Current status

Terms of reference: approved, March 14, 2005

Project summary

The purpose of the undertaking is for new electricity generation in the City of Thunder Bay.


Synfuel Technologies Inc.


Thunder Bay



Reference number



Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch

Project history

Terms of reference: approved
Date submitted:  November 19, 2004
Expiry of public comment period:  December 31, 2004
Decision date: March 14, 2005

Designation: granted
Expiry of public comment period:  May 2, 2004
Decision date: June 23, 2004

Terms of reference

Project type

SynFuel Technologies has developed a Terms of Reference for the preparation of an environmental assessment for new electricity generation in the City of Thunder Bay. The Terms of Reference was submitted to the Minister of the Environment for approval under section 6(2)(a) of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. If approved, the Terms of Reference will serve as the framework for the preparation of the environmental assessment.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the environmental assessment is to assess new electricity generation options for the City of Thunder Bay. The environmental assessment will assess alternatives to the undertaking, alternative methods of carrying out the undertaking, environmental effects, mitigation measures and will provide for government agency review and public consultation.



On June 23, 2004, Cabinet (on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment) approved Ontario Regulation 196/04 which designates the proposed SynFuel Technologies’ (SynFuel) 199 megawatt (MW) petroleum coke electricity generating facility in the City of Thunder Bay to be subject to the requirements of Section 5 of the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA).

SynFuel is proposing to construct a 199 MW power plant in Thunder Bay. The proposed facility would run on synthetic gas (syngas) produced through the gasification of petroleum coke. Petroleum coke is created by coking (i.e. heating in the absence of air) the heaviest layer of product produced by oil refineries. It is proposed that petroleum coke for the process will be shipped to the facility from Alberta in covered railcars.

The designation regulation will require SynFuel to undergo an environmental assessment. This includes submission and Ministerial approval for a Terms of Reference for the preparation of an environmental assessment for the undertaking, followed by preparation of an environmental assessment which will then follow the review and approval process set out in the EAA.

The designation regulation will ensure that appropriate planning and environmental protection measures will be undertaken with respect to the construction and operation of the proposed facility.