultural N/A N/A brief survey
Recreational N/A N/A N/A
Other N/A N/A N/A

Sedgman Lake Provincial Nature Reserve interim management statement

I. Land tenure

This Nature Reserve is Crown Land. The Ogoki Road forms the western boundary of the Park.

This area has been excluded from the Kimberly-Clark Forest Management Agreement.


As per N.D.L.U.G., land disposition in this Nature Reserve will not be considered (Appendix I).

II. Land acquisition/disposition


III. Existing/proposed development


IV. Recreation activities

Due to the isolation of the area, recreational use of the area is considered to be very low. The existence of the new Ogoki Road and forest harvesting nearby may increase the use of the area as far as sport fishing, hunting and canoe camping are concerned. No access points or campsites have been developed.


Hunting will not be permitted.

The remaining recreational activities will be permitted to continue. Camping within the Nature Reserve will be discouraged (Appendix I). Necessary signage will be erected. Caching of boats within the Park will not be permitted.

Offroad vehicles will not be permitted within the Nature Reserve (See V).

V. Commercial activities

The candidate is entirely contained within trapline NG-69. No trapline cabin is known to exist. Some wild rice harvesting takes place within the candidate.


Trapping and wild rice harvesting will be allowed to continue only for Status Indians enjoying treaty rights. Otherwise, both will be phased out by January 1, 2010 or when the trapper or harvester retires or dies, whichever is sooner (Appendix I). Offroad vehicles will not be permitted within the Park except for snowmobiles, which may only be used in conjunctions with trapping.

Trapline cabins will not be permitted.

VI. Natural resources

N.D.L.U.G. has stated that the activities of forestry. mineral exploration/extraction and aggregate extraction will not be permitted (Appendix I).

VII. Cultural resources

Representation of any cultural resource is as yet unknown. The Kapikotongwa River may have been part of a fur trade route to the Albany River and in this light the following guideline suggests:


A brief survey of the cultural resources of the Nature Reserve should be undertaken.

VIII. Client services


IX. Research/inventories

Checksheets only, have been completed on the earth and life science resources of the Nature Reserve.


Detailed inventories of the earth and life sciences will be undertaken when funding and manpower permit.


O.M.N.R. 1983. Nipigon District Land Use Guidelines.

Thacker, B. 1981 Life Science Inventory Checksheet.

Kor, P. 1981. Earth Science Inventory Checksheet.

Springer. J. 1978. Ontario Mineral Potential. Nakina Sheet Districts of Thunder Bay and Cochrane. Ontario Geological Services. Preliminary Map P. 1535. Min. Department Services. Scale 1:250,000.

Thurston, P. C., M. W. Carter, R. A. Riley and Assistants. 1969. Operation Fort Hope. Attwood-Caribou lakes Sheet, Districts of Kenora (Patricia Portion) and Thunder Bay. Ontario Department of Mines, Preliminary Map P. 564. Scale 1 in = 2 mi.

Zottai. S. C. 1967. Glacial features of the North Central Lake Superior region. Ontario. Can. J. Earth Science. V.4. 525-528 p.

Nipigon District Staff. Impact Assessment Sheet.

Plan of Sedgman Lake Provincial Nature Reserve in the District of Nipigon

Plan map of Sedgman Lake  Provincial Nature Reserve in the  District of Nipigon.

Activity Permitted? Guidelines
Aggregate extraction No N/A
Agriculture No N/A
Bait fishing (commercial) – existing No No licences exist for this area. No new licences will be issued.
Commercial fishing No N/A
Cottaging No N/A
Crown land recreation No Not applicable to Parks
Forestry No N/A
Hunting No N/A
Mining No N/A
Provincial Parks Yes N/A
Roads No N/A
Rural residential No N/A
Sport fishing Yes It is recommended that sport fishing be permitted to continue.
Tourism No N/A
Trapping Yes It is recommended that existing trapping activity be permiteed to continue for Status Indians enjoying treay rights.
Wildlife viewing Yes Existing use to be phased out no later than January 1, 2010, except for harvesting by Status Indians enjoying Treaty rights.
Wildrice harvesting Yes N/A
Urban development No N/A

Source: Nipigon District Land Use Guidelines.