The Estimates 2016‑17

Table 1 - Operating: summary of total including consolidation and other adjustments
Ministries Operating expense - to be voted Operating expense - special warrants Operating expense - statutory
Aboriginal Affairs $73,920,400 - $65,014
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $610,869,800 - $2,096,014
Attorney General $1,717,964,300 - $5,368,014
Cabinet Office $39,507,400 - $64,014
Children and Youth Services $4,313,511,400 - $65,014
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade $272,026,500 - $128,028
Community and Social Services $11,378,903,200 - $39,611,914
Community Safety and Correctional Services $2,563,471,700 - $132,187
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation $1,067,699,900 - $699,028
Education $25,611,444,900 - $67,014
Energy $138,470,000 - $65,014
Environment and Climate Change $342,893,400 - $66,314
Finance $1,303,751,200 - $11,358,234,229
Francophone Affairs, Office of $5,055,300 - -
Government and Consumer Services $573,232,600 - $18,868,014
Health and Long-Term Care $51,271,694,200 - $429,360
Labour $308,296,800 - $65,014
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the $1,704,500 - -
Municipal Affairs and Housing $919,682,800 - $72,999,887
Natural Resources and Forestry $497,882,700 - $5,167,014
Northern Development and Mines $334,661,400 - $567,014
Premier, Office of the $2,597,100 - $105,861
Tourism, Culture and Sport $942,147,900 - $83,187
Training, Colleges and Universities $7,647,835,400 - $63,605,014
Transportation $976,743,800 - $369,014
Treasury Board Secretariat $2,350,099,100 - $373,533,014
Total $115,266,067,700 - $11,942,454,191
Table 1 - Operating: summary of total including consolidation and other adjustments
Ministries Operating expense - total estimates Operating expense - consolidation and other adjustments Operating expense - total including adjustments
Aboriginal Affairs $73,985,414 - $73,985,414
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $612,965,814 $155,046,700 $768,012,514
Attorney General $1,723,332,314 $36,666,000 $1,759,998,314
Cabinet Office $39,571,414 - $39,571,414
Children and Youth Services $4,313,576,414 ($95,115,000) $4,218,461,414
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade $272,154,528 ($51,397,500) $220,757,028
Community and Social Services $11,418,515,114 ($18,280,800) $11,400,234,314
Community Safety and Correctional Services $2,563,603,887 ($20,869,900) $2,542,733,987
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation $1,068,398,928 $38,744,100 $1,107,143,028
Education $25,611,511,914 ($1,334,364,200) $24,277,147,714
Energy $138,535,014 $232,458,600 $370,993,614
Environment and Climate Change $342,959,714 $179,084,500 $522,044,214
Finance $12,661,985,429 $1,198,675,700 $13,860,661,129
Francophone Affairs, Office of $5,055,300 - $5,055,300
Government and Consumer Services $592,100,614 - $592,100,614
Health and Long-Term Care $51,272,123,560 ($1,018,333,300) $50,253,790,260
Labour $308,361,814 - $308,361,814
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the $1,704,500 - $1,704,500
Municipal Affairs and Housing $992,682,687 ($80,944,900) $911,737,787
Natural Resources and Forestry $503,049,714 $231,379,300 $734,429,014
Northern Development and Mines $335,228,414 $54,817,200 $390,045,614
Premier, Office of the $2,702,961 - $2,702,961
Tourism, Culture and Sport $942,231,087 $203,102,000 $1,145,333,087
Training, Colleges and Universities $7,711,440,414 ($269,579,900) $7,441,860,514
Transportation $977,112,814 $985,722,000 $1,962,834,814
Treasury Board Secretariat $2,723,632,114 ($165,498,800) $2,558,133,314
Total $127,208,521,891 $261,311,800 $127,469,833,691
Table 1 - Operating: summary of total including consolidation and other adjustments
Ministries Assets - to be voted Assets - special warrants Assets - statutory Assets - total estimates
Aboriginal Affairs - - - -
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $12,905,000 - - $12,905,000
Attorney General $8,000 - - $8,000
Cabinet Office - - - -
Children and Youth Services $3,000 - - $3,000
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade - - - -
Community and Social Services $45,304,000 - - $45,304,000
Community Safety and Correctional Services $18,000 - - $18,000
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation $122,000,000 - - $122,000,000
Education $2,628,100 - - $2,628,100
Energy - - - -
Environment and Climate Change - - - -
Finance $401,000 - $268,200,000 $268,601,000
Francophone Affairs, Office of - - - -
Government and Consumer Services $8,079,300 - - $8,079,300
Health and Long-Term Care $82,517,000 - - $82,517,000
Labour - - - -
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the - - - -
Municipal Affairs and Housing - - - -
Natural Resources and Forestry $1,545,600 - - $1,545,600
Northern Development and Mines $103,000 - - $103,000
Premier, Office of the - - - -
Tourism, Culture and Sport - - - -
Training, Colleges and Universities $985,002,000 - - $985,002,000
Transportation $5,000 - - $5,000
Treasury Board Secretariat $15,875,400 - $1,000 $15,876,400
Total $1,276,394,400 - $268,201,000 $1,544,595,400