Approval statement

I am pleased to approve this Statement of Conservation Interest for the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve (CR 40 b).

This Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) will provide guidance for the management of the conservation reserve and the basis for the ongoing monitoring of activities.

Direction for establishing, planning and managing conservation reserves is defined under the Public Lands Act and current policy. "Ontario’s network of natural heritage areas has been established to protect and conserve areas representative of the diversity of the natural regions of the province, including species, habitats, features and ecological systems which comprise that natural diversity." (Policy 3.03.05, MNR 1997). Temagami Island North offers an ecologically diverse landscape representative of the Southern Boreal Site Region. Furthermore, it contributes a richness of cultural and social values.

The management and administration of the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve will be guided by this SCI. Should significant facility development be considered or complex issues arise requiring additional studies, further management direction or special protection measures, this SCI will be amended or a more detailed Resource Management Plan (RMP) will be prepared with full public consultation.

The direction contained in this SCI is consistent with the Ministry of Natural Resources' (MNR) 1997 Temagami Land Use Plan (TLUP, MNR, 1997). The public was consulted about this site prior to its regulation during land use planning for the Temagami Comprehensive Planning Area. Comments from that planning exercise were considered during the development of this document. The TLUP provides detailed direction on future uses and resource management targets for this area. No new decisions have been made with regards to the conservation reserve since the approval of the TLUP.

The conservation reserve will be managed under the direction of the Temagami Area Supervisor, North Bay District Ministry of Natural Resources.

Signed by:

District Manager recommendation for approval

Date: January 8, 2002

Signed by:
Regional Director

Date: January 15, 2002

1.0 Introduction

Ontario boasts a varied and diverse landscape. Many demands are placed on its resources for both social and economic benefit. The current planning process is committed to the protection of natural and cultural heritage values represented throughout the province. The MNR has developed strategies that will maintain the integrity and sustainability of these areas.

The Temagami Land Use Plan (TLUP) provides direction for the administration and management of parks and protected areas within the Temagami Comprehensive Planning Area. Included in the plan is a natural heritage objective to maintain the full spectrum of the area’s ecological and geological diversity. Specifically the TLUP protects representative "old growth" red and white pine stands, some watersheds related to Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park, significant wetlands and provincially significant ecological, geological and recreational features.

The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve has been selected as a site representing old growth red and white pine forests. Further studies are required to identify other possible ecological associations and their significance. In addition, it fulfills many social requirements both locally and provincially.

This 126 hectare parcel of Crown land is located on the northern end of Temagami Island, approximately three kilometres east of Bear Island on Lake Temagami within Phyllis and Joan Townships in the Northeast planning region of the MNR (see Location Map).

The purposes of this SCI are to:

  1. Provide background information and identify and describe the values of the Temagami Island North Conservation
  2. Provide guidelines for the management of current and future activities while protecting natural, social, and cultural heritage

This document has been prepared following the format of a SCI, also called a stewardship document. The SCI format was selected since after extensive consultation, no new issues emerged. New uses may be considered, provided they meet the requirements of a Test of Compatibility (Appendix A).

This SCI governs the lands within the regulated boundary of the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve; however, to ensure MNR protection objectives are being fully met within the conservation reserve, activities on the surrounding landscape must consider the site’s objectives and heritage values. In addition, it is the intent of this SCI to create a public awareness that will promote responsible stewardship of protected areas and their surrounding lands in Ontario. With management partners such as Ontario Parks, industry, local governments, etc., MNR district offices will be able to pursue and advance sound environmental, economic and social strategies and policies related to the protection of conservation reserves and provincial parks.

2.0 Goal and objectives

2.1. Goal of the SCI

The goal of the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve SCI is to describe and to protect natural and cultural heritage values on public lands while permitting compatible land use activities.

2.2. Objectives of the SCI

2.2.1. Short term

  • To identify the State of the Resource with respect to natural heritage values and current land use activities for the conservation reserve.
  • To manage the conservation reserve to protect the integrity of its natural values via specific guidelines, strategies and prescriptions detailed in this plan.
  • To meet planning requirements by designing this SCI document to address the immediate planning and management needs of the conservation reserve.

2.2.2. Long term

  • To establish representative targets (e.g., future forest conditions) and validate the conservation reserve as a potential scientific benchmark.
  • To identify research/client services and marketing strategies.
  • To give direction to evaluate future new or economic ventures (i.e., through use of a Test of Compatibility evaluation).

3.0 Management planning

3.1. Planning context

3.1.1. Planning area

The planning area for this SCI is the regulatory boundary of the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve. As noted earlier, planning for other activities on the surrounding landscape must consider the protection objectives and values of the conservation reserve. Any strategies noted within this plan related to the conservation reserve’s boundary or beyond, will be presented for consideration within a larger planning context such as a Forest Management Plan (FMP).

3.1.2. Management planning context

The Comprehensive Planning Council (CPC) (a citizens advisory group, which was directed to submit land use recommendations for the Temagami Comprehensive Planning Area) recommended that Temagami Island North be designated as a conservation reserve. This recommendation, along with others, was submitted in April 1996 and accepted in principle by the government of Ontario in June 1996. The decisions on the recommendations were ultimately reflected in the TLUP.

Temagami Island North was regulated as a conservation reserve on July 19, 1997 by Ontario Regulation 259/97.

The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve is designated as Management Area 40b, page 113 in the TLUP. By regulation under the Public Lands Act, lands within conservation reserves cannot be used for mining, commercial forest harvest, hydroelectric power development, the extraction of aggregate and peat or other industrial uses. This conservation reserve is surrounded by Special Management Area (SMA) 39 - Lake Temagami, described in the TLUP, page 111.

Traditional uses within the conservation reserve as noted in the permitted uses table of the TLUP will continue; however, the goal will be to resolve conflicts between uses and to ensure that identified values are protected.

When considering future permitted uses and/or development(s), there are established mechanisms in place to evaluate these proposals. These include, but may not be limited to; Procedural Guideline B - Land Uses - Test of Compatibility Policy PL 3.03.05 (OMNR 1997). Class Environmental Assessment for MNR Resource Stewardship and Facility Development Projects (OMNR 2001), with accompanying Environmental Checklist or Exemption Order MNR 26n for future dispositions. protocols may be developed that address site specific sensitivities to identified features.

Consideration for proposals pertaining to cultural resources may be screened through Conserving a Future for our Past: Archaeology, Land Use Planning & Development in Ontario, Section 3 (MCzCR, 1997) and MNR's AOC Descriptions and Prescriptions (Cultural Heritage Resources) for the 1999-2019 Temagami FMP or its successor.

These planning tools will refine the review process once the proposal satisfies the direction and intent of the TLUP.

3.2. Planning process

Once a conservation reserve is regulated, there is a need to determine the level of management planning required to fulfil the protection targets. There are two policy documents to select from; a Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) or a Resource Management Plan (RMP). A SCI is a stewardship document which generally applies to conservation reserves having no new issue(s), conflict(s) and or proposal(s) beyond what has been previously addressed during land use planning (i.e., TLUP) and, therefore, additional consultation is not needed. A RMP deals with more complex issues and conflicting demands placed upon a protected resource.

The guidelines for the preparation of these documents are outlined in Procedural Guideline A - Resource Management Planning (PL 3.03.05, Public Lands Act). The appropriate plan is to be completed within three years of the regulation date.

For current planning purposes, the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve will be managed under the directive of a SCI. The intent of this SCI is to fulfil the commitments made under the Public Lands Act, the TLUP and other associated policies.

In July 1989, in response to growing public concern with respect to the use and management of resources within the Temagami area, MNR announced the Temagami Area Comprehensive Planning Program (CPP). The resulting TLUP was based on advice of the Comprehensive Planning Council (CPC). Through this process, extensive public consultation occurred. Based on past public participation and the fact that the land use direction presented within this SCI does not differ significantly from the TLUP, additional consultation at this time is not needed.

Public consultation will be solicited during the review of any future land use proposals that would require new decisions to be made beyond the intent of the TLUP. Such amendments to the TLUP and this document or its successor will also be posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights registry (EBR).

This SCI is a policy document that will provide background information, identify values to be protected and establish management guidelines for use in the administration of the conservation reserve.

The implementation of the policy will be the mandate of the MNR at the district level, however associations with various partners may be sought to assist in the delivery. It must be noted that this SCI is a working document and it will be necessary to make revisions to it from time to time. If changes are required they will occur through a standard process of minor or major amendments (see Section 6.5).

4.0 Background information

4.1. Location and site description

4.1.1. Location

The following table describes the location and provides administrative details of the conservation reserve:

Name Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve
Site region-site district (Hills 1959) 4E Lake Temagami- 4E-4 Temagami
OMNR administrative region/district/area Northeast/North Bay/Temagami
Total area 126 ha
Regulation date June 26, 1997
First Nations Temagami First Nation, Teme Augama Anishnabai
OBM map sheets 2017 5700 52000
UTM coordinates 573200 5202500
WMU 40
Municipality Corporation of the Municipality of Temagami
Townships Phyllis, Joan
Status 100% Crown Land

4.1.2. Site description Physical description

The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve is a 126-hectare parcel of Crown land situated in Northeastern Ontario, southwest of the town of Temagami (Phyllis and Joan Townships). This conservation reserve features stands of old growth red and white pine, which comprise approximately ninety per cent of the area. The conservation reserve is located within Site District 4E-4 (G.A. Hills 1959, Crins and Uhlig 2000), and lies within a transitional zone between the Boreal and Great Lakes-St Lawrence forest regions. The presence of sugar maple and yellow birch among the old growth pine is typical of such a zone. The terrain in the area is characterized by a shallow, discontinuous veneer of sandy stony till over hummocky bedrock knobs with low to moderate relief (Kor, 2001). One cliff, approximately 35m high, at the north end of the island exhibits excellent bedrock exposure and a talus slope feature.

The provincially significant old growth stands, which are between 220-230 years old, dominate the forest canopy. These stands typically have a stocking of 50-60%. As well, there are numerous mixedwood stands comprised of white birch, yellow birch, white spruce, sugar maple, red oak and cedar. Additionally, balsam fir and red maple dominate the understory in poorly drained valleys and depressions between rock knobs (Thompson et al., 2001).

Overall, the conservation reserve contains a minimum of two landform/vegetation combinations dominated by dense coniferous forest over ground moraine. However, upon reviewing digital FRI (Forest Resource Inventory) data and aerial reconnaissance investigations made by Thompson, 2000, it was determined that the conservation reserve might contain a minimum of six such combinations.

4.2. Administrative description

The legal boundaries of the Temagarni Island North Conservation Area were certified by the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources at Peterborough on the 21st of February 1997. The conservation reserve was passed into regulation on July 19, 1997 (O. Reg. 259/97).

4.3. History of the site

Historically, there has been little human disturbance within the boundaries of the conservation reserve. According to existing forest management records, very little logging has occurred in this area since, at least, 1940. Forest fire events have generally been sporadic and low in intensity.

Temagami First Nation (TFN) and Teme Augama Anishnabai (TAA) members have had a long-term relationship with the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve for a variety of social and economic reasons.

In recent years, an interest by the visiting public and the scientific community has evolved for the natural and social aspects of the conservation reserve by the visiting public and the scientific community. Typically, the conservation reserve is used for outdoor recreational activities, commercial use (i.e., fur and baitfish harvesting), nature appreciation and scientific and educational pursuits.

4.4. Inventories

The following table indicates what survey work has been done in the conservation reserve and what is still required:

Survey level Reconnaissance Detailed Future requirement
Life Science

Noble, T.N. 1983. Life Science Report for Site Region 4E.

OMNR, 1999. Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) Mapping: Temagami Island

Thompson, J.E., 2000. Aerial Reconnaissance Survey.

Thompson, J.E., Lajeunesse, M., Joyce,J. and Avoledo, N. 2001. Temagami Island North Life Science Checksheel.

Life Science Check Sheet and Inventory Site Record Detailed ecological survey
Earth Science

Aerial photography (1988).

Arnup, R. Aerial Reconnaissance Earth Science Survey conducted in the fall of 2000. Interpretations by P. Kor.

  Not required

Preliminary Review of Heritage Resources, C.P.P.1991;

Archaeological Prediction Modelling, 1998 (Temaqami FMU)

Historical Mapping, (Craig McDonald 1995). May be required (see Section 3.7)

Various studies on Lake Temagami.

Mutch, J. Aerial Reconnaissance Recreational Survey fall 2000.

Roberts, S.K. 2001. Temagami Island North Recreational Checksheet.

Various studies on Lake Temagami.

Trail Inventory; Condition, level of use, location

Campsite Inventory; location, level of use, impact assessment


Access Inventory; location, type, level of use

Develop access zones if required

Determine impact of sugar maple tappinq operation

5.0 State of the resource

5.1. Representation

The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve is located over bedrock knobs with subordinate landforms of till ground moraine (Kor, 2001). The bedrock consists of conglomerate (a mixture of numerous rock types) and is representative of the geological Gowganda Formation (Precambrian Huronian Supergroup). This feature is considered locally significant and can be found in other protected areas of the region (Kor, 2001). Additionally, this conservation reserve provides excellent representation of an exposed cliff and talus slope feature.

Old growth red and white pine heavily dominate the forest cover within the conservation reserve. These stands are provincially significant and span over much of the island. Finally, the varying mixedwoods that can be found throughout the landscape are representative of a transitional zone between two forest regions (Boreal and Great Lakes-St Lawrence).

The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve is directly associated with an aquatic community, Lake Temagami, which includes a variety of fish species indicative of a cold water system.

5.1.1. Quality of the representation

The quality of the representation or the current characteristics of the natural features found within a conservation reserve are as important as protecting the conservation reserve’s overall representation in the site region. A number of factors are considered in evaluating the quality of a conservation reserve’s representative features. They include diversity, condition, ecological factors, special features and current land use activities.

  1. Diversity:

    The fact that the conservation reserve contains a minimum of 6 landform/vegetation combinations gives this area a low-moderate level of diversity. Although, the largely dominating white pine/red pine stands act to reduce the evenness of this diversity (see Forest Resource Values Map). There is a lack of well-defined and rather small wetlands along the conservation reserve’s shoreline and this probably does not add significantly to the level of diversity (Thompson et al., 2001). Further investigation of the conservation reserve, including depression areas and rock outcrops, could add to the community diversity level.

  2. Condition:

    Overall, the conservation reserve is in very good condition. Human disturbances include three campsites near the northeastern boundary, a private recreational camp on the western shores and a network of hiking trails that traverse through various sections of the landscape. Peripheral land uses include patent land and private cottages to the east and west and a non-operating copper mine to the south. Additionally, a tourist lodge and maple syrup tapping area lie adjacent to this southern boundary.

  3. Ecological Factors:

    The shores of Lake Temagami form approximately 60% of the conservation reserve’s boundary. This natural boundary will help to buffer the conservation reserve from adjacent land uses over time. The southern boundary is vectored, and as a result bisects old growth values that need protection. Landscape planning will have to consider this to ensure that these values are protected (Thompson et al., 2001).

  4. Special Features:

    The conservation reserve contains a number of notable features, which possess varying degrees of significance. These features include:

    • Old growth stands of white/red pine, sugar maple and cedar mixedwoods in close proximity to one another (Thompson et al., 2001).
    • Access to the Lake Temagami fishery, travel route.
    • Cold water lake and associated lake trout spawning areas.
  5. Current Land Use Activities:

    Many recreational activities occur within or are associated with the conservation reserve. Such activities include hunting, angling, canoeing, camping, and nature activities. A well-established non-motorized trail system winds through the area and provides access to old growth forests. Access to the conservation reserve and trail system is by water.

    The trails meander through old growth red and white pine forests, provide scenic vistas of the surrounding landscape, and offer opportunities for wildlife viewing. There is evidence that hikers, mountain bikers, cross-country skiers, and snowshoers utilize the majority of the trails however, snowmobile travel has been noted on one trail section that traverses east to west across the island (see Recreational Values Map).

    Commercial uses such as fur and baitfish harvesting occur in the conservation reserve. A First Nation Cooperative fur trapline exists here. Baitfish harvesting is a licensed activity in Phyllis Toymship. It is suspected that these activities are not intense and may have limited conflict with other interests. Recreational hunting is also permitted, with the primary game species being ruffed grouse. Finally, a Land Use Permit (LUP) is issued for a maple syrup tapping operation in the southwest portion of the conservation reserve and will continue as a permitted use.


The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve contains provincially significant old growth red and white pine communities. The overall diversity, physical condition, design, and current and potential recreational and interpretive values are considered significant. Finally, the natural linkages connect the conservation reserve to the surrounding forested and aquatic landscapes found within the Temagami Region. This illustrates the conservation reserve’s importance to the provincial parks and protected areas system.

5.2. Social/economic interest in the area

  1. Linkage to Local Communities:

    The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve consists entirely of Crown land and is easily accessible to the public by water. This area is a popular destination for travelers and seasonal residents. As a result of the closure of the Sherman Mine and the Wm. Milne Sawmill in the early 1990s, tourism has become a major economic driver in the Temagami area, with scenic landscapes and the natural environment as major attractions.

    The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve is well suited for outdoor recreation, nature appreciation and educational opportunities. Its proximity to the town of Temagami, along with ease of access, makes the conservation reserve a logical choice for a variety of backcountry users. In a regional context, the conservation reserve offers natural features that generate interest in ecotourism, recreational and tourism markets.

    Currently the conservation reserve is available for hunting, fishing, trapping, canoeing, hiking, camping, nature appreciation (i.e., viewing of old growth forests, wildlife observation, and photography), boating, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and snowmobiling.

    There are several local outdoor recreational outfitting companies and resort lodges that may decide to expand their use of the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

    Outdoor education and scientific research potential in the conservation reserve is significant. The red and white pine old growth stands are excellent examples of a pristine forest which provide opportunities for viewing old trees, wildlife snags and plant communities, to name a few.

  2. Heritage Estate Contributions:

    The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve contributes to the province’s parks and protected areas system through its regulation, representation and the long-term management of its natural heritage values.

    By allocating these lands to the parks and protected areas system through regulation, the province has ensured a certain level of permanence by distinguishing the conservation reserve and its values from the larger general use or more extensively managed landscape. In addition, its natural features are, and will be available for present and future generations to enjoy and explore.

    The representation of the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve’s values makes a number of contributions to the province’s natural heritage estate. Firstly, its old growth red and white pine communities contribute significantly to the provincial parks and protected areas system. Secondly, the conservation reserve’s location, design and features make a distinctive contribution to quality recreational experiences that include hiking trails, scenic lookouts and rocky shorelines.

    Long term management must consider public access to the conservation reserve, its protection objectives, and commitments made in the TLUP. Future managers will have to balance between maintaining the quality of the current natural features and the needs of recreational and other users.

  3. Aboriginal Groups

    The Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve is within the ancestral homeland, known as Daki Menan, of the TFN and TAA. Approximately 150 members of this First Nation reside on the Bear Island Reserve, located on Lake Temagami. A number of pre-historic and historic archaeological sites have been documented in the immediate area of the conservation reserve. These, and other cultural heritage resources found within Daki Menan, are of great importance to the TFN and TAA.

    In 1999, Ontario agreed to enter into formal negotiations with the TFN and the TAA on the basis of outstanding treaty obligations consistent with the Supreme Court of Canada’s 1991 Bear Island decision. These negotiations are scheduled to conclude in December 2002.

  4. Mining Industry

    Through an Order-in-Council dated December 19, 1911, islands in Lake Temagami were withdrawn from staking under the Mining Act, which included Temagami Island. However, Temagami Island was later opened up to mineral exploration and development.

    All mining rights were later withdrawn based on the boundaries established in the TLUP prior to the lifting of the land caution. Minor boundary refinements were required primarily to define the site on the ground for regulation purposes. The mining rights were re-withdrawn in January 2001 to be consistent with the boundaries regulated in 1997. An adjacent mining lease to the south of the conservation reserve is held by Copperfields Mine Ltd. and is currently not in operation.

  5. Forest Management

    No commercial forest harvesting is permitted in conservation reserves. Forest activities on the adjacent landscape are guided by the Forest Management Plan (FMP). Based on the current plan (1999-2004), the following provisions apply:

    Harvesting, renewal and maintenance activities are permitted up to the conservation reserve boundary. Where the integrity of the boundary may be affected by blowdown (e.g., based on slope, aspect relative to prevailing winds, soils, species, size and type of adjacent cuts, etc.) the need for additional protection will be determined during development and planning of the Annual Work Schedule.

    Presently there is no Sustainable Forestry License (SFL) within or adjacent to the conservation reserve. The Temagami Forest Management Unit is currently managed by the Crown. The North Bay District office (Temagami Area) administers Forest Resource Licensing (FRL) in this unit.

  6. Utilities

    Currently there are no commercial utilities associated with the conservation reserve.

5.3. Natural heritage stewardship

Preliminary analysis of the life science targets based on landform/vegetation combinations have shown that the conservation reserve contains a minimum of 6 such combinations, dominated by old growth stands of red and white pine forest over bedrock knobs with subordinate landforms of till ground moraine (Thompson, 2001) (see Forest Values Map). These pine stands are provincially significant and span over much of the island. Additionally, this conservation reserve provides excellent representation of an exposed cliff and talus slope feature.

A recent aerial reconnaissance survey showed no wide spread forest disturbance due to forest harvesting, fire, insect, wind throw, wildlife damage, ice storms or other natural disturbances.

5.4. Fisheries and wildlife

There have been no detailed wildlife studies undertaken within the conservation reserve, with the exception of some values monitoring. The importance of the conservation reserve to wildlife has yet to be determined, particularly for those species, and habitats thereof, that may be vulnerable, threatened or endangered. Several aquatic habitat inventories have been conducted on Lake Temagami.

Should any vulnerable, threatened or endangered (VTE) wildlife and or plant species be identi'fied within or adjacent to the conservation reserve, the value will be protected. Although the species may be identified as residing within the conservation reserve, their location will remain undisclosed.

Lake Temagami is a well-known cold water fishery. It supports lake trout, walleye, smallmouth bass and whitefish, among other species. Angling is an important social activity in the area. As well, the TFN and TAA communities use the fishery as a food source (see Fish & Wildlife Values Map).

5.5. Cultural heritage stewardship

The island has high cultural heritage value stemming from historic and pre­ historic origins. Examples include habitation of indigenous peoples before recorded time, the Hudson Bay Co. era in the mid 1800's, the first tourist lodges in the early 1900s, and operation of Copperfields Mine in the 1950's. High potential value areas are found along the eastern and northern shorelines (see Cultural Heritage Values Map).

5.6. Land use/existing development

Highway 11 is the major access artery to this area. Crown land recreation is very prevalent in this region. Lake Temagami supports numerous summer homes and a wide range of recreational opportunities and is also a focal point for other backcountry destinations and experiences. Permanent and seasonal dwellings are found on patent parcels along Highway 11, the island shorelines of Lake Temagami and in the town of Temagami itself. The conservation reserve’s boundary excludes three adjacent private lots (see Tenure Map).

Mining claims and leases do not exist within the conservation reserve, but do exist in the surrounding area.

Other forms of tenure in the conservation reserve include legal agreements with registered fur and baitfish harvesting licensees. A Land Use Permit (LUP) has been issued for a maple sugar tapping operation in the southwest portion of the reserve (see Tenure Map).

Traditional uses within the conservation reserve will continue to be permitted; however, the goal will be to resolve conflicts regarding incompatibility between uses and to ensure that identified values are adequately protected. Existing uses are as defined in Section 5.2 a).

Non-motorized trails (i.e., hiking, and cross-country skiing) are the only new developments in the conservation reserve in recent years. These trails are generally found in areas of old growth forest.

5.7. Commercial use

Present commercial use activities are illustrated on the Commercial Activities Map. One First Nation Co-operative fur trapline exists in the conservation reserve. Commercial baitfish harvesting is licensed on a township basis (Phyllis and Joan).

5.8. Tourism/recreation use/opportunities

Current uses of this conservation reserve have been described in Section 5.1(e). Presently, there is no known infrastructure supporting any recreational or commercial activity within the·conservation reserve’s boundaries.

During the planning phase for the conservation reserve, no new recreational initiatives were brought forward for consideration.

5.9. Client services

Presently, client services include district responses to public inquiries. No formal information or interpretive facilities currently exist within the conservation reserve.

6.0 Management guidelines

6.1. Management planning strategies

Commitments identified in previous planning documents (TLUP and current policy (3.03.05 PLA)) will form the basis for land use decisions within the conservation reserve. Management strategies for these uses must consider the short and long-term objective’s for the conservation reserve. For current information on permitted uses, refer to the Crown Land Use Atlas.

Proposed uses and development will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. A Test of Compatibility, (Procedural Guideline B - Land Uses (PL 3.03.05)) must be passed before they are deemed acceptable. The emphasis will be on ensuring that the natural values of the conservation reserve are not negatively affected by current and future activities. Therefore, any application for new specific uses will be carefully studied and reviewed. The Ministry, partner organizations and/or proponents may undertake such studies.

6.2. State of the resource management strategies

The development of this SCI and the long term management and protection of Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve will be under the direction of the MNR's North Bay District, Temagami Area Supervisor. The following management strategies have been created to achieve the goals and objectives stated earlier in this stewardship document:


  • Management direction will aim to maintain and develop social and economic benefits to the local communities where practical.
  • Local partnerships may be solicited to participate in the delivery of certain objectives identified in this SCI.
  • Educational opportunities will be developed and encouraged in order to create an awareness of natural systems in the Temagami area.

Natural heritage stewardship

  • With the exceptions of fire suppression and selective forest pest and disease control, the management intent for the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve is to allow for natural ecosystems, processes and features to operate undisturbed with minimal human interference while providing educational, research and recreational activities.
  • Forest ecosystem renewal and maintenance as stated for this conservation reserve under the TLUP will only be entertained via a separate vegetation management plan.
  • All wildfire occurrences will be considered a high priority and will actively be suppressed until such time as policy directions change.
  • Prescribed burning will be conducted only under the direction of the provincial fire strategy and authorized for the conservation reserve under a separate vegetation management Prescribed burning may be utilized if deemed necessary to emulate natutal disturbances and renew forest communities, prepare seed beds for research and/or education purposes or to meet additional objectives determined within a separate vegetation management plan.
  • All earth and life science features will be protected by defining compatible uses, enforcing regulations and monitoring and mitigating issues.
  • Industrial activities such as; commercial timber harvest, prospecting and mining, and new hydro generation will not be permitted within the conservation reserve.
  • Permits for fuel-wood will not be issued.
  • New energy transmission, communication and transportation corridors or resource roads or construction of facilities are discouraged within the boundaries of the conservation reserve.
  • Other activities that do not pass a Test of Compatibility will be prohibited (MNR Policy 03.05, 1997).
  • The introduction of exotic and/or invasive species will not be permitted.
  • Programs may be developed to control forest insects and diseases where there is a concern that significant values may be Remedies must focus on the outbreak or infestation. Biological or non-intrusive solutions should be applied whenever possible.
  • The collection/removal of vegetation and parts thereof will not be permitted; however, subject to a Test of Compatibility, the Area Supervisor may authorize the collection of plants and/or parts for purposes of rehabilitating degraded sites within the conservation reserve, or the collection of seeds for maintaining genetic stock and/or research.
  • Detailed ecological surveys concerning ground vegetation and additional plant values assessment- especially concerning species at risk is Additional plant science inventory should be linked to future recreational needs and possibly regional gap analysis approaches. Assessments should follow future direction and methods established through MNR's Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Reporting (IMAR) program (see section 6.4).
  • MNR will provide leadership and direction for maintaining the integrity of this conservation reserve as a heritage estate.
  • Research/education will be encouraged to provide a better understanding of the management and protection of the natural heritage values and will be fostered through local and regional natural heritage programs, initiatives and partnerships.

Fisheries and wildlife

  • Fish and wildlife resources will continue to be managed in accordance with policies and regulations prevailing in the area and under the direction of the Temagami Area Provincial legislation and policy will dictate management and enforcement objectives for this area.
  • Management direction will aim to verify species present, ecological function and habitat requirements.
  • Additional fish and wildlife population and habitat assessments, especially for species at risk, are warranted.
  • Any fish and wildlife inventory may require a regional gap approach.
  • Inventories, assessments or monitoring programs should follow direction and methods established through MNR's IMAR program and be linked to district sustainability objectives and initiatives or future recreational needs (see section 6.4).
  • First Nation Treaty rights will be respected (see Aboriginal Interests).
  • Area of Concern (AOC) prescriptions for the protection of fish and wildlife values, developed for management purposes, will be used as a guide when considering propose'd activities/developments in the conservation reserve.
  • The rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems will occur whenever possible (maintain bio-diversity).

Cultural heritage

  • Protection of these values will be maintained.
  • Documented sites will be checked periodically for signs of degradation. Additional sites will be documented as encountered.
  • Development, research and education proposals may be considered in accordance with the Test of Compatibility, Conserving a Future for our Past: Archaeology, Land Use Planning & Development in Ontario, Section 3 (MCzCR, 1997) and MNR's AOC Descriptions and Prescriptions (Cultural Heritage Resources) for the 1999-2019 Temagami FMP or its successor.
  • Research/education to provide a better understanding of the management and protection of cultural heritage values will be encouraged.

Land use/existing development

  • Existing land uses and development within the conservation reserve that conflict with the protection objectives (Test of Compatibility) will be identified and discontinued if impacts cannot be Similarly, uses in adjacent lands will be reviewed. If they are found to impact on the conservation reserve, mitigation measures will be explored.
  • There will be no new motorized trail development; however, non-motorized trail development may be permitted only if the activity passes a Test of Compatibility.

Commercial use

  • Existing commercial uses such as fur and baitfish harvesting and maple tapping for syrup production will be Such activities will continue to be monitored in order to ensure they do not unduly deplete natural resources and that they impose a minimal impact on the features identified for protection.
  • Trapline cabins will not be permitted.
  • Commercial enterprises offering ecotourism experiences will be encouraged, providing these activities are low in intensity and are compatible with other uses.


  • The earth and life science features and their protection, shall be the overall theme for tourism.
  • The conservation reserve should also be portrayed as providing backcountry experiences near an urban setting.
  • Small-scale infrastructures for enhancing tourism and recreation (i.e., warm­ up shelter) may be considered, providing they pass a Test of Compatibility and other review requirements.
  • Main base tourism development (lodges) will not be permitted.
  • Conflict resolution between recreational uses will be a This will be achieved by adhering to the objectives of this SCI with input from relevant user groups.
  • The level of safety and compatibility between activities will determine permitted uses (i.e., Test of Compatibility).
  • Low-impact camping may be permitted.
  • Degradation of cultural heritage sites will not be permitted and current arid future use will be monitored and if deemed necessary, camping may be prohibited at certain sites in order to protect these values.

Client services

  • Information regarding the Tmagami Island North Conservation Reserve may be delivered from different sources, however MNR will be the lead agency for responding to inquiries regarding access, land use, values and recreation opportunities.
  • A management agreement may be pursued with an appropriate partner to share responsibilities for information services and the delivery of other aspects of this SCI.

6.3. Specific feature/area/zone management strategies

Presently there are no specific management strategies in place for sub-zones within the conservation reserve.

With the exception of fire suppression, the old growth pine ecosystem will be allowed to develop in a natural, undisturbed manner. Any change in management direction for the old growth areas will be addressed within a vegetation management plan.

If, during the course of conservation reserve monitoring it is deemed necessary to regulate access or uses in certain areas, management zones may be developed. These zones will · facilitate permitted/restricted activities for the protection of certain features or to resolve conflicts between uses. Zone management will endeavor to compliment linkages to areas and uses outside the conservation reserve. The creation of management zones will require additional planning beyond this SCI, public consultation and an eventual plan amendment if accepted.

6.4. Promote Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Reporting (IMAR), and research

There are many opportunities to study and explore the natural systems in the conservation reserve. Since there has been little interference from "outside influences", some features may be observed in a relatively undisturbed state.

Non-destructive research will be promoted as an asset for procuring an understanding of the natural features and processes in the Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

New developments such as campsites, privies, trails or developed access points will not be considered until a Test of Compatibility is conducted.

6.5. Implementation, and plan review strategies

This Statement of Conservation Interest will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Implementation of the SCI will include monitoring activities to ensure adherence to management guidelines. A full review will coincide with the review of the TLUP (next review- 2006) and will be done every ten years thereafter.

Implementation of the SCI and management of the conservation reserve are the responsibility of the Temagami Area Supervisor. Partnerships may be pursued to address management needs. If changes in management direction are needed at any time, the significance of the changes will be evaluated. Minor changes, which do not alter the overall intent of this SCI, may be considered and approved by the District Manager without further public consultation and the SCI will be amended accordingly.

In assessing major changes the need for a more detailed Resource Management Plan (RMP) will first be considered. Where a RMP is not considered necessary or feasible, a major amendment may be considered with public consultation. Such amendments will be posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) registry. The Regional Director has approval authority for any major amendments to this SCI.

6.6. Marketing strategies

Messages should focus on the conservation reserve’s accessibility, natural heritage representation, recreation opportunities and the ''Temagami Experience" in general. Research and education is a theme that should be incorporated in all promotional strategies.

Partnerships may be fostered to aid in the delivery of this component.


Crins, W.J. and P.W.C. Uhlig. 2000. Ecoregions of Ontario: Modifications to Angus Hills' Site Region and Districts- Revisions and Rationale.

Hills, G.A. 1959. A Ready Reference to the Description of the Land of Ontario and its Productivity. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Division of Research, Maple, Ontario. 140 pp.

Kor, P.S.G. 2001. Earth Science Checksheet: Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Mutch, J. 2000. Aerial Reconnaissance Field Notes: Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Noble, T.N. 1983. Life Science Report for Site Region 4E. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Sudbury, 90 p. Appendices. 4E Biophysical Map Sheets (1:250,000).

Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. 1997. Conserving a Future for Our Past: Archaeology, Land Use Planning and Development in Ontario. 42 pp.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2001. A Draft Environmental Assessment for MNR Resource Stewardship and Facility Development Projects. 76 pp.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1999. Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) Mapping: Temagami Island. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, North Bay.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1997. Public Lands Directive Manual: Natural Heritage- PL 3.03.05.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1997. Temagami Land Use Plan for the Temagami Comprehensive Planning Area.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1991. Temagami Comprehensive Planning Program (Heritage Component)- Preliminary Review of Heritage Resources.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1991. Temagami Comprehensive Planning Program (Future Direction).

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1988. OMNR: Aerial Photos (1:20,000). Roberts, S.K. 2001. Recreational Inventory Checksheet: Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Thompson, J.E. 2000. Aerial Reconnaissance Survey: Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Thompson, J.E., M. Lajeunesse, J. Joyce and N. Avoledo. 2001. Life Science Checksheet: Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Appendix A

Procedural Guideline B – Landuses – Test of compatibility

Public Lands Act Policy PL 3.03.05 (procedure 3.03.05)

The Conservation Reserve policy provides broad direction with regard to the permitted uses. The policy provides only an indication of the variety of uses that will be considered acceptable in Conservation Reserves. The only caution is that "any new uses, and commercial activities associated with them will be considered on a case by case basis, they must pass a test of compatibility to be acceptable". What does a "test of compatibility" mean?

An examination of this must start from the premise of why an area is set aside - specifically, its representative natural heritage values. Criteria are then identified to guide compatibility considerations. These criteria apply to the long term acceptability of both existing uses and new uses.

  1. Conformity to SCI: SCI describe values for which an area has been set aside and the range of appropriate uses that will be permitted in the SCI may also speak to the acceptability of other "new" uses currently not occurring in the area.

    The first "test" is: "do proposed new land uses and/or commercial activities conform to the direction of the SCI for the Conservation Reserve? Would the new use(s) depart from the spirit of appropriate indicator land uses in the SCI?"

  2. Impact Assessment: If the proposed use(s) pass test one it is important to determine their impact on the area before they are approved. This should include the following:
    • Impact on natural heritage values: "will the new use(s) impact any natural values in the area? If so, how and to what degree? Is it tolerable?"
    • Impact on cultural values: "will the new use(s) impact any historical or archaeological values in the area?"
    • Impact on research activities: "will the new use(s) affect any research activities in the area?"
    • Impact on current uses: "will the new use(s) have any negative impact on the array of current uses?"
    • Impact on area administration: "will the new use(s) increase administrative costs and/or complexity?" (For example, the cost of area monitoring, security and enforcement).
    • Impact of accommodating the use outside the Conservation Reserve: "Could the use(s) be accommodated as well or better outside the Conservation Reserve?"
    • Impact on socio-economics of the area: "will the use(s) affect the community(ies) surrounding the area in a positive or negative way?" (for example, will the new use make the area less remote thereby affecting a local tourism industry that is dependant on the area’s remoteness for its appeal)?
    • Impact on area accessibility: "does the new use(s) give someone exclusive rights to the area or a portion of the area to the exclusion of other existing uses?"

Appendix B

Glossary of terms

Annual Work Schedule: one-year schedule of forestry operations (i.e. harvest, renewal, tending, road planning etc.)

Ecotourism: responsible tourism that considers the natural heritage values within the conservation reserve and their sustainability as well as taking into account the interests of local communities.

IMAR: An integrated, ministry-wide framework for Inventory, Monitoring, Assessment, and Reporting that supports the management of our natural resources in an ecologically sustainable way.

Land Caution: Regulation that was adopted sometime in August 1973 that prevented the first registration of title on Crown Land. The land caution was lifted in 1996.


Map 1 - Location map

location map within Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge map 1 - location map (PDF, 1MB)

Map 2 - Values map

a forest values map within Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge map 2 - Values map (PDF, 2MB)

Map 3 - Recreational values map

the recreational values map within Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge map 3 - recreational values map (PDF, 1MB)

Map 4 - Fish and wildlife values map

the fish and wildlife values map within Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge map 4 - Fish and wildlife values map (PDF, 1MB)

Map 5 - Cultural heritage values map

the cultural heritage values map within Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge map 5 - Cultural heritage values map (PDF, 1MB)

Map 6 - Tenure map

the tenure map within Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge map 6 - Tenure map (PDF, 1MB)

Map 7 - Commercial activities map

Bear Management Areas of the commercial activities map within Temagami Island North Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge map 7 - Commercial activities map (PDF, 1MB)