Ecological land classification system

In the Provincial Policy Statement, the ecological land classification system is used to define geographical areas for certain natural heritage policies. This primer will help you understand how these areas are defined based on ecological factors and how the system is applied in municipal planning.

Inland lakes designated for lake trout management

Learn about Ontario lakes (excluding the Great Lakes) that are being managed for naturally reproducing lake trout and for the "put-grow-take" fish stocking program. This information is used to apply the fish habitat policy of the Provincial Policy Statement.

The Niagara Escarpment Plan

The Plan identifies land use designations (for example, Escarpment Natural Area) and development criteria to ensure protection of the Niagara Escarpment.

Natural Heritage Reference Manual

This manual provides guidance for implementing the natural heritage policies of the Provincial Policy Statement. It can be used as a reference by municipalities, planning boards, approval authorities, developers and other organizations or individuals. Available in English only.

For more information, request a copy of the Natural Heritage Reference Manual

Significant Wildlife Habitat

Significant Wildlife Habitat Ecoregional Criteria Schedules

These documents complement the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide. They provide detailed information for identifying and confirming significant wildlife habitat in ecoregions 3E, 5E, 6E and 7E. Use the relevant ecoregion criteria schedule when completing ecological site assessments for significant wildlife habitat. Available in English only.

Significant Wildlife Habitat Guide

This guide supports the Natural Heritage Reference Manual. It provides detailed information on identifying, describing and prioritizing significant wildlife habitat. Planning authorities — or anyone involved in assessing wildlife habitat significance — should use, or require proponents to use, the guide when completing an ecological site assessment. Available in English only.

Significant Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Support Tool

This document provides advice and recommendations on how to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts to wildlife habitat during development. It supports the Significant Wildlife Habitat Ecoregion Criteria Schedules and the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide. Available in English only.