The Estimates, 2021-22

Table 9 - Operating and capital: summary of total including consolidation and other adjustments
Ministry Operating and capital expense to be voted Operating and capital expense special
Operating and capital expense statutory Operating and capital expense total estimates Operating and capital expense consolidation and
other adjustments
Operating and capital expense total including
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $616,761,600
$1,097,187 $617,858,787 $136,433,100 $754,291,887
Attorney General $1,818,125,800
$11,241,514 $1,829,367,314 ($154,404,200) $1,674,963,114
Cabinet Office $35,527,200
$64,014 $35,591,214
Children, Community and Social Services $18,005,084,500
$102,970,565 $18,108,055,065 ($197,461,700) $17,910,593,365
Colleges and Universities $6,924,855,800
$62,166,614 $6,987,022,414 $3,690,886,600 $10,677,909,014
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $886,106,600
$530,565 $886,637,165 ($1,335,000) $885,302,165
Education $31,212,434,800
$1,634,499,914 $32,846,934,714 $106,283,100 $32,953,217,814
Energy, Northern Development and Mines $6,986,650,100
$361,397,192 $7,348,047,292 $291,421,900 $7,639,469,192
Environment, Conservation and Parks $362,924,900
$13,566,814 $376,491,714 $310,117,000 $686,608,714
Finance $1,076,342,700
$12,470,008,814 $13,546,351,514 $1,259,118,500 $14,805,470,014
Francophone Affairs $8,757,600
$16,173 $8,773,773
Government and Consumer Services $1,176,056,000
$38,571,714 $1,214,627,714 $673,289,600 $1,887,917,314
Health $64,232,803,500
$16,338,492 $64,249,141,992 $9,887,172,000 $74,136,313,992
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries $1,604,550,000
$103,360 $1,604,653,360 $219,109,700 $1,823,763,060
Indigenous Affairs $88,449,400
$1,019,014 $89,468,414
Infrastructure $1,395,871,800
$66,014 $1,395,937,814 $148,523,900 $1,544,461,714
Labour, Training and Skills Development $2,090,125,400
$7,766,714 $2,097,892,114 ($376,613,900) $1,721,278,214
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the $1,903,500
Long-Term Care $6,934,363,800
$314,014 $6,934,677,814 ($6,146,147,700) $788,530,114
Municipal Affairs and Housing $1,435,400,400
$720,687 $1,436,121,087 ($3,817,700) $1,432,303,387
Natural Resources and Forestry $513,746,300
$22,630,414 $536,376,714 $136,939,700 $673,316,414
Premier, Office of the $2,326,800
$105,861 $2,432,661
Seniors and Accessibility $81,586,500
$68,014 $81,654,514
Solicitor General $3,337,661,500
$25,082,687 $3,362,744,187 ($266,299,500) $3,096,444,687
Transportation $7,060,664,800
$1,232,675,492 $8,293,340,292 ($2,060,514,400) $6,232,825,892
Treasury Board Secretariat $3,889,109,000
$508,588,187 $4,397,697,187 ($96,003,000) $4,301,694,187
Total $161,778,190,300
$16,511,610,030 $178,289,800,330 $7,556,698,000 $185,846,498,330
Table 9 - Operating and capital: summary of total including consolidation and other adjustments
Ministry Operating and capital assets to be voted Operating and capital assets special
Operating and capital assets statutory Operating and capital assets total Estimates Operating and capital assets adjustments Operating and capital assets total including
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $5,001,000
Attorney General $286,375,300
Cabinet Office
Children, Community and Social Services $84,963,400
Colleges and Universities $422,501,000
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $65,002,000
Education $5,462,700
Energy, Northern Development and Mines $1,004,291,400
Environment, Conservation and Parks $24,853,500
Finance $20,652,000
$35,700,000 $56,352,000
Francophone Affairs $1,000
Government and Consumer Services $533,517,800
Health $90,123,300
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries $39,277,000
Indigenous Affairs
Infrastructure $1,000
Labour, Training and Skills Development $3,458,900
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the
Long-Term Care $20,431,000
Municipal Affairs and Housing $3,600,000
Natural Resources and Forestry $50,882,900
Premier, Office of the
Seniors and Accessibility $3,000
Solicitor General $599,211,100
Transportation $1,971,745,700
Treasury Board Secretariat $7,745,000
$1,000 $7,746,000
Total $5,239,100,000
$35,701,000 $5,274,801,000