The Estimates 2016‑17

Table 12 - Operating and capital: summary of total assets by category
Ministries Deposits and prepaid expenses Advances and recoverable amounts Loans and investments Inventory held for resale Land
Aboriginal Affairs - - - - -
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $905,000 - $12,000,000 - -
Attorney General $8,000 - - - -
Cabinet Office - - - - -
Children and Youth Services - $3,000 - - -
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade - - - - -
Community and Social Services - $45,304,000 - - -
Community Safety and Correctional Services $9,000 $9,000 - - -
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation - - $122,000,000 - $9,065,000
Education $2,628,100 - - - -
Energy - - - - -
Environment and Climate Change - - - - -
Finance $1,000 $28,600,000 $240,000,000 - -
Francophone Affairs, Office of - - - - -
Government and Consumer Services $4,579,300 - $3,500,000 - -
Health and Long-Term Care - $82,517,000 - - -
Labour - - - - -
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the - - - - -
Municipal Affairs and Housing - - - - -
Natural Resources and Forestry $1,544,600 - - $2,000 $1,000
Northern Development and Mines $3,000 - $100,000 - -
Premier, Office of the - - - - -
Tourism, Culture and Sport - - - - $34,520,000
Training, Colleges and Universities - $2,000 $985,000,000 - -
Transportation $5,000 - - - $242,515,500
Treasury Board Secretariat $15,875,400 $1,000 - - -
Total $25,558,400 $156,436,000 $1,362,600,000 $2,000 $286,101,500
Table 12 - Operating and capital: summary of total assets by category
Ministries Buildingsfootnote 1 Transportationfootnote 2 Leasehold improvements Dams and engineeringfootnote 3 Machinery and equipment Information technology hardware
Aboriginal Affairs - - - - - -
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - - - - - -
Attorney General $7,470,200 - - - - $173,900
Cabinet Office - - - - - -
Children and Youth Services $4,253,800 - - - - -
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade - - - - - -
Community and Social Services - - - - - -
Community Safety and Correctional Services $6,920,400 - - - $14,061,700 $5,918,000
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation $7,742,900 - - - - -
Education - - - - - $437,500
Energy - - - - - -
Environment and Climate Change - - - - $1,555,000 -
Finance - - - - - $760,000
Francophone Affairs, Office of - - - - - -
Government and Consumer Services - - - - - -
Health and Long-Term Care - - - - - $3,807,300
Labour - - - - - -
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the - - - - - -
Municipal Affairs and Housing - - - - - -
Natural Resources and Forestry $34,525,600 $6,900,000 $2,600,000 $9,628,600 $1,433,000 -
Northern Development and Mines - $550,183,100 - - $3,000 -
Premier, Office of the - - - - - -
Tourism, Culture and Sport $6,222,200 - - - - -
Training, Colleges and Universities - - - - - -
Transportation $9,984,000 $2,318,494,400 - - $1,614,000 -
Treasury Board Secretariat - - - - - $51,514,000
Total $77,119,100 $2,875,577,500 $2,600,000 $9,628,600 $18,666,700 $62,610,700
Table 12 - Operating and capital: summary of total assets by category
Ministries Business application softwarefootnote 4 Land and marine fleet Aircraft Investments in tangible capital assets Less: recoveries from other activities, ministries Total
Aboriginal Affairs - - - - - -
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - - - - - $12,905,000
Attorney General $4,098,000 - - - - $11,750,100
Cabinet Office - - - - - -
Children and Youth Services $1,368,500 - - - - $5,625,300
Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade - $1,000 - - - $1,000
Community and Social Services $1,950,500 - - - - $47,254,500
Community Safety and Correctional Services - $15,458,900 $1,000 - - $42,378,000
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Research and Innovation - $1,000 - - - $138,808,900
Education $7,256,000 - - - - $10,321,600
Energy - $1,000 - - - $1,000
Environment and Climate Change $3,000,000 - - - - $4,555,000
Finance $4,108,700 $3,000 - $1,000 - $273,473,700
Francophone Affairs, Office of - - - - - -
Government and Consumer Services $24,236,600 $1,000 - - $1,507,000 $30,809,900
Health and Long-Term Care $21,495,500 - - - - $107,819,800
Labour - $2,000 - - - $2,000
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the - - - - - -
Municipal Affairs and Housing - $1,000 - - - $1,000
Natural Resources and Forestry - $4,886,900 $2,630,000 - $1,000 $64,150,700
Northern Development and Mines - - - - - $550,289,100
Premier, Office of the - - - - - -
Tourism, Culture and Sport - $4,000 - - - $40,746,200
Training, Colleges and Universities $3,956,700 - - - - $988,958,700
Transportation $47,860,300 $46,746,100 - - $550,184,100 $2,117,035,200
Treasury Board Secretariat $4,310,200 - - - - $71,700,600
Total $123,641,000 $67,105,900 $2,631,000 $1,000 $551,692,100 $4,518,587,300