The Estimates, 2022-23

Table 2 - Operating: comparative statement of total
Ministry Operating expense
Operating expense
Operating expense
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $640,203,587 $610,200,087 $607,527,412
Attorney General $1,864,013,214 $1,671,539,614 $1,997,505,815
Cabinet Office $42,619,114 $35,514,514 $36,858,611
Children, Community and Social Services $18,430,254,465 $18,059,377,865 $17,605,670,387
Citizenship and Multiculturalism $56,306,714 $27,826,200 $14,249,495
Colleges and Universities $6,741,228,414 $6,702,235,014 $6,321,556,268
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $943,401,165 $886,633,165 $3,893,478,999
Education $32,580,065,814 $30,300,936,114 $32,133,048,758
Energy $6,315,577,114 $6,563,594,692 $6,471,089,245
Environment, Conservation and Parks $346,322,614 $331,996,114 $311,350,350
Finance $14,562,403,265 $16,258,521,014 $13,206,772,273
Francophone Affairs $7,944,473 $8,772,773 $6,315,394
Government and Consumer Services $1,234,203,014 $1,145,295,514 $1,338,013,471
Health $66,635,114,392 $64,754,940,392 $61,243,219,429
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries $1,541,739,887 $1,516,455,760 $1,228,093,363
Indigenous Affairs $112,339,214 $82,707,414 $254,280,601
Infrastructure $29,166,414 $22,127,914 $22,775,707
Labour, Training and Skills Development $2,081,603,014 $2,081,409,214 $1,817,044,911
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the $1,903,500 $1,903,500 $1,503,866
Long-Term Care $7,118,543,514 $6,411,601,814 $5,992,397,757
Municipal Affairs and Housing $1,082,699,687 $1,155,962,287 $3,575,056,971
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry $855,663,714 $820,896,814 $749,092,922
Premier, Office of the $2,432,661 $2,432,661 $2,292,274
Seniors and Accessibility $234,955,014 $92,278,614 $216,417,912
Solicitor General $3,590,613,914 $3,194,724,587 $3,063,444,920
Transportation $2,362,652,292 $1,761,098,392 $4,045,782,377
Treasury Board Secretariat $6,460,138,487 $4,337,988,187 $1,732,643,907
Total $175,874,108,671 $168,838,970,230 $167,887,483,395
Table 2 - Operating: comparative statement of total
Ministry Assets 2022-23
Assets 2021-22
Assets 2020-21
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $5,000,000 $5,001,000 $1,770,800
Attorney General $10,000 $10,000 $1,756,218
Cabinet Office
Children, Community and Social Services $78,837,500 $66,709,000 $72,107,000
Citizenship and Multiculturalism
Colleges and Universities $352,500,000 $422,500,000 $197,638,807
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $143,000,000 $65,000,000 $9,538,923
Education $2,000 $3,000 $584,853
Energy $270,751,000 $507,000,000 $234,800,000
Environment, Conservation and Parks $1,000 $1,000
Finance $54,200,000 $56,351,000 $35,728,877
Francophone Affairs
Government and Consumer Services $281,227,000 $26,203,000 $30,738,594
Health $62,088,000 $62,089,000 $834,296,854
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
Indigenous Affairs
Labour, Training and Skills Development
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the
Long-Term Care $20,430,000 $20,431,000 $20,429,959
Municipal Affairs and Housing
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry $2,857,400 $4,450,700 $53,950
Premier, Office of the
Seniors and Accessibility
Solicitor General $7,318,000 $9,224,600 $5,435,502
Transportation $7,000 $8,000
Treasury Board Secretariat $1,000 $2,000 $862,803,658
Total $1,278,229,900 $1,248,588,300 $2,307,683,995


Consolidations and other adjustments are not included.