
If you are a victim of a crime, the Ministry of the Solicitor General and the Ontario Parole Board (OPB) allow you to attend the parole hearings of the inmate who victimized you.

When the OPB informs the inmate about their decision to grant parole, you, the victim, can:

  • view the proceeding
  • submit a victim impact statement
  • be present at the hearing

Get more information about submitting a victim impact statement to the OPB.

Victim support person

We encourage you to bring a support person with you to the hearing. The victim support person:

  • can only accompany and provide support to you
  • is not permitted to take part in the proceedings without the approval of the OPB, and only under special circumstances

Institution employees

The institution superintendent, or a designated individual from the institution where the inmate is serving their sentence, will ensure that:

  • all employees who interact with you and your support person are respectful and sensitive to the fact that may be experiencing anxiety, stress, trauma, or other emotional responses because of the crime
  • the inmate is advised, as soon as is practical, of your expected attendance at the hearing, and your role at the hearing

Arriving at the institution

Upon arriving at the institution for a parole hearing, you and your support person must produce two pieces of valid personal identification. One must contain a home address and photograph.

The superintendent or designated individual will provide you and your support person an escort to the hearing room. Unless you are accompanied by an escort, you and your support person may not enter any location in the institution except the:

  • hearing room
  • waiting area
  • public washrooms


After arriving at the institution, you and your support person will not be subject to frisk searches. However, you will be searched by:

  • metal detectors
  • x-ray equipment (if available)
  • visual inspection of the contents of purses, bags and packages

Before entering the hearing room, you may be asked to:

  • empty the contents of your pockets
  • put coats, purses, bags and packages in secure lockers

You and your support person may be denied entry into the institution if:

  • you or your support person refuses a search
  • there is a concern that cannot be resolved

This decision is made by the operating manager, in consultation with the superintendent or designated individual.

Ontario Parole Board hearing lead

The OPB hearing lead is responsible for maintaining control over the fairness and orderly conduct of parole hearings. The hearing lead may interrupt the proceedings in order to re-establish order and may request that participants leave the hearing room before proceeding with the hearing.