The Estimates 2016‑17

Table 11 - Operating and capital: summary of totals by standard account (expense)
Ministries Salaries and wages Employee benefits Transportation and communication Services Supplies and equipment
Aboriginal Affairs $13,169,914 $1,508,100 $1,025,000 $13,880,200 $265,300
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $80,879,014 $12,173,000 $5,678,600 $44,573,900 $2,329,100
Attorney General $891,077,214 $109,216,700 $29,657,700 $349,295,000 $17,804,200
Cabinet Office $21,773,514 $2,322,700 $1,006,000 $13,994,600 $447,600
Children and Youth Services $190,617,114 $28,304,500 $8,622,800 $79,349,600 $11,334,600
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade $36,310,728 $4,936,500 $3,465,400 $39,505,400 $1,160,300
Community and Social Services $242,684,914 $42,154,700 $13,903,300 $115,561,700 $3,533,400
Community Safety and Correctional Services $1,540,521,887 $206,840,200 $156,445,600 $421,042,500 $165,532,500
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation $61,525,428 $7,914,000 $4,540,100 $192,879,100 $2,782,100
Education $179,385,614 $25,859,500 $14,831,000 $193,799,300 $13,432,500
Energy $19,758,914 $2,422,700 $697,700 $89,904,500 $656,200
Environment and Climate Change $190,666,914 $28,319,700 $6,291,700 $87,410,500 $7,732,800
Finance $185,563,029 $32,288,800 $7,013,400 $295,135,900 $4,541,500
Francophone Affairs, Office of $2,016,300 $238,000 $118,500 $1,978,500 $79,000
Government and Consumer Services $305,071,114 $45,846,600 $22,685,900 $371,031,000 $16,253,900
Health and Long-Term Care $305,355,060 $50,382,500 $29,754,900 $282,278,500 $24,956,600
Labour $132,501,214 $19,680,500 $8,370,700 $46,132,200 $2,580,000
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the $1,055,000 $118,600 $92,100 $245,500 $37,500
Municipal Affairs and Housing $42,966,787 $5,136,200 $2,218,400 $23,743,500 $1,214,000
Natural Resources and Forestry $326,654,614 $51,924,700 $28,471,700 $344,840,700 $41,998,500
Northern Development and Mines $41,071,114 $5,455,900 $3,659,700 $124,220,100 $4,155,700
Premier, Office of the $2,352,161 $238,200 $73,100 $19,400 $20,100
Tourism, Culture and Sport $33,646,587 $4,203,700 $1,556,500 $22,707,900 $4,164,900
Training, Colleges and Universities $96,884,514 $14,753,800 $6,674,600 $90,207,600 $4,408,800
Transportation $285,369,514 $46,618,700 $12,949,900 $536,208,100 $47,001,600
Treasury Board Secretariat $340,269,514 $2,126,801,900 $54,610,900 $534,454,800 $24,876,300
Total $5,569,147,691 $2,875,660,400 $424,415,200 $4,314,400,000 $403,299,000
Table 11 - Operating and capital: summary of totals by standard account (expense)
Ministries Transfer payments Other transactions Less: recoveries from other activities, ministries Total
Aboriginal Affairs $47,136,900 $1,000 - $76,986,414
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $627,098,200 $2,032,000 $3,015,400 $771,748,414
Attorney General $511,785,200 $109,484,900 $190,806,700 $1,827,514,214
Cabinet Office $27,000 - - $39,571,414
Children and Youth Services $4,098,934,100 $25,596,200 - $4,442,758,914
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade $186,778,200 $2,000 $2,000 $272,156,528
Community and Social Services $10,988,129,200 $79,862,600 - $11,485,829,814
Community Safety and Correctional Services $241,542,100 $76,417,000 $137,962,400 $2,670,379,387
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation $1,600,378,100 $4,808,700 $3,022,900 $1,871,804,628
Education $26,491,138,200 $11,956,100 $74,475,300 $26,855,926,914
Energy $29,447,400 $3,000 $4,353,400 $138,537,014
Environment and Climate Change $23,486,800 $6,020,300 $774,000 $349,154,714
Finance $758,370,700 $11,494,148,600 $112,429,900 $12,664,632,029
Francophone Affairs, Office of $625,000 $600,000 - $5,655,300
Government and Consumer Services $16,025,700 $42,682,500 $212,019,200 $607,577,514
Health and Long-Term Care $52,047,871,500 $24,906,800 $76,700 $52,765,429,160
Labour $100,857,300 $655,000 $1,271,100 $309,505,814
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the - $155,800 - $1,704,500
Municipal Affairs and Housing $1,176,988,600 $1,926,400 $100,970,000 $1,153,223,887
Natural Resources and Forestry $51,339,600 $23,119,000 $279,446,600 $588,902,214
Northern Development and Mines $345,715,700 $261,285,300 $20,166,500 $765,397,014
Premier, Office of the - - - $2,702,961
Tourism, Culture and Sport $1,044,578,200 $679,500 $1,000 $1,111,536,287
Training, Colleges and Universities $7,806,405,700 $68,893,300 $3,201,000 $8,085,027,314
Transportation $5,492,760,700 $895,906,700 $567,636,500 $6,749,178,714
Treasury Board Secretariat $8,763,000 $1,247,118,100 $1,501,970,700 $2,834,923,814
Total $113,696,183,100 $14,378,260,800 $3,213,601,300 $138,447,764,891

Note: Consolidations and other adjustments are not included. Statutory appropriations have been allocated to the appropriate Standard accounts (refer to introduction for more information).